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New & Soon To Be Published Books


And I like to roam the land
May 18, 2002
Thought a few of you might be interested in this, being sold off by Strange Attractor for £4:

Equinox Festival
We’ve got a handful of copies left of this book companion to the three-day festival of scientific illuminism held at London’s Conway Hall on 12-14 June 2009.

The book, which was limited to 777 copies, features exclusive essays and artworks from contributors including:

Carl Abrahamsonn, David Beth, Peter Christopherson, Erik Davis, Paul Devereux, Phil Farber, Stephen Grasso, Barry Hale, Raymond Salvatore Harmon, Paola Igliori, Alan Moore, Z’EV, John Zorn.

‘a substantial 200-plus page book of essays by the speakers, beautiful artwork, pieces about the intent of the Festival from the organizers, background and interviews on the artists at the Festival, and more. This book is a wonderful take-away which supports what happened and will allow it to take root much more effectively for those who were there. I’ve read the essays of several presenters and the interview with the re-united band Comus after their performance and it really helped deepen my experience. … It stands well on its own as something of a snapshot/ad hoc manifesto of the current “occult revival” (if, in fact, such a thing is happening).


Perhaps we can keep this thread to post similar recommendations.
THE ATLAS OF EARLY MODERN WILDLIFE catalogues the state of nature in Britain and Ireland between 1519-1772 CE.

The Bookseller's buyer's guides published twice a year Spring and Autumn are a guide to forthcoming publications in the next six months. They now seem to be split into Fiction/Non fiction and Children's. The Autumn 2023 should be available soon.

Haven't used them for a long time so I can't comment on coverage etc. of late but they always used to be worth a look when they were known as the Autumn and Spring Bookseller.

This would be a real stretch to claim this as Fortean (hill figures?), but I suspect it will be of as much interest to some members here as it is to me:

@Frideswide, among others.

The author is the granddaughter of Eric, daughter of James Ravilious, who was a very talented photographer and loyal recorder of life in rural Devon:


Eric Ravilious: Landscapes & Nature​

(Victoria and Albert Museum) Hardcover – 28 Sept. 2023

by Ella Ravilious (Author)

A joyful and celebratory gift book devoted to the work of the much-loved English artist Eric Ravilious (1903–1942) and the influence of natural forms and themes in his work.

Eric Ravilious was a designer, painter, printmaker and illustrator best known for his depictions of the English landscape, particularly the South Downs. Often described as a particularly ‘English’ artist, key to his style was an ability to convey in watercolour the mild vagaries of the British climate. His engagement with nature, though romantic rather than precise, pervades his works in many different techniques. This book explores his appreciation of the natural world and the techniques he used in a variety of media to convey those elements.

Drawing on the V&A’s collections, more than 100 beautiful images capture Ravilious’s deep enjoyment of everything in nature, from dewponds, cockerels, grassy hills, owls, greenhouse geraniums, cornsheaves and snow, to the rainy seas, airport-runway puddles and tideswept beaches of his later work as a war artist. The book includes sections on weather, plants, landscape, animals and birds, and ends with a section devoted to man in the landscape, showcasing Ravilious’s love of rusting machinery and other signs of human presence within nature, not least his famous depictions of hillside chalk figures.

This book will appeal to those with a love of English landscapes, flora and fauna or an interest in British art and design in the interwar period.


Generous Preview At Source:

The Last Ravilious book I bought is illustrated here:
This would be a real stretch to claim this as Fortean (hill figures?)

Yes, but... Ravilious, like Samuel Palmer, gives me the impression of something having just left the scene. Or being about to arrive. Or that will appear of you look hard enough. Numinous but not only with gods...

Great find by the way :twothumbs:
Yes, but... Ravilious, like Samuel Palmer, gives me the impression of something having just left the scene. Or being about to arrive. Or that will appear of you look hard enough. Numinous but not only with gods...

Great find by the way :twothumbs:

I completely know what you mean.

As to the numinous, this recent publication by Ian Archie Beck is stunning. Everything is bathed in an otherworldly light that brings 'mere' suburbia into the orbit of Shangri-la.


The Light in Suburbia: A Year of Lockdown Paintings Paperback​

by Ian Beck (Author)

At the start of the March 2020 lockdown, Ian Beck would walk his greyhound Gracie through the early morning streets of Isleworth in west London, revelling in the light and the silence that the restrictions had brought. The familiar became charged with new meaning, inspiring Ian to paint the scenes around him for their own sake, something that he hadn’t done since his student days in the sixties. Suburban streets, trees, fences, shrubs and overgrown alleyways – all are transformed in the quiet intensity of Ian’s lockdown paintings. He painted interiors too: the moon shining through a bedroom window, objects on mantelpieces, the eeriness of back gardens at dusk. As the year progressed, the crisp light of spring gave way to the haze of summer and the gloom of autumn fogs. The Light in Suburbia collects sixty of Ian's paintings from this period: a remarkable record of his year spent trying to capture the beauty of the unprepossessing everyday.

