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The Gods Are Mad

Right. Thank you for that. The Graham Hancock board aside, have you shared this remarkable insight on any other discussion forums? If so, what sort of reception has it met?

Let's say it's a very mixed reception. A very very few individuals have been exceedingly impressed and have given me great encouragement and some great ideas to reinforce aspects of this theory. Most individuals react with a sort of stunned silence. People with more knowledge of the pyramids often cite irrelevancies which they believe contradict the theory. Most experts in Egyptology are appalled and simply refuse to discuss any aspect of it but will often hurl a few ad hominins before they go. The little support I get other than those I can discuss this face to face with comes from people with a lot of knowledge about relatively narrow aspects of pyramids and or their builders. This even includes a few Egyptologists who have said my theory dovetails with some idea they have.

Keep in mind though that I have (try to have) no illusions. I don't believe in intelligence and I just stumbled on all of this. I simply knew instinctively that it was impossible for the primitive people that anthropology says once existed to have built the pyramids by the means suggested. In searching for how they were really built I lucked out and stumbled over the solution. Anyone could have done it if they had a search engine and believed like I do that all people make sense all the time.

Shortly after I started a wise man told me I'd never understand the pyramids until I understood the PT so I started trying to understand them. You can't imagine my surprise as I slowly came to the realization that the builders didn't make sense in terms of their premises, they made sense in terms of "the laws of nature"!!!!!!
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Them's fighting words Missy! (or Master or whatever). :pitch:

Which courses and institutions are you talking about?

I have a great deal of respect for almost every single Egyptologist. How Egyptology got to where they are is easily seen. It required a great amount of effort including blood, sweat, and tears.

But make no mistake about it; they are wrong about every single thing as it applies to the great pyramids and their builders. They've had the same premises since 1817 and these premises are wrong.
I've tried, I really have, but with every post it gets more and more confused and self-contradictory. I haven't the slightest idea where this is going, and with the greatest of respect, I don't believe you do either. So here's what I suggest: why don't you take some time and write a concise, focused post telling us what your original point is or was. Tell us BRIEFLY what the evidence for this is. Just try, and maybe we'll get somewhere. If you can't manage that, then I'm afraid I'm out.

There is extensive very broad physical evidence all the great pyramids were built with linear funiculars. The routes of many of these funiculars are still visible and some exist in ruins. The canals that fed water to them survive in a few cases. It was knowing that the nurse canal existed under the chevrons that led me to predict that this area would have a heat signature. I also predict it will light up in the ultraviolet on cool muggy days and that copper hydroxide will existed in protected areas here and below.

Everything else is derived from this. It was discovered by simultaneously solving word meanings of the Pyramid Texts in context while reverse engineering the great pyramids.
...solving word meanings of the Pyramid Texts in context...

Just to be clear here I looked at every usage of every word in the Pyramid Texts one at a time including untranslated words and determined what they had to mean in every single instance for the sentence to make sense. It was slow going at first but as words were solved it went faster and faster. The first important word I solved was "shu"; "the phenomenon of inertia" or simply "upward".

I've made hundreds of thousands of searches with search engines and could not have solved it in several lifetimes of consulting thousands of experts without search engines. I suspect it would be effectively impossible without a computer. It would also be effectively impossible if the observer did not believe all people make sense in terms of their premises. With the Pyramid Texts I also had the pyramids themselves to help solve meanings. Without the pyramid terms like "knsti-canal" (desert's edge canal) would be quite opaque. Without knowing the pyramid is composed of 81' 3" steps it would be impossible to know that "3b3w" means the "height of the water pressure" or the" height of each step". Or that "3b3w.t" is the depth of water at 81' 3".

Understanding the pyramid and the Pyramid Texts must go hand in hand. The Pyramid Texts then provides a remarkable insight into the way ancient people and all animals "think". This leads to better understanding of how we think and the nature consciousness, I believe.
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May The Mummy's Curse be upon them!

Believe me they started it. I've never insulted them and they've almost never had anything but insults for me. Other than pretending they don't see me at all they hurl insults. The closest they've come to acknowledging I even exist Dr Hawass has referred to me as "other unscientific theories on the net".

Frankly I'd love to see them stop digging their own graves. We're always going to need experts on ancient Egypt and they're the most qualified people in the world today whether I'm right or wrong. I don't see it happening. I see the word "Egyptologists" becoming the punchline of every joke.
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Believe me they started it. I've never insulted them and they've almost never had anything but insults for me. Other than pretending they don't see me at all they hurl insults. The closest they've come to acknowledging I even exist Dr Hawass call has referred to me as "other unscientific theories on the net".

Frankly I'd love to see them stop digging their own graves. We're always going to need experts on ancient Egypt and they're the most qualified people in the world today whether I'm right or wrong. I don't see it happening. I see the word "Egyptologists" becoming the punchline of every joke.

This place doesn't go in for generalised derogatory comments about a whole group of people. Give us your evidence.

I know Zahi Hawass, I'm an archaeologist.
Knock, Knock.

Who's there?


King who?

King Tut.

Hey! I know your mummy!
I keep thinking of teeth...


For some reason I keep thinking of Miss Ann Elk and her theory that it is.

I could observe that reality is tiny on both ends and very large in the middle but it would be taken as being flippant and is a big understatement.

So let's just say there is nothing at all profound about the idea that all things come about naturally. This is less true for modern humans but still very very true. The only thing different with my theory is that most human assumptions are wrong. "I think therefore I am" is much less true than "I am therefore I think" and its only "truth" is that it is inductive logic which is never necessarily logical at all.

Reality is far more complex than we believe.
This place doesn't go in for generalised derogatory comments about a whole group of people. Give us your evidence.

I know Zahi Hawass, I'm an archaeologist.

