• We have updated the guidelines regarding posting political content: please see the stickied thread on Website Issues.
Anyone ever get a hoult of a staff and go off doing the Watkins thing around the countryside? There's two (once three) standing stones by the coast near where I live which are said to be aligned with an inland megalithic site. I know the landscape will have changed big time, but I'd love to (if only I had the time!) set out from them to find it using only the method described by Watkins in "The Old Straight Track" (anyone know where I can get the "Jack the Lad" LP of the same name?). Anyone tried this already?
Zevon Rules

Faggus said:
wow, i fogot about this thread:confused:

Loved the Zevon quotation but I don't think lawyers, guns, OR money will help this lot... lol
System Fuck Up

Not sure what's going on but my Personal Message box here, which is empty, keeps bouncing messages on the grounds that it's full, too, so I'd guess it's either a system fuck up or a vast conspiracy against me.

Even money, right?
Still Baffled

Evidently my hopeless Yank thick-headedness but I went to my control panel and I checked message tracking, found one unread one I can't restore, and played with it otherwise. Left me no wiser and my inbox still blocked I think.

Found no Copy Self command and don't know what to do with it anyhow.
responses to my post on Anasazi roads

To all;
A few comments in response to statements by the individual using the i.d., FraterLibre.
First, though, a comment on a policy of the moderators of the Fortean Times website.
It has been requested, by the Fortean Times administrator, using the i.d., rynner, that I not include my address, phone number and email address in posts on this board. The concern seems to be that individuals using the board might get ahold of my "personal information" and use it against me. My inclusion of personal information in posts on this board was, basically, an act of principle, on my part, that, if someone is engaged in God's work - creating the beautiful or fine, uncovering the truth, or opposing lies - they will not be allowed to be harmed. I have included personal information in posts on other boards, with no fear. However, I do not wish to wear out my welcome on this board, and, so, will abide by their request, here.
This is in response to a couple of responses to my suggestion that the roads made by Anasazi Indians, in the American Southwest, noted for their incredible straightness, might not be related to what are termed ley lines.
The individual who uses the i.d. JerryB replied, only: “Well, they're both straight...” FraterLibre observed, enigmatically:

“Route 80 runs straight from east to west coast USA.

And many are laid along it.


Whatever that is supposed to mean. FraterLibre then goes on to say: “The Chaco Canyon roads are trade routes. They're straight because it's flat there and why make serpentines when they're unnecessary?”
I had already pointed out that a number of Anasazi roads stretched out into the desert, not to any water hole, Great House or community! It’s, at best, ill advised to automatically say all such roads are “trade routes”. Equally unsupported is FraterLibre’s assertion that “it’s flat there”. It may look flat on a map, and it may constitute the floor of a canyon, but it reflects very poorly on someone’s intelligence to qualify it as absolutely, geometrically flat! There are hummocks, mounds and rises. There are even, apparently, rock outcroppings. The Anasazi roads, however, travel absolutely straight. In some cases, the roads actually climb onto the outcroppings, with steps carved into them, to make climbing easier. But the paths remain absolutely straight. Even when avoiding the outcropping may have meant only going a couple of hundred feet at most out of the way!
And, as for not making serpentines, when they aren’t necessary, the photographs provided on the website http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/archeology/chaco_compare.html show modern roads, presumably constructed with far more sophisticated equipment than that used by the Anasazi making very deliberate serpentines, to cross the landscape!
In the end, though, this was a well-meaning and well-intentioned attempt to add a point to a subject of discussion. It would have been nice to see it treated with the degree of consideration and courtesy that it was intended to convey.
Such, however, does not seem the case with such as JerryB and FraterLibre. Their kind seem to populate message boards and forums quite widely. The evidently noisy, but not particularly availing. They will intrude as often as possible, and make as much of a spectacle as they can, but it, apparently, is only for their own interest, to feed what sense of ego they have. Their incursions onto the boards and forums will never substantially add to the discussion or the body of knowledge that is trying to be assembled.
Consider, for example, FraterLibre’s own observation, with respect to the reference to the Modern Antiquarian website. FraterLibre replies only : “Regrettable music.” You begin to wonder how long it has been since more people actually sought to make a contribution, rather than just make a noise! In the midst of discussion about the Modern Antiquarian website, FraterLibre then begins an apparently self-involved dissertation about their Message Box at the site being empty, but bouncing messages back, saying it’s full!
And, while JerryB may bring more information on the subject at hand to their posts, their attitude never strays from the snide and even turpitudinous. Discussing crop circles and Linda Moulton Howe’s claim that circles had appeared in a spot with 60 to 90 minutes, and while she and others were watching, JerryB asserts: “Perhaps so, but I'd argue that such claims are very hard to prove. It's a case of trusting her on her words.”
Are we to assume, now, that only JerryB knows how to tell time? Or that only JerryB can be trusted? Tarring others with the brush of underhandedness, apparently meant for themselves, is a common quality of such as these. As is so often the case, too, with individuals such as these, they claim association with high profile, high influence or highly trained individuals - in JerryB’s case, it’s “an aerospace physicist. And, as in so many cases, while demanding proof and unqualified evidence of conclusions they don’t want to accept, JerryB is more than willing to make unsupported and absolute proclamations on various subjects. When the spy satellite system ECHELON is posited as possibly being associated with crop circles, JerryB flatly decries: “ECHELON has nothing to do with crop circles.” JerryB goes into lengthy discussion of the power source needs for a microwave laser that could cause crop circles, but, when ECEHLON is mentioned, he just utters that one line! One wonders if JerryB would share what authoritative documentation they obtained that so definitively proves that fact.
He also asserts “authoritatively” that the International Space Station “does not house a power system for a microwave 'death ray'”.
Tellingly, too, for all the presumed expertise that such as JerryB and FraterLibre suggest they have in the subjects discussed, they do not seem to have opened anywhere near as many threads as those whose qualifications they seem to question. If, in fact, they have opened any threads at all!
They almost seem to exist just to intrude on others’ discussions!
It, supposedly, takes very little to be courteous in your response to someone. It, seemingly, takes even less not to make an inconsequential, unavailing remark in response. And, if finding the truth is the aim of this forum, one would think such as JerryB and FraterLibre would espouse the honorable in their reactions.

Julian Penrod

I've been there, it's flat by any human standard not involving abstract geometry.

As to the rest, I'll let others with enough patience to wade through all the smug attitude address it, if they wish to bother.

God's work? Further proof you can't get good help these days.

I'd ask, "What is truth?" but the mythological / historical precedent embarrasses me no end and may tend to validate an obvious Christ complex.
Mr Penrod..

From the moderator using the id stu neville, I'd like to point out that the individual using the id rynner was merely trying to protect you from the activities of trolls: whilst we are largely successful in preventing them from joining and posting, these combatative individuals can nonetheless read the board. If you are confident however that as one doing God's work you have a degree of protection from such small-minded vermin, then feel free to post your address, telephone number and perhaps even a nice little photograph. We will prevent you no longer.

As to the rest of the post, I would say that both FraterLibre and JerryB are well reasoned posters, both open-minded, and neither so dogmatic as to actually bend their perception to fit in with their own theories. To automatically demean the integrity and intelligence of other posters merely because they hold other views is uncivil to a great degree, and in fact this quote:
And, as in so many cases, while demanding proof and unqualified evidence of conclusions they don’t want to accept, JerryB is more than willing to make unsupported and absolute proclamations on various subjects.
..would be more suited to your good self, on the evidence of this post.

