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Missing Persons

Have been browsing the UK Missing Persons website since seeing the link here - so many unidentifiable young males that appear to have suffered fairly miserable deaths, and many older males who had evidently fallen on tough times, it really clobbered me.
We hear so much about abused and murdered women/girls, which feature heavily in the news (as they should), but looking through these often faceless galleries of lost souls and random shoes made me consider how the plight of desperate and ruined men deserve much more attention and compassion than they are given.
One poor man described as a possible vagrant found in a skip in Manchester....you wonder how some of these could have been overlooked. So many of them sound suspicious, and I dare say without evidence of foul play, there's not much to go on without identity. A few people washed ashore too, and more than one immigrant having fallen from a van only to be hit by a passing vehicle. I would imagine the majority of these individuals were a combination of desperate, poor, in deep trouble, mentally distressed and alone.
It doesn't bear thinking about how these people's lives panned out.

Edited to add: Certain details confuse me, such as a middle aged man with a newspaper and his door keys found in woodland having suffered a heart attack. This was in the early 90's, yet no one in all this time has missed him. It makes me think about how easy it might be to literally 'fall off the radar'. But one would surely hope that his home could/would have been located, and at least one neighbour able to identify him. Some of them are quite baffling.
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And this one, very intriguing, particularly the distinguishing features...
We might wonder, again, why this man wasn't missed or reported missing. If he had been to the golf championship, one might suppose he would at the very least have been carrying some identification or cash/possessions. This would tempt me to think he may had been robbed or assaulted. Doesn't seem like a typical candidate for suicide, either, but I suppose we'll never know.

And this one, very intriguing, particularly the distinguishing features...
We might wonder, again, why this man wasn't missed or reported missing. If he had been to the golf championship, one might suppose he would at the very least have been carrying some identification or cash/possessions. This would tempt me to think he may had been robbed or assaulted. Doesn't seem like a typical candidate for suicide, either, but I suppose we'll never know.

View attachment 76926
Odd detail there at the bottom.
Some of these are just plain suspicious, I imagine quite a few 'vagrants' were assaulted/murdered.
No idea.
But I noticed that as I looked further back to the late 80's and 70's a larger than average amount of deceased males between the age of 20 and 60 were around 5'2 to 5'4 in height. Even acknowledging that we have grown taller over the decades I am curious to know if this was actually average height for an adult male during this time. I'm fairly certain it wasn't.
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St. Andrew's was the location for the open that year and is only 10 miles away, and the time of the event versus the date the body was found and estimated time of the death?
Still reaching just a bit though. Being in the geographical vicinity of something doesn't mean he visited it, he might just have been a local who fell in the river when out for a walk? Unless they found something in his pocket that proved he'd been there, which they didn't want to mention for...reasons.
Still reaching just a bit though. Being in the geographical vicinity of something doesn't mean he visited it, he might just have been a local who fell in the river when out for a walk? Unless they found something in his pocket that proved he'd been there, which they didn't want to mention for...reasons.
Perhaps some of the staff at St Andrew's remember seeing or serving him.
No idea.
But I noticed that as I looked further back to the late 80's and 70's a larger than average amount of deceased males between the age of 20 and 60 were around 5'2 to 5'4 in height. Even acknowledging that we have grown taller over the decades I am curious to know if this was actually average height for an adult male during this time. I'm fairly certain it wasn't.
I am sure that average height for a man can't have been that short. I thought it was about 5 foot 10 in the 70s/80s.

I did a quick search and found this....BBC story about average male height at age 21 in the UK......
When I tried to go that national database website I get a warning about a certificate or something and a warning that the website may leave my laptop open for hacking or something.

Should I ignore the warning?
When I tried to go that national database website I get a warning about a certificate or something and a warning that the website may leave my laptop open for hacking or something.

Should I ignore the warning?
Not sure, I used google chrome on macbook air, no warnings but I had to click to say that I was over 18, probably due to some post mortem images (they are thankfully quite small and not terribly...detailed).
Not sure, I used google chrome on macbook air, no warnings but I had to click to say that I was over 18, probably due to some post mortem images (they are thankfully quite small and not terribly...detailed).
Thanks. I'm using Safari on a 3 year old MacBook Pro. I've been having problem with pictures not displaying so maybe it's a time for a change.
Still reaching just a bit though. Being in the geographical vicinity of something doesn't mean he visited it, he might just have been a local who fell in the river when out for a walk? Unless they found something in his pocket that proved he'd been there, which they didn't want to mention for...reasons.
For some reason they don't seem to state foul play even when it's clearly obvious. I noticed a few people who had been left in a ditch or placed into a shallow grave with no mention of 'murder'. I imagine the database is strictly focused on hoping someone will identify them as opposed to sharing forensic info.