What evidence? It is what it is. He refers to scientists as "amateurs" and claims to know everything about the Giza Plateau. I have no beef with Dr Hawass and support him far more than many of his Peers. I believe he's done a superb job of protecting the sites and keeping politics out of Egyptology. I'm not impressed by any of his Egyptological work because as I mentioned I believe all Egyptologists are wrong about everything. He has done some good work but I believe most of it is chasing ghosts of people who never existed. He is counting dancing angels on the heads of pins.

I have no problem with Egyptologists. They are experts and only a fool would argue against something known by experts. I'm not arguing against ANYTHING at all known by Egyptologists. I am arguing against all of their assumptions . Each is wrong so their conclusions are wrong. There is nothing wrong with their facts or their expertise. It is their conclusions wrong.
Knock, Knock.

Who's there?


Egyptologist who?


Nah. Nope...not really working for me.

Might work with some penguins...or a Welshman.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Egyptologist who?

I could observe that reality is tiny on both ends and very large in the middle but it would be taken as being flippant and is a big understatement....

....Reality is far more complex than we believe.
No objection to flippancy, but reality doesn't have an end or a middle, and many of us really do believe just how complex it is.
...and many of us really do believe just how complex it is.

I find it mind boggling that there are no two identical objects in reality and every moment which is effectively infinitesimal in duration is determined by everything else in existence while having an effectively infinite number of outcomes. These moments are strung together logically and consecutively and most people can't understand why the future is unpredictable.

Meanwhile a butterfly in China is causing a hurricane in the Atlantic a week later. Imagine what a butterfly on a distant star 10 billion (or 100 trillion) years ago might have caused?

You'd need 42 x 10 ^ 799,999 monkeys and typewriters to get War and Peace in a single draft. If these monkeys and type writers were the size of electrons they still wouldn't fit in the known universe.

Science is a tool and the characteristics of a tool determines its possible functions. I believe the tool we call science is approaching the ends of usefulness and must be amended for the human race to progress. I further believe the only means forward is to understand how we got to where we are. We must use modern and ancient science in tandem and this will require machine intelligence. Machine intelligence should be obtainable by defining reality in mathematical and logical terms. If I knew how to implement this I would have done it. I believe it will require better minds than mine to solve it and it will require a more thorough understanding of ancient Language to begin it.

Essentially I'm trying to tell people where to look and in the meantime we can be impressed at linear funiculars and that a nobody could find them.

Ancient reality was very different than ANYONE's reality today. Their level of sophistication in understanding small particles was so low they had no concept of the complexity of reality so they usually just referred to "millions and millions". Today most people just believe in the "laws of nature" that involves dozen and dozens of equations that can be plugged into any computer.

Indeed, cosmologists are working on the holy grail; a single equation that will explain all of reality.
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You'd need 42 x 10 ^ 799,999 monkeys and typewriters to get War and Peace in a single draft. If these monkeys and type writers were the size of electrons they still wouldn't fit in the known universe.
Groucho (as usual) had it right:
"Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, you tell me what you know."

And with that, I really am out.
Lets not forget:

King Tut’s Alien Dagger Conspiracies Have Gotten Insane​

The blade of the dagger is made of a kind of rust-resistant iron. The beautiful, decorated sheath and hilt reveal an extraordinary level of craftsmanship. Given that contemporaries of Tutankhamun could not make iron themselves the iron must come from somewhere else. And so, for some time archaeologists have assumed that the dagger had extraterrestrial origins. For scientists what that means is that blade was constructed out of a metallic meteorite that was discovered nearby. Even before the Iron Age began ca. 1200 BCE humans had been pounding implements out of space iron. And, thus, it was reasonable to suppose that the “dagger from outer space” was constructed out of this valuable yet rare ancient resource.

You'd need 42 x 10 ^ 799,999 monkeys and typewriters to get War and Peace in a single draft. If these monkeys and type writers were the size of electrons they still wouldn't fit in the known universe.

no, the chances of it happening is the same all the way through. It could happen on the first try, just as well as the last one, and there is no reason that it will happen at all.
no, the chances of it happening is the same all the way through. It could happen on the first try, just as well as the last one, and there is no reason that it will happen at all.

If 4.2 x 10 ^ 799,999 monkeys had two tries you'd need a mere 2.1 x 10 ^ 799,999 monkeys instead.
Lets not forget:

King Tut’s Alien Dagger Conspiracies Have Gotten Insane​

The blade of the dagger is made of a kind of rust-resistant iron. The beautiful, decorated sheath and hilt reveal an extraordinary level of craftsmanship. Given that contemporaries of Tutankhamun could not make iron themselves the iron must come from somewhere else. And so, for some time archaeologists have assumed that the dagger had extraterrestrial origins. For scientists what that means is that blade was constructed out of a metallic meteorite that was discovered nearby. Even before the Iron Age began ca. 1200 BCE humans had been pounding implements out of space iron. And, thus, it was reasonable to suppose that the “dagger from outer space” was constructed out of this valuable yet rare ancient resource.

I think it's less of a leap to assume the ancients knew more than we sometimes give them credit for than they had daggers from outer space.

Isn't there some ancient iron column in India somewhere that refuses to corrode?
An isotope analysis should show it. Iron meteorites tend to be high in nickel.
You also get iron accretions in swamps, which was used to make things out of.
Yes, meteorites are essentially a type of stainless steel in the raw form (stainless iron) - all you need to do is add a bit of carbon during the smelting process and then you have stainless steel.
Aliens did not make the dagger.
I have a great deal of respect for almost every single Egyptologist.
See right there at the end, in spite of all you've seen here, you played a dud hand. Nobody worth their salt would say that here. Reason is, well ... it is idiotic. Most Egyptologists become cautionary tales. It's true. Ask someone. It's true. It really really is.