And as for
Tellingly, too, for all the presumed expertise that such as JerryB and FraterLibre suggest they have in the subjects discussed, they do not seem to have opened anywhere near as many threads as those whose qualifications they seem to question.
Thread starting is by no means a badge of Fortean authority, and can be done by anyone (and there are some of quite startling inanity): intelligent and civil discussion of Fortean topics is however quite nobly served by each of them. Each "espouses the honourable in their reactions". And personally, regarding the geography of an area, I would tend to take the word of someone who has been there, rather than any map, however notable the cartographer.

Now, perhaps we can return to the subject at hand?
I came up with a theory a while back when the pole-shift/magnetic field weakening thing was in the press and media a lot. I goes something like this -
i) The magnetic field of the earth has been steadily decreasing over that last several thousand years.
ii) Many (if not all) of the major stone circles/alignments/standing stones/temples etc were built several thousand years ago in the Neolithic age.
iii) Many animals and birds are sensitive to the earth's magnetic fields and use them for navigation.
iv) Could it be that in the distant past when the earth's magnetic fields were stronger that humans could detect these forces and map them out marking them with standing stones, temples, Ley lines etc.?
In my defence, I only wanted to know why there is any assumption that the pattern of the Manhattan roads have anything to do with ley lines, just because they follow a straight line. You could pin the 'straight-line=leys' arguements to lots of features in the landscape. Come to think of it, is the Fosse Way also on a ley ;)

As I've said before, I think the whole thing about leys being 'lines of power' that embody some sort of unknown energy, etc. is a misconception of Watkin's original idea.

(As to my other posts, I maintain a somewhat sceptical air when someone asserts something without apparently thinking about what they're saying - the ECHELON discussion was a good example IMHO! ;))
pi23 said:
I came up with a theory a while back when the pole-shift/magnetic field weakening thing was in the press and media a lot. I goes something like this -
i) The magnetic field of the earth has been steadily decreasing over that last several thousand years.
ii) Many (if not all) of the major stone circles/alignments/standing stones/temples etc were built several thousand years ago in the Neolithic age.
iii) Many animals and birds are sensitive to the earth's magnetic fields and use them for navigation.
iv) Could it be that in the distant past when the earth's magnetic fields were stronger that humans could detect these forces and map them out marking them with standing stones, temples, Ley lines etc.?

An interesting theory and why not?

I think along the same lines (s'cuse the pun!) that the Leys were more detectable in the past, whether dilution or evolution has made them remnants of the past is something that I doubt will ever be discovered.
Oh yeah just remembered another point -
Nowadays there is an awful lot of EM noise pollution. What with radio, TV, mobile phones, microwave comms, radar, satellite comms etc. etc. which may well be drowning out the "telluric" forces.
And UFOs too - maybe they work like Orgone guns ;)
Art or Artifice?

Ley Lines are, remember, theorized, not proven. They may be simple patterns we're projecting upon things. Then again, it's reasonable to presume that if we project them, then others back when may have, too. Embodying such lines in a landscape, or in alignments of important sites, seems to make human sense, which is probably why it's so appealing an idea.

Where we get into trouble is hypothesizing why these lines seem to jump out at us so clearly. Perhaps they're faces in clouds. Perhaps they're coincidence. Perhaps they're trade routes or other logical, inevitable arrangements asserting themselves. (In a reasonably flat land, why curve roads? The Romans were famous for making straight tracks even through fairly rough terrain, remember.)

To postulate mysterious Telluric or Cthonic forces of which we know little -- or to cite the Tao and Dragon Lines as Michell did early on -- is to conflate speculation with evidence when in fact we're not even sure we have evidence.

My own view over Atlantis is that we are no smarter than the folks were back when these supposed tracks were made, and that they were no dumber than us. _They obviously had methods of which we know nothing; the origins and transportation of the Stonehenge stones demonstrate this.

In other words, if we are indeed seeing art in the landscape, and not merely an artifice of our map consciousness, then they may have had good solid reasons we simply can't yet figure out.

I rather hope there are mysterious forces, by the way, but there isn't evidence of any. Until there is, Occam's Razor hints that maybe we should apply simpler hypotheses to explain Ley Lines, as well as making damned sure they even exist in reality and not just in our Antiquarian headbones.
There's also the idea that sacred or important sites tend to be along straight lines as it may have been important for them to be intervisible, perhaps as those people who used them travelled from one site to another, (for whatever reasons).

But I also tend to ascribe to what Frater Libre says about these patterns perhaps being more like a sort of simulacra. It seems to me that perhaps connections are being made between point A to point B, and thus to point C, etc. etc. by modern researchers who want to find patterns. Similarly, others want to find patterns and thus a connection between various places across the world that they think use this straight line way of plotting important places in the landscape. So, in that sense, you start seeing patterns all over the place and in widely varying cultures (hence a 'connection' between the Anasazi and Manahattan).
Ghost Tracks

Devereux also researched the notion of ghost lines, which were projected lines of least resistance the dead supposedly followed.

More ethnology than archaeology, though.
comments on responses to my posts on Anasazi roads

