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Travis Taylor and gang is saying this object in the mesa is unearthly strong and resistant,

Since we are dealing with a “not from the earth object “, I still say blow off the face of the mesa to get to the object.

Then again this could release “ Pandora’s box “ of terrible things.

Maybe this is why Bigelow buried this object to begin with in order to save our planet ?

To use the quote from SciFi movies, “ you have no idea what you are dealing with “.
Travis Taylor and gang is saying this object in the mesa is unearthly strong and resistant,

Since we are dealing with a “not from the earth object “, I still say blow off the face of the mesa to get to the object.

Then again this could release “ Pandora’s box “ of terrible things.

Maybe this is why Bigelow buried this object to begin with in order to save our planet ?

To use the quote from SciFi movies, “ you have no idea what you are dealing with “.

I would imagine if it was something of that nature, the powers that be would have taken over, shut the place down and started a massive cover-up operation and that Travis and co would have all met with unfortunate accidents.
Travis Taylor and gang is saying this object in the mesa is unearthly strong and resistant,

Since we are dealing with a “not from the earth object “, I still say blow off the face of the mesa to get to the object.

Then again this could release “ Pandora’s box “ of terrible things.

Maybe this is why Bigelow buried this object to begin with in order to save our planet ?

To use the quote from SciFi movies, “ you have no idea what you are dealing with “.
If Bigelow had buried the item "to save our planet" he would not have sold the property. And it is not an "not from the earth object" Who said that it was?

I was all set to watch the season 4 next episode and it is locked. I don't have cable so I can't watch it. I guess I will have to keep checking.
I would imagine if it was something of that nature, the powers that be would have taken over, shut the place down and started a massive cover-up operation and that Travis and co would have all met with unfortunate accidents.
They would never have even been on that ranch. There would be no unfortunate accidents, the ranch would still be "owned" by Bigelow and no one would ever be allowed to visit, or even accidentally show up. There would be a military presence.
It is a very strange situation. A mixture of private people and organisations plus an intellligence angle with Travis being the lead investigator and also the author of the UAP official report. Presumably the powers that be could have taken over the whole show and done research in secrecy (although whether they would have done any better than the present team is in doubt). Then there is the question of whether the TicTac video could have been the result of spoofing, and whether at least one pilot ended up in a confrontation with a real unknown craft at that time. When you see interviews with the people involved they all seem totally sincere. Are we being prepared for (1) an official confirmation that UFOs do exist and could be ET in origin, or (2) a faked excuse to weaponise space as von Braun predicted?
It is a very strange situation. A mixture of private people and organisations plus an intellligence angle with Travis being the lead investigator and also the author of the UAP official report. Presumably the powers that be could have taken over the whole show and done research in secrecy (although whether they would have done any better than the present team is in doubt). Then there is the question of whether the TicTac video could have been the result of spoofing, and whether at least one pilot ended up in a confrontation with a real unknown craft at that time. When you see interviews with the people involved they all seem totally sincere. Are we being prepared for (1) an official confirmation that UFOs do exist and could be ET in origin, or (2) a faked excuse to weaponise space as von Braun predicted?
I think it is the second option, and the "unknown craft" that the military encounter, may be unknown to the pilot but someone knows. No one has come up with a good reason that aliens from outerspace would bother coming to this planet on the furthest spiral arm of the galaxy. Too far and not anything special to bother with.
I think that although I considered the ET theory the most likely to explain UFO sightings the arguments of Vallee and Keel that maybe other dimensions may be involved did impress me. However, it was Lagarde's pioneering work with the 1954 French UFO wave in 1968 that showed UFO reports more common in geologically faulted areas that changed my mind. Much later in the 80s I tried to rework his data using just occupant cases and got a far stronger correlation. Why would UFO occupants be more likely to be seen next to a geological fault? Since then I have found that faults also play a part in time slips, a completely different phenomenon. A variety of phenomena from ghosts to UFOs are also found in the Pennines (Jenny Randles). It does seem clear that the geology at Skinwalker also plays a part in the phenomena there, so there are a lot of significant connections to explore!
Well CG,

I am a person who believes that we are dealing with an inter dimensional situation.

