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What Did You Dream Of Last Night?

Nerdy collecting dreams ring a bell. Those delightful, cobwebby emporia don't exist much this side of sleep these days.

In a memorable one, I was in a gramophone-parlour from around 1924 (told you it was geeky!). I was beckoned from my examination of some very impressive cabinet models by the owner, who attempted to interest me in some heavy albums of records.

I understood they were in an Eastern European language and represented the vestiges of a lost civilization. One of their last acts before extinction was to record this nationalist opera. The way you do.

How much did he want for them? Just a few quid, it turned out - to prevent his shop going bust.

I didn't have it on me. So I left the store, singing the arias in order to remember them.

Needless to say, they had vanished by morning coffee time. :(
I've had the strange scenario today of a recurring dream of mine actually coming true, but experienced by my mum.

I am a bit of a nerd for football stats and as such over the years have built up a good collection of Rothmans Football Yearbooks dating back to the early 70s. As of this morning I needed four to complete my collection.

I have many times over the years dreamt of going into numerous different second hand bookshops to find a cache of them and many of the ones I am missing, only to wake up disappointed. When back in the UK I always have a snoop around Oxfam etc... in the hope of picking one up.

Anyhow, today I got an email from my mum saying she had been in a secobd hand bookshop today and found a near complete set of them including all bar one of those I need. I'm delighted she picked them up for me but slightly disappointed I didn't get the chance to go in that shop and live out my recurring dream!

Reminds me of something that happened to me. Not a dream, just a weird coincidence. I used to like car boot sales and one day at one I saw a china tankard on top of a box of other junk. I HAD to have it. So I strolled over, picked it up, sucked my teeth, offered 50p, was refused, put it back, walked off, was called back by the stall owner, had a chat, secured the tankard for the original price...

No idea why I wanted a 1960s china tankard decorated with a drawing of a vintage car, but there you go, I had it.

Back at home my daughter saw it and asked for it for a friend who liked vintage cars. I handed it over and few days later she told me this story:

The friend had been helping a mate of his Dad's to do up an old car. The mate had died suddenly. He had promised to give the younger bloke his prized collection of vintage car tankards and his widow had kindly honoured his wish and sent them round.

Seems he'd spent years collecting them and was at the time of his death only missing one of the set. Yup, it was the one I'd picked up. So his young friend now had the complete set, thanks to my impulse buy.

A real What the ACTUAL? moment. :D

Oh yeah, and let me know which book you're missing. I look at a LOT of second hand books.
The Fonz was in my dream last night, at a basketball game. Pretty cool, huh?
Reminds me of something that happened to me. Not a dream, just a weird coincidence. I used to like car boot sales and one day at one I saw a china tankard on top of a box of other junk. I HAD to have it. So I strolled over, picked it up, sucked my teeth, offered 50p, was refused, put it back, walked off, was called back by the stall owner, had a chat, secured the tankard for the original price...

No idea why I wanted a 1960s china tankard decorated with a drawing of a vintage car, but there you go, I had it.

Back at home my daughter saw it and asked for it for a friend who liked vintage cars. I handed it over and few days later she told me this story:

The friend had been helping a mate of his Dad's to do up an old car. The mate had died suddenly. He had promised to give the younger bloke his prized collection of vintage car tankards and his widow had kindly honoured his wish and sent them round.

Seems he'd spent years collecting them and was at the time of his death only missing one of the set. Yup, it was the one I'd picked up. So his young friend now had the complete set, thanks to my impulse buy.

A real What the ACTUAL? moment. :D

Oh yeah, and let me know which book you're missing. I look at a LOT of second hand books.

Great story! And it is Rothman's Football Yearbook 1970/71. The first edition. You can get them often on eBay but the price is often sky high. I also dream one day of finding one in Oxfam for about 50p...! :)
Couldn't post this last night, so this dream occurred around 5 AM on July 7.

There was a religious sect, sort of Amish-like, that had been living as if it were the US civil war era (1860's). They had been living apart from society for many generations.

The old leaders of the sect had died, leaving their two children (about 20-22 years old) in charge. The young man was the head of the priesthood and the sister was a mystic who gave instructions based on her visions. The brother had an Amish beard and wore old-fashioned overalls with a henley shirt. The sister wore a long white gown with a lace veil over her hair. There was no indication in their dream what their religious beliefs were, only that they were mystics.

Because the brother and sister were unsure of the fate of their sect, the sister decreed - based on a vision - that the brother must go into the modern world to accomplish some goal. What this goal was also unclear, only that it was very important.

The next bit was startling in its incongruity, even for a dream. I'm driving the young man in my brother's old Triumph TR7, which he sold in 1985 and I've hardly thought about since. Also, it had a standard transmission and I can't drive a stick. But driving we were, and I'm giving the young man advice. He's worried that when he goes to the Democratic National Convention, he won't be able to fit in, as he's never been in modern society. I'm reassuring him that he'll be just fine.

