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Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

Awww. :)

I'm blessed to have two cats who visit. What is really touching is that, over time, the food/treats seem less important to them. For animals who are so often denigrated for being aloof and solitary and essentially self-interested, the actual truth - as cat lovers will know - is that they are far more generous of spirit and selfless than many humans. For instance, when my father passed away, my (late) cat seemed to know that I needed company and comforting; and she generously gave me more of her time and affection.
I think that's true. Our cat is a very solitary animal but when I came home from having an operation he sat right next to me on the bed, rather than on the end of the bed ignoring me as usual.
I think that's true. Our cat is a very solitary animal but when I came home from having an operation he sat right next to me on the bed, rather than on the end of the bed ignoring me as usual.
Waiting for you to kick it, so he could eat your corpse?

Only kidding, I'm sure he sensed your unwellness.
I saw this sculpture in someone's window in The Hague:
I heard that they start with the face/genitals (soft tissue)

I thought there'd been recorded incidents of people who've died alone and been found weeks later with a well fed cat or dog in attendance.

Or is that an urban legend?
Possibly but I'm sure it's happened. There's an old horror film called 'The Uncanny' where this happens. I won't bore you with the whole story but at the end of an episode, the maid manages to escape from a food cupboard to find the mostly eaten remains of her old lady boss's corpse surrounded by all of her cats.

skip to 32:15 for the 'money shot'

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Yet more examples of cats getting a bad purr-ess! What they need is a good PR agent, and I'm just the twit man to lead the fightback against the rabid Anti-Cat hordes!

Here is a picture I bravely stole off the internet for my stupid campaign. It's terrifyingly rubbish, and the cat looks very underwhelmed if not ungrateful and bloody cheeky; but it's the thought that counts:

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Yet more examples of cats getting a bad purr-ess! What they need is a good PR agent, and I'm just the twit man to lead the fightback against the rabid Anti-Cat hordes!

Here is a picture I bravely stole off the internet for my stupid campaign. It's terrifyingly rubbish, and the cat looks very underwhelmed if not ungrateful and bloody cheeky; but it's the thought that counts:

View attachment 72034
That cat looks like a cat that's been caught in the act of eating its deceased owner. An "oops" look if ever I saw one.
The War on Cats™ continues, as the Guardian gleefully boings onto the bandwagon with its 5000th anti-cat article this year!:

Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

Related stories: Local twit buys 'Save the Cats' badges off Etsy
*Fleabag wins World Cup
*How to knit organic pop tarts from Nepal
*Flared pants revival: who's in, who's out?
*World War III declared

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Dogs also kill—and maybe munch on—endangered species when they are on the loose in the Amazon (and elsewhere).
Deer gobble up endangered plants along the Appalachian trail.
And what about those organic pop tarts from Nepal?

Opps!—look out below, this thread has derailed!
The War on Cats™ continues, as the Guardian gleefully boings onto the bandwagon with its 5000th anti-cat article this year!:

Killer kitties: cats are eating 2,000 species, including hundreds that are at risk

Related stories: Local twit buys 'Save the Cats' badges off Etsy
*Fleabag wins World Cup
*How to knit organic pop tarts from Nepal
*Flared pants revival: who's in, who's out?
*World War III declared

We do have a "cats" thread. Not the musical:).

A few days ago I was in a building were every door as electronic locks, cameras everywhere,
I had been in a room on my own, got my kit together turned off the lights and came out, the room
as no other doors or windows though there is a observation window to another room.
Put my kit down and then movement on one of the security screens caught my eye,
in the room I had just been in a ball of light about as big as a grapefruit was passing across the
camera at about 45% it was about 3ft off the floor moving quite fast and had a blue sector
near the top, first thought was ball lightening but no sign of weather outside, don't know
what it was but something passed that camara and I will keep a eye on the screens in future.
A few days ago I was in a building were every door as electronic locks, cameras everywhere,
I had been in a room on my own, got my kit together turned off the lights and came out, the room
as no other doors or windows though there is a observation window to another room.
Put my kit down and then movement on one of the security screens caught my eye,
in the room I had just been in a ball of light about as big as a grapefruit was passing across the
camera at about 45% it was about 3ft off the floor moving quite fast and had a blue sector
near the top, first thought was ball lightening but no sign of weather outside, don't know
what it was but something passed that camara and I will keep a eye on the screens in future.
Was the incident recorded? If so you need to dig it out. You know you do. :nods:
I wrote this at the beginning of the year -

It happened again yesterday evening and again this morning.
On one of the rare occasions that MrsF washes up, I went downstairs and asked why she'd got one of those horrible air fresheners/candles that I can't stand. She said she hadn't, but I didn't believe her.

This happened a couple of more times, then I realised that it was only the washing up liquid that I could smell.

For some reason, when I wash up, which is 99% of the time, I can't smell it unless I walk into the kitchen a while later.

I'd have sworn blind it was an air freshener though.