To all:
I would like to respond to some points, essentially, made against me, concerning my previous posts in this thread, and add some comments on later points raised, on the topic. This will involve some length of material, since I am addressing a number of comments, but I hope that will not dissuade those interested in truth and fairness from going through it.
Among other things, I would like to express dismay at the attitude evinced by the moderator, using the i.d., stu neville, with respect to a previous post I had made, concerning relationships between Anasazi Indian roads, Manhattan's markedly linear streets, and the concept of ley lines. JerryB had responded with the dismissive, single line: "Well, they're both straight..." I found that contemptuous, uncivil and utterly uncalled for. I pointed out that I had made my suggestions in good faith, and found this reaction inconsiderate, and I said so. I pointed out, too, FraterLibre's apparently patently untrustworthy approach to my points by insisting that "they are all trade routes, so why not go the shortest distance?" I had pointed out, in the first post, that many Anasazi roads go to the middle of nowhere, yet still are made perfectly straight, and that skirting local features - of which there are a number, even in a plain, like the floor of Chaco Canyon - would not cost them so much time.
The juxtapositioning of FraterLibre's post and JerryB's, and their dismissive attitude reminded me of what I had seen a number of times before, both on the Fortean Times forum and on other forums, namely, the essential infiltration by individuals devoted, apparently, to little more than interrupting others' well-meaning discussion, and even dissuading many, either by an overblown perception of "authority" on their part, or even the imparting of a sense of unsympathetic opposition on their part, which would scare many of the timid from pursuing the truth. In addition to, essentially, building "roadblocks" to pursuit of a point, by the determined juxtapositioning of their posts, FraterLibre and JerryB, I commented, engaged in a number of other methods to, esentially, oppose the righteous. Only one of those is exuding a feeling of dismissiveness, or even contempt, toward an entire field of thought. Other tactics are asserting, out of nowhere, personal connection with some kind of presumed overriding authority in an area, and, while demanding "proof" and "evidence" with respect to premises they disagree with, stating categorical, yet unproven, claims in favor of what they assert! I also pointed out the, essentially, uncooperative nature implicit in never once starting a thread, but, instead, always interposing themselves in others' threads, indicating a definitive pre-occupation with interrupting others' conversations! They do seem to act like the rowdy who never posits any particular opinion, yet, when others are speaking, breaks in, just to object: "I disagree!"
This was pointed out, among other things, to keep those new to the forum, or even the field of such informal argument, from being led astray by what seem bents not targeted at truth.
I also pointed out that the policy of the Fortean Times website to remove personal infomation was at odds with my own principle of not being afraid, when doing what God would wish, and that includes finding and spreading the truth.
Stu Neville responded, among other things, by characterizing the website's policy with respect to personal information as being to "protect me" from "trolls" and "small-minded vermin". While there are disreputable individuals, and to term their actions despicable is only to be honorable and truthful, the careless appellation of such deliberate, evocative terms can be considered either calculatedly hurtful or so disinterested in addressing the details behind their behavior as to be reckless.
Stu Neville then goes on to characterize both FraterLibre and JerryB as, among other things, "open-minded". Since neither of them has, apparently, evinced any change of opinion, or, indeed, any opinion not fully founded in the nearest textbook on traditional theory, their being "open-minded" seems somewhat of a stretch.
Too, Stu Neville says that they are "neither so dogmatic as to actually bend their perception to fit in with their own theories". That sounds like a personal slight - why else interject it? - and suggests that the attitude of the moderators of the Fortean Times website is: "Believe in what JerryB and FraterLibre tell you to believe, or you'll never be anything more in our eyes than a doddering, slobbering no-account, who can say anything they want, to keep them happy, but will never be accorded any respect." Where did I "bend my preception" to "fit my own theories"? People develop theories to comport with their observations. How many people wake up and say: "I'm going to assume that everything weighs only one pound", then goes out and assumes that, despite what they see, everything weighs exactly the same? It does look like the moderators of the Fortean Times website do, indeed, see the majority of their posters as laughable loons, saying this, that and t'other thing, but none of them - except such as JerryB and FraterLibre - making any sense!
Indeed, in addition to the presence of the aggressively contemptuous, on forum after forum, across the internet, another commonality seems to be, wherever moderators step in on doings on a forum, they inevitably take the side of the most dismissive and high hat.
Furthering the effort to heap scorn on me was Stu Neville's accusing that I "automatically demean the integrity and intelligence of other posters merely because they hold other views". This, they termed: "uncivil to a great degree". I did not take issue with JerryB or FraterLibre because they hold other views, but, rather, because JerryB was uncivil to me, by shrugging me off with a single line, and because, in fact, they do demand proof of others, yet never seem to offer it themselves; and they do seem to act only to interfere with others' coherent discussions.
And, despite the fact that, among other things, JerryB did state, unprovably, that: "ECHELON has nothing to do with" crop circles, Stu Neville, nonetheless, accused me of providing unsupported assertions.
I ask Stu Neville, right now, to list where I made any sweeping, definitive claims, without proof. I provided background on everything I asserted. I request that Stu Neville back up their words.
Stu Neville then defies the suggestion that failing to start a thread is a sign of not being truly interested in assisting the search for truth. It "can be done by anyone", they say, "(and there are some of quite startling inanity)". One suspects a trace of venom in this, as well, and, certainly, yet another demonstration of the fact that the moderators of the Fortean Times website seem to see devotees as dolts. Their sole proclaimed purpose is setting up the website seems to be: "Look, there are these idiots and chuckleheads, who'll believe anything, so why not just give them a place to post, and make money out of the proposition, in the meantime?"
For their own part, JerryB "explains" that, "in their own defence", they took issue with "any assumption that the pattern of the Manhattan roads have anything to do with ley lines, just because they follow a straight line". Apparently characteristically failing to address the entirety of the point I made, JerryB ignores the fact that I suggested a connection not because Manhattan's streets are so straight, but because they are straight over such a long distance! In my original post on the subject I mentioned that Manhattan's streets have been commented on as among the longest examples of straight streets in the world! It's easy to "criticize" someone's "point" if you are allowed to pick and choose how much of that point you wish to acknowledge!
FraterLibre suddenly finds it necessary to claim, concerning Chaco Canyon: "I've been there, it's flat by any human standard not involving abstract geometry." I asserted that Chaco Canyon was not flat enough to make the automatic laying out of straight paths either simple or, necessarily, what can be considered efficient. I did not invoke "abstract geometry" - how easy to condemn someone's assertions if you are allowed to pick and choose what parts you choose to acknowledge! I did, however, mention that there were rock outcroppings there and that the Anasazi, apparently, deliberately chose not to sidetrack around them, which would have meant adding only a small distance to their travels, and, instead, opted for the phycially more grueling task of actually carving steps and rock roads into the outcroppings, requring those traveling the road to make even more of an exertion to go along them! What good is a geometrically straight road, as a trade route, if it calls for far more exertion to walk along it than a slightly curving road that avoids such things as rock outcroppings?
Interestingly, in his response post, FraterLibre utilizes the sudden acquisition of expertise so common among those who try to, essentially, hijack discussion on forums - similar to JerryB suddenly indicating a friend of theirs to be "an aerospace physicist". Suddenly, FraterLibre asserts: "I've been there." He didn't mention it before, but, when discussion becomes more involved, FraterLibre seems to sense the need to add a panache of "authority", and so claims to have been in Chaco Canyon!
Yet they still don't seem to find it necessary to admit the eminent truth that many of the Anasazi roads do go straight out into the canyon, but don't end at any settlements, waterholes or Great Houses. FraterLibre still insists on characterizing them all as "trade routes"!
And, suggestive of a penchant for favoring such as JerryB and FraterLibre over the rest of those on the forums, Stu Neville, apparently obligatorily, buys FraterLibre's claim, and opines: "I would tend to take the word of someone who has been there, rather than any map, however notable the cartographer."
Is this to be taken as an assurance, by Stu Neville, that they will accept ancient recountings, by ancient sailors, of what have since been termed mythical lands? The places many mariners have claimed to have seen have since been refuted by "notable cartographers"! But the mariners "were there". Does Stu Neville now accede that these storied lands exist, even though they aren't on any satellite photographs?
But, then, don’t cartographers usually do at least some direct observation of an area, taking readings, before they draw a chart?
What a distrustful attitude Stu Neville must have toward such as they!
Tellingly, referring to my previous post as possessing "smug attitude" - I invite him now to state chapter and verse where the smugness was contained or admit he did me a disservice! - FraterLibre then goes on to mock my saying that part of God's work is to find the truth. "I'd ask, 'What is truth?'", they go on, "but the mythological / historical precedent embarrasses me no end and may tend to validate an obvious Christ complex." Exactly what "mythological/historical precedent" there is that will "embarrass" FraterLibre is indeed questionable; the reference to a "Christ complex" does, indeed, seem aimed at me.
In fact, there is no legitimate reason for each and every one of us not to aspire to be like Christ! Those who perpetually pendulum back and forth, from drudge work to sleep to entertainment, essentially waste life, and that is spitting in the eye of the Author of the universe. And it is something that, called to Judgment on the Steps of the Throne, they will have to answer for. But there is an aspect that, like aspiring to emulate Christ, is too often ignored in statements of principle, and that is that we are on the Steps of the Throne, being Judged, every second of every minute of every day! There are those who may decide to fritter away their time, confident that, when called to it, they will do some act to undo all the waste. Faustus thought he could live a live of depravity, then, just before being Judged, he would say, "I'm sorry!", and get away with it. It didn't work for him, and there is no reason to assume it will work for anyone else, either. There, apparently, is no "Get Out Of Hell Free" card.
If someone like FraterLibre can throw a phrase like "Christ complex" at me, hoping to try to demean me; it only shows in what contempt they hold our Lord. If FraterLibre sees a "Christ complex" as something to be so avoided, one can only wonder what ideal he holds for his ethical life!
As for FraterLibre's disdain for the idea of even asking "What is truth?", that only demonstrates the fact that they cannot be trusted. If FraterLibre refuses even to consider the idea of what truth is, nothing they say can be taken at face value as trustworthy or valid. Including whether they were ever in Chaco Canyon!
FraterLibre seems a candidate for what Stu Neville described as "bending their perception to fit in with their theories". With so unwilling an attitude to discern what truth really is, FraterLibre all but announces that whatever they say, likely, represents not a search for veracity, but, rather, just a temporal, quisling quest for personal aggrandizement, of whatever form!
In a later post, Frater Libre invokes another tool those seeking to quash valid investigation into topics often wield, namely Occam's Razor. Whenever the unscrupulous want to demean another's proposals, without providing anything valid in return, they tend to bring in Occam's Razor, and accuse the other of violating it. The form most often used for Occam's Razor is that, "in a choice between hypotheses, the simplest should always be preferred." If this were the case, you would be bound to say that, every time you dropped a ball and it fell, every time you struck a match and it lit, every time you heated a pot of water and it boiled, it was all just coincidence! That is the simplest explanation! It is chemtistry and physics, and so on that add all the complications! For that matter, there is no acknowledged consensus on what "simplest", in the sense of Occam's Razor, even means! Nor even is there validation to the thought that the "simplest" necessarily be the correct one! Occam's Razor, really, should be discredited.
In another post, JerryB invokes a suggestion about the linear placement of important sites, not invoking ley lines. "There's also the idea", JerryB asserts, "that sacred or important sites tend to be along straight lines as it may have been important for them to be intervisible, perhaps as those people who used them travelled from one site to another, (for whatever reasons)." Places need not be on a straight line path to all be "intervisible"! If you walk on a straight line, from one point to another, following your nose. Then, when you reach the second point, you turn 90º to your right, the spot you look at will still be visible, from where you are standing. If you walk to that spot, and turn, say, 15 º to your left, you could still see the new spot, from where you are! In fact, if a group of points were all in a straight line, they couldn't easily be "intervisible"; the next spot in line would block the view of all the ones following it! If someone truly wanted a group of places to be "intervisible", they would arrange for them to be in a circle, or scattered randomly, throughout the countryside!
In the end, those seeking the truth cannot allow themselves to be gulled by the practices and machinations of those seeking to prevent it, while wearing a sheep's clothing of "co-operation".