Everything seems okay, but I notice the music on the radio. It's part of the song Legend Of A Mind by the Moody Blues. About 3 minutes into the song, there is a part with a mellotron that sounds like a bit like a cello. This is significant because this sound is very depressing to me and I always say that if my depression had a sound that would be it. During really bad times, that short piece of music has been stuck in my mind, OCD-like. So in the dream it was worrisome.

I try to ignore the music and keep talking like nothing's wrong, but eventually distress overwhelms me and I can no longer speak. That was when I woke up, feeling very sad.

Don't know what to think about this dream. I hadn't really been worried about the Democratic convention, mainly the Republican one. Legend Of A Mind came out in '68, and some who were around back them say this year is starting to remind them of '68. Don't know the meaning of the religious sect, but waking up to headlines like "civil war" this morning was very disturbing in light of this (and just in general, too.) Driving in the Triumph - well, the operative word must be "triumph" here, but the depressing music interfering indicates otherwise

Unconsciously, I must be predicting even more troubled times ahead. Hopefully I'm wrong.
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Yesterday, my husband, 7-year-old daughter and I visited theme park and last night had dinner and stayed in a hotel. This was a surprise treat for my daughter’s birthday, she had visited neither place before, nor knew what to expect whilst we were there (The hotel was very different to our usual choice – it was very posh and classy!)

Over dinner my daughter was gazing out of the window and suddenly said: “Mummy, do you remember the lady who sold us our tickets at the theme park today? Well I dreamt about her a few days ago.” I asked her how she knew it was the same lady in her dream – she told me she was dressed the same and had the same face and said the same things. I did indeed remember this lady as she was unusually dressed and her make-up was bold and liberally applied so she was quite memorable.

She continued: “I also dreamt about this hotel, I knew what this restaurant and our room would look like AND what I’d have to eat. Sometimes I dream about the future, do you do that as well?”

My daughter has often told us about her dreams; she remembers them in such incredible detail which I have always found rather curious. She was so matter of fact about dreaming about the future, like it was quite a normal thing to do. Perhaps this is more déjà vu than anything else, but I will certainly be paying more attention when she tells me about her dreams from now on.

Sadly, she hasn’t dreamt of lottery numbers or Grand National winners, we did ask!
Yesterday morning I dreamed we were hosting Gerry Adams of Irish Republican infamy. He was friendly and we chatted briefly, but then he spent the rest of the dinner on his smartphone. Then we all rolled around to my parents' house for a nightcap and the same pattern occurred.

His lackeys were more engaging and socialised well. It was a thoroughly enjoyable dream. I wonder if Gerry'll invite us to his dream dinner in reciprocity. hm
I don't believe this is especially Fortean (or I would have posted sooner), but in recent months I seem to have developed the ability to control my dreams in a single recurring instance and no other.

At work and home I'm surrounded by books and paperwork - this written word is everywhere - and many, many of my dreams feature texts of every variety you can imagine. Typically, however, these are McGuffins whose existence felt important, but whose content was usually unknown to me. I often used to wake with the frustration that I couldn't clearly recall what the writing had actually been.

Yet several times in the last few months, I've been sleeping relatively lightly in the morning and have woken and returned to sleep before the dream has faded; in these instances, I am conscious of the fact that I am able to lead the dream and not be led by it in one respect: with the expenditure of a degree of willpower (it never occurs naturally or easily) I can force myself to look at the pages or papers and read them, horribly slowly, word-by-word.

The disappointing climax is that they are nonsense - real English words but in no comprehensible order with little association between them: abstract nouns are common, but whenever there seems a hope of joining the dots to reveal some meaning, my mind throws in colours, foods or animal names as if it is trying to obstruct me.

That's all. Any input?
T'other night I dreamed that I was getting up early for work and accidentally disturbed someone who was sleeping nearby. This person is actually long dead but in life was very dear to me.

In the dream I bent down, stroked his hair and whispered 'I'm just going to work, it's early. You can stay asleep.'
He settled down again.

When I later remembered the dream, the meaning of it hit me so hard it brought tears to my eyes.
I'm going to work, I've moved on, he can sleep.
I dreamed I was at a school (presumably in Sunnydale athough it looked more like the UK) with Buffy Summers and Xander Harris. For some reason I was in some sort of low level bullying feud with Buffy and eventually with Xander and Spikes (unspecified) help I bested her. I've no idea what the cause of the feud was, or what was done to finish it
I can't imagine Xander or Spike fighting against Buffy unless they suddenly became evil.
I dreamed my awful neighbours were having a shouting-match. I was wandering through a house - not my own: it seemed more spacious, shouting, "Shut the eff up!"

I woke up and my neighbours were having their usual Sunday set-to. No idea what these are about as there isn't a word of English. Patience exhausted, I let rip with, "Shut the eff up!"

