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television & film

  1. lordmongrove

    The Madness Of Nationwide

    Nationwide was a UK news show from the 60s, 70s and early 80s that included all kinds of madness from werewolves to mad scientists.
  2. Ogdred Weary

    Nosferatu (2024)

    Eggers, who made The Northman and The Witch, has adapted/reinterperated Nosferatu, out at Xmas. First trailer just dropped: Looks visually interesting, slightly redolent of Coppola's Dracula and the trailer at least, is genuinely unsettling.
  3. DougalLongfoot

    Dark Matter (TV Series Starring Joel Edgerton & Jennifer Connelly)

    So the penultimate episode is out on Apple TV+ this week, I've really been enjoying this show. Here's the trailer: Joel Edgerton plays Jason Dressen, a physics professor at a minor university in Chicago. Jennifer Connelly is his wife Daniela, a former artist who now works in a gallery.
  4. blessmycottonsocks

    Most Historically Inaccurate Movies

    OK, so we have threads here for horror, sci-fi, steampunk and worst movies, which sometimes touches on this topic, but I thought a thread dedicated to ostensively historical films which are littered with anachronisms and other cringeworthy goofs could be quite entertaining. For the purposes of...
  5. Paul_Exeter

    Jericho Valley: Cornwall's Alleged Dog King Cult

    Fascinating new episode of the 'Mysterious Universe' podcast made all the more intriguing for me as it all happened about seven miles from where I'm typing this: 31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs "Strange things are said to lurk in the seaside mist of England's Cornwall—strange...
  6. Piloton.it

    The Disturbing Coincidences Of 'The Omen'

    I couldn't find any references on this stuff in these forums, but anyway in my page http://www.piloton.it/forteana/omen/omen.html I give you another one more (almost a scoop ... perhaps ...). I' can't believe anything of course, but ...:oops:
  7. Y

    Movie Mandela Effect

    This is a “Mandela Effect” that happened to me, but I haven’t seen discussed anywhere else. I watched the 2006 James Bond movie Casino Royale when it was released. I actually saw it twice on the big screen. I’ll have probably rented the DVD when it was released and recorded it when it came to...
  8. Piloton.it

    Belphegor, Or Phantom Of The Louvre

    Belphegor, or the Phantom of the Louvre is a 1965 French television miniseries. At the beginning of the first episode there is a wonderful portrait of Charles Fort. Obviously it's in the French version: the mustache and Basque are typical of the time, but there's no doubt he's him. It's a scene...
  9. S

    Expedition X [Season 3, Episode 6]: Aliens Of The Deep

    Watched this interesting ("if factual") TV programme last night, was impressed in particular with the static video view of the night sky - which supposedly caught a UFO doing some crazy stuff above them. The main gist of this it was catching a supersonic craft flying above the waters off...
  10. MorningAngel

    Glitch TV Series

    Did anyone watch this? It’s on Netflix. We watched it and loved it. Here’s the premise if you haven’t. ‘A police officer in a small country town finds his life turned upside down when six recently deceased residents return from the dead in perfect health.’
  11. Ogdred Weary

    Last Voyage Of The Demeter

    A chapter of Dracula expended into a monster/slasher, neat idea, hope its good:
  12. AnonyJ

    Is Actor Tom Hanks A Time Traveller From WW2?

    From Bristol Evening Post 7/8/2023 https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/man-says-tom-hanks-could-8660092: Man says Tom Hanks could be a time traveller who met his grandad in WW2...Tom Hanks is known for his interest in history and World War Two. He starred in Saving Private Ryan...
  13. gojiramonkey

    Looking For British 70s Horror Series

    Hello. I am trying to find a British horror series from the 70s , only because it had the creepiest title credits I think I've ever seen. There's an eerie street with , I think , blue buildings or houses , possibly with the occasional suitably creepy face in a window that the camera pans across...
  14. MrRING

    Shadowbox: (Faux?) Lost British TV Horror

    Does anybody know anything else about this? Dread Central says this about it: https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/455432/creepy-new-video-delves-into-the-world-of-shadowbox/
  15. Zeke Newbold

    Favourite Legendary Crime-Busting Oddballs

    We have a thread on sherlock Holmes, as is right and proper, but I thought it might be appropriate to also have a thread devoted to ficitional detectives in general. The Fortean aspect to this topic* lies not just in the mysterious circumstances that the sleuths have to unravel - but also in...
  16. Tunn11

    TV Ghost Video Locations

    I've been watching some programmes with footage sent in of ghost hunts, phone camera footage, etc. Mostly garbage, but I'm just wondering about the heroic vandals who frequent these places. "Ghost hunters" or "paranormal investigators" or Kevin from farcebook trot off to "investigate" some...
  17. ramonmercado