Julian Penrod

Truth without fact to back it up is mere opinion.

As for your preference in shaving methods, I'll stick with the law of parsimony and elegance, as it's thus far proven reliable. Again, absence of facts makes for subjective spluttering, not truth of any sort, and overly complex reasoning, or wordy blather, doesn't add up to revelation, either.
Julian - you said: 'As an aside, it has been commented that the avenues of Manhattan are among the longest straight roads in the world. It is uncommon, these days, to hear about anything “modern” influenced by or associated with the supernatural. However, is there a possible connection between Manhattan’s avenues and ley lines?'

My reply was in preparation for you to state what you mean by this with a theory, arguement, or something similar - and not a jibe of any sort. And essentially the only connection I could see is in the way that both are indeed straight - I'm waiting to read your arguement about any connections between such avenues and ley lines...

If one posts anything here at these forums, one has to be prepared for people to pick at it - and take it on the chin, or better still, argue your case if you find any replies not to your liking. No-one here is out to get you ;)
Julian also said:

Places need not be on a straight line path to all be "intervisible"! If you walk on a straight line, from one point to another, following your nose. Then, when you reach the second point, you turn 90º to your right, the spot you look at will still be visible, from where you are standing. If you walk to that spot, and turn, say, 15 º to your left, you could still see the new spot, from where you are! In fact, if a group of points were all in a straight line, they couldn't easily be "intervisible"; the next spot in line would block the view of all the ones following it! If someone truly wanted a group of places to be "intervisible", they would arrange for them to be in a circle, or scattered randomly, throughout the countryside!

Good point, and one which I tend to agree with.
Re: comments on responses to my posts on Anasazi roads

