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Minor Strangeness (IHTM)

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It must be noted that, to many guffaws from my wife, I purchased a set of the cups for our outdoor chairs.
A nice glass-topped table, a substantial parasol and four chairs.
The chairs were very ... pointed on their feet. The first time we put them out in the garden, t'missus sat happily on a chair. Comfortable, yes, but she was startled when she wanted to move it. The feet had sunk into the grass about 3 inches!
The usual folding beach-chairs are wider on their feet.
My missus now listens to me when I maunder on about surface pressure.
yeah it's a matter of degree. the cups prevent unfixable damage, still makes a dent, but something you can brush out.
Apparently, rubbing an ice cube on the dented part of the carpet is supposed to revive the pile.

Don't quote me on that though, I read it somewhere but as I have zero interest in housework and no carpets downstairs, I haven't tested it out.
Few strange things over the weekend: The area where I live (in Sydney) is a valley and really is an amphitheatre at night. On Friday night, there was a sudden voice of a single man down below yelling. What made it stand out was that nobody else seemed to be with him. It did not sound as if he was yelling at someone. It sounded like he just tried out his voice. Nobody yelled back.
On Saturday night, there was a sudden burst of fireworks or firecrackers, thankfully not too late. What is odd was that there were no 'woos' or cheers when it was done apart from the whines of distressed dogs who don't like fireworks at the best of times let alone when people just let them off. As soon as it started, it was over with silence.
Sunday was the strangest. There was a burst of a high-pitched drilling noise like a dentist drill but loud and clear enough to hear from my bedroom. It ended with a whistling, 'whewing' noise like a cartoon 'pew-pew' gun. Again, nobody noticed.
Sunday was the strangest. There was a burst of a high-pitched drilling noise like a dentist drill but loud and clear enough to hear from my bedroom. It ended with a whistling, 'whewing' noise like a cartoon 'pew-pew' gun. Again, nobody noticed.
That sounds like it could be a pneumatic tool, such as an impact driver.
Maybe some guy doing a bit of car work late at night?
Could be a man doing a wheel change after getting a puncture.
That sounds like it could be a pneumatic tool, such as an impact driver.
Maybe some guy doing a bit of car work late at night?
Could be a man doing a wheel change after getting a puncture.
It was past midnight. Surely someone would wait till morning to try things out, but stranger things have happened. Nobody came yelling after it, and surely there were quieter ways to steal a car?
We had a dog who when young went after a bee & decided to eat it. It stung the inside of his mouth & he didn’t do it again. I think he was mystified as to what happened & was shaking his head around for a quite a while after.
I once saw a sweet little kitten with a blue ribbon around its neck calmly eat a wasp. No issues.
A kitten!
I once saw a sweet little kitten with a blue ribbon around its neck calmly eat a wasp. No issues.
A kitten!
Just imagine how the wasp felt. "Oh look! A wuvvly widdle kitty with a blue wibbon wound it's widdle neck. Awww! Sooooo cute! Do you want to play, widdle ki.... AAAARGHH!!"
My study overlooks our small, quite overgrown (I'm getting around to it, honest) front garden. Teeming with bird and insect life.
Yesterday, around three o'clock, a thrush burst out from the bushes, pinged off the window - y'know, slight impact and flutter but no stun - and dropped out of sight. I went out to see if it was injured but no.
Today, about 5 minutes ago, it happened again!
There's net curtains up, so it can't think there's no surface there, and the light isn't yet reflecting or pouring through the window - that happens at about five o'clock.
If it happens again tomorrow, I'll know it's just a daft thrush that doesn't believe in glass!
Few strange things over the weekend: The area where I live (in Sydney) is a valley and really is an amphitheatre at night. On Friday night, there was a sudden voice of a single man down below yelling. What made it stand out was that nobody else seemed to be with him. It did not sound as if he was yelling at someone. It sounded like he just tried out his voice. Nobody yelled back.
On Saturday night, there was a sudden burst of fireworks or firecrackers, thankfully not too late. What is odd was that there were no 'woos' or cheers when it was done apart from the whines of distressed dogs who don't like fireworks at the best of times let alone when people just let them off. As soon as it started, it was over with silence.
Sunday was the strangest. There was a burst of a high-pitched drilling noise like a dentist drill but loud and clear enough to hear from my bedroom. It ended with a whistling, 'whewing' noise like a cartoon 'pew-pew' gun. Again, nobody noticed.
Very intriguing, especially that last one! It reminds me somewhat of this incident a few years ago: https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/minor-strangeness-ihtm.28407/post-1653476

