Glenn Miller revisited
There's a very interesting theory in Colin Wilson's book "The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysteries": to wit, and in nutshell, after the plane vanished Miller's "widow" Helen attempted to dig a bit, only to be everything was classified, etc etc. After the war, she continued to dig, only this time she was told all records had been lost. It later transpired, due to the tenacity of an ex RAF man named Wright, who asked for the USAF official accident reports for the month in question, ie Dec '44, that the plane was never reported as missing, and had not been heading for Paris, but Bordeaux. After that Wright hit a total stone wall. What is striking, though, is that the chief liason officer between US and British entertainment Corps was none other than David Niven: confirmed by many third parties. Niven was in over all charge of concert venues for high profile morale boosters like Miller, and was in de facto charge of Miller's schedule. However, post 1944 Niven never once mentioned Miller again, neither in his autobiographies (which are littered with dropped names) nor apparently in social discourse. Niven had actually been in Paris on the day of Miller's disappearence with Marlene Dietrich - it is from her biography that this detail emerged , cos again Niven doesn't mention it: the conclusion reached is that Miller was in fact already there, with the two of them. The theories then go into fractal mode from there on in, that Miller was involved in something very shady, either intelligence or possibly criminal, but the strongest thread seems to be that Miller died in a brawl in a brothel, in Paris, the night before he allegedly perished in a plane crash: hence the cover up to avoid the scandal. His body was then secretly flown to Columbus AFB, Ohio, where he was buried,and then twenty odd years later his reamins were moved to Altadena, where his widow (mysteriously) purchased a six grave plot shortly before her own death - possibly having been finally let in on it by the US military.
Just a theory, sure, but it kinda makes sense...