julianpenrod said:
To all:
I would like to respond to some points, essentially, made against me, concerning my previous posts in this thread, and add some comments on later points raised, on the topic. This will involve some length of material, since I am addressing a number of comments, but I hope that will not dissuade those interested in truth and fairness from going through it.
Please, do continue :).
Among other things, I would like to express dismay at the attitude evinced by the moderator, using the i.d., stu neville, with respect to a previous post I had made, concerning relationships between Anasazi Indian roads, Manhattan's markedly linear streets, and the concept of ley lines. JerryB had responded with the dismissive, single line: "Well, they're both straight..." I found that contemptuous, uncivil and utterly uncalled for. I pointed out that I had made my suggestions in good faith, and found this reaction inconsiderate, and I said so. I pointed out, too, FraterLibre's apparently patently untrustworthy approach to my points by insisting that "they are all trade routes, so why not go the shortest distance?" I had pointed out, in the first post, that many Anasazi roads go to the middle of nowhere, yet still are made perfectly straight, and that skirting local features - of which there are a number, even in a plain, like the floor of Chaco Canyon - would not cost them so much time.
The juxtapositioning of FraterLibre's post and JerryB's, and their dismissive attitude reminded me of what I had seen a number of times before, both on the Fortean Times forum and on other forums, namely, the essential infiltration by individuals devoted, apparently, to little more than interrupting others' well-meaning discussion, and even dissuading many, either by an overblown perception of "authority" on their part, or even the imparting of a sense of unsympathetic opposition on their part, which would scare many of the timid from pursuing the truth. In addition to, essentially, building "roadblocks" to pursuit of a point, by the determined juxtapositioning of their posts, FraterLibre and JerryB, I commented, engaged in a number of other methods to, esentially, oppose the righteous.
Opposing the righteous? You see, that's the very attitude that we were discussing. Still, please continue..
Only one of those is exuding a feeling of dismissiveness, or even contempt, toward an entire field of thought. Other tactics are asserting, out of nowhere, personal connection with some kind of presumed overriding authority in an area, and, while demanding "proof" and "evidence" with respect to premises they disagree with, stating categorical, yet unproven, claims in favor of what they assert!
As opposed to claiming they are engaged in "God's work", which of course abnegates any form of doubt as to your authority in this matter.
I also pointed out the, essentially, uncooperative nature implicit in never once starting a thread, but, instead, always interposing themselves in others' threads, indicating a definitive pre-occupation with interrupting others' conversations! They do seem to act like the rowdy who never posits any particular opinion, yet, when others are speaking, breaks in, just to object: "I disagree!"
This was pointed out, among other things, to keep those new to the forum, or even the field of such informal argument, from being led astray by what seem bents not targeted at truth.
I also pointed out that the policy of the Fortean Times website to remove personal infomation was at odds with my own principle of not being afraid, when doing what God would wish, and that includes finding and spreading the truth.
Entirely your choice, or indeed "God's", hence my assurance to you that we the moderators would no longer in any way hinder you from posting personal details. As for finding and spreading the truth, yes, that is laudable, and a principle of which I am fully in favour, whether you (or indeed your God) believe that to be the case or not.
Stu Neville responded, among other things, by characterizing the website's policy with respect to personal information as being to "protect me" from "trolls" and "small-minded vermin". While there are disreputable individuals, and to term their actions despicable is only to be honorable and truthful, the careless appellation of such deliberate, evocative terms can be considered either calculatedly hurtful or so disinterested in addressing the details behind their behavior as to be reckless.
You've never been the target of a concerted troll attack, then. And in fact, I am utterly disinterested in their motivations. The role of the moderators on this board, among other things, is to prevent trolls from obstructing or harrassing other posters. And we do it rather well, I'd like to think.
Stu Neville then goes on to characterize both FraterLibre and JerryB as, among other things, "open-minded". Since neither of them has, apparently, evinced any change of opinion, or, indeed, any opinion not fully founded in the nearest textbook on traditional theory, their being "open-minded" seems somewhat of a stretch.
Perhaps they are being Fortean in the purest sense: making their own judgements as to what, to them, constitutes the most likely explanation, but reserving the right to change their minds if a sufficiently convincing new theory is posited.
Too, Stu Neville says that they are "neither so dogmatic as to actually bend their perception to fit in with their own theories". That sounds like a personal slight - why else interject it? - and suggests that the attitude of the moderators of the Fortean Times website is: "Believe in what JerryB and FraterLibre tell you to believe, or you'll never be anything more in our eyes than a doddering, slobbering no-account, who can say anything they want, to keep them happy, but will never be accorded any respect." Where did I "bend my preception" to "fit my own theories"?
I didn't say that you did. I was merely vouching for the impartiality and scholarly approach of FraterLibre and JerryB. The moderators (all of us) have never tried to sway opinion on Fort topics: the day we start doing that is the day the purpose of this board vanishes. We state our own cases, yes, discuss and dissect theories and opinions, definitely, but we never use our "authority" (such as it is) to actively alter, promote or prevent the say of others.
It does look like the moderators of the Fortean Times website do, indeed, see the majority of their posters as laughable loons, saying this, that and t'other thing, but none of them - except such as JerryB and FraterLibre - making any sense!
Kindly provide some evidence for this.
Indeed, in addition to the presence of the aggressively contemptuous, on forum after forum, across the internet, another commonality seems to be, wherever moderators step in on doings on a forum, they inevitably take the side of the most dismissive and high hat.
More evidence, please. In fact, I'm perfectly willing to post a poll, on Website Issues, asking the entire membership whether or not they consider the moderators to be impartial and fair in their dealings.
Furthering the effort to heap scorn on me was Stu Neville's accusing that I "automatically demean the integrity and intelligence of other posters merely because they hold other views". This, they termed: "uncivil to a great degree". I did not take issue with JerryB or FraterLibre because they hold other views, but, rather, because JerryB was uncivil to me, by shrugging me off with a single line, and because, in fact, they do demand proof of others, yet never seem to offer it themselves; and they do seem to act only to interfere with others' coherent discussions.
And, despite the fact that, among other things, JerryB did state, unprovably, that: "ECHELON has nothing to do with" crop circles, Stu Neville, nonetheless, accused me of providing unsupported assertions.
I ask Stu Neville, right now, to list where I made any sweeping, definitive claims, without proof. I provided background on everything I asserted. I request that Stu Neville back up their words.
Well, in that one post, you quoted theories by Linda Moulton-Howe (and note that JerryB did not dismiss them out of hand, merely stated that he found them hard to accept), which are as valid as any other theory, but once again do not have the kind of proof attached which you seem to demand of others. And as for sweeping claims, how about this:
Such, however, does not seem the case with such as JerryB and FraterLibre. Their kind seem to populate message boards and forums quite widely. The evidently noisy, but not particularly availing. They will intrude as often as possible, and make as much of a spectacle as they can, but it, apparently, is only for their own interest, to feed what sense of ego they have. Their incursions onto the boards and forums will never substantially add to the discussion or the body of knowledge that is trying to be assembled.
Fairly sweeping, I'd say.
Stu Neville then defies the suggestion that failing to start a thread is a sign of not being truly interested in assisting the search for truth. It "can be done by anyone", they say, "(and there are some of quite startling inanity)". One suspects a trace of venom in this, as well, and, certainly, yet another demonstration of the fact that the moderators of the Fortean Times website seem to see devotees as dolts. Their sole proclaimed purpose is setting up the website seems to be: "Look, there are these idiots and chuckleheads, who'll believe anything, so why not just give them a place to post, and make money out of the proposition, in the meantime?"

a) I never said anything of the sort. I merely challenged your assertion that anyone truly interested in establishing the truth would start a thread: in many cases threads dealing with whichever topic already exist, and peple dilligently search and find these threads and contribute to them.

b) There are threads of startling inanity.

c) We do not regard "devotees" as dolts: again, more than willing to ask the membership what they think.

d) "We" didn't set up the website: the Fortean Times itself did.