    Tales Of The Walking Dead

    Tales of the Walking Dead: An anthology series, tales of haunted houses, the origin story of Alpha, the same day repeating itself, someone who observes the walking dead, a cult, going on a road trip. All are worth seeing with Dee, about Alpha (Samantha Morton), then known as Dee, perhaps being...
  18. blessmycottonsocks

    nub TV

    Anyone watching nub TV (as advertised in Fortean Times)? On Sky channel 186, it feels a bit like a mash-up of Wayne's World (albeit with two middle-aged blokes) and the long-defunct Max Headroom show. If you don't mind the quirky and apparently unscripted presentation, with the presenters often...
  19. MrRING

    Mass Séances At The End of the Soviet Union

    This was a weird thing that I had never heard of that made me think a little of Ghost Watch. The MIT Reader brought the story up: https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-soviet-unions-desperate-efforts-at-mind-control/ As the link mentions: This article is excerpted from Wladimir Velminski’s...
  20. Ogdred Weary

    Harry Potter TV Series In Development

    https://deadline.com/2023/04/harry-potter-tv-series-hbo-max-jk-rowling-produce-1235317141/ I presumed this was coming after GoT got big and before the Rings of Power was announced, making one series (maybe two in some cases) per book makes sense. I think the appeal of HP is pretty specific - to...
  21. lordmongrove

    Gadgetology: The Cult That Worships A Cartoon Mouse

    The Cult That Worships A Cartoon Mouse : Gadgetology If you are going to worship a cartoon mouse make it Dangermouse for f**k's sake (the 89s one not the recent awful reboot.)
  22. M

    When The Lights Went Out

    Just watched the film from 2012, no idea how I'd missed that one, but usually shy away from contemporary stock horror, much to my own detriment sometimes. But I loved this, from the wonderfully accurate setting in 1974 Yorkshire to the amazing cast. Has anyone else seen this, and what are your...
  23. MrRING

    Patrick Troughton's Death UL - Making Sweet Sci-Fi Love

    Being a Doctor Who fan, I've been aware of a local urban legend about the actor behind the Second Doctor's demise, which occurred in my home state of Georgia. This is how the current Wikipedia entry on Troughton's life reports the events of the time: I wasn't at the convention, but there...
  24. Y

    Watching 'Destination Fear' Oddity

    I was watching said programme last weekend, the one where they're in the Winchester Mystery House, and Dakota asks the spirits what word beginning with "E" has he written on a piece of paper. "Electric" was the first word that came in to my mind, then his Ovilus thing shows that word, and he...
  25. Ogdred Weary

    Indiana Jones Thread

    The new trailer has "dropped" as the young (and not very young anymore) people say, I am not really sure what I think other than it doesn't look terrible but there's major uncanny valley in the moment they momentarily show the de-aged Harrison Ford; and whilst genuine age Ford looks fine...
  26. M

    West Country Tales & Other Folk Horror Gems

    I tried to locate an existing thread on which to share this yet couldn't find one that felt fitting. Please merge into another if that feels appropriate. I love searching for old folk horror or uncanny fictions on youtube, and have amassed a nice little playlist over the past few years. I...
  27. D

    DVD Release Of FORTEAN TV With Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe!

    Wow, this was a bit unexpected. Network On Air, who have brought all manner of dusty oddments out of the archives, are turning their attention to this oft-discussed-on-here TV series. Pre-orders open, released late November. https://networkonair.com/coming-soon/3482-fortean-tv-the-complete-series
  28. MrRING

    James Cameron's Titanic: The PCP Incident

    I don't know how I had never heard of this before! https://www.slashfilm.com/961541/titanics-production-took-a-wild-turn-due-to-some-pcp-laced-chowder/
  29. bakelite brain

    The 'Lost TV Signal' (TX Station KLEE ID 'Received' In UK; 1953)

    Can anyone remember if FT ever published a story about a 'lost TV signal' hoax? The story goes that a programme (or test card) from a long-closed TV station re-appeared years later. Thanks.
  30. MrRING

    The Sandman: TV Show On Neil Gaiman's Dream

    He's doing it, so it should be good!
  31. Victory

    'Pete Beale' From Eastenders (Peter Dean): Two Fortean Occurrences

    One - he and a previously unknown child of his meet through results of DNA testing. Two - he has a vision of his deceased father. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10553587/For-years-Demi-loved-watching-Pete-Beale-discovered-hes-father.html
  32. lordmongrove

    Uncanny (BBC Programme / Podcast)

    New wireless series, Uncanny, this episode features the brilliant Peter Laws. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0010wp9
  33. JudSawyer

    Hastings B&B Time Slip(ish) On Vorderman Or Aspel TV Show

    Hello, Do any of you less young people recall an item on either Michael Aspel's 'Strange But True' or Carol Vorderman's 'Out of This World' about a strange B&B in Hastings that may or may not have been lost in time? I cannot find any clips online, nor any other reference. They did one of those...
  34. 王泥喜法介

    A Mandela Effect

    A Chinese actress passed away last year. However, when I heard the news, I noted that the actress had passed away a few months ago. At first I did not take it seriously, however, I accidentally discovered a video that could support my memory. The first photo is a snapshot of the Wikipedia page...
  35. MorningAngel

    Good Omens (TV Series)

    Surely there’s a thread on this. But I can’t find it. Anyhoo have we heard there’s going to be a second series? Not only that but John Finnemore who is ‘brilliant’ is going to co-write it with Neil Gaiman. Exciting.
  36. Tempest63

    Fortean Books Etc, Ripe For TV?

