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The Sun & The Moon Doing Strange Things


Apr 12, 2005
The Netherlands
I could not find a suitable conspiracy thread.
Also, this is an edge case, because it's not certain if this is real or just a joke.
But we may see more theories in this vein, so I think a new thread is defensible.


Oh no, the secret CIA plan to replace the Sun with lower-cost LED lightbulbs to save on the enormous electricity bill has finally been noticed by someone https://t.co/LPiJsCIi1Z

Holy shit, I had no idea this was an actual thing that people believed, like chemtrails, but I probably shouldn't be surprised. A quick google search found lots of insanity, but this one was extra crazy: men's rights + white sun https://t.co/xf1lFaXdcC

I believe people on this board also mentioned this in the Mandela Effect thread. The Sun not being the warm glow that they remember.
Atmospheric pollution could actually be a factor in this.
That could be a good explanation.
I have noticed that the sun has been a lot brighter lately.
the secret CIA plan to replace the Sun with lower-cost LED lightbulbs

This is the sarcastic line that passes between my daughter and I when the sun comes out after a prolonged period oif overcast weather: "Oh look, somebody's changed the big light bulb in the sky!"
Interesting observations. Lockdown leading to reduced combustion of vehicle fuels and industrial downturn might well be the perfect test case for cleaning up our act as a species. Indian citizens posted photos of mountain vistas on their horizons that had never been seen in their lives prior to 2020.

Anybody on this thread grow up in central Australia or Argentina or Botswana? Might have always been less air pollution down under. Have never been able to look at a sun high in the sky around here. Yellow, orange and red globes at sunrise and set as they can be anywhere, but the noonday sun has always been a shocking diamond. I also spend as much time as I can beyond the city limits at night and note no change in our atmospherics at all. Far fewer jets coming and going is about it for my experience.

As our winter draws to a close, The hot sun returns. I wear sunglasses all year round. Whenever students would ask me about the dangers of Australia's environment, I would always respond with the sun as #1. Dear ol' Sol. We natives dance around our limitations pretty well by now.
Plenty of fire-caused pollution in the skies of North America presently. Those yellow skies weren't exactly romantic, though.

Atmospheric pollution is no longer what it was, so no more romantic yellow suns. A large volcanic eruption will fix that sooner or later.
The various reports of the moon and sun doing odd things always interest me.

Ooh, I wish I had a Reddit account, I would post this to that linked thread. Perhaps it would be helpful.
My friend sent this picture to me from NW Ohio on the May 16th, around the same time the person on Reddit (who mentions living in Michigan, so not far away) makes their report.

ohio pink sun.jpeg

This picture was taken several hours before sunset. I'm assuming the effect was due to smoke from the Canadian fires mentioned in the thread. It may have looked even larger and more peculiar as it went down, I don't know, but it possibly could account for the poster's experience.
Tonight the moon got lower in the sky within 10-15 minutes and now (another 10 mins later) I can’t see it at all. It doesn’t look like there’s much cloud and the moon was pretty bright so you’d think it would still be noticeable in light cloud. Is this normal?
Tonight the moon got lower in the sky within 10-15 minutes and now (another 10 mins later) I can’t see it at all. It doesn’t look like there’s much cloud and the moon was pretty bright so you’d think it would still be noticeable in light cloud. Is this normal?
Perhaps the clouds 10 minutes later were of a thicker layer? Cloud can form very quickly with the right atmospheric conditions.
Shouldn’t the moon be more consistent one day aafter another? It’s not as far across as it was at an early time yesterday.


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A friend showed me photos she took on her phone last night, of the blue moon -
I don't have her photos, but this looks just like what she showed me:


What causes a 'blue moon'?
After blue “ super moon “ tonight August 31st, this will not happen again until 2037.
A friend showed me photos she took on her phone last night, of the blue moon -
I don't have her photos, but this looks just like what she showed me:

View attachment 69248

What causes a 'blue moon'?
It wasn’t a Samsung was it? Also most pictures aren’t actually blue as that’s just what it’s called.

Moon-gate: Samsung fans are mad about AI-processed photos of the moon​

There were quite a few people watching this blue moon the other night, I wasn't there, but they claim it was really blue.
She also took many photos of this odd moon, from sunset on, and really isn't into faking photos.
And now reading up on it, I see they called it a 'rare super blue moon', and won't be reappearing until 2037, so I missed it!
There were quite a few people watching this blue moon the other night, I wasn't there, but they claim it was really blue.
She also took many photos of this odd moon, from sunset on, and really isn't into faking photos.
And now reading up on it, I see they called it a 'rare super blue moon', and won't be reappearing until 2037, so I missed it!
The trouble is phones don’t tend to take that good a picture of the moon. My mate took this picture but she had to have the gubbins next to it to take it.
The others who were at this 'super blue moon' all claim it was blue.
And her phone took some beautiful photos.
The others who were at this 'super blue moon' all claim it was blue.
And her phone took some beautiful photos.

I think that was just local atmospheric conditions combined with just a hint of wishful thinking.

The "blue moon" refers to the second full moon in any given calendar month, from the phrase "once in a blue moon", but without Googling, I have no idea why that colour was chosen for the phrase...
So you think the moon was named after the phrase?
So you think the moon was named after the phrase?

I think that the current definition of a blue moon (2 full moons in a month) was probably named half-humourously after the old phrase. That earlier phrase, referring to something that happened only very rarely, probably relied on the known fact that the moon isn't blue.

Then again, I'm probably overthinking this somewhat, especially considering that I can't be arsed to Google any of it. If I did, I'd almost certainly be proved wrong!
The others who were at this 'super blue moon' all claim it was blue.
And her phone took some beautiful photos.
On rare occasions, tiny particles in the air ~ typically of smoke or dust (such as the recent devastating fires in forests) can scatter away red wavelengths of light, causing the Moon to "appear blue."
Some of my wife’s friends said they tried to capture the brilliant moon on their cell phones, but their pictures did not look that good.
According to "Sky at Night" magazine a blue moon originally meant "the third full moon in an astronomical season of four" but a misrepresentation that appeared in print in 1946 defined it as the "second full moon in a month" being easier to understand the latter stuck.

At this time of year it is (for us in GB) low in the sky so is more likely to be affected by atmospheric conditions. This would normally result in it looking more orange or red but I'd guess it depends what local cack you have in the atmosphere near you.