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Weird Personal Names

My surname is Pettigrew which at school got turned into Petticoat and because part of my first name Is Ross, that got changed into Toss, Tosser or Toss Pot. I had a friend whose surname was Fannely which turned into Fanny which I believe means something different in the US to what it does here in the UK. Another pupil's surname was Dickson which got turned into Dickhead. No one seemed to mind the unauthorised school kid changes to their names though.
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My surname is Lovering. Fortunately I was at an all-girls school where nobody had heard of sex aids, otherwise I fear I may have come in for a good deal of teasing. There were a few half-hearted attempts at bullying, but not about my name, just because I was weird. Fortunately I had a fairly large circle of equally weird friends, so the bullying came to nothing.
My surname is Lovering. Fortunately I was at an all-girls school where nobody had heard of sex aids, otherwise I fear I may have come in for a good deal of teasing. There were a few half-hearted attempts at bullying, but not about my name, just because I was weird. Fortunately I had a fairly large circle of equally weird friends, so the bullying came to nothing.
Edna Lovering.
Nothing wrong with that.
My surname is Lovering. Fortunately I was at an all-girls school where nobody had heard of sex aids, otherwise I fear I may have come in for a good deal of teasing. There were a few half-hearted attempts at bullying, but not about my name, just because I was weird. Fortunately I had a fairly large circle of equally weird friends, so the bullying came to nothing.
I read your name as Lover - ing. I couldn't work out how that related to a sex aid. Then realised and went a bit red in the face.
I read your name as Lover - ing. I couldn't work out how that related to a sex aid. Then realised and went a bit red in the face.
We usually pronounce it as Lover-ing to prevent just that scenario.
I'm sure that no more information can be gained than if you own/use a mobile phone, own/rent a house/car, use a credit/debit card......

They could hack into my bank account and try to steal around £20.45p I suppose.
I just took the £20, Floyd. You can keep the 45p.
I just took the £20, Floyd. You can keep the 45p.
Clarkson of the Jeremy, once said how ridiculous it was to be worried about having your bank account hacked as no money could be taken out, only put in, and published his account details in the newspaper to prove it.

Someone took £500 from his account and donated it to Diabetes UK.

I had to laugh.
And I'm an author. My name is EVERYWHERE.


maximus otter
Some places you can't even ensure your address stays private if you want to vote or run a small business. It's scary. I don't enjoy categorical vulnerabilities-- doesn't matter if "oh, no one notices you, it'll never be a problem". Someone could.
Some places you can't even ensure your address stays private if you want to vote or run a small business. It's scary. I don't enjoy categorical vulnerabilities-- doesn't matter if "oh, no one notices you, it'll never be a problem". Someone could.
If someone wants to find you - I mean really wants to find you, they can. If you have any kind of online presence, you are traceable. That's why I'm not worried about my name being out there; anyone who wants me already knows where I am.
My surname's Swift. The amount of school teachers who'd say "Hurry up Swift." .. I didn't have much fun with that either.
Well, now I'm confused. Your name is Swifty Swift ??? What were your parents thinking??
My real surname isn't weird, just really bog standard for round here. So I usually write under fake names (two, mainly) but unaccountably worked on one book using my real surname - not even sure why. Last week, I was hate-watching a YT video made by some nutters who seem to have it in for me (or her, the person I write as). And they started bitching about me when I was working using part of my real surname - only done it once. I have the same surname as a character in 'Red Dwarf' (NO! Not Rimmer!) And on the playback of the Live Chat, as these dicks started talking about my book, and I was waiting for some heavy duty insults coming my way but one of their regular trolls said "...OH X, like X in Red Dwarf?" and I thought "Really? Is that the best you can do?" It's not even a character I mind being likened to. In fact, it's my favourite.

In their other (hobby related) YTs they have spent months slagging off one of my Reddit usernames, not even realising it's the same person as the person whose work they also slag off... There's also an Instagram feed where the same people hate me both on Reddit and my work pseudonym IRL - which I follow with great interest. They still haven't joined the dots. If one of the British ones doxes me I'm down the coppers, though.