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Weird Sex (Practices, Preferences & Accoutrements!)

Seen in a Czech newspaper. Just a fragment because of paywall. Never heard of this case:

The locals thought he was filming porn. Crowds of girls came to Odrlice to see Guru Jara

MF DNES visited the place where the convicted Jaroslav Dobeš, alias Guru Jára, raped girls under the pretext of solving their relationship problems. From the outside, a renovated brick farmhouse with a green courtyard. At first glance, nothing in Odrlice in the Olomouc region resembles the events that took place here nearly twenty years ago. However, the story still lives on in the locals.
According to his version, Jaroslav Dobeš, alias Guru Jára, used to remove tantric hooks from women here, which were left by former partners and which caused them to have relationship problems. And that was in the form of coitus.

However, at least some of those involved did not give their consent to such a thing, and so Dobeš and his female co-worker were convicted of rape. However, the trace of Guru Jara is still tangible in Odrlice to this day.

Source: https://www.idnes.cz/olomouc/zpravy...ce=twitter&utm_medium=wall&utm_campaign=idnes

Oh wait ... there's a Wikipedia page: https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Jára

The female participants of the Poetry School and Dobeš's other courses were selected and classified according to physical appearance into so-called A's, B's and C's. The A category was to include mainly young, slender, blue-eyed blondes. In category B were young, full-figured and dark-eyed women, and in category C were older and stronger women. This selection was justified by the idea that younger and more attractive people have more subtle spiritual energy and are better suited to cultivating it. Men also attended Dobes's courses and lectures. The classes for men and women were sometimes held separately, and the content of the courses differed[10].

As part of the Poetry School, seminars, lectures and other events, he offered women a healing method that he claimed he could perform as one of the few dedicated tantrikas in the world, called "unhooking". The hooks were to be left in them by their previous sexual partners, preventing them from the flow of feminine energy and further spiritual growth and personal development. The women, however, were not aware of the details of how the "unhooking" took place. Affected women were selected by Dobes (mostly good-looking women with relationship problems) and brought to him. Under Plášková's guidance, the girls underwent breathing exercises in their underwear, which led to hyperventilation and often, due to a combination of lack of sleep, diet, dehydration and stress, left them unable to control their bodies and express their disapproval (verbally or physically) of the coitus Dobeš performed on them[11].

THis is ridiculous!

In response to the prosecution of Guru Jara, supporters applied in mid-2015 for registration of the Guru Jara Journey (CGJ for short) as a religious society, which was rejected by the Czech Ministry of Culture after repeated attempts by his supporters. Seeking confirmation of the CGJ as a religious society would have increased the chances of Dobeš and Plášková being recognized as religious asylum and, if recognized, they would not have to be extradited back to the Czech Republic for prosecution. [6][23] The application was filed under the Act on Churches and Religious Societies No. 3/2002 Coll.[24] Supporters of Guru Yar managed to collect more than 300 signatures, one of the legal conditions for the confirmation of a religious society, but many of them could not be recognized due to doubts about their authenticity. Another doubt was raised about the profitability[23].
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From this excellent book:
The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia
Peter Hopkirk

While the members of the mission and their escort were accommodated in a village outside the walls, this somewhat shadowy figure, about whom little appears to be known, set to work gathering information ranging from military matters to the sexual proclivities of the Bokharans. Of the latter he was to write: ‘Were I not constrained by shame, I could relate incredible facts.’ Apparently things went on in Bokhara which ‘even in Constantinople’ were taboo. The people, Eversmann tells us, had no notion of ‘refined sentiments’, but thought only of sexual gratification, despite the brutal punishments inflicted on those caught indulging in these unnamed ‘enormities’. The Emir himself was no exception. In addition to his harem, the doctor reported, he enjoyed the services of ‘forty or fifty degraded beings’ in this city where ‘all the horrors and abominations of Sodom and Gomorrah’ were practised.

Man, 25, caught having sex with calf after suspicious farmer plants camera

Liam Brown, 25, was caught by farmers who suspected their livestock were being abused and set up cameras and alarms, ITV reports.
Brown snuck onto the farm in Christchurch, Dorset, late at night in June 2022. He was already known to the farmers, as some of his family had worked there before.

‘On the night in question they were alerted by alarms and equipment they had set up with the result that the defendant was found.

‘Subsequently, samples were taken from the animal confirming the intercourse in question.’

Brown sobbed as he pleaded guilty to sexual penetration with a living animal and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Brown, of Grosvenor Gardens, Bournemouth, was addressed by the magistrates who said: ‘It is going to crown court because the offences are so serious it is possible you need greater punishment than we can give.’

He will be sentenced on September 22.

