Having just read the Satanic Panic article, two guarded observations come to mind. (Being mindful of the "try not to refer to current political issues" caveat, I'll try to pick my words carefully.
i) There are so many overtures here of the current social panic verging on hysteria, and its politicisation as part of the "conservative versus liberal" dichotomy in the USA (and increasingly in Britain) concerning the issue of drag artists and trans-sexual people presenting to schoolchildren. The issues, the way it's reported, and the language used to frame the debate. Is it possible these things are cyclical and come and go periodically, and are hyped up for the same reasons? That what's happening today is an echo of the same tensions of thirty years ago, the same preoccupations resurfacing and taking a new mutated form?
ii) A significant part of the 1988 - 1990 hysteria happened in Rochdale. While a sort of sanity prevailed in the end and this was all eventually dismissed as a fantasy that had discredited and embarrassed the authorities and damaged their credibility, Rochdale, and child protection/child abuse, have figured in the news at least twice since, for far more tangible and provable reasons. Firstly, its former MP Cyril Smith (deceased in 2010) was implicated in ongoing and apparently systematic CSA, with implications the local council had colluded in covering up evidence and derailing investigations. (Wikipedia sums up the available evidence:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Smith). Up until the middle 2010's, there is the issue of the "child grooming gangs" that operated in Rochdale, targeting vulnerable children as an organised paedophile ring. (or rings). Again, the more sober accounts suggest that this investigation too was given low priority by the police and was derailed and discredited by local politicians. (Wikipedia:
The obvious question here is - how far back did this go in Rochdale? Were there rumours, whispered stories, a dissatisfaction that the authorities were refusing to believe it was happening, or else actively covering up, and did this feed into the Satanic Panic phenomenon? Perhaps people who were otherwise marginal and disenfranchised saw this as a way of getting some sort of truth out there where it couldn't be ignored, or else were only too willing to believe the more extravagant stories about powerful people and Satanism. After all, you get into positions of power by cutting a deal with the Devil, don't you....