e) We don't make money out of it. Aside from a free subscription to the mag, we don't get a bean.
And, suggestive of a penchant for favoring such as JerryB and FraterLibre over the rest of those on the forums, Stu Neville, apparently obligatorily, buys FraterLibre's claim, and opines: "I would tend to take the word of someone who has been there, rather than any map, however notable the cartographer."
Is this to be taken as an assurance, by Stu Neville, that they will accept ancient recountings, by ancient sailors, of what have since been termed mythical lands? The places many mariners have claimed to have seen have since been refuted by "notable cartographers"! But the mariners "were there". Does Stu Neville now accede that these storied lands exist, even though they aren't on any satellite photographs?
I don't see how you can make that comparison. I don't know whether these "storied lands" exist, or existed: or whether they were mis-identified lands that are familiar to us now. The point of discussion here regarded an area that has been mapped, but of which one poster had personal knowledge. As I take it your evidence for the topographical qualities was based on the maps, I acceded to the poster that had walked the land itself.
But, then, don’t cartographers usually do at least some direct observation of an area, taking readings, before they draw a chart? What a distrustful attitude Stu Neville must have toward such as they!
See the Echelon thread, and the discussion thereon of cartographic absence of defence installations. No, frankly, I don't trust map makers in some circumstances - having fallen into a rhine not marked on a large scale Ordnance Survey map, I tend to rely on the evidence of my own eyes first.
Tellingly, referring to my previous post as possessing "smug attitude" - I invite him now to state chapter and verse where the smugness was contained or admit he did me a disservice!
I never said anything of the sort. Kindly retract that statement.
If someone like FraterLibre can throw a phrase like "Christ complex" at me, hoping to try to demean me; it only shows in what contempt they hold our Lord.
Your Lord. Not all of us are Christians. Not all of us are even religious. And before you start about a Satanist conspiracy, I don't believe in him either. I'm an atheist :).
If FraterLibre sees a "Christ complex" as something to be so avoided, one can only wonder what ideal he holds for his ethical life!
As for FraterLibre's disdain for the idea of even asking "What is truth?", that only demonstrates the fact that they cannot be trusted. If FraterLibre refuses even to consider the idea of what truth is, nothing they say can be taken at face value as trustworthy or valid. Including whether they were ever in Chaco Canyon!
Kindly expand on how you reached this particular conclusion: again, just because someone does not ascribe to Christ's teachings, does that make them somehow less worthy of consideration than those who do?
FraterLibre seems a candidate for what Stu Neville described as "bending their perception to fit in with their theories". With so unwilling an attitude to discern what truth really is, FraterLibre all but announces that whatever they say, likely, represents not a search for veracity, but, rather, just a temporal, quisling quest for personal aggrandizement, of whatever form!
There are several threads dealing with the philosophical aspects of Forteanism, including the nature of truth: truth can be both subjective and dependant on context, and FraterLibre has submitted to many of them. I'd advise you to read them in order to understand differing perspectives on this matter, if not to agree with them.
In a later post, Frater Libre invokes another tool those seeking to quash valid investigation into topics often wield, namely Occam's Razor. Whenever the unscrupulous want to demean another's proposals, without providing anything valid in return, they tend to bring in Occam's Razor, and accuse the other of violating it.
Either that or religion - can have much the same effect..
The form most often used for Occam's Razor is that, "in a choice between hypotheses, the simplest should always be preferred." If this were the case, you would be bound to say that, every time you dropped a ball and it fell, every time you struck a match and it lit, every time you heated a pot of water and it boiled, it was all just coincidence! That is the simplest explanation! It is chemtistry and physics, and so on that add all the complications! For that matter, there is no acknowledged consensus on what "simplest", in the sense of Occam's Razor, even means! Nor even is there validation to the thought that the "simplest" necessarily be the correct one! Occam's Razor, really, should be discredited.
Disagree. The misuse of Occam's Razor should be discredited. It actually states in it's purest form that you cannot base any theory upon another, unproven theory.
In the end, those seeking the truth cannot allow themselves to be gulled by the practices and machinations of those seeking to prevent it, while wearing a sheep's clothing of "co-operation".
At last! We agree upon something.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on this response.

Stu Neville
Re: comments on responses to my posts on Anasazi roads

julianpenrod said:
In addition to, essentially, building "roadblocks" to pursuit of a point, by the determined juxtapositioning of their posts, FraterLibre and JerryB, I commented, engaged in a number of other methods to, esentially, oppose the righteous.

:rofl: I'll earmark that phrase for future use in debate.

*Assumes a Johnsonian tone*
"Sir! You are not merely wrong, you are opposing the righteous!"

EDIT: My philosophy tutor always taught me that the most basic formulation of Ockham's Razor was 'Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate': Entities should not be multiplied without necessity'. But yes Stu, this is grounded in the Aristotelian preference for the fewest possible presupposed axioms - what's wrong with that as a guiding principle Mr Pernod? It doesn't promise the correct answer merely the more likely which is fair as our lack of omniscience means we inhabit a world of likelyhoods and probabilities, not absolutes. In fact, you'll find its tacit usage is the sole reason we don't live in an unintelligible ontological slum.
further comment on responses to the post about Anasazi roads

