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Swallowed Up By The Ground: Sinkholes!

We have salt mines round here the place is scattered with flashes from collapses,
lovely blue color, at least one farm as been swallowed up, they were closed a few
years back but now they want to store gas in the salt.
One thing puzzles me is that these blue flashes must be salty but are the home to
fresh water fish, and they must be incredibly salty as they have been allowed to
reach saturation point to stop further collapses, one cavern was said to be high
enough for one and a half Blackpool towers till they flooded and went over
to brine extraction.
This link is to a article in the local rag about the mines.
We have salt mines round here the place is scattered with flashes from collapses,
lovely blue color, at least one farm as been swallowed up, they were closed a few
years back but now they want to store gas in the salt.
One thing puzzles me is that these blue flashes must be salty but are the home to
fresh water fish, and they must be incredibly salty as they have been allowed to
reach saturation point to stop further collapses, one cavern was said to be high
enough for one and a half Blackpool towers till they flooded and went over
to brine extraction.
This link is to a article in the local rag about the mines.

Salt mines in Cheshire are used for storage of government documents. There are videos on YouTube of the mines. They are truly immense.

Cheshire flashes aren't blue, just the normal muddy lake colour, but are well-used for angling and boating.*
I learned to row and family members sail yachts there.

According to the flood projection maps I came across a while ago, most of Cheshire will be back under seawater in 20 years anyway.

*There is a caravan park near one where a toddler drowned a few years ago. He'd got up early, gone for a walk to the flash and drowned.
He was seen on way by a staff member who took no action.
Reading about that gave me a couple of bad nights. I'd've bloody well stopped him and have indeed done similar.
I was told we would be under water in 10 years 30 years back, and Preston would
be the seaside, Cheshire will be dry enough for us to be buried under it when old
age eventually wins over the NHS,
Been to the Cheshire mines a few times for truck loads of salt but it's so long ago
I cant remember what it was like but it will have changed many times since I would
I was told we would be under water in 10 years 30 years back, and Preston would
be the seaside, Cheshire will be dry enough for us to be buried under it when old
age eventually wins over the NHS,
Been to the Cheshire mines a few times for truck loads of salt but it's so long ago
I cant remember what it was like but it will have changed many times since I would
The projection maps show half of Chester under water, or at least 'below annual flood level' by 2030. :omg:
That’s only 7 years it better get a move on, bet you 50p it doesn’t happen
Snail talking about salt....:rofl::bpals:
I like to live dangerously. :cool:
We were married?
The Mrs woke me up and I've just coned off a section of my road with permission from the police because a potential sink hole's forming. The road's bubbling up anyway. This hasn't stopped a few arseholes driving through the cones anyway. Water pressure's low in my neighbour's houses so I've told them it would be a good idea to fill their bath tubs. The authorities are meant to be on their way. Two houses are flooding already.

edit: Anglian Water have arrived, I've asked them to chuck my road block back in my front garden when they've finished with it.

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edit: the professionals have just turned up and closed the road properly instead .. holes are being drilled as I type.

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.... and another new sink hole in my home town ..

It's Monday. The entire road's still blocked off to cars (I don't drive) and it's still blocked off?. They might have a good reason?. More likely it's the council thinking 'let's see how long we can milk this current small hole in this road 'kerching!' ..

I'll pop down and have a look tomorrow.
Are there any Japanese people in Cromer? They'd sort it out in a jiff.
It's Monday. The entire road's still blocked off to cars (I don't drive) and it's still blocked off?. They might have a good reason?. More likely it's the council thinking 'let's see how long we can milk this current small hole in this road 'kerching!' ..

I'll pop down and have a look tomorrow.
I’m not sure how the council could make money from it unless it becomes a major tourist attraction. Have you considered doing a guided tour of Cromer’s sinkholes? I can see it becoming popular with visitors.
I’m not sure how the council could make money from it unless it becomes a major tourist attraction. Have you considered doing a guided tour of Cromer’s sinkholes? I can see it becoming popular with visitors.
We've only had two that I know about but thank you for the idea.

Sinkhole that swallowed Seffner (Florida) man while he slept has reopened​


This is not unusual. It's extremely common for sinkholes to reopen because it's very hard to seal them up. Water finds a way through the open and connected voids in the rock and takes the fill, eventually manifesting as a hole that pops at the surface.

It's the 3rd time in 10 years. So this is not really news. That's how sinkholes roll.


See also https://spookygeology.com/sinkholes/ for a previous picture of it.