This for me answers all the questions.

In the most recent episodes Travis Taylor usually causes a UAP to appear.

In the most recent episode the UAP is a very strong purple and according to Travis since this color is at the end of the visible light spectrum, the energy output would be tremendous causing a suspicious, large burn hole in a wood post with no other burn evidence in the area.

In the same area is also the remains of a young deer who had no blood loss on its fur which is strange.
Well CG,

I am a person who believes that we are dealing with an inter dimensional situation.

This for me answers all the questions.

In the most recent episodes Travis Taylor usually causes a UAP to appear.

In the most recent episode the UAP is a very strong purple and according to Travis since this color is at the end of the visible light spectrum, the energy output would be tremendous causing a suspicious, large burn hole in a wood post with no other burn evidence in the area.

In the same area is also the remains of a young deer who had no blood loss on its fur which is strange.
Could be! My theory is that the ancients knew all about the effects of energy and faulting, and sited their stone circles and standing stones in areas where they could interact with other dimensions to get the effects they wanted.
Here's Steven Greenstreet's most recent video; he still fails to obtain any significant data from the Skinwalker crew, and Fugal is starting to lose his rag.
My final verdict on Skinwalker Ranch has caused some controversy.
Some viewers have asked how Brandon Fugal, owner of Skinwalker Ranch, and his "scientists" have reacted to my critical reporting of their outlandish paranormal claims.
I reveal the Top 3 moments the Skinwalker crew has responded to my reporting, which includes them changing and altering their spooky claims, them admitting they got "weren't prepared" for my visit to the ranch, and finally an angry rant from ranch owner Brandon Fugal where he calls skeptics asking for data and evidence "absolute pigs".

The funniest thing is that they repeatedly say that the 'ghostly grid' event occurred in the foyer, but Greenstreet points out that the story that was published locates this event in the kitchen. They can't even get their own story straight.

I stand by my prediction; a thorough search by independent scientists will find nothing anomalous under the mesa. Of course, an 'interdimensional phenomenon' could easily disappear back across the manifold, leaving no traces; this is the problem with interdimensional phenomena - they can never be disproven. You know what Popper would say about that.
Here's Steven Greenstreet's most recent video; he still fails to obtain any significant data from the Skinwalker crew, and Fugal is starting to lose his rag.

The funniest thing is that they repeatedly say that the 'ghostly grid' event occurred in the foyer, but Greenstreet points out that the story that was published locates this event in the kitchen. They can't even get their own story straight.

I stand by my prediction; a thorough search by independent scientists will find nothing anomalous under the mesa. Of course, an 'interdimensional phenomenon' could easily disappear back across the manifold, leaving no traces; this is the problem with interdimensional phenomena - they can never be disproven. You know what Popper would say about that.
Sums it up doesn’t it - hard evidence? Apparently none. The tv show’s a money spinner though. Fits in nicely with his property portfolio & may well be an appreciating asset due to the show. That’s good business.
Sums it up doesn’t it - hard evidence? Apparently none. The tv show’s a money spinner though. Fits in nicely with his property portfolio & may well be an appreciating asset due to the show. That’s good business.
He also gets to go to his beloved Sci Fi conventions as an exhibit which must be a lot of fun.

Anyway, The TV show is apparently such a success that a new spin off series is to start soon, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch. Not much info in the short trailer but here it is.

He also gets to go to his beloved Sci Fi conventions as an exhibit which must be a lot of fun.

Anyway, The TV show is apparently such a success that a new spin off series is to start soon, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch. Not much info in the short trailer but here it is.

