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actors & actresses

  1. Swifty

    The Scottish Play

    Reports of performances of Macbeth's historical and notorious connection to bad luck seem to be continuing. Break a leg...
  2. Paul_Exeter

    Dan Aykroyd Describes ‘Spectacular, Gray UFO’ Just Feet From Hotel

    "The most spectacular one that I saw was bout 50 feet away from me and on the 23rd floor of a hotel in Montreal," he explained. "There were no lights at all, it was just a big, grey object that looked like a Macy's Day Parade balloon."...
  3. AnonyJ

    Is Actor Tom Hanks A Time Traveller From WW2?

    From Bristol Evening Post 7/8/2023 https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/man-says-tom-hanks-could-8660092: Man says Tom Hanks could be a time traveller who met his grandad in WW2...Tom Hanks is known for his interest in history and World War Two. He starred in Saving Private Ryan...
  4. MrRING

    Patrick Troughton's Death UL - Making Sweet Sci-Fi Love

    Being a Doctor Who fan, I've been aware of a local urban legend about the actor behind the Second Doctor's demise, which occurred in my home state of Georgia. This is how the current Wikipedia entry on Troughton's life reports the events of the time: I wasn't at the convention, but there...
  5. MrRING

    Errol Flynn's Ghost Haunted Tracy Nelson

    I was listening to the excellent Maltin On Movies podcast, hosted by longtime movie critic Leonard Maltin and his daughter Jessie, and their guest was Tracy Nelson (the episode of June 7th, 2019). She is the daughter of Rick Nelson and granddaughter of Ozzie & Harriet. Aside from excellent...
  6. Victory

    'Pete Beale' From Eastenders (Peter Dean): Two Fortean Occurrences

    One - he and a previously unknown child of his meet through results of DNA testing. Two - he has a vision of his deceased father. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10553587/For-years-Demi-loved-watching-Pete-Beale-discovered-hes-father.html
  7. Ghost In The Machine

    What Exactly Did Les Dawson See Re. Sid James' Ghost?

    Reading about theatre history and yet again came across stories about Les Dawson seeing the ghost of Sid James, not long before his own death. And it's clear that whatever he saw, was absolutely terrifying. But I can't seem to find an account I thought I found a while back, that did actually...
  8. Vardoger

    The Mandela Effect: False Memory

    The Berenstein-Berenstain conspiracy theories are entertaining. I found two versions of the same image. My guess is, the ---stein image is faked.
  9. GNC

    Sir Christopher Lee

    Blimey, it took them long enough, but see here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8097237.stm Still working! The man is a legend, and it's great that he's still so much in demand. He's done so much for fantastical cinema over the years, even if he does think he's only made three horror...
  10. M

    Stop—Hammer Time [Spoilers Throughout]

    Not he of the baggy trousers but the movie studio. There is a kickass boxset out: www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Hammer-Collec ... 000HN31KQ/ So I thought it was time for a thread. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammer_Film_Productions Contents of the Ultimate Hammer...
  11. K

    Spooky James Dean

    Source :eek!!!!:
  12. MrRING

    Dracula On The Screen

    Who do you think is the best actor to play Dracula so far, at least the one who you like best?
  13. MrRING

    Carry On Fortean

    Anybody here a fan of the Carry On series? Are they considered fun and witty or just one step above Benny Hill or what? I've only seen two, Carry On Screaming and Carry On Up The Jungle, but I thought both were pretty fun. But I know some things that are funny are pretty universally liked...
  14. A

    Diana Dors' Missing Millions

    Did anybody else see this programme?? Diana leaves her son a list of letters and the search to break the code takes him to Bletchy Park, through masonic codes and then onto high-tech code breakers. More info. here channel4.com/culture/microsites/D/diana_dors/index.html Link is dead. What's...
  15. A

    Theatre Ghosts

    Does anyone have any links or info about ghosts and hauntings in theatres for some research I'm doing. I'm mainly interested in british cases but stuff from anywhere in the world would be helpful. Drinks on me in the TH for anyone who helps.
  16. A

    The Wicker Man

    I was away last week, and can't believe that no one has started a post about the new DVD/video release. This is a definitive film, it couldn't be made today, and it's brilliant. The acting is class, music well integrated into the film, the story is well written and researched, and every man...
  17. A

    Wilfrid Hyde-White

    Does anyone recall a prediction involving Wilfrid Hyde White. He was at a horse race when he heard an announcement of the winners of a race that had yet been run. He said that if the race was not run before his death he would leave the names of the runners and riders with his solicitor. This was...