I have (Christian) socialist tendencies. In a Capitalist society. Other forms of both Socialism and Christianity are available.
In general, I'm not prepared to buy my "lack of intrusion" in a currency of damage to the vulnerable. What
@ramonmercado says is true - services are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The line on what is acceptible goes to-and-fro depending on the time distance from the last atrocity. As I push one way, another voter pushes back. Not an ideal system but it sorta kinda works.
How much will I pay? At least to Scandanavian levels. Enough to fund services so that, after decades of cuts, society has the capacity to meet the currently agreed actions, both poth pro-active and re-active. Those are the levels that society has decided (currently) are what it wants to see.
I'm a pensioner on a fixed income FWIW.