Hmmm... Can of worms time.
I'm certainly no expert. I'm not a christian, jew, muslim or satanist either and don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, but I have heard this before and will give you my understanding for what it's worth. Do you're own fact-checking though.
So, the first part of this is that God commands the angels to bow before man. Firstly, there's no mention of this in Jewish or Christian writings at all. Not in the Old Testament; not in the New Testament. It's in the Quran. If you want the theological ins and outs, better ask a muslim, but as far as I can make out from other discussions on the web, the point was that the angels were to do this to demonstrate obedience to god. The inverted hierarchy is absurd and quite deliberate to underline the unquestioning nature of the obedience. It's a bit like God commanding Abraham to kill his own son. Basically, 'You must obey, even if you can't fathom it or it makes you uncomfortable.' The purpose was not to actually worship man as such. In all abrahamic religions, God alone is worthy of worship (in theory at least).
Now, as for the second point that Satan was thrown out of heaven; in Christian theology, it's not actually Satan that get's thrown out of heaven; it's Lucifer! Most christians identify these as one and the same, but many esoteric christians and occultists don't. So, those who revere Lucifer may not consider themselves satanists in any sense but will be labelled as such by most christians.
As for self-identifying Satanists. How do they view this question? I honestly have no idea. I've never met one, let alone discussed this with one, but it seems fairly unlikely that they would use a whacky interpretation of an islamic text as an article of faith.
As I say, I'm no expert. Feel free to correct or research accordingly.