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Cromer Pavilion Theatre is supposed to be haunted, I've known loads of people who've worked in the building and not one of them ever reported any paranormal experiences. The Most Haunted crew spent the night there, not the most exciting of episodes if I'm being honest but if anyone fancies watching it, I'll link to it anyway ..

I wonder if Derek Acorah's ghost is going to haunt any theatres?
After the Bodmin Gaol debacle on Most Haunted, poor old Derek was himself haunted by the ghosts of Kreed Kafer and Rik Eedles for the rest of his life.
Yes, I was wondering if he might come and do a seance from the other side of the table, as Kreed Kafir... Just for a laugh. I would if I were him.
Just seen this article from yesterdays 'Daily Mail'

Hm I wonder how they explain this to the people who have tickets next to those seats?
They probably dont tell them and the people sitting next to them just think they must be empty because of a 'no show'
The seat's empty because the "draft" makes it so cold no one wants to reserve it. :wink2:
The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane is having ghost tours in October, i am hoping to drag my brother and niece along one evening.

We will require a full report please thank you.
That's a FULL report, preferably including what you had for breakfast and possibly going back to your late adolescence, followed by a detailed minute-by-minute account with sketches and photos.
Found this rather curious:

Black Mask Attacker​

Location: Portsmouth (Hampshire) - Royal Arena wrestling venue (later became New Theatre Royal)
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Circa July 1960
Further Comments: A wrestler known as the Black Mask claimed he was attacked in the Rutley dressing room by an unseen presence. Several dancers also complained about the atmosphere in the room. The building's owner denied the site was haunted.


Found this on the Theatre website:

"According to legend, the ghost of Henry Rutley, who opened New Theatre Royal in 1856, is said to wander the corridors of the Victorian theatre. Another reported phantom resident is former theatre manager, Herbert Ralph, who managed New Theatre Royal from 1917 until 1923 when he committed suicide."

https://www.newtheatreroyal.com/new...end, the ghost,1923 when he committed suicide.