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Scroll down for previews:

Even those to whom the name means nothing will recognise this from him:


City of the Undead​

Voodoo, Ghosts, and Vampires of New Orleans
by Robin Roberts

In the Land of Marvels​

Science, Fabricated Realities, and Industrial Espionage in the Age of the Grand Tour
by Paola Bertucci

Monsters on Maple Street​

The Twilight Zone and the Postwar American Dream
by David J. Brokaw

From : World-Wide Weird​

Scott McLemee looks ahead to some ‘promisingly weird’ books from university presses due out this fall.


Theology in the Early British and Irish Gothic, 1764–1834​

By Sam Hirst
Anthem Studies in Gothic Literature
Theology in the Early British and Irish Gothic, 1764–1832 reassesses the relationship between contemporary theology and the Gothic. Investigating Gothic aesthetics, depictions of the supernatural and portrayals of religious organisations, it explores how the Gothic engages with contemporary theologies, both Dissenting and Anglican.

PDF, 248 Pages
July 2023
£25.00, $35.00

Publication Details:

Generous preview:
Genre(s): Literary Criticism
Series: Horror Studies
  • March 2024·280 pages·216x138mm
  • ·Hardback - 9781837720934
  • ·eBook - pdf - 9781837720941
  • ·eBook - epub - 9781837720958

About The Book​

No in- or out-of-print book has the same goals, content, wide range, and scholarly approach as the present study. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, previously published books have neglected ancient Graeco-Roman texts that either cause horror or may be said to belong to the horror genre. This may partly be the result of the low esteem in which any text that did not fit neatly into one of the major and traditional literary genres was held by most scholars – particularly apparent with regard to texts that dealt with the supernatural or the occult, which were often relegated to specialists in ancient religions, rituals or beliefs. This book reviews the concepts of horror (literary, psychological, and biophysical), examines the current definitions for ‘horror fiction’, evaluates the current interest in the darker side of the classical world, and suggests new ways of thinking about horror as a genre.

More Details:
View attachment 68957
Genre(s): Literary Criticism
Series: Horror Studies
  • March 2024·280 pages·216x138mm
  • ·Hardback - 9781837720934
  • ·eBook - pdf - 9781837720941
  • ·eBook - epub - 9781837720958

About The Book​

No in- or out-of-print book has the same goals, content, wide range, and scholarly approach as the present study. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, previously published books have neglected ancient Graeco-Roman texts that either cause horror or may be said to belong to the horror genre. This may partly be the result of the low esteem in which any text that did not fit neatly into one of the major and traditional literary genres was held by most scholars – particularly apparent with regard to texts that dealt with the supernatural or the occult, which were often relegated to specialists in ancient religions, rituals or beliefs. This book reviews the concepts of horror (literary, psychological, and biophysical), examines the current definitions for ‘horror fiction’, evaluates the current interest in the darker side of the classical world, and suggests new ways of thinking about horror as a genre.

More Details:
£60 for an epub edition! Guess I won't be ordering that. I actually was interested:worry:
£60 for an epub edition! Guess I won't be ordering that. I actually was interested:worry:
I do hate the pricing of academic publishers. I appreciate they are publishing to a small niche market so they set prices high to make some money back, however it generally ends up mostly libraries buying them. A cheaper price would get more people buying them, smaller profit margins but a greater volume. Also at a conference the proceedings normally come out months afterwards even though the material was produced prior to the conference. Get it published so people can buy at the event and I'm sure more copies would sell, I know for some conferences I've been to I would have bought them there and then but several months later, not so interested.
I do hate the pricing of academic publishers. I appreciate they are publishing to a small niche market so they set prices high to make some money back, however it generally ends up mostly libraries buying them. A cheaper price would get more people buying them, smaller profit margins but a greater volume. Also at a conference the proceedings normally come out months afterwards even though the material was produced prior to the conference. Get it published so people can buy at the event and I'm sure more copies would sell, I know for some conferences I've been to I would have bought them there and then but several months later, not so interested.
I understand the work involved for books like this, but an e-copy format vs hard copy being same price? No. Take out the cost of materials. Exchange rates and shipping usually kills my hopes:(.