From this excellent book:
The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia
Peter Hopkirk

While the members of the mission and their escort were accommodated in a village outside the walls, this somewhat shadowy figure, about whom little appears to be known, set to work gathering information ranging from military matters to the sexual proclivities of the Bokharans. Of the latter he was to write: ‘Were I not constrained by shame, I could relate incredible facts.’ Apparently things went on in Bokhara which ‘even in Constantinople’ were taboo. The people, Eversmann tells us, had no notion of ‘refined sentiments’, but thought only of sexual gratification, despite the brutal punishments inflicted on those caught indulging in these unnamed ‘enormities’. The Emir himself was no exception. In addition to his harem, the doctor reported, he enjoyed the services of ‘forty or fifty degraded beings’ in this city where ‘all the horrors and abominations of Sodom and Gomorrah’ were practised.
So the Emir's ‘forty or fifty degraded beings’ would be males, confirmed by mention of Sodom. It's the end of the world!
From this excellent book:
The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia
Peter Hopkirk

While the members of the mission and their escort were accommodated in a village outside the walls, this somewhat shadowy figure, about whom little appears to be known, set to work gathering information ranging from military matters to the sexual proclivities of the Bokharans. Of the latter he was to write: ‘Were I not constrained by shame, I could relate incredible facts.’ Apparently things went on in Bokhara which ‘even in Constantinople’ were taboo. The people, Eversmann tells us, had no notion of ‘refined sentiments’, but thought only of sexual gratification, despite the brutal punishments inflicted on those caught indulging in these unnamed ‘enormities’. The Emir himself was no exception. In addition to his harem, the doctor reported, he enjoyed the services of ‘forty or fifty degraded beings’ in this city where ‘all the horrors and abominations of Sodom and Gomorrah’ were practised.

The book keeps on giving:

It looked more and more as though the occupation would be permanent, as indeed some of the British were beginning to think it would have to be if Shujah was to survive. Then there was the growing anger, especially in Kabul, over the pursuit and seduction of local women by the troops, particularly the officers. Some Afghan women even left their husbands to move in with wealthier and more generous lovers, while there was a regular traffic in women to the cantonments. Strong protests were made, but these were ignored. Murderous feelings towards the British possessed those who had been cuckolded – some of them men of considerable influence. ‘The Afghans’, Sir John Kaye, the historian, was to write, ‘are very jealous of the honour of their women, and there were things done in Caubul which covered them with shame and roused them to revenge . . . It went on until it became intolerable, and the injured then began to see that the only remedy was in their own hands.’ Nor did they have to wait for very long. All that was needed now was for someone to light the fuse.
Finally, a way for women to attract sexual attention from heterosexual males!

Vabbing has blown up recently thanks to a now-deleted TikTok video posted by influencer Mandy Lee. Describing the technique, Lee recommends the use of two fingers and a “relatively clean” vagina, and says that the best approach is to simply “get up there” before transferring the intimate secretions to exposed body parts like the wrist, neck, or behind the ears.

“I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date, a one-night stand. Or you’ll just get free drinks all night,” she says, before revealing that she first heard about vabbing on the Secret Keepers Club podcast. Despite the removal of Lee’s video, the craze has taken off on TikTok, with numerous other users taking to the platform to promote the sticky practice.
Finally, a way for women to attract sexual attention from heterosexual males!

Vabbing has blown up recently thanks to a now-deleted TikTok video posted by influencer Mandy Lee. Describing the technique, Lee recommends the use of two fingers and a “relatively clean” vagina, and says that the best approach is to simply “get up there” before transferring the intimate secretions to exposed body parts like the wrist, neck, or behind the ears.

“I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date, a one-night stand. Or you’ll just get free drinks all night,” she says, before revealing that she first heard about vabbing on the Secret Keepers Club podcast. Despite the removal of Lee’s video, the craze has taken off on TikTok, with numerous other users taking to the platform to promote the sticky practice.
Why does Gwenyth Paltrow come to mind?:rolleyes:
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Finally, a way for women to attract sexual attention from heterosexual males!

Vabbing has blown up recently thanks to a now-deleted TikTok video posted by influencer Mandy Lee. Describing the technique, Lee recommends the use of two fingers and a “relatively clean” vagina, and says that the best approach is to simply “get up there” before transferring the intimate secretions to exposed body parts like the wrist, neck, or behind the ears.

“I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date, a one-night stand. Or you’ll just get free drinks all night,” she says, before revealing that she first heard about vabbing on the Secret Keepers Club podcast. Despite the removal of Lee’s video, the craze has taken off on TikTok, with numerous other users taking to the platform to promote the sticky practice.
When did jumping off the wardrobe on a Saturday night in your best Batman costume fall out of favour?

Missouri Dept of Health investigating Starbucks barista with diaper fetish after he filmed himself dispensing whipped cream into his diaper

There’s nothing better than a frappuccino from Starbucks with a generous swirl of whipped cream on top. But unfortunately, this Starbucks barista in Ballwin, Missouri will make you re-think your drink order.

Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated.


Johnson takes the Starbucks whipped cream dispenser, shoves the nozzle into his diaper, and squeezes a lot of whipped cream into said diaper. And then follows that with a grande full of ice. To accomplish what? Not sure.