"It's 10pm here and teenage son just came in saying he'd heard a noise out back, like a loud bark, but sort of metallic and hollow. He heard it twice. I suggested it might be someone putting out their garbage cans, or something of that nature.

Well, I just went out and heard it myself, also twice. It was very strange and definitely not garbage cans being banged around. It sounded like a combination of a huge dog and a big cat, a cougar maybe, with a metallic echo in the bark/growl/roar.

That's not even the weirdest part though. In the interval between the noises, there was something that sounded for all the world like the UFO sound effects in old movies, that "woo-woo-woo" sound that always accompanies flying saucers coming in for a landing.

No idea what would be making these sounds at 10 o'clock on a Sunday night, or any time for that matter. We can't even figure out if it was animal, vegetable or mineral.

(Although it would be funny if it was a flying saucer and they really did make that noise.)"

We never did figure out what the sound was!
Clock hands spinning and stopping at midnight on Saturday night/early Saturday morning (at about 1am).
This sounds like the automatic actions of a so-called 'atomic' or 'radiocontrolled' clock, reliant upon the signal from MSF at National Physical Laboratory Anthorn, or DCF77 Frankfurt or the patriarchal WWV US Navy system in the USA.

If such a clock loses its signal, it will go into a scurry/reset mode, often around or after midnight. It will then usually try to go back to the correct time.

Was the weather outside especially bad, are you already in a screened/shielded location? Or might your clock battery be in the process of dying?
Yes, I think that is probably it, battery or radio controlled clock. The weather is rather mixed at the moment and it was fairy windy. It happened when I was rather emotional at the end of a film. I'm not normally awake at that time so wouldn't have noticed it, if the clock had done this before.
This morning at work a male colleague, with whom I get on well but am not in any way close to, called out 'Bye! Love you!' as he left to do a job.
I thought he'd probably been thinking of his wife and maybe that's how they say goodbye. Some people do.

Later at home I was unloading shopping from the car when a neighbour rode past on his bike. I waved and he called out 'Hello (Scargy)! Love you!'
This time I was really puzzled. However, Neighbour was a friend of someone I used to look after so perhaps he was expressing his appreciation.

Techy came out to help with the shopping and I gave him something special I'd picked up for his tea. He said 'Ooh thank you! I
love you!'

I told Techy he was the third man to tell me that today. He found it hilarious.

Is this a thing that men say to women now? :thought:

tl:dr - I was told by three different men, all straight, two of whom are just friends, that they love me. Baffling.
This morning at work a male colleague, with whom I get on well but am not in any way close to, called out 'Bye! Love you!' as he left to do a job.
I thought he'd probably been thinking of his wife and maybe that's how they say goodbye. Some people do.

Later at home I was unloading shopping from the car when a neighbour rode past on his bike. I waved and he called out 'Hello (Scargy)! Love you!'
This time I was really puzzled. However, Neighbour was a friend of someone I used to look after so perhaps he was expressing his appreciation.

Techy came out to help with the shopping and I gave him something special I'd picked up for his tea. He said 'Ooh thank you! I
love you!'

I told Techy he was the third man to tell me that today. He found it hilarious.

