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Weird Sex (Practices, Preferences & Accoutrements!)

One guy I worked with used to rub is wedding tackle with "Hard On Erection Cream"
not a clue if it did anything or were he got it.
Blokes I knew years ago had a running joke about 'Stallion Cream', the application and operation of which was left to the imagination.
An app-enhanced vibrator where you can analyze your orgasm patterns. And the inventor lady says orgasms get better with coffee and worse with wine:

Just a speculation: l this made me think that our culture looks much more favourably at female sexuality than male sexuality. Just imagine how creepy it would feel if these were men. Well ... if they were gay men this still might be acceptable, but imagine hetero men with a male plaything ...
An app-enhanced vibrator where you can analyze your orgasm patterns. And the inventor lady says orgasms get better with coffee and worse with wine:

Just a speculation: l this made me think that our culture looks much more favourably at female sexuality than male sexuality. Just imagine how creepy it would feel if these were men. Well ... if they were gay men this still might be acceptable, but imagine hetero men with a male plaything ...
We've had male sexuality pushed in our faces/rammed down our throats (ooer missus) for millennia. A spot of girly-twiddling won't hurt. :chuckle:
An app-enhanced vibrator where you can analyze your orgasm patterns. And the inventor lady says orgasms get better with coffee and worse with wine:

Just a speculation: l this made me think that our culture looks much more favourably at female sexuality than male sexuality. Just imagine how creepy it would feel if these were men. Well ... if they were gay men this still might be acceptable, but imagine hetero men with a male plaything ...
Yep .. in 2023, if a man's horny? .. look out! .. he might be a pervert!. If a woman's horny? .. high five Sister! .. your taking control of your sexuality! .. you're liberated!.

I've got a lot of sympathy for celibates of both genders these days. A church going Christian woman who lives in a flat above me cheerfully told me one day that she's celibate these days (I hadn't asked but fair play to her) but that she does enjoy oral sex with random blokes sometimes (again, I hadn't asked but fair play to her). My penis will be going nowhere near her mouth.
Yep .. in 2023, if a man's horny? .. look out! .. he might be a pervert!. If a woman's horny? .. high five Sister! .. your taking control of your sexuality! .. you're liberated!.

I've got a lot of sympathy for celibates of both genders these days. A church going Christian woman who lives in a flat above me cheerfully told me one day that she's celibate these days (I hadn't asked but fair play to her) but that she does enjoy oral sex with random blokes sometimes (again, I hadn't asked but fair play to her). My penis will be going nowhere near her mouth.

Even 9gag makes half joking fun of the silliness of male desire. As an older Catholic man I'll be the first to confirm that our desires can be silly at times, and that rationality should tame instincts, but our silliness might be seen with some empathy, some of the time.

I still believe that most of us men are silly that way, but not deliberately toxic. *** And I'm not denying that toxic men do a lot of damage.

*** As the old joke says: blood that flows into that organ, cannot flow to the brain.

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Thought-Controlled Sex Toy Lets You Masturbate With Your Mind

A little over four months ago, inventor Brian Sloan secured a patent for “control of sexual stimulation devices using electroencephalography.” Across 49 pages, including 31 charts, graphs, and illustrations, the filing plots out how a person could use their thoughts to move a sex toy with their mind.

Sloan is the inventor of the Autoblow, a mechanical masturbation sleeve.

A year ago, I spent an afternoon ramming overripe fruit into the Autoblow AI+, a voice-command enabled version of the Autoblow AI. A year before that, Sloan introduced the Automoblow, an accessory arm that extends from a car’s cupholder to jerk off the driver.

Sloan enlisted a brain-computer interface research group to develop a prototype that would bring his patent for the brain-controlled Autoblow to life.


maximus otter

Thought-Controlled Sex Toy Lets You Masturbate With Your Mind

A little over four months ago, inventor Brian Sloan secured a patent for “control of sexual stimulation devices using electroencephalography.” Across 49 pages, including 31 charts, graphs, and illustrations, the filing plots out how a person could use their thoughts to move a sex toy with their mind.

Sloan is the inventor of the Autoblow, a mechanical masturbation sleeve.

A year ago, I spent an afternoon ramming overripe fruit into the Autoblow AI+, a voice-command enabled version of the Autoblow AI. A year before that, Sloan introduced the Automoblow, an accessory arm that extends from a car’s cupholder to jerk off the driver.

Sloan enlisted a brain-computer interface research group to develop a prototype that would bring his patent for the brain-controlled Autoblow to life.


maximus otter
It's always nice to have options.