I lived around 6 miles from Seffner, I remember when it happened. I'm still traumatized.
That'll put a hole in their bottom line.

A judge in Brazil has fined officials and construction companies R$240m ($48.3m; £38.3m) over the collapse of a building site in the city of São Paulo.

Seven people were killed in the accident in 2007, when an enormous sinkhole suddenly opened up, swallowing pedestrians and vehicles. Workers were digging a tunnel to extend the metro system in the Pinheiros neighbourhood when the earth gave way.

The judge said the collapse was due to "negligent" and "dangerous" acts. Those in charge of the construction project ignored warnings from experts, who said "urgent" support structures were needed in the tunnel, and pushed ahead with the work to gain time, Judge Marcos de Lima Porta said, as reported by Brazilian newspaper O Globo. The former president of São Paulo's Metrô, an engineer, and a construction inspector were among the six people and six companies ordered to pay compensation. One of the workers died in 2018, but the judge ruled that his heirs must pay his fine.

The 2,200-sq-m (23,680-sq-ft) hole buried a minibus, destroyed seven houses and caused the displacement of some 200 people.

That'll put a hole in their bottom line.

A judge in Brazil has fined officials and construction companies R$240m ($48.3m; £38.3m) over the collapse of a building site in the city of São Paulo.

Seven people were killed in the accident in 2007, when an enormous sinkhole suddenly opened up, swallowing pedestrians and vehicles. Workers were digging a tunnel to extend the metro system in the Pinheiros neighbourhood when the earth gave way.

The judge said the collapse was due to "negligent" and "dangerous" acts. Those in charge of the construction project ignored warnings from experts, who said "urgent" support structures were needed in the tunnel, and pushed ahead with the work to gain time, Judge Marcos de Lima Porta said, as reported by Brazilian newspaper O Globo. The former president of São Paulo's Metrô, an engineer, and a construction inspector were among the six people and six companies ordered to pay compensation. One of the workers died in 2018, but the judge ruled that his heirs must pay his fine.

The 2,200-sq-m (23,680-sq-ft) hole buried a minibus, destroyed seven houses and caused the displacement of some 200 people.

I suspect that 'those in charge of the construction' did not need any advice from 'experts'. They'd have been fully aware that supports should be in place, but that costs time and money and life is very cheap in some parts of the world.
A horse and rider in Los Angeles collapses into a hole caused by wet soil after heavy rains there this week. The woman was thrown clear but the horse had to be carefully excavated after 3 hours in the hole and was OK. The horse was named "Lucky".

It's possible the void was created by a broken pipe. There was no way the horse could have gotten out without the big rescue effort.

A horse and rider in Los Angeles collapses into a hole caused by wet soil after heavy rains there this week. The woman was thrown clear but the horse had to be carefully excavated after 3 hours in the hole and was OK. The horse was named "Lucky".

It's possible the void was created by a broken pipe. There was no way the horse could have gotten out without the big rescue effort.


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I was able to access the story here: https://www.foxweather.com/extreme-weather/los-angeles-firefighters-rescue-horse-sinkhole
You'd think the drive would drive around the sink hole.....
You'd think the drive would drive around the sink hole.....
A car drove into a sinkhole on the Veldenseweg in Venlo. The sinkhole occurred suddenly in the middle of the road, making it impossible for the driver of the car to avoid the hole, reports regional broadcaster 1Limburg. The three occupants were not injured, but the car was damaged.

As it is not clear how stable the road is, the car cannot yet be towed out of the hole. The police have cordoned off the area around the sinkhole. The hole is about four by five metres in size.

There's also a video at the link.
Video of ground collapsing on football pitch

100 ft wide, in Alton, Illinois. Thought to be a mine collapse. Fortunately no-one on it.

Michael Haynes, director of the city’s Parks and Recreation department, told local media: ‘The mines have been here and in this area for decades and decades.

‘It’s never been brought up before so I’m told it’s an anomaly. We’ll wait until the investigation is complete.

The Metro East area has seen a number of mine collapses in recent years, with a grocery store, a school and a skating rink all forced to closed down.
It's rare to have a collapse like this. I'm unclear if this was an active underground mine. There are a few possibilities - that a support pillar collapsed or the opening was too close to the surface. Seriously, though, most cover collapse sinkholes go slow and grow. People probably would have died if they were in the vicinity here.

The only way to fix such collapses would be to bridge the gap. You might not be able to pour in enough large boulders and concrete to fill it.

Many places in the eastern US have active underground limestone mines. Some in residential areas. And there is little in terms of regulatory authority to manage them.