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Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

Co-rrect. :nods:

Busted in fact. :wink2:
Obey the snail....must obey the snail...

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Ooo, that was interesting. I can see how that could happen, and how easily it could happen.

The possibilities are this, as far as I can see:

1. I had a very detailed dream that my brain decided to make into a memory
2. I had this conversation in a parallel universe
3. I'm clairvoyant
4. I was hypnotized by Escargot's belly button jewel and she's been programming my brain while I sleep
There's another possibility.

That you had this conversation but with someone else. For some reason your brain got two people confused or conflated and convinced you that it had been Person A that had told you something, when it was really Person B, in a similar situation.
There's another possibility.

That you had this conversation but with someone else. For some reason your brain got two people confused or conflated and convinced you that it had been Person A that had told you something, when it was really Person B, in a similar situation.

That is a very possible solution, except I only chat with my friend on Discord (long since left all of the servers I was in) and the only person I talked to about Black Friday.

Unless it was someone on here...anyone on here order CBD for their father last week who talked about it with me? :D
That is a very possible solution, except I only chat with my friend on Discord (long since left all of the servers I was in) and the only person I talked to about Black Friday.

Unless it was someone on here...anyone on here order CBD for their father last week who talked about it with me? :D
That's just it, you might have spoken on another forum and mixed up where you spoke?
I have had this, though only with very short mundane dreams.

I have mentioned somewhere that I dreamt that I borrowed $20.00 from my mom.

I had to really think about if the conversation had actually happened, and concluded that it hadn't because I don't borrow money from my mom (or anyone for that matter). It was because it was a realistic amount that someone might borrow to tie them over until they got to the bank that I thought it was a real memory of a conversation.
That was the only organic reason I can think of to explain having an entire conversation that apparently diidn't happen. I scrolled up to Black Friday to see if I could find the conversation, but there was nothing there
Interesting. I think sometimes there is not a medical reason or a psychological reason or anything to do with dreams, it is simply unexplainable and we just have to accept that,

This world is not governed by or explainable by science or medicine.

Black Friday, interesting use of words to describe an ordinary day. Why the 'black'? Does that have two meanings?
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Very slight weirdness yesterday... I picked up some Bramley apples in the farm shop as the Teenager is home for the weekend and I thought I would make apple crumble for today's dessert as it is a favourite of hers. When we got to the till, the lady serving us opened the bag (paper, not plastic) and IMMEDIATELY started asking for my tips on making apple crumble. Okay, it's not inconceivable that I was buying them with that intention, but she didn't even ask "Are you making crumble?", she just launched straight into "When you're making a crumble, do you peel, slice and then boil?" (I then pointed her towards Saint Delia's Apple and Almond Crumble which is the best version I know.)
Very slight weirdness yesterday... I picked up some Bramley apples in the farm shop as the Teenager is home for the weekend and I thought I would make apple crumble for today's dessert as it is a favourite of hers. When we got to the till, the lady serving us opened the bag (paper, not plastic) and IMMEDIATELY started asking for my tips on making apple crumble. Okay, it's not inconceivable that I was buying them with that intention, but she didn't even ask "Are you making crumble?", she just launched straight into "When you're making a crumble, do you peel, slice and then boil?" (I then pointed her towards Saint Delia's Apple and Almond Crumble which is the best version I know.)
As long as it doesn't turn out like Baldrick's apple crumble - Fishy.
Very slight weirdness yesterday... I picked up some Bramley apples in the farm shop as the Teenager is home for the weekend and I thought I would make apple crumble for today's dessert as it is a favourite of hers. When we got to the till, the lady serving us opened the bag (paper, not plastic) and IMMEDIATELY started asking for my tips on making apple crumble. Okay, it's not inconceivable that I was buying them with that intention, but she didn't even ask "Are you making crumble?", she just launched straight into "When you're making a crumble, do you peel, slice and then boil?" (I then pointed her towards Saint Delia's Apple and Almond Crumble which is the best version I know.)
My mouth's watering now. I love fruit crumble. :)
I had some minor strangeness yesterday on a hike. I was hiking 18 miles from Leighton Buzzard to Flitwick, along the Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire border, in -3C, bitterly cold (but I was well prepared), in weather that varied between thick mist, fog and freezing fog. The following is pretty representative of the walk (except for the sun's disk - that's why I took the photo):