I forsee non-revelations aplenty.
Did someone bury a bunch of TVs in the Skinwalker Ranch’s ancient mesa shared with the Ute ?
Well Atari buried a load of games and consoles in the desert of New Mexico. Maybe they also got rid of a few on the edge of an Indian reservation?
Sums it up doesn’t it - hard evidence? Apparently none. The tv show’s a money spinner though. Fits in nicely with his property portfolio & may well be an appreciating asset due to the show. That’s good business.
Please explain exactly what you would describe as "hard evidence"! I have seen plenty of very strange happenings on the ranch that I would regard as strong evidence of something: if you can explain these I would be impressed:
1. Huge temperature inversion recorded over Homestead 2 following ancient Jewish prayer recital, and also after a recording of the prayer played.
2. The systematic deletion of data from the star map drives on two astronomical telescopes when attempting to probe the anomaly above the triangle.
3. Visual distortions such that Travis was seeing the triangle directly below him from the helicopter and dropping the sensor packs when he was actually hundreds of metres north over the mesa.
4. Total magnetic field reversals on several occasions when digging and drilling operations in progress.
5. Dangerously high levels of microwave and other forms of radiation at times.
6. Bizarre physical effects such as sudden headaches and fainting often in the vicinity of digging operations or near H2.
7. Effects of playing the weird 1.6Ghz signal over radio channel including UAP sightings.
8. Repeated UAP sightings following (usually failed) attempts to send rockets up to the anomaly.

These just occur to me randomly and I know there have been plenty more.
Please explain exactly what you would describe as "hard evidence"! I have seen plenty of very strange happenings on the ranch that I would regard as strong evidence of something: if you can explain these I would be impressed:
1. Huge temperature inversion recorded over Homestead 2 following ancient Jewish prayer recital, and also after a recording of the prayer played.
2. The systematic deletion of data from the star map drives on two astronomical telescopes when attempting to probe the anomaly above the triangle.
3. Visual distortions such that Travis was seeing the triangle directly below him from the helicopter and dropping the sensor packs when he was actually hundreds of metres north over the mesa.
4. Total magnetic field reversals on several occasions when digging and drilling operations in progress.
5. Dangerously high levels of microwave and other forms of radiation at times.
6. Bizarre physical effects such as sudden headaches and fainting often in the vicinity of digging operations or near H2.
7. Effects of playing the weird 1.6Ghz signal over radio channel including UAP sightings.
8. Repeated UAP sightings following (usually failed) attempts to send rockets up to the anomaly.

These just occur to me randomly and I know there have been plenty more.
I wouldn’t describe any of these as hard evidence for the simple fact it’s an in-house team of people who have a vested interest in finding things to keep the show going.

When asked by an independent [& sceptical] investigator to provide the best evidence they have of all these supposed anomalies, they didn’t manage to provide any. Doesn’t that raise a few doubts with you?

As I’ve said previously, get some truly independent scientists involved & if they too find anomalies there’s something to talk about. But they don’t/won’t do this. Instead they mark their own homework.
I wouldn’t describe any of these as hard evidence for the simple fact it’s an in-house team of people who have a vested interest in finding things to keep the show going.

When asked by an independent [& sceptical] investigator to provide the best evidence they have of all these supposed anomalies, they didn’t manage to provide any. Doesn’t that raise a few doubts with you?

As I’ve said previously, get some truly independent scientists involved & if they too find anomalies there’s something to talk about. But they don’t/won’t do this. Instead they mark their own homework.
Let's be blunt, you're basically saying that they are lying about all these findings?
Mr.Spock from Star Trek said when you eliminate all known reasons, then the improbable must be true.

At Skinwalker Ranch the improbable exists.
Let's be blunt, you're basically saying that they are lying about all these findings?
That would be going too far.