To all:
It seems like this thread, or, at least, this portion of it, has turned into something of a ley line, itself, stretching from the reference to the supposed existence of such lines and their effect on the placement of important sites; to my own reference to the unusual straightness of Anasazi roads and the length and straightness of modern Manhattan's streets; to, frankly, uncivil reaction by others to the board; to my reaction to that lack of civility; to put downs of my reactions, and defense of, frankly, what is allowed to pass for sophistry on the board, to a discussion of what constitutes an actual search for truth.
This post is intended to respond to some of the most recent, literal, assaults on my words, and, frankly, my principles.
Pedagogicizing professorally, for example, FraterLibre asserts: "Truth without fact to back it up is mere opinion." This seems aimed at what seems an unequivocal denunciation of anything that doesn't comport with what can be termed "traditional teachings", which just about includes anything and everything addressed on the Fortean Times website. In fact, this is wrong. In the 1920's, logician Kurt Gödel produced what is termed the "improvability theorm", which, essentially, stated that, in any logical system complex enough to include elementary arithmetic as a subsystem, there will be entire groups of statements which are unprovable within that system. These statements will have to be true, because, being "unprovable" they cannot be disproved by single dissenting examples. But there will be no logical proof of their being true, and while they may have supporting examples of their truthfulness, they will not have the kind of "rigorous demonstration", which, frankly, is what FraterLibre seems to have had in mind when they referred to "fact to back it up"! But they will not be mere "opinion"!
And, if Stu Neville thinks that FraterLibre's saccharinely precious reference to "shaving methods", in response to my mentioning Occam's Razor, constitutes respectable scholarly repartee, then he, likely, has a lot to learn. "Absence of facts", FraterLibre continues, "makes for subjective spluttering, not truth of any sort, and overly complex reasoning, or wordy blather, doesn't add up to revelation, either." In reality, facts are being provided, in recountings of events, all over the Fortean Times board! But, as with the mercurial definition of "simplest" - usually defined by "traditionalists" only to service the theory that they wish to push, in each case - the meaning of the word "facts" seems something the "traditionalists" leave open, subject to their chosen interpretation! Saying that facts aren't facts, simply because they do not fit your desired schema, doesn't make them untrue, nor does it validate your schema.
And the term "wordy blather", in light of my own admission that, since there was so much to cover, my last post was, by necessity, lengthy, also seems a deliberate dig.
And, for all the fact that "traditionalists" like to point to Darwin's theories as a "triumph of science over superstition", his suppositions, in fact, constitute heresy, by the standards the "traditionalists" support! Beginning only with a collection of finches on the Galapagos Islands, each one "fitted to their environment" - a finch with a long, thin beak, to suck nectar from a flower, another with a hard, thick beak, to break open nuts - Darwin came to the conclusion of random sports or mutations arising, some of which fit to the environment better than others, and, eventually, they come to outcompete the other forms of the species. To begin with, Darwin never once stated what kind of mechanism would lead to the development of a mutation and, what is more, infix that mutation's qualities in its progeny! Even today, individuals with genetic problems often have perfectly normal children! That cannot have been unknown in Darwin's day! He was, essentially, weaving out of whole cloth the supposition that something inside the animal creates, stores and collects various variations! Watson and Crick, in the 1950's are credited with actually determining the nature of DNA that allowed that to happen, but, for at least half a century, science was preaching as proven something that did not have the "facts to back it up"!
For his own part, Darwin didn't even have the fossil record. There are no indications of fossil remains attesting to a single ancestor specie of finch arriving at the Galapagos Islands, then fanning out and adapting to the other niches. It could just as well have been that a whole bunch of different finch species arrived there - some with long beaks, some with short beaks - on a group of islands, teeming with fruiting and nut bearing plants. Those islands where the long beaked birds arrived, they favored the flowers, and didn't spread the nuts, so the nut bearing plants died out. On the other island, the short beaked birds could have eaten the nuts and spread them about, but, because they didn't touch the flowering plants, those plants died out.
Add to that that, in the infinitesimally incremental pattern of variation that Darwin presumed, it is all but patently impossible that any variation could be so superior to the forms around it that it would out-survive them all. In the end, it seems, any incremental variation that wasn't unfavorable, would just allow the animal to survive, then breed, and, then, eventually, the trait would be subsumed. Darwinism is far from a closed case!
Invoking Occam's Razor, too, what is simpler, positing that different species pre-existed the migration to the Galapagos Islands, then just happened to land on different islands; or asserting that the one breed of bird flew there, underwent variations that, somehow, managed to persevere, despite not being ostensibly better than those around it - on the island with nut bearing plants, how did the finches manage to survive until their beaks got thick enough to crack the seeds? - then, using some unexplained mechanism, stored and accumulated those new qualities, until they could be acclaimed a new species of bird?
Darwinism, however, is a jewel in the crown of "traditional" science, and is only one reason why it is so plausible, if not genuinely easy, to disbelieve what "the party line" of "traditional science" states.
JerryB "defends" his one line rejoinder to my relating the notably long and straight Manhattan streets with ley lines by saying: "My reply was in preparation for you to state what you mean by this with a theory, arguement [sic], or something similar."
Since ley lines, by nature, presumably, result in the notably linear construction of sites, that is the theory, or the suggestion, namely, that ley lines may be involved in the laying out of Manhattan's streets! My argument is that, if ley lines do, indeed, promote construction along linear routes, and, since Manhattan's streets are counted to be among the longest straight streets in the world, there might be a connection. Is that so difficult for JerryB to tease out of my statements, on his own? Is it? If JerryB is asking my specific candidate for a mechanism whereby ley lines would initiate such construction, it has to be mentioned that, at no point did he seem to make the same demand of others discussing ley lines! Why, purely on the basis of my bringing up Manhattan's street construction, did he decide to put the burden on me to provide the in-depth analysis?
And, no matter how he wants to whitewash it, a one line riposte such as his does not qualify as anything more than disrespectful and dismissive, if not combative.
In addressing my previous post, Stu Neville proceeded to, essentially, pick it apart, paragraph by paragraph. Perhaps in response to my own emphasis on the idea of acting honorably, according to God's way, and treating the search for truth as part of that motivation, Neville also dwelled on the idea of God's place in personal initiative. Or perhaps not. "As for finding and spreading the truth", Stu Neville opines, "yes, that is laudable, and a principle of which I am fully in favour, whether you (or indeed your God) believe that to be the case or not." The suggestion that I "or my God" do not truly respect the dispensing of truth is so thinly veiled as to be all but transparent. Opposing those points of view that do not further the investigation of a phenomenon does not automatically qualify as trying to prevent the search for truth. Criticizing such as JerryB and FraterLibre for disrespectful attitudes, and a tendency, effectively, to interfere with, rather than further, discussion - no matter how much such as Stu Neville may want to promote their presence - is not undue, or illegitimate, when the statements made against their actions are true!
When a post directed readers to the Modern Antiquarian website, for example, FraterLibre commented only: "Regrettable music". This does not qualify as promoting investigation. As much as they may resemble the brute who would interpose themselves on valid discussion, just to say: "I don't agree", they also resemble those who would break in on legitimate discussions of principles just to ask if anyone has had trouble with their car's transmission!
In reference to Neville's tendency, as is so frequent on forums, to dismiss certain individuals as "trolls", without addressing what, specifically, may have led them to their way of acting, still cannot be said not to qualify as an unjustified refusal to address possible real and important facts, just for the apparent purpose of aggressively dismissing someone who may have become intractable to "the party line" of the forum!
Neville also invited me, again, to provide prefaces to my posts, replete with personal information, since, as I pointed out, it was a matter of principle, with me, not to fear such things, since, if someone is doing God's will, they are not without protection. I may do that, again, in the future, but, for now, while the moderators did not "take the wind out of my sails" in doing it, I did, rather, hope my actions to constitute setting an example, without, necessarily, calling a huge amount of attention to it. In making a "to do" about it - not a "big to do", but a "to do", nonetheless - the moderators did, somewhat, make it feel unforthcoming. Do they take me for a fool, that I engage in actions recklessly, without forethought? If I do something, generally, I know what I am doing, and am acting advisedly. I may, again, post information about myself; for the moment, if someone is interested, I previously posted messages, with information, on the http://www.chemtrailcentral.com site. With no discouraging results. If they wish, they can look there.
The majority of Neville's discourse, however, dealt with defending the "legitimacy" of JarryB and FraterLibre, including patent misrepresentation of philosophical technique to do so.
Neville, for example, attests to "the impartiality and scholarly approach of FraterLibre and JerryB". Responding to the reference to the Modern Antiquarian site by merely commenting on their music does not suggest scholarly interest or approach.
Where I took exception to Stu Neville accusing me of "automatically demeaning the integrity of other posters merely because they hold other views", and of being "uncivil to a great degree", Stu Neville recounts the paragraph, apparently to give the impression that he was addressing the point, but his response was to a completely different point in a paragraph after it! Which is convenient, since, in that paragraph, I pointed out that JerryB and FraterLibre were uncivil towards me, and that Stu Neville seems unwilling to acknowledge, yet knows he cannot validly deny!
