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Russian Official Admits Staging Bogus Yeti Sightings


Make mine a 99
Jun 3, 2004
Valaskjalf (Ex. pat.)
Russian official admits staging bogus yeti sightings to attract tourists to Siberia
By Yaron Steinbuch
April 9, 2021 | 11:16am | Updated

It was an abominable Russian snow job.

Aman Tuleyev — one of President Vladimir Putin’s longest-serving regional leaders — has copped to arranging bogus sightings of the yeti to attract tourists in Siberia, East2West News reported.

Tuleyev, 76, who was governor of Kemerovo Oblast from 1997 to 2018, ordered a tall bureaucrat to wear an Abominable Snowman outfit so he could be spotted in the bushes by visitors to the cash-strapped Siberian region.

But despite the Bigfoot-like stunt, the former presidential candidate said he doesn’t rule out the mythical creature’s existence.

“Many local hunters swear that they saw a 2-meter giant with their own eyes in remote places, covered with hair,” he told East2West.

Well people use UFOs like sex because both have a tendency to bring in money.

There is the Roswell festival, Kecksburg festival, Mothman festival, and many others that bring in a lot of revenue.

It is old fashioned capitalism.
Ah, but sex involves that cryptid known as He-who-is-in-the-mood-when-she-is-in-the-mood.

I think.
Why did he reveal that he'd staged the sighting? I mean let's face it, Russia are hardly shy when it comes to controlling information... and people.
Simulating a large, dangerous-looking feral man-beast. To attract tourists to Siberia. Mr. Tuleyev really hasn’t grasped the concept of capitalism, has he?

maximus otter
Simulating a large, dangerous-looking feral man-beast. To attract tourists to Siberia. Mr. Tuleyev really hasn’t grasped the concept of capitalism, has he?

maximus otter
Communism, it's still in their genes.
Well... a story that may be untrue but which refuses to lie down is that Stalin sanctioned experiments in cross-breeding humans with chimpanzees, baboons and gorillas, with the intention of breeding a ferocious super-strong humanoid that had just enough intelligence to work a gun and fight for the Soviet motherland. So if I'd been in the position of Mr Tuleyev, I'd be spreading unattributable rumours that the breeding program happened in his manor. That it had to be shut down when the feral creatures, higher than apes and not quite human, rebelled, slew their guards, and escaped into the fastnesses of Siberia posessed of a burning hatred for humanity. Get the stories out there. And see who was prepared to pay to go to the Novosibersk Hilton for an indefinite period, to use it as a jump-off point for expeditions...
I might show visitors an abandoned gulag that looks beaten up, as if a big fight happened there, with some seeming animal cages with broken-down fences. prime people with stories.... to make it really convincing, prime the guides to look furtive and explain that tihs has to be done discreetly, in case the authorities find out. yep. I like to think i could get something started here!
Well... a story that may be untrue but which refuses to lie down is that Stalin sanctioned experiments in cross-breeding humans with chimpanzees, baboons and gorillas, with the intention of breeding a ferocious super-strong humanoid that had just enough intelligence to work a gun and fight for the Soviet motherland. ...

That would be:

Stalin's Man-Ape Army (Ilya Ivanov: Human-Ape Hybrid Research)