Is this a thing that men say to women now? :thought:

tl:dr - I was told by three different men, all straight, two of whom are just friends, that they love me. Baffling.
I think the phrase is "still got it" :reyes:
This morning at work a male colleague, with whom I get on well but am not in any way close to, called out 'Bye! Love you!' as he left to do a job.
I thought he'd probably been thinking of his wife and maybe that's how they say goodbye. Some people do.

Later at home I was unloading shopping from the car when a neighbour rode past on his bike. I waved and he called out 'Hello (Scargy)! Love you!'
This time I was really puzzled. However, Neighbour was a friend of someone I used to look after so perhaps he was expressing his appreciation.

Techy came out to help with the shopping and I gave him something special I'd picked up for his tea. He said 'Ooh thank you! I
love you!'

I told Techy he was the third man to tell me that today. He found it hilarious.

Is this a thing that men say to women now? :thought:

tl:dr - I was told by three different men, all straight, two of whom are just friends, that they love me. Baffling.
Consider yourself lucky.
I wish 3 random women would declare their love for me as I passed by.
Silly ol' me - I wouldn't say "I love you" to anyone apart from people I actually love.
To me, the words are more important, more affecting, than using them as a passing nicety. It devalues the emotion.
It can be an automatic response. Like putting kisses on the end of a text (because you'd previously been messaging your daughter) and then remembering that you were now messaging your doctor...

...not me. No, never.
I am currently undergoing an object lesson in 'seeing and hearing what we expect to see and hear'.

Dreadful Dog has gone off with my son and his partner for a long walk. I can't join them as I have to be at work later. So I'm sitting here on my sofa in an empty house - and I have both seen and heard my dog several times. I 'saw' her moving under her blanket and 'heard' her snuffling away to herself on the sofa. This is because it is extremely unusual for me to be in the house without her - it's happened maybe two or three times in the last three years. She is always with me and always just behind me or close up against me.

So my eyes and ears haven't adapted to her not being here, and expectation is playing a huge part. I've already spoken to her a couple of times too...only to remember she's not here.
I was sitting here just now randomly scrolling down the 'what's new' list of threads, when I could suddenly hear a horse (or horses) being ridden along the road out front, the clip-clopping on the tarmac getting louder as they got nearer. I turned my head to see if I could see them but no.
When I looked back at the screen I had reached this point.
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Here's an interesting thing ...
A bus driver loses his rag and quits, leaving the passenger in the middle of nowhere.
Amusing, perhaps, but not strange?

Per report:
The BBC reported how the driver of the Angel 21 service between Durham and Newcastle pulled over and left the bus, closing the doors behind him – with passengers unable to work out how to open the door from the inside.

Eventually, those on board the Go North East bus freed themselves after pressing a combination of buttons and flagging down another service.
(My emphasis)

Um. Perhaps using the clearly-labelled emergency open handles on the bus? After years of watching drivers open doors with these, closing them behind them, I'd have thought it's not beyond the wit of average people ... oh, hang on.
Am I crediting the British public with too much?
Um. Perhaps using the clearly-labelled emergency open handles on the bus? After years of watching drivers open doors with these, closing them behind them, I'd have thought it's not beyond the wit of average people ... oh, hang on.
Am I crediting the British public with too much?
True, but there may be a key-operated safety system on the door control.
Nope. Not at all.
That's why there's the emergency handle.
In a real emergency, passengers aren't going to wait for the driver (if conscious or alive) to find his key, open the door etc. They will also not expect to rootle through his bleeding body/corpse, trying to find a key.
All buses have a twist handle that operates the doors hydraulics or windows that have mechanical handles and releases.
I was sitting here just now randomly scrolling down the 'what's new' list of threads, when I could suddenly hear a a horse (or horses) being ridden along the road out front, the clip-clopping on the tarmac getting louder as they got nearer. I turned my head to see if I could see them but no.
When I looked back the screen I had reached this point.
View attachment 68861
This. Is. How. It. Begins.