That assessment is a little unfair, because the ice-formations of the hard air-frost upon the vegetation and the cobwebs were spectacular. The minor strangeness (except for passing a hiker who looked and acted remarkably like Benedict Cumberbatch) was when I was hiking across a foggy frozen field just outside Woburn - I had deviated very slightly from the public footpath to look at a medieval moated site:
Potsgrive moat.png

There was a solitary tree growing on the north side of the moat, looking very atmospheric and beautiful in the fog, however as I got close to it I was overcome by a strong sense of wrongness, that rapidly became revulsion - I can't really describe how strange this was, since I love nature, and the tree looked wonderfully evocative from a distance - yet standing close to it I was, well, revolted by it, and felt a sense of badness.

The tree, looking all innocent, the dip is what remains of the medieval moat:
I had some minor strangeness yesterday on a hike. I was hiking 18 miles from Leighton Buzzard to Flitwick, along the Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire border, in -3C, bitterly cold (but I was well prepared), in weather that varied between thick mist, fog and freezing fog. The following is pretty representative of the walk (except for the sun's disk - that's why I took the photo):
View attachment 71859
That assessment is a little unfair, because the ice-formations of the hard air-frost upon the vegetation and the cobwebs were spectacular. The minor strangeness (except for passing a hiker who looked and acted remarkably like Benedict Cumberbatch) was when I was hiking across a foggy frozen field just outside Woburn - I had deviated very slightly from the public footpath to look at a medieval moated site:
View attachment 71860
There was a solitary tree growing on the north side of the moat, looking very atmospheric and beautiful in the fog, however as I got close to it I was overcome by a strong sense of wrongness, that rapidly became revulsion - I can't really describe how strange this was, since I love nature, and the tree looked wonderfully evocative from a distance - yet standing close to it I was, well, revolted by it, and felt a sense of badness.

The tree, looking all innocent, the dip is what remains of the medieval moat:
View attachment 71861
Arrrr, that the be old 'angin' tree, do thaaaat. :nods:
I had some minor strangeness yesterday on a hike. I was hiking 18 miles from Leighton Buzzard to Flitwick, along the Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire border, in -3C, bitterly cold (but I was well prepared), in weather that varied between thick mist, fog and freezing fog. The following is pretty representative of the walk (except for the sun's disk - that's why I took the photo):
View attachment 71859
That assessment is a little unfair, because the ice-formations of the hard air-frost upon the vegetation and the cobwebs were spectacular. The minor strangeness (except for passing a hiker who looked and acted remarkably like Benedict Cumberbatch) was when I was hiking across a foggy frozen field just outside Woburn - I had deviated very slightly from the public footpath to look at a medieval moated site:
View attachment 71860
There was a solitary tree growing on the north side of the moat, looking very atmospheric and beautiful in the fog, however as I got close to it I was overcome by a strong sense of wrongness, that rapidly became revulsion - I can't really describe how strange this was, since I love nature, and the tree looked wonderfully evocative from a distance - yet standing close to it I was, well, revolted by it, and felt a sense of badness.

The tree, looking all innocent, the dip is what remains of the medieval moat:
View attachment 71861
We have a thread on 'Places That Make You Feel Unsettled' or summat. :nods:

aaaaaaand here it is! :bthumbup:

Places That Feel Hostile Or Wrong
Always look their best with no leaves on.

View attachment 71869
That's very similar to a 'test' which John Berger tried out on readers of Ways of Seeing. Similarly, in this case, I'd been thinking 'What a lovely, festive photo'...until later, when I at last noticed the 'decorations'; and suddenly the whole mood changed, as - in effect - did the whole appearance of the tree. From benign to malign.
I had some minor strangeness yesterday on a hike. I was hiking 18 miles from Leighton Buzzard to Flitwick, along the Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire border, in -3C, bitterly cold (but I was well prepared), in weather that varied between thick mist, fog and freezing fog. The following is pretty representative of the walk (except for the sun's disk - that's why I took the photo):
View attachment 71859
That assessment is a little unfair, because the ice-formations of the hard air-frost upon the vegetation and the cobwebs were spectacular. The minor strangeness (except for passing a hiker who looked and acted remarkably like Benedict Cumberbatch) was when I was hiking across a foggy frozen field just outside Woburn - I had deviated very slightly from the public footpath to look at a medieval moated site:
View attachment 71860
There was a solitary tree growing on the north side of the moat, looking very atmospheric and beautiful in the fog, however as I got close to it I was overcome by a strong sense of wrongness, that rapidly became revulsion - I can't really describe how strange this was, since I love nature, and the tree looked wonderfully evocative from a distance - yet standing close to it I was, well, revolted by it, and felt a sense of badness.