    I see on the Higgy Pop web site that The Battersea Poltergeist is transitioning from a really good podcast to the small screen. https://www.higgypop.com/news/battersea-poltergeist-to-become-a-blumhouse-television-series/ That got me thinking...what Fortean/Paranormal books, podcasts or subjects...
  37. Peripart

    Shared Fictional Universes

    Firstly, a small apology. I've had a quick scan through the forums to see whether we had a thread on this, but either we don't have, or the search function still doesn't like me very much. I'm intrigued by the idea of shared fictional universes - not necessarily the big obvious ones, but where...
  38. C.O.T.

    Mr. Spock

    Hi, do you think that Mr Spock is one of the most charismatic fictional characters of the past century, as Dracula, Sherlock Holmes or others fictional characters? But..from were come his energy? What makes him interesting? What do you think.
  39. Aurora Newman

    Curse Of 'The Conqueror' (Cast & Crew Cancer Deaths)

    All the nuclear tests in American deserts is also the reason a lot of the old Western actors like John Wayne died of cancer.
  40. C

    Paranormal Caught On Camera (TV Series)

    I've being watching the program mentioned above and wondering if anybody else thinks that a lot of the stuff is not paranormal? Take this for example... Woman in the woods It's called the woman in the woods, maybe it just is a woman in the woods? And the creature in the Thames in the same...
  41. Ogdred Weary

    Villeneuve's Dune Films

    Probably deserves its own thread, the trailer leaked earlier but has since been taken down. It was in poor quality and didn't give much away. The Fremen looking pensive and many shots of Arakis, there was a fat bloke in mud, Barron Harkonen perhaps? It'll probably be properly released in the...
  42. catseye

    TV Updates

    I've recently had a few days off work and amused myself by watching some 'Ghostly' programmes on Netflix and Prime. I started watching a moderately fascinating series called Ghost Hunters, written and narrated by the inestimable William Woolard. It was two series, made in 1994 and some of the...
  43. Zeke Newbold

    Improbable Derren Brown Stunt

    This has bugged me for years. You may recall that back in the early noughties - circa 2004 or thereabpouts - the illusionist and confidence trickster Derren Brown was a big name on television. This was on the back of a TV series in which he performed a series of fiendish stunts on members of...
  44. dejanmikic

    Witcher (TV Series; Netflix)

    It stars on Dec 20 - I completed the game and saw the trailers and I think I am excited about it.... anyone else?
  45. David Plankton

    British TV Show About Mythical Creatures

    Can you help identify this TV show? It was broadcast in the 1970's on the BBC and the time slot would be mid to late morning during the Summer holidays. Same time they used to show things like 'Why Don't You?' and 'The Banana Splits'. My memory tells me that it was presented by David...
  46. stu neville

    Local TV Weirdness

    Kind of like the Max Headroom Pirate broadcast, this happened about an hour ago here in the West of England. BBC Breakfast handed over to the regional bulletin as per at around 6.55, but instead of the local anchor we got her voice, but something else entirely in vision (which does, oddly, fit...
  47. GNC

    Ghosts (Sitcom)

    New show by the Horrible Histories guys on BBC 1 at 21.30. I read an interview with one of them plugging it, it's about a haunted house. He was asked it it's like Rentaghost, and he said not really - but it does sound like Rentaghost's main rival, The Ghosts of Motley Hall (he didn't mention...
  48. Bad Bungle

    80s Treasure Map TV Programme

    Can anyone remember a documentary on telly from the '80's (maybe) about a young chap who finds or inherits a treasure map and decides to check it's authenticity with a few of his Public School chums and a Film Crew ? I think they wound up on a small uninhabited Caribbean island (may have been...
  49. gattino

    The Fortean Video Archive

    I need a snappier title. But i keep stumbling on iconic original material related to major fortean events of which we've all heard, and instead of starting a new thread for each one thought it might be a good idea to have single thread in which all such stuff can be found and easily accessed...
  50. gattino

    Television Debate On Exorcism (1974)

    Just stumbled on this little gem.. a british audience discussion program following the release of the exorcist. It's fascinating in multiple ways. It gives some credence to the popular belief that the movie strongly upset cinema goers at the time. Just hearing awfully awfully british voices...