Nevertheless, they have failed to provide any useable hard data, and will no doubt continue to do so. You may have a good explanation for that; I do too, but I suspect it is a different explanation altogether.
1. Huge temperature inversion recorded over Homestead 2 following ancient Jewish prayer recital, and also after a recording of the prayer played.
How huge a temperature inversion? How did they measure the inversion, and where is the hard data?
2. The systematic deletion of data from the star map drives on two astronomical telescopes when attempting to probe the anomaly above the triangle.
They present a failure of equipment as important evidence. Use different equipment, operated by different experts.
3. Visual distortions such that Travis was seeing the triangle directly below him from the helicopter and dropping the sensor packs when he was actually hundreds of metres north over the mesa.
They present a failure of equipment as important evidence. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation- things 'go wrong' when he is around.
4. Total magnetic field reversals on several occasions when digging and drilling operations in progress.
Hard data please. We saw Travis attempting to measure the magnetic field near a metal fence; but there are other ways to produce faulty data if you are particularly unfortunate with the equipment. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation- things 'go wrong' when he is around.
5. Dangerously high levels of microwave and other forms of radiation at times.
This 'dangerous microwave radiation' was detected using a trifield meter - which can only detect radiation to the top of the safe range. Mick West replicated these readings using his own trifield meter and suffered no ill effects. Use different equipment, operated by different experts.
6. Bizarre physical effects such as sudden headaches and fainting often in the vicinity of digging operations or near H2.
Subjective, psychological effects. No doubt real, from the point of view of the sufferers.
7. Effects of playing the weird 1.6Ghz signal over radio channel including UAP sightings.
8. Repeated UAP sightings following (usually failed) attempts to send rockets up to the anomaly.
Steven Greenstreet asked to see the UAP footage, and it was all unconvincing. Perhaps they have better footage elsewhere, but they need to have it examined in detail by independent experts. Give it to NASA, or Mick West, or even to us here at FT. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation - he does appear to be genuine, but he seems entirely blind to any mundane explanations.

Replication and hard, analysable data is the mark of good science; I'm not seeing either of that here.
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Let's be blunt, you're basically saying that they are lying about all these findings?
I wouldn’t put it quite like that, although they certainly were lying about where the weirdness happened in the house, as detailed above. More like adding 2 & 2 & making nine. They jump to unlikely conclusions to say the least. It’s not a very scientific approach.

However, I’m open minded enough to take on board any actual evidence should they find some. Maybe they will, we’ll see..

It’s possible their main motivation is monetising the property & on that basis, they appear to be doing very nicely.

To repeat yet again, open it up to some independent scientists. See what they have to say about it.
How huge a temperature inversion? How did they measure the inversion, and where is the hard data?

They present a failure of equipment as important evidence. Use different equipment, operated by different experts.

They present a failure of equipment as important evidence. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation- things 'go wrong' when he is around.
Hard data please. We saw Travis attempting to measure the magnetic field near a metal fence; but there are other ways to produce faulty data if you are particularly unfortunate with the equipment. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation- things 'go wrong' when he is around.

This 'dangerous microwave radiation' was detected using a trifield meter - which can only detect radiation to the top of the safe range. Mick West replicated these readings using his own trifield meter and suffered no ill effects. Use different equipment, operated by different experts.

Subjective, psychological effects. No doubt real, from the point of view of the sufferers.

Steven Greenstreet asked to see the UAP footage, and it was all unconvincing. Perhaps they have better footage elsewhere, but they need to have it examined in detail by independent experts. Give it to NASA, or Mick West, or even to us here at FT. Use different equipment, operated by different experts. In particular, keep Travis away from the investigation - he does appear to be genuine, but he seems entirely blind to any mundane explanations.

Replication and hard, analysable data is the mark of good science; I'm not seeing either of that here.
I am beginning to suspect very strongly that you haven't actually seen the series yourself. Your opinions seem to be fuelled by second hand accounts on sceptical websites. Is that correct? If so I'm not going to waste my time answering questions that had you seen the programmes concerned would have not needed to be asked.
I have managed to get stills showing the temperature inversion that developed in about 10 seconds at Homestead 2. The infrared camera shows heat as red, cold as blue. I know of no ordinary mechanism that could produce an anomalous inversion in a small area, let alone that rapidly.


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I am beginning to suspect very strongly that you haven't actually seen the series yourself. Your opinions seem to be fuelled by second hand accounts on sceptical websites. Is that correct? If so I'm not going to waste my time answering questions that had you seen the programmes concerned would have not needed to be asked.