We reached out to the The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services to notify them of this video and inquire if it violates any health codes. Turns out, it does and now they’re investigating.


maximus otter

Missouri Dept of Health investigating Starbucks barista with diaper fetish after he filmed himself dispensing whipped cream into his diaper

There’s nothing better than a frappuccino from Starbucks with a generous swirl of whipped cream on top. But unfortunately, this Starbucks barista in Ballwin, Missouri will make you re-think your drink order.

Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated.


Johnson takes the Starbucks whipped cream dispenser, shoves the nozzle into his diaper, and squeezes a lot of whipped cream into said diaper. And then follows that with a grande full of ice. To accomplish what? Not sure.

We reached out to the The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services to notify them of this video and inquire if it violates any health codes. Turns out, it does and now they’re investigating.


maximus otter
I used to know an adult baby scene enthusiast. He ran a second hand stuff shop in Burton on Trent.

I'd never met him before I went into his shop and I was looking at some horror VHS tapes he was selling when he walked over and said ..

"Oh, I see you like your horror?"

.. most of the tapes were lame Hollywood like stuff instead of stuff that was once banned in the video nasty years so I made the mistake of saying ..

"I do but I'm more into the hardcore stuff." (meaning video nasties)

So he went into the back of his shop and returned with this non labelled VHS tape and said something like "You might like this.".

I got back home and put the tape to one side assuming it would be something I'd already seen. I was bored one day so I put it on ............

It was people doing anything you can imagine in a sexual context with poo and wee ... this was years before two girls one cup and the internet and that.

Naturally, my first thought was BLLEEERRGHH :freak: .. my second though was 'ACE!!! .. I've got to shock my mates with this!" .. so I did. We were all laughing our heads off although one of my mates confided in me that his girlfriend got aroused by the viewing and then done a bit of 'experimenting' afterwards.

I took the tape back to 'Pokko' (I never did ask him what his real name was) with "Christ. I've never seen anything like that before? .. but cheers anyway." which was when he told me he was into being an adult baby, his nappies being changed and poo and wee kinky stuff. He was completely relaxed telling me about it all ... apparently the real underground people who actually do this stuff for fun use the terms 'champagne' and 'caviar' to talk about urine and faeces he told me. Lovely.
I used to know an adult baby scene enthusiast. He ran a second hand stuff shop in Burton on Trent.

I'd never met him before I went into his shop and I was looking at some horror VHS tapes he was selling when he walked over and said ..

"Oh, I see you like your horror?"

.. most of the tapes were lame Hollywood like stuff instead of stuff that was once banned in the video nasty years so I made the mistake of saying ..

"I do but I'm more into the hardcore stuff." (meaning video nasties)

So he went into the back of his shop and returned with this non labelled VHS tape and said something like "You might like this.".

I got back home and put the tape to one side assuming it would be something I'd already seen. I was bored one day so I put it on ............

It was people doing anything you can imagine in a sexual context with poo and wee ... this was years before two girls one cup and the internet and that.

Naturally, my first thought was BLLEEERRGHH :freak: .. my second though was 'ACE!!! .. I've got to shock my mates with this!" .. so I did. We were all laughing our heads off although one of my mates confided in me that his girlfriend got aroused by the viewing and then done a bit of 'experimenting' afterwards.

I took the tape back to 'Pokko' (I never did ask him what his real name was) with "Christ. I've never seen anything like that before? .. but cheers anyway." which was when he told me he was into being an adult baby, his nappies being changed and poo and wee kinky stuff. He was completely relaxed telling me about it all ... apparently the real underground people who actually do this stuff for fun use the terms 'champagne' and 'caviar' to talk about urine and faeces he told me. Lovely.
He made the mistake of also admitting this fetish of his to a local street gang.

One morning before sunrise, I was walking past his closed shop and someone had spray painted PERVERT. He was actually a nice bloke who I used to buy and sell weird antiques from even after he'd confessed all of this weird stuff to me so I had his mobile phone number and I called him.

"You'd better get down to your shop quickly with anything you've got to scrape paint off your window. Someone's spray painted PERVERT on your window and if people see that? .. they'll think you're a pedo."

He got there in about 5 minutes ..

"The first thing you need to do is scrape off the letter V mate .. then work from the middle outwards which he did until a police car turned up and asked him what he was doing .. two WPC's on early patrol..

"PE ET? .. what does that mean?"

"Look .. it's my shop. It said 'pervert' OK!? .. and I guess I am but nothing to do with kids! .. OK!" .. he was stressed ..

The coppers just looked at each other incredulously, nodded and drove off.
Saw this on Fesshole, in the context of urinal etiquette -

If someone beside you takes out their phone at a urinal, have a strong word. Worked in a bar where a patron was posting videos online. After a complaint to mgt hidden cameras were installed and it revealed a little 'culture club'.
Spotted recently, somewhere or other, a bloke - I think it was a bloke - wanted to be pissed on, while "dressed as a Deliveroo."

Is this now a standard costume of humiliation? Maybe you can now buy those grubby turquoise burden-boxes in sex-shops?

Despite a reluctance to pee in company, I had a brief urge to join the queue and help give that box a good shower! :rofl: