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Punchable faces are mandatory for those dreadful headline images on Youtube. I gather that an extreme reaction shot should be combined with an indication of the theme, to maximize clicks.

Does it work? I fear it does. The career of Mr Brand seems to have been based on it, on or off social media. :dunno:
Off topic but the only reason this is 'one of those German words with no English equivalent' is because in German orthography, they run the elements of compounds together without a space, whereas in English we often put a space between the elements. It is grammatically and in meaning equivalent to the English 'punchable face'. So there absolutely is a 1:1 English equivalent, people just get confused because of the orthography.
Punchable faces are mandatory for those dreadful headline images on Youtube. I gather that an extreme reaction shot should be combined with an indication of the theme, to maximize clicks.

Does it work? I fear it does. The career of Mr Brand seems to have been based on it, on or off social media. :dunno:

According to many content creators - including some professional commentators that I follow - agree that the thumbnail and title do affect click-through. However, if you want to be taken seriously then you need to do it carefully or it becomes the nefarious 'click-bait' teasing.
Off topic but the only reason this is 'one of those German words with no English equivalent' is because in German orthography, they run the elements of compounds together without a space, whereas in English we often put a space between the elements. It is grammatically and in meaning equivalent to the English 'punchable face'. So there absolutely is a 1:1 English equivalent, people just get confused because of the orthography.
Does this mean we can still punch (say, just for the sake of argument, totally theoretically) Russell Brand in German? :thought:

Russell Brand: BBC says it received five complaints about presenter

The BBC has said a total of five complaints have been made about Russell Brand's behaviour while he hosted radio shows between 2006 and 2008.
Two of these complaints have been made in the last two months, since a review of his time at the BBC was launched.
Those two complaints are understood to relate to his workplace conduct, and are not of a serious sexual nature.
The other three were made before he was publicly accused in September of rape and sexual assault, which he denies.
Frankly, this would have been one occasion when I’d have hoped for a “No comment” interview. I don’t know if Brand has committed any offences, but he’s definitely guilty of “Felony loving the sound of his own voice.”

maximus otter
I don't think he'd settle for a sensible 'no comment' if he's playing to the conspiracy audience. It's part of the pattern - to give an outraged denial (which might be absolutely valid) ... and then pronounce it's The Authorities - or whatever his latest 'enemy' is - victimising him.
It's win-win for him. If the police decide there's no case to answer, he can claim victimhood. If they decide there's a case to answer, then he can claim martyrdom.
Yes he’s a narcissistic ego/sex maniac and far less gentlemanly than the modern dandy he thinks he is. But he’s not been proven guilty yet has he?
No he hasn’t & I don’t expect he ever will. The video is about him spouting his world view in a partisan cherry-picking & narcissistic manner for his own ends, & conspiracies in general. It only touches slightly on the sexual assault stuff.

I still reckon he's taken lessons from Hitler on the arm gesturing.
I still reckon he's taken lessons from Hitler on the arm gesturing.
Has he gone all the way along the political route, though, with the popular 'hand palms parallel, moving from one side to another' use.

Rise of Russell Brand’s fandom after rape and abuse allegations

"Russell Brand is becoming increasingly popular on YouTube and his audience is more engaged than ever despite allegations against him, Metro.co.uk can exclusively reveal.

The 48-year-old comedian has gained 140,000 YouTube subscribers since rape allegations were brought against him four months ago, and he is 31% more popular, according to his average likes."


maximus otter
There are some incredibly strange people in this world aren't there...

The news item appeared on the very same day that the Beeb reported the jailing of a woman for 8½ years for multiple false rape allegations.

Despite this, and nothing having been proven against Brand, I had to be very careful about removing negative implications in the report I quoted above in order to produce a short, objective and dispassionate post.

The Metro throws about words like "troubling" and "worryingly", and makes snide remarks about Brand's perceived political stance.

Only in the very last line of a lengthy article do they include the words, "Brand has not been arrested, charged, or found guilty of any crimes."

maximus otter
The news item appeared on the very same day that the Beeb reported the jailing of a woman for 8½ years for multiple false rape allegations.

Despite this, and nothing having been proven against Brand, I had to be very careful about removing negative implications in the report I quoted above in order to produce a short, objective and dispassionate post.

The Metro throws about words like "troubling" and "worryingly", and makes snide remarks about Brand's perceived political stance.

Only in the very last line of a lengthy article do they include the words, "Brand has not been arrested, charged, or found guilty of any crimes."

maximus otter

Are you saying that because one woman has been caught lying we should doubt all other women?

The detective in the article that you linked to says "The majority of people would never lie about something like this so there's no reason not to believe somebody, but it's my job to establish the facts."

And at the beginning of the video the reporter says "False allegations of rape are extremely rare."

Sorry if I have misunderstood you.
An interesting You Tube video which discusses Russell Brand and his rather more startling claims but uses them to discuss the wider creation and maintenance of conspiracies in the wider setting.
That is an excellent and highly lucid critique. Thanks for posting
The detective in the article that you linked to says "The majority of people would never lie about something like this so there's no reason not to believe somebody, but it's my job to establish the facts."

The behaviour of 'the majority' seems incredibly weak grounds for deciding there is 'no reason not to believe' an accusation.

There may be other grounds, but this is hopelessly expressed.
It's a very common one for would-be dictators and cult leaders.
"One day, my children, they'll come to arrest me and accuse me of heinous crimes. Of course, I'm innocent! They're only doing it because they know my cause is just!" Not only an easy prediction to make to the gullible, but an insurance policy for future bad press.