... serves solely to promote a particular agenda..
That's a possibly gray area.
A site promoting, say, model steam locomotives, is promoting an agenda. It appears that I could not point someone here who has expressed an interest in the above to a site on steam.
The whole expression used is, "...
or serves solely to promote a particular political, religious, or commercial interest or agenda." Without a comma after "interest", the correct reading is as I'm sure was intended: "
interest or agenda" is a catch all that applies to the three words, "
political, religious, commercial".
So, common sense:
Don't post anything that "serves solely to promote" any of the following
a) A political interest or agenda, which might reasonably be interpreted to mean party political campaigning and also promoting the political interests or campaigns of any group, charity, country, etc. Basically, no political soap boxing or lobbying. GOOD.
b) A religious interest or agenda. Reasonably this must include not only an agenda in favour of a particular religious group, but also an agenda against a particular religious group, or against religion in general. So, no evangelising or proselytising. GOOD. I'm sure that the caveat of "serves
solely to promote" is sufficient to allow fair comment, robust debate, and brief expressions of personal conviction in the course of a longer post.
c) A commercial interest or agenda agenda. So, basically, no advertising. GOOD.
I am not a lawyer, but I spent 35 yers in various legal departments and was used to reading and interpreting contracts in contentious circumstances. I am entirely happy with the terms as set out. They are common sense, set down in legal language, and I am confident that they will allow us all the flexibility we need for robust debate about controversial and sensitive subjects whilst protecting us all from trolls, spammers and others who aren't really here for the debate.
Similarly with the "copyright" stuff. Unpacked, it says that the originator (forum member) retains copyright, so they can publish the same item elsewhere, or even sell it elsewhere if they want. However, the Service is entitled to quote, republish (etc.) directly in connection with the forum's legitimate activities. At the simplest level, this allows User B to quote User A's post when responding to it, or to borrow a pithy phrase (I hope, with attribution) for a forum signature. It does not allow the Service (forum) to collect your posts and publish them in a book.
And a PM is a Private Message. It is not something that you "submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service." It is a private message sent from User A to User B via the service. No worries there.
The only slight grey area for me is linking to copyright content. Posting URLs to Wiki, newspapers, and similar sites, is standard forum behaviour.
If it is attributed and is in context, then I cannot see Wiki or anyone else complaining about the free traffic it generates for them.
However, if you upload copyright music or written material to some sort of sharing site and then post a link to it in order to generate income for yourself, or to assist a forum user in avoiding paying for that information, that would be unacceptable.
I think you've done a good job with this. Thank you.