Definitely try to have the book published and available for conferences, though, usually the author has to have minimum order numbers for it to be cost effective and then the writer takes on the expense with a possible loss. So, difficult to do any which way.
I understand the work involved for books like this, but an e-copy format vs hard copy being same price? No. Take out the cost of materials. Exchange rates and shipping usually kills my hopes:(.

Definitely try to have the book published and available for conferences, though, usually the author has to have minimum order numbers for it to be cost effective and then the writer takes on the expense with a possible loss. So, difficult to do any which way.
For an academic text most of the authors are writing as part of their salaried position so the money they get from sales of the book is minimal or even non existent. Also in a lot of cases it can be the same with the editor. The publisher has all sorts of costs such as typesetting etc which they have to recover over a short print run so a high price. My argument is a bigger print run with a lower cost oerunjt will sell more.

Agreed on the ebook and physical book being the same price as crazy.

Not sure what you're saying in the last bit? The author has to convince the publisher that enough copies will be sold and then the publisher takes it on and they take the risk.
Not sure what you're saying in the last bit? The author has to convince the publisher that enough copies will be sold and then the publisher takes it on and they take the risk.
No. My impression of publishing is that if the author wanted to have books available for sale at a conference, they (author) would have to pay the publisher for, as yet, unsold books.
No. My impression of publishing is that if the author wanted to have books available for sale at a conference, they (author) would have to pay the publisher for, as yet, unsold books.
Ah sorry I understand. For an academic conference the publisher would probably sell them themselves. I was at an event over the summer and whilst there were authors / booksellers selling there were a number of publishers there selling directly.

Authors do indeed buy books from the publishers which they can then sell on or gift as they see fit. And yes if they get the numbers wrong they can be left with unsold copies on their hands. Which reminds me, anyone like to buy a copy of Paranormal Edinburgh? :)
There is an inbuilt problem with the quality of illustrations in Kindle (other e-book versions are available) publications. Beware buying any lavishly illustrated books in ebook versions, unless the PDF of illustrations is included (and even then they aren't always clear).
This is a magazine issue and not a book.

The current issue of Ancient Origins magazine is all about the paranormal and some of the articles look like they may be quite interesting to a Fortean.

Generally I don't read it as it's a bit woo woo for me. But I've downloaded it onto my Readly to have a browse through.
And Project Honey Badger

by George Wingfield

Published Squeeze Press, an imprint of Wooden Books, 2023.
Physical Book: £14.95

On a dark winter’s night in December 1980 two US airmen who were security guards at a USAF base in Suffolk, England, encountered a mysterious unidentified craft with flashing lights that had landed in the forest outside the perimeter. When the story got out, despite a cover-up and official denials, there were many who saw it as clear evidence our planet was being visited by UFOs from outer space. Skeptics who felt sure that must be a false explanation rushed to offer more earthly suggestions, or to insist the story was quite untrue and the airmen were lying. But they weren’t! Years after this strange incident, the actual identity of the “UFO” has become plain and also the purpose for which this weapon was devised. It was needed as a result of an international crisis. Now, author George Wingfield examines the background of these events and also other similar unexplained sightings and encounters with UFOs during that era.

UK ISBN: 9781906069230

Crop Circles and their Message to Humanity

by Michael Green

Physical Book: £ 19.95


This extraordinary book, unique in its ambition and scope, delves deep into the mystery of the crop circles which appear every summer in the fertile wheat and barley fields of southern England. Follow leading researcher Michael Green as he tells the story of the crop circles, and uncovers and deciphers the ancient symbols and mandalas encoded in these extraordinary patterns. Be prepared, as the revelations precipitate further questions. Could these glyphs be communications by a Cosmic Intelligence intent on awakening us to the plight of life on planet Earth, and to humanity’s divine origin and its infinite potential? Why do crop circles keep appearing in ever larger numbers? Why do their designs keep evolving? If they are portents of change, can we heed their message in time?

UK ISBN: 9781906069278
Crop Circles and their Message to Humanity

by Michael Green

Physical Book: £ 19.95

View attachment 70090View attachment 70091View attachment 70092

This extraordinary book, unique in its ambition and scope, delves deep into the mystery of the crop circles which appear every summer in the fertile wheat and barley fields of southern England. Follow leading researcher Michael Green as he tells the story of the crop circles, and uncovers and deciphers the ancient symbols and mandalas encoded in these extraordinary patterns. Be prepared, as the revelations precipitate further questions. Could these glyphs be communications by a Cosmic Intelligence intent on awakening us to the plight of life on planet Earth, and to humanity’s divine origin and its infinite potential? Why do crop circles keep appearing in ever larger numbers? Why do their designs keep evolving? If they are portents of change, can we heed their message in time?

UK ISBN: 9781906069278
Were these not debunked years ago?