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Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

Heh, it's showing the latest picture instead of the flowchart. :lol:
Last year when I was away I decided to wear a powerband I had as I knew there would be a bit of walking. Anyway when we arrived at the next hotel and I unpacked I couldn't find it anywhere so thought I must have left it at the last hotel.
Today I noticed something round on the kitchen floor , and thinking it was a rubber band , I picked it up. It was the powerband, looked like it had been in water ( like that watch I lost and found later).
Things seem to move, I wore a copper bangle to bed last week as I had a few aches and in the morning couldn't find it anywhere. It turned up a few days later in a container in the kitchen.
Inconsequential happening. Waiting at a bus stop last night when a man came up to me, said very intently in my face, something like "somebody's rent" and then walked off in the direction from which he came. He was very thin, and an Asian man with light coloured eyes, possibly Kashmiri. What did he mean by that?
While my regular lines of employment have been a bit quiet I've been on the hod for my brother. (Mixing concrete, in winter, within sight of Kinder Scout - talk about brass bloody monkeys.)

Anyway, we turned up the other day to find a couple of meandering parallel lines running from just under bag of sand (like the big yellow one you can see), round the corner of the drive and eventually disappearing underneath a large skip:


I've been scratching my head trying to think what they are and come up with the most logical solution: some fairy builder has come along with his fairy cart and been nicking our bloody mix. Obvious.
That is weirdness indeed.
The red snail and the blue snail had a race... :lol:
rynner2 said:
Posted: Sat 28-01-2012, 8:46

As I said above, my glued repair held up OK yesterday.

But that just deepens the mystery, because last night, when I took my shoes off to prepare for bed, I found the left insole had vanished again!! :shock:

Somehow it must have worked its way around my foot and out of the top of the shoe without me feeling, seeing or hearing a thing! Unless it just went directly via sub-space to a galaxy far, far away...

But ruling out such exotic theories, it could be almost anywhere in west Cornwall by now, especially if it was lost on one of the many buses I rode yesterday.
Mystery solved! (I think..)

I've been wearing the same shoes for weeks now, with another pair of insoles taken from shoes I rarely wear. There's been no trouble until today, when I'd been wearing the shoes for many hours.

This evening my left shoe felt uncomfortable, as if the insole was rucking up inside it. When I got to an area of light, I looked down and saw the red tongue of the insole hanging out of the back of shoe, behind my heel! I left it a few minutes while I finished my purchase in the local shop, but by then the insole had almost escaped entirely!

I think now that what happened was that the shoe was not laced up tightly enough, causing it to flop around slightly on my foot. This movement was sufficient to inch the insole slowly backward, so it crept up behind my heel in its bid for freedom! The rate of movement clearly increased rapidly towards the end, when more of the insole was trailing behind, and it was practically dragged out at the end.

And this also proves I was right when I said it could not possibly have escaped via the flapping sole of the shoe, because there was no hole big enough for that to happen.
Ah rynner, methinks a judicious application of a small blob of blu-tac (other sticky things are available) would render the insole immobile
trevp66 said:
Ah rynner, methinks a judicious application of a small blob of blu-tac (other sticky things are available) would render the insole immobile
Yes, now I understand the problem, the solution is easy!

(I just didn't know how to cope with things disappearing into sub-space!)
Thought this was unusual.
Yesterday I was driving to see one of my friends. On the way I saw a car parked near to the entrance of a park. The driver opened the passenger door and a jet black rat jumped out and scurried across the footpath and into some bushes.
The rats I've seen before have been that grey black colour not jet black. I wondered if he had caught it in a trap or it was a pet he was letting out for a run and if it would come back as it moved very fast.
Noone believes me, they say it must have been a small dog but it was too small and it had that rodent scuttle run.
Maybe it was a weasel or stoat.
A weasel is weasily recognised, but a stoat is stoatally different....
It was too small for either of those and I don't think we have too many here in Australia. If it had been larger it might have been a ferret I suppose but it moved and looked like a rat. The chap was Indian I think and didn't seem agitated, just calm, but I didn't like to stop and ask questions.
Did the guy actually 'release' it, or did it scurry out from under his legs unnoticed by him?
He opened the door and it jumped out and scurried off and he didn't seem worried as I would have been if there was a rat in my car. Then he just walked to the back of his car and stood there so I got a good look at him.
No he just looked perfectly calm so I don't think he was an evil wizard who had transformed someone into a rat but I suppose it's possible and just as well I didn't stop...
Perhaps it was simply a pet rat he'd got tired of and was releasing into the wild to fend for itself. Though I prefer the evil wizard theory myself.
Isis177 said:
No he just looked perfectly calm so I don't think he was an evil wizard who had transformed someone into a rat but I suppose it's possible and just as well I didn't stop...

I was thinking more of an evil scientist (Bond Villain type) releasing a virus carrying rat.
Didn't give the impression of an evil genius, just perfectly ordinary. Probably in his forties with a few grey hairs in his hair and moustache nondescript checked shirt, dark pants. But I suppose it could have all been a clever disguise as I did think how ordinary he looked, for someone who had done something so strange.
Isis177 said:
Didn't give the impression of an evil genius, just perfectly ordinary. Probably in his forties with a few grey hairs in his hair and moustache nondescript checked shirt, dark pants. But I suppose it could have all been a clever disguise as I did think how ordinary he looked, for someone who had done something so strange.

But thats how the well meaning evil genius is likely to dress. Did he have a crinkly smile?
Isis177 said:
He opened the door and it jumped out and scurried off and he didn't seem worried as I would have been if there was a rat in my car. Then he just walked to the back of his car and stood there so I got a good look at him.

It seems he was most likely unaware of it then? I reckon the escaping pet theory is probably closest. Or a regular wild rat hitching a ride.
Could have been but it jumped out when he opened the side door from the outside as I presume he was the driver as noone else was there, so he must have seen it.
He didn't seem to have any expression at all and hadn't rushed to drive away after I passed and looked in the mirror.
I now have a image of wild rats hitching lefts in cars, the same way pigeons use the underground....
special_farces said:
I now have a image of wild rats hitching lefts in cars, the same way pigeons use the underground....

Those pigeons freak me out, they seem to deliberately get off at their stop.
My mother has weird stuff going on in her house, a couple of minor things even happened last time I stayed. This thing with the cheese happened before then when she was having her central heating boiler changed by the council, the weirdness always increases when work is being done. My mother and stepfather were sitting in the living room when they heard a loud noise from the kitchen, they went in and found the cheese on the floor and the wrapper it had been inside clinging to the side of the fridge. It is an old grotty fridge but not sticky, maybe static? The cheese hadn't been left anywhere near the edge of the surface. The wrapper stayed on the fridge while pics were taken, in the end my mother had to go in and get it off herself. It is actually quite a large wrapper to be held there by static.
Yes it's a wonder the initial weight of the cheese didn't pull it down to the floor as well. Also the bag opening doesn't look open enough for the cheese to have fallen out.
Put a Tom Petty CD on in the car - its been there ages and played many times. I sang along with the first three tracks but then the CD player had a glitch and powered down. (It's not installed very well - this is an old car and the original stereo was stolen)

Fiddled with it and got it going again and it played a wierd binaural beat then started part way through a track I'd swear I never heard before. Didn't recognise any of the tracks on the rest of the CD either.

I'm still suspecting that maybe I switch timelines. Of course, maybe I'm just getting old - likely because the album was disrupted in the middle it threw my memory off-track.