Thought-Controlled Sex Toy Lets You Masturbate With Your Mind

A little over four months ago, inventor Brian Sloan secured a patent for “control of sexual stimulation devices using electroencephalography.” Across 49 pages, including 31 charts, graphs, and illustrations, the filing plots out how a person could use their thoughts to move a sex toy with their mind.

Sloan is the inventor of the Autoblow, a mechanical masturbation sleeve.

A year ago, I spent an afternoon ramming overripe fruit into the Autoblow AI+, a voice-command enabled version of the Autoblow AI. A year before that, Sloan introduced the Automoblow, an accessory arm that extends from a car’s cupholder to jerk off the driver.

Sloan enlisted a brain-computer interface research group to develop a prototype that would bring his patent for the brain-controlled Autoblow to life.


maximus otter
Really? Connected to a car cupholder? Are men so incapable of controlling their sex urge, they need to be blown while driving? Wow.
Now this is weird,


I posted this in the jokes thread now I may have to reconsider my stance

Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?​


Women believe that giving birth must be way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the balls.

I disagree,

Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby; and here is the reason for my conclusion.

A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."

On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the balls."
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Now this is weird,


I posted this in the jokes thread now I may have to reconsider my stance

Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?​


Women believe that giving birth must be way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the balls.

I disagree,

Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby; and here is the reason for my conclusion.

A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."

On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the balls."
It's not about how painful it is, the issue is whether the pain is worth it or not.

Women who say 'It might be nice to have another child' are prepared to take on the pain of childbirth because they want to bring a new life into the world with a man they trust and adore.

Getting kicked in the balls is painful without any reward.
Ewww the start of that vid is weird! Children + hitting a man's nuts = very very dodgy. I'd not link to it if it were me
It's Knoxville surrounded by a film crew .. you're all fine and safe and so are the kids .. his sperm count isn't though. As seen in a later episode when they all go to a sperm bank to find out who has the highest sperm count.

edit: my Dad sometimes played messed up pranks on me when I was a kid like the time he made fake Santa legs in our fireplace so all my presents would turn into coal dust as he said when I was about 4 (and still does when he can) but here's one of Knoxville's Dad's as he tells it in the anecdote .... he was asleep as a kid, woke up because something salty was being rubbed over his mouth. Then his Dad panto pretended to look panicky and did his zip up quickly. It was only a hot dog sausage. Knoxville wasn't gently brought up. He was dragged up. It toughens us up. It's sick but then so is the world.
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Then his Dad panto pretended to look panicky and did his zip up quickly. It was only a hot dog sausage. Knoxville wasn't gently brought up. He was dragged up. It toughens us up. It's sick but then so is the world.
That's not how you toughen a kid up. It's abuse.
Creepy enough if it was done between two adults in a consenting relationship; there'd be a slap.
Yes. Kids don't need to be "toughened up". Parents are the people kids should be able to trust.
In an ideal world, no they don't but the world isn't ideal. Or fair, partly why I never had kids. My Dad has mellowed with age to be fair to him but there's a few situations I probably might not have got through on my own if he hadn't been a bit of a bastard to me. I didn't enjoy it at the time but I know how to defend myself now. I wasn't wrapped in cotton wool. I feel sorry for kids who are.
In an ideal world, no they don't but the world isn't ideal. Or fair, partly why I never had kids. My Dad has mellowed with age to be fair to him but there's a few situations I probably might not have got through on my own if he hadn't been a bit of a bastard to me. I didn't enjoy it at the time but I know how to defend myself now. I wasn't wrapped in cotton wool. I feel sorry for kids who are.
I'm betting he didn't pretend to wipe his dick across your face when you were asleep though.
I'm betting he didn't pretend to wipe his dick across your face when you were asleep though.
Nope but he did once pretend to be injecting drugs when I walked into his bedroom and he was preparing medication for a few sheep he'd bought who'd developed maggots/arse rot .. his shirt was off, syringes were on the bed, I walked in so he said "It's just something I use to relax sometimes." .. I froze. He laughed. I've had a weird upbringing.
It depends - there some masochistic men who bloody love being kicked in the nuts and get off on it.
Just to doubly make the point - adult men who choose to have this experience with other adults who choose to provide it, in the company (or not) of other consenting adults. Minors and those without the capacity for informed choice must never be party or witness to adult sexual behaviour.

I don't care what consenting adults do with their sexual urges as long as all involved are also consenting adults. And it doesn't scare the neighbours, or the horses!