Reading those occasional lists of personal possessions found with the body...it's quite heartbreaking, yet miserably clinical at the same time. Had to come away after a bit.
Thanks. I'm using Safari on a 3 year old MacBook Pro. I've been having problem with pictures not displaying so maybe it's a time for a change.
Mine's about that old, have also had issues with Safari not loading images and store checkouts for a while. Not sure why as everything's updated.
Mine's about that old, have also had issues with Safari not loading images and store checkouts for a while. Not sure why as everything's updated.
I'm glad it's not just me. My laptop is all up to date as well.
Perhaps some of the staff at St Andrew's remember seeing or serving him.
They would serve hundreds, if not thousands, of people every day and have no reason to remember one of them unless he was particularly notable, I'd have thought. The nearest they would be able to come would be 'well, I think I might have served a guy who looked a bit like that, but I can't be sure.'

I serve hundreds of people a day. Apart from the locals, whom I know, I couldn't tell you even five minutes after I served them, what they looked like. Too many in too short a space of time.

But it's academic really. Some poor man has met his end and nobody has missed him. I wonder if some of them are husbands who have walked out on a marriage? Wife so hurt and angry that she never reports him missing and any family assume that another member is in touch or they fell out due to the marriage? I hear about so many people who seem to be NC (non contact) with family for various reasons, which has opened my eyes to how someone could vanish.
Have been browsing the UK Missing Persons website since seeing the link here - so many unidentifiable young males that appear to have suffered fairly miserable deaths, and many older males who had evidently fallen on tough times, it really clobbered me.
We hear so much about abused and murdered women/girls, which feature heavily in the news (as they should), but looking through these often faceless galleries of lost souls and random shoes made me consider how the plight of desperate and ruined men deserve much more attention and compassion than they are given.
One poor man described as a possible vagrant found in a skip in Manchester....you wonder how some of these could have been overlooked. So many of them sound suspicious, and I dare say without evidence of foul play, there's not much to go on without identity. A few people washed ashore too, and more than one immigrant having fallen from a van only to be hit by a passing vehicle. I would imagine the majority of these individuals were a combination of desperate, poor, in deep trouble, mentally distressed and alone.
It doesn't bear thinking about how these people's lives panned out.

Edited to add: Certain details confuse me, such as a middle aged man with a newspaper and his door keys found in woodland having suffered a heart attack. This was in the early 90's, yet no one in all this time has missed him. It makes me think about how easy it might be to literally 'fall off the radar'. But one would surely hope that his home could/would have been located, and at least one neighbour able to identify him. Some of them are quite baffling.
It's getting less with the advances in DNA, but also your electronic fingerprints are everywhere and lets not forget we are surveilled

I believe most unidentified bodies found in the UK will be undocumented migrants working in the black economy
No idea.
But I noticed that as I looked further back to the late 80's and 70's a larger than average amount of deceased males between the age of 20 and 60 were around 5'2 to 5'4 in height. Even acknowledging that we have grown taller over the decades I am curious to know if this was actually average height for an adult male during this time. I'm fairly certain it wasn't.
The vast majority of unidentified male bodies will be from poor backgrounds and we know that poor diet can lead to low growth rates, it stands to reason the wealthier you are the more likely you will be missed
The vast majority of unidentified male bodies will be from poor backgrounds and we know that poor diet can lead to low growth rates, it stands to reason the wealthier you are the more likely you will be missed
If you're wealthy, then inheritance is going to play into any attempts to locate you if you go missing. If you have nothing to leave, then there are fewer people to care whether you are alive or dead.
Woman claims to be Pennsylvania girl missing since 1985; girl's mother knows better

The mother of an 8-year-old Pennsylvania girl missing since 1985 has contacted police about a woman claiming to be her daughter.


Cherrie Mahan was last seen on Feb. 22, 1985 after getting off the school bus about 100 yards from her home in Cabot, 30 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.


Cherrie age-progressed to 44 years

Last month, nearly 40 years since the disappearance, a woman created posts in a Facebook group dedicated to the little girl called Memories of Cherrie Mahan. In a May 23 post, the woman said she was Cherrie, a claim that made national headlines but one that girl's mother says she didn't believe for one second.

Janice McKinney, Cherrie's mother, posted in the Facebook group that she has contacted police, and told the Butler Eagle newspaper that she believes the post was fraudulent.

"I talked to the police, they are investigating," McKinney wrote in the public group, which has of late included much speculation about whether the woman could be telling the truth.

The woman claiming to be Cherrie last month is not the first. Three others have claimed to be McKinney's daughter over the years.


maximus otter