I've watched a lot of it and stopped at the point when my list of questions and objections were the same as @hunc and @eburacum have given above. I finally twigged that there was going to be a lot more teasing and neither exposition or decent research design. Life is too short and, honestly, I'd rather having been stuffing a mushroom.

I get being frustrated that you can't explain to other people how fabulous you find a field of study (for example, me and just about anything) but @Carl Grove and @charliebrown your last few posts have compounded the experience of viewing the programme.

More in sorrow than anger... :dunno:
It is what it is -- a TV programme about the ranch aimed at excitement rather than detailed info about experimental designs. However, Travis has a track record and I am impressed by Erik and some of the other team members. Here's the challenge: you and Eburacum are quick to complain about the poor design of the experiments on the ranch. If you were in charge, exactly what experiments would you run and what designs would you employ? How would they differ from the experiments carried out under Travis?
Over the many years UFO/paranormal activity has been hidden from the public or corrupted to funny nonsense.

Even J. Allen Hynek, as time went on, became a true believer establishing the Center for UFO Studies.

The Skinwalker Ranch experiments , to me, seems logical and scientific.
It is what it is -- a TV programme about the ranch aimed at excitement rather than detailed info about experimental designs. However, Travis has a track record and I am impressed by Erik and some of the other team members. Here's the challenge: you and Eburacum are quick to complain about the poor design of the experiments on the ranch. If you were in charge, exactly what experiments would you run and what designs would you employ? How would they differ from the experiments carried out under Travis?

* Overall research plan to be made explicit, complete with internal checks and external checks.

* Two teams looking at the each suspected phenomenon either in series or in parallel. as a series of events/ecperiments

* No chat or data leakage between the teams. Results to be handed to off-site independent team for validation and possible verification.

* Tech to be inspected, serviced and zeroed before each event.

* Each event to be labelled with the nature of the enquiry, the people involved, a full note of which tech (and which particular items) are involved, the results )objective and subjective)'

* Each event to have people debriefed individually, before any plenary sessions, by an external appropriately qualified person/team

* Each event to be tied back to the research plan, with notes of where changes to procedures should be made and if the overal plan should be adjusted.

Edit to add: Any use?
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* Overall research plan to be made explicit, complete with internal checks and external checks.

* Two teams looking at the each suspected phenomenon either in series or in parallel. as a series of events/ecperiments

* No chat or data leakage between the teams. Results to be handed to off-site independent team for validation and possible verification.

* Tech to be inspected, serviced and zeroed before each event.

* Each event to be labelled with the nature of the enquiry, the people involved, a full note of which tech (and which particular items) are involved, the results )objective and subjective)'

* Each event to have people debriefed individually, before any plenary sessions, by an external appropriately qualified person/team

* Each event to be tied back to the research plan, with notes of where changes to procedures should be made and if the overal plan should be adjusted.

Edit to add: Any use?
OK, as a general outline, fine. I have to say, though, that having been involved in research for many years, I never heard of any study that actually employed separate teams of investigators! As for debriefing participants, that is something that intelligence agencies do, not scientists. For one thing, you are more than doubling the costs for each experiment. But again, what specific experiments would you run? Aimed at the anomaly? The mesa? Homestead 2? What variables are you looking to measure? You must have some idea as to which line of enquiry you think might be most likely to be productive.
I've watched the show from the beginning being in the US and having the History Channel.
I've enjoyed it as entertainment but I can't say anything that has happened has impressed me or has led me to think there might be aliens or the paranormal involved.
I wonder why they have not done more investigation of the so-called metal flakes from the first drilling. If they are indeed manufactured flakes with those elements then why have they not sought out more expert opinions and speculation on what they represent?
I found some of the UAP's seen to be interesting but as always we are left wondering what they might be.....and mean.
The helicopter seen over the ranch during the experiment was also interesting but it doesn't surprise me that the government would keep an eye on them just routinely.
I'm still waiting for that 'smoking gun' . I'm glad the show is part of my cable service so I dont have to pay extra to watch. :wink2: