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I was away last week, and can't believe that no one has started a post about the new DVD/video release.
This is a definitive film, it couldn't be made today, and it's brilliant.
The acting is class, music well integrated into the film, the story is well written and researched, and every man must remember watching as a 14 year old when Willow danced around.
The extended version (not watched it yet) is apparantly only a mono recording though, a pity they could not have done some tricks to make it stereo.
I've seen it many times on the TV but last year they showed a version with bits added, I suppose this is the version that's on DVD.

The only bit I don't like about it is the dodgy music but I realise that to some that's half the films appeal...............

The end with Edward Woodward in the burning wicker man still gives me nightmares................:eek!!!!:
Yay to burning religious fundie coppers!

I still don't understand why some people consider it a horror film.
Has it only just been released on DVD over there? It's been out over here since at least late 2001, as I gave it a Christmas gift.
Yes,I bought it at a Borders Bookshop in Indianapolis back in October or November.
Blueswidow - thank god I've seen it before, or the end would have been quite ruined for me:p
Hey, no problem. I f you want to know the ending to anything else just let me know.....:D
What happens at the end of Titanic? I've never seen the film.......
Bilderberger said:
What happens at the end of Titanic? I've never seen the film.......
Well, the boat sinks after a collision with an underwater UFO. The Greys on board the UFO pick up Leo DiCaprio and wassername (they see Leo and wassername posing on the prow of the boat and like the look of them), whisk them off to Sirius for a sesh of rectal probing, egg and sperm removal and interbreeding, drain their brains of information about the Alpha Daraconis lizards that are Earth's secret rulers, then return them 70-odd years later, disguised as international film stars. At least, that's what my cousin's mate's sister told me.
Dunno what you lot are all laughing about. The 'don't spoil the ending of Titanic' thing really happened to the missus, with one of her work colleagues who took great umbrage when someone mentioned the iceberg thing and muttered on about spoiling it.

Off thread, I can beat this for idiocy.
Me: 'I'm going to Venice for my holiday.'
Acquaintance: 'Oh. Where's that?'

Maybe I'm just being pointlessly unpleasant there though.

Anyway, the new version of the WM is fantastic, take it from me. Less fantastic is the proposed Nic Cage remake.
DanHigginbottom said:
Anyway, the new version of the WM is fantastic, take it from me. Less fantastic is the proposed Nic Cage remake.
I feel a cursing session coming on - I'm right out of eye of toad, though, so I'll have to nip out to the all-night garage first.
Wickerman remake

You know, my friends are used to me going off about the remake--"They're gonn' cast f*cking Gwenyth Paltrow(sp?) as Willow McGregor, I just KNOW it!!"--(for those fans of hers,G.P. is just fine, but *not* as Willow)

But never, NEVER in my Wildest nightmares, did I think of NIC CAGE as ANYTHING in this movie. Why not cast Keanu Reeves as well and just move the whole thing to New York?With unreal spoons and ..and...and...[Mothfox falls over in appoplexy and has to be rushed to the emergency ward] :mad:
Re: Wickerman remake

Mothfox said:
But never, NEVER in my Wildest nightmares, did I think of NIC CAGE as ANYTHING in this movie.

That's nothing. He was going to be the new Superman until the movie studio got cold feet and cancelled the project. You can imagine what a suckfest that would have been.

Nicky Cage is getting dangerously close to becoming a walking caricature of himself, ala Jack Nicholson or Al Pacino.
Reminds me - me and a friend were working on bringing it to the stage once as a proper musical...

"For I am just a mainland virgin
and a Christian too
I only came to find a missing girl
not to end up in a barbeque"

Lloyd Weber, eat your heart out.
Hang on the bloody Wicker Man DVD has no subtitles at all so I cannot follow it!

Anybody know if subtitles can be added to the dvd via playback on computer?

If not does any video version have closed captions? I doubt it

Or any other solutions?

I have it on video from the 31st Dec showing on channel four, but the quality is not good, and some of the dialogue is missing from it via the subtitles

Yes it is a brilliant film, there is nothing quite like it.
Wicker Man Remake

Sounds grim, doesn't it? Doubtless some Hollywood exec will decide that the original ending was too downbeat, and add a bit where Nic leaps free with a single bound and guns down Lord Summerisle with a handy machine gun. Remember what they did to The Vanishing ?

I love the original though (even if "Corn Riggs" is a bit irritating), and got the DVD last week. I think this Summer I might plan a location trip. According to the documentary on the disc, the stumps of the Wicker Man's legs are still there! So long as I avoid harvest time...
The Wicker Man with an upbeat ending? Don't laugh!

I recently caught the end of the recent `live' action remake of `Animal Farm'. It ended on a distinctly upbeat note of hope and optimism for the future. Yukk!

In it's way the original (The Wicker Man) is a perfect piece of cinema. It's a horror film par excellence mostly because of the way it toys with the viewers expectations. It helps not to know what happens next, mind you. You only thought you knew. It was a genuine and original shocker when it came out.
On a brighter note, Christopher Lee and Robin Hardy are (allegedly) working on a sequel! With the rather unsettling title 'The Riding of the Laddie'.

The author of the original (Anthony Schaeffer? Spelling, I know, I know) also fleshed out a sequel in the late '70s. It took a rather more supernatural slant with the Old Gods of Summerisle making their presence felt and Lord S wielding magical powers against a rather astonishingly still alive Sergeant Howie.

Who can say...
Re: Wicker Man Remake

Johnnyboy said:
Sounds grim, doesn't it? Doubtless some Hollywood exec will decide that the original ending was too downbeat, and add a bit where Nic leaps free with a single bound and guns down Lord Summerisle with a handy machine gun. Remember what they did to The Vanishing ?

If Nic Cage is going to be in it, mebbe they could make it a prequel to City of Angels? (ie, how he got to be an angel)

Remakes are nearly always disappointing - look at 'Psycho' with Ann Heche. I can't even remember the name of the bloke who played Norman Bates, but he was nowhere as creepy as Anthony Perkins. They might as well have had Robin Williams playing the part, at least we might have had a few laughs.

Talking of dodgy re-makes didn't they remake 'Get Carter' with Sly Stallone in the Michael Caine role?????

Y'know sometimes my trigger finger gets itchy....................
Even worse is the news that The Prisoner is in the works, directed by Simon West who was responsible for that miserable waste of celluloid, Tomb Raider.

Let's hope it's not another The Avengers.

And a final act of Hollywood sacrilege is the proposed remake of the Italian Job.

Dark Detective said:
And a final act of Hollywood sacrilege is the proposed remake of the Italian Job.


Yes, from what I have heard Mark "I'll star in a bad re-make" Wallberg is for the lead role and the film's main heist is set in Los Angeles!!!

Wouldn't that then be "The Los Angeles Job"?!?!?

Why do remakes have to be Americanised for Target Audiences?

The terrible remake of "Get Carter"

Inserting new American characters into "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" Film is another case in point.

Or the remakes of War of the Worlds which was to be set in Modern America (again!).

Why not have a shred of integrity and remain true to the original source material...

It seems patronising to Americans also to imply that they wont watch a film that doesn't have an American in it or isn't set in America.

Ho hum...
Originally posted by Dark Detective
Even worse is the news that The Prisoner is in the works, directed by Simon West who was responsible for that miserable waste of celluloid, Tomb Raider.


Patrick M. was my first girlhood crush!!!!!!!!:eek:
Mothfox, just back from a weekend in the hospital, immediately goes back in again...
*cough* *cough*[a weak voice comes from the emergency room]Bonbons, I need bonbons...
Re: Re: Wicker Man Remake

carole said:
Remakes are nearly always disappointing - look at 'Psycho' with Ann Heche. I can't even remember the name of the bloke who played Norman Bates, but he was nowhere as creepy as Anthony Perkins. They might as well have had Robin Williams playing the part, at least we might have had a few laughs.


Don't worry, Robin Williams is playing the psycho in the remake of INSOMNIA. :rolleyes:

Dark Detective said:
Even worse is the news that The Prisoner is in the works, directed by Simon West who was responsible for that miserable waste of celluloid, Tomb Raider.

Let's hope it's not another The Avengers.

And a final act of Hollywood sacrilege is the proposed remake of the Italian Job.

Gahh!:mad: That means going out again for more eye of toad!!!!!
But what will they do about the minis? They're BRITISH cars, can't have that, can we?? And who's going to play the Noel Coward role (Marlon Brando??:eek: )

I saw 'Wycliffe' last night on Granada Re-Run or somesuch channel and it featured a lovely wicker-man-in-a-wheel scenario. The wicker man was set alight (by Druids!) and the wheel sent rolling down the the cliffs into the sea.

The obligatory dead'un, this being a murder mystery, was supposed to be unwillingly concealed inside the WM figure. I lost track of the convoluted, incestuous-yokel-ridden storyline as usual but I think he actually pitched into the sea alive and was thus murdered.

It all looked somehow familiar.......
I actually think quite alot of current actors would be suitable for a remake of the WM, there that wooden the should burn very well...........