The tree, looking all innocent, the dip is what remains of the medieval moat:
View attachment 71861
Blimey SB I admire your fortitude to be out in those conditions. (Must be great to be young fit and healthy.) I do see what you mean about that tree. Something to do with it's loneliness, and the way it leans, almost as though it's about to grab you or something.
Another bit of very minor strangeness recently. Finishing tidying the bedroom and left Cat1 curled up fast asleep on the bed. Came downstairs and looked out of the back door to find Cat1 crying outside. Eh? Ran upstairs and she was still sleeping on the bed. Back down to see her still crying. Turned out that it was a different cat but so alike that they could have been clones even down to Cat1's strange very short front legs. Obviously well looked after and had a collar so it got a few biscuits ( I'm a sucker for a female sob story) and she went on her way.
Blimey SB I admire your fortitude to be out in those conditions. (Must be great to be young fit and healthy.) I do see what you mean about that tree. Something to do with it's loneliness, and the way it leans, almost as though it's about to grab you or something.
I think the most foolhardy brave thing about this odyssey was venturing to Flitwick.
@SimonBurchell you didn't happen to come across a chap with three socks and one shoe who was shouting at pigeons did you?
I think the most foolhardy brave thing about this odyssey was venturing to Flitwick.
@SimonBurchell you didn't happen to come across a chap with three socks and one shoe who was shouting at pigeons did you?
Funnily enough, not too many people out and about. Both the pubs I went into in search of food were friendly enough, nobody shouting at pigeons in evidence. Flitwick had a train station, an essential part of finishing my walk! I have to say, there's not much there, doesn't really warrant being called a town - delusions of grandeur I think.
I was trawling the UK Government website to establish whether a relative's medical condition should be reported to the DVLA. There are nearly 120 conditions which have to be reported ( most only if they affect your driving ability). One struck me as odd though - Seizures (obvious) "which lead to deja vu." I had no idea that the 2 were connected or that dv was a recognized Thing.
Following on from the cat thing mentioned a few posts back, word seems to have got around in the feline community and we now have a very large male black and white queuing up at the PeteS feline food bank. Both of ours and said stranger were crying like mad at 7am to be fed. Male cat is obviously not a stray either.
I was trawling the UK Government website to establish whether a relative's medical condition should be reported to the DVLA. There are nearly 120 conditions which have to be reported ( most only if they affect your driving ability). One struck me as odd though - Seizures (obvious) "which lead to deja vu." I had no idea that the 2 were connected or that dv was a recognized Thing.
There are many types of seizures with a range of severity and effects. Some sufferers report déjà vu. They can experience it as the 'aura' that tells them a seizure is imminent or just as a passing impression, or as anything in between.

Anyone who's noticing a lot of déjà vu needs to consider seeing the doctor.
As you say though, it's reportable. You might lose your driving licence.
Following on from the cat thing mentioned a few posts back, word seems to have got around in the feline community and we now have a very large male black and white queuing up at the PeteS feline food bank. Both of ours and said stranger were crying like mad at 7am to be fed.
Awww. :)

I'm blessed to have two cats who visit. What is really touching is that, over time, the food/treats seem less important to them. For animals who are so often denigrated for being aloof and solitary and essentially self-interested, the actual truth - as cat lovers will know - is that they are far more generous of spirit and selfless than many humans. For instance, when my father passed away, my (late) cat seemed to know that I needed company and comforting; and she generously gave me more of her time and affection.
Here in the UK many 'own brand' products are actually made in the same place, with the same ingredients, as higher-priced items. There's a chain called Heron (mainly frozen goods and cheap brands) who have a whole section for 'faulty' items such as misshapes, repacked items etc. These tend to be higher-value products but in bland packaging.
On your recommendation I had a mooch and it was as you described, you genius. :)