The passage Neville takes up, instead, is one where I ask that he show where I had made any sweeping claims, without proof. In response, Neville invokes an earlier post where I addressed statements by Linda Moulton-Howe, in the thread Crop Circle Culprits, to the effect that crop circles had appeared within 60 to 90 minutes, during her and her friends keeping an all night watch. JerryB claimed such things are "hard to prove", that it was a matter of "trusting her on her words". Trusting others, or, at least, extending trust to those who say things he doesn't like, seems not in keeping with JerryB's nature. Stu Neville said that I "quoted theories by Linda Moulton-Howe (and note that JerryB did not dismiss them out of hand, merely stated that he found them hard to accept), which are as valid as any other theory, but once again do not have the kind of proof attached which you seem to demand of others". I did not "quote theories" by Ms. Moulton-Howe, only an observation, nor did I take exception to JerryB "dismissing them out of hand", rather, to his, essentially going out of his way to cast aspersions on the reliability of Ms. Moulton-Howe to even tell time! Before finding fault with what I say, Stu Neville should make sure he knows what it is I said!
With respect to my own taking issue with FraterLibre's claim to have actually been in Chaco Canyon, and to, supposedly, absolutely know that the land, there, is absolutely, perfectly flat, Stu Neville backs up his assertions that he doesn't trust cartographers, who agree with me that the Chaco Canyon floor is far from flat and featureless. All but slavishly, Neville purports to accept FraterLibre's description of the canyon floor above all others!
And Neville has the gall to claim that the moderators show no partiality!
"I would tend to take the word of someone who has been there, rather than any map, however notable the cartographer", Stu Neville grandly asserts.
Well, where does he think I got the information I posted from? That it came to me in alphabet soup? I was quoting reports from The National Geographic, Scientific American and Nature, among others, all of whom have reported on Chaco Canyon, and the Anasazi! And all of whom also visited the area, provably, with photographs to show!
Yet Stu Neville still insists on the, frankly, increasingly questionable claim of FraterLibre to have visited Chaco Canyon. For that matter, he only asserts to have been there, not to have gone over every single inch of it! Yet he claims it to be geometrically flat - flat enough that a straight line road anywhere would encounter no sizeable obstruction, and Neville "impartially" buys it lock, stock and barrel, without proof!
Just on FraterLibre's say-so.
JerryB won't accept Linda Moulton-Howe's claim of crop circles forming within 60 to 90 minutes, while they were on watch, claiming it was "hard to prove", because it was a matter of trusting her on her words". But Stu Neville will take anything FraterLibre says on trust, repeat it without question, and, apparently, stand by it, steadfastly!
Stu Neville also depicts truth as being “both subjective and dependant on context”, yet he characterizes JerryB as “scholarly” when JerryB questions taking Linda Moulton-Howe “on her word”! According to Neville, essentially, because she felt subjectively that the crop circles formed in 60 to 90 minutes, JerryB, in the “scholarly” way that Neville attributes to him, must accept that as truth! When JerryB effectively denounced Ms. Howe’s timing as untrustworthy because it was subjective, Stu Neville seemed in no great hurry to upbraid him for that violation of the principle Neville, himself, seems to take to heart!
Don't say there isn’t any apparent partiality among at least some of the moderators of the Fortean Times site!
When called to it to explain his fixation with not trusting cartographers, incidentally, Neville "explains": "No, frankly, I don't trust map makers in some circumstances - having fallen into a rhine not marked on a large scale Ordnance Survey map, I tend to rely on the evidence of my own eyes first." Was it the Ordnance Survey map that was wrong, or Neville's reading of it? If, too, the "rhine" is to refer to a river, why does he even need a map to discern a body of water; can’t he see it with his own eyes? Even at night, it's not easy to miss being near a river!
However, Neville declares to "rely on the evidence of his own eyes first".
Except, it seems, when it comes to unsupported claims by such as FraterLibre, which Neville seems to accept wholeheartedly, without question!
Think twice before you believe claims of impartiality at the Fortean Times website!
Neville then takes issue with my requesting to be told "chapter and verse" where a supposed "smugness" was supposed to be contained in my posts.
"I never said anything of the sort", Neville says valiantly, "Kindly retract that statement."
But, if you look at the previous post of mine in this thread, you will see that I addressed that statement to FraterLibre, not to Stu Neville!
Before making proclamations, it seems, Stu Neville will have to get more used to being sure of his words! Sadly, Stu Neville's control of his facts does not seem very laudable.
In response, again, to my praising of the idea of using Christ's teachings as a guide, Neville responds: "just because someone does not ascribe to Christ's teachings, does that make them somehow less worthy of consideration than those who do?"
Does Stu Neville see something to be praised in those who espouse such things as cheating others; stealing from others; lying for tawdry, personal profit; or being unfair to others? Those are precepts Christ taught; if Neville sees those who eschew such principles as worthy of so much consideration, he should say what about their ways he finds exonerating!
In the end, Neville disagrees with my representation that Occam's Razor has limited, if any, validity. I stand by my statement that the rule cannot be taken as a reliable method for deriving the truth; it's shaped up as little more than a "dodge" for the untrustworthy to invoke, whenever they want to dissuade deserving investigation into something. New investigations tend to promise new material, and new complications; proclaiming universally that everything must have only a simple solution, they have fought against attempts to launch legitimate examinations of important things. Indeed, it may be that there are entire classes of phenomena that have different levels of inherent complexity. Exact prediction of behavior, for both animals and humans, for example, seems very difficult, at best. Predicting the trajectory of a rocket, essentially, needs only basic, simple equations, and a minimum of information. Predicting other things may be so involved that simple models would be completely inappropriate. In such cases, Occam’s Razor comes across as more a matter of laziness than scholarly interest.
There may even be classes of phenomena for which any traditional model, or collections of modifications on such models, may be only the basis for yet more complicated depictions. In short, there may be classes of phenomena for which what we can consider standard analysis may consist of an endless collecting of new and previously unsuspected manifestations!
Even the weather seems to confound most standard analysis, which is only one reason for suspecting that what we call the atmosphere may, in fact, be a single living creature, or a collection of life-like entities.
The “science” which involves writing up authoritative sounding proposals for grant money, promising politicos that the “riddle of the universe” will be solved with the next endowment toward polysaccharide analysis, tends to favor the idea of imbuing anything of worth with some kind of tactical simplicity. Those who understand what truth is about tend to be more acknowledging of the facts of the matter.
JerryB took issue with my not providing a theory for Manhattan streets following ley lines.
We are, essentially, still in the process of assembling information! Doesn’t that seem evident to JerryB?
And, for all the plaudits showered on Darwin by “traditionalists”, his work was, basically, a completely overriding of any reliance on Occam’s Razor. Without even a mechanism for the cellular inception and inheritance of traits - assuming that it must exist because the results exist, just like those who propose ley lines because of the linear placing of important sites! - Darwin took the dramatic leap of propounding an equally unobserved mechanism for the favoring out of characteristics! Darwin’s work is a complete denial of the technique of Occam’s Razor!
Demanding that something predict the future is a stronger test for at least "traditional" forms of physical phenomena, but even that may fail in cases of sophisticated entities or forces. But Occam’s Razor seems, at best, an oddity, and cannot be expected to be a reliable tool.
Misquoting, misstating and misrepresenting my words has been the demonstrable engine of at least moderator Stu Neville in his apparent attempted whitewashing of the behavior of FraterLibre and JerryB. And nowhere can that be taken as evidence of legitimate motivation. Those who have, previously, felt cowed, in the face of apparently feigned "authority" on the part of FraterLibre and JerryB, and what must have been subtle but determined fostering of their proclamations by at least Stu Neville, should think twice before allowing their thoughts to be so compromised!
I have seen this numerous times, on numerous other boards; the inculcation of a favored group, basically inclined toward the "party line" - which often turns out not to be in the best interest of most who populate the forums - evidently supported by quisling toadying on the part of forum moderators. Time and time again, important discussions were broken into by those intent on preventing the important from being said. Refusal to acknowledge what was really said, false leads, misinterpretations of what was said, even outright fabrications are commonplace, when the evidently questionable statements by the shills is called into question by someone who doesn't like to see such subversion. In one case, for example, an evidently questionable individual, also feigning eminent superiority in a subject, confused knots and miles per hour, in a post. I pointed it out. The individual went back, altered their original post, then accused me of not knowing what I was talking about! There are other cases, incidentally, where the “scholarly” and “respected” members of a forum would, essentially try to run the show into the ground by establishing the unspoken precept that, if those examining a phenomenon do not have a complete and detailed theory ready, at a snap of the fingers, to explain something, then there can’t be anything to what they’re saying, at all! In short, what they propose investigating cannot exist if they don’t have a complete explanation ready before even starting the investigation! This seems reminiscent of JerryB’s demand for a “theory” to explain Manhattan’s streets.
Refutation could have been difficult, if I didn’t have a photograph of the screen with the original, erroneous, post on it! I posted this photograph, with an accusation of evident turpitude on the other’s part. The moderators of the website promptly authorized moving the entire thread to a less well visited section of the site!
The people cannot allow their thinking to be done for them by those who seem to have little regard for their welfare or rights.

Julian Penrod
Dogfight Over Chaco Canyon!

Wheeeee! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! :p
further comment on responses to the post about Anasazi roads

A synopsis would have been helpful.