Clearly a prophetic dream from the very deepest layers of my troubled psyche! :rofl:
I woke up and my neighbours were having their usual Sunday set-to. No idea what these are about as there isn't a word of English. Patience exhausted, I let rip with, "Shut the eff up!"
I hope it did some good.
You might be able to complain to the agent if they rent.
We had some success with the ministry tenants who were causing us sleepless nights with their screaming as someone was sent out to speak to them.
They have moved now to a larger place due to the ever enlarging brood of multifathered children.
We now have some nice quiet African people living there with pleasant polite children.
In a flat characterized mainly by long net curtains, two women in early middle-age were hatching a plot to skive off work and call a man over to give them both a good seeing-to. They went all coy and girlishly giggly as they enumerated his virtues.

"I just love the way he talks!"

"I love everything about him!"

I think they were American and the whole thing had a self-conscious naughtiness which was deeply annoying. I felt my dreams had suffered interference from a horrible soap-opera! Perhaps it was intended for someone else? :eek:
Not something I dreamed of last night, but I thought this would be a good place to ask something I've been wondering about. Apologies if it's the wrong place - I did do a search for more general dream related threads, but the search function is a mystery to me!

Basically, for a period of about a month, I had a serious of dreams that would follow on from each other. In these dreams, I knew I had murdered and buried several people in a neighbours garden. As the dreams progressed, the police began to close in, until it culminated in them getting ready to dig up the garden. With each new dream I'd get more and more panicked.

The thing that makes these dreams stand out to me, apart from their on-going nature, was the fact that they felt so real that for a few minutes after waking I honestly thought I was some kind of serial killing maniac, and the dream panic would carry over into real life.

Has anyone experienced anything similar.
The only bit I remember of last night's dream is that I was in a castle, and was trying to get the internet through my laptop, only it had turned into some sort of wobbly material that I couldn't type on, it still looked like a laptop but was soft and curling up. :eek:
Due to re-reading The Black Hope Horror, I had a dream eerily similar to what that family went through, only there were two of us left at the end, running through the woods while the Thing was after us.

I do not recommend reading that book before bedtime. (And I'm the guy who gets a kick out of "normal" nightmares...I'll play the dream through til the end just to see what happens....)

I do however recommend reading that book on a bright, sunny day, perhaps under a tree, perhaps one with a strange symbol carved into it while crows dart about trying to peck out your eyes and a thunderstorm mysteriously blows up out of nowhere centered only around the tree....:twisted:
I had a dream Kate Winslet was my postie. She had grazed her arm, possibly because of my mail. I was at a loss to help.
The thing that makes these dreams stand out to me, apart from their on-going nature, was the fact that they felt so real that for a few minutes after waking I honestly thought I was some kind of serial killing maniac, and the dream panic would carry over into real life.

Has anyone experienced anything similar.

I used to have dreams like that when I was in my 20s, though haven't had them for a good 15 years or so now.

Mine didn't follow on so much as had a similar plot each time, usually where I found that I'd hidden a body somewhere, usually in the cellar, and then tried to get rid of it somehow, fearing that I eould be caught.

They were frequent and realistic enough that I did sometimes wonder through the daytime if I'd done someone in. :eek:
I used to have dreams like that when I was in my 20s, though haven't had them for a good 15 years or so now.

Mine didn't follow on so much as had a similar plot each time, usually where I found that I'd hidden a body somewhere, usually in the cellar, and then tried to get rid of it somehow, fearing that I eould be caught.

They were frequent and realistic enough that I did sometimes wonder through the daytime if I'd done someone in. :eek:

Same. It was pretty weird. I'd often find myself thinking did I kill these people or not, even though I'd previously ascertained it was just a dream. I've never had such realistic dreams before or since.

I'm in my 20s too, maybe that's relevant to these kind of dreams somehow? I can't think why it would be but you never know.
Not something I dreamed of last night, but I thought this would be a good place to ask something I've been wondering about. Apologies if it's the wrong place - I did do a search for more general dream related threads, but the search function is a mystery to me!

Basically, for a period of about a month, I had a serious of dreams that would follow on from each other. In these dreams, I knew I had murdered and buried several people in a neighbours garden. As the dreams progressed, the police began to close in, until it culminated in them getting ready to dig up the garden. With each new dream I'd get more and more panicked.

The thing that makes these dreams stand out to me, apart from their on-going nature, was the fact that they felt so real that for a few minutes after waking I honestly thought I was some kind of serial killing maniac, and the dream panic would carry over into real life.

Has anyone experienced anything similar.

Hi Enid :) I'm only an armchair psychologist, not a real one, but I'll give it a shot.

Going with the theory that all people in dreams are really versions of yourself/your psyche, I would say that there was something you didn't want to admit to yourself. You were "killing" and burying this idea or situation, to hide it. Even so, it must have kept trying to surface (since things grow in gardens) and affecting you anyway. The police could represent your conscious mind, trying to dig up what was hidden and confront you with it. This may have been why the dreams felt so immediate and personal.

I'm not saying that it was necessarily anything terrible, just something you might have preferred not to know.

The dreams may have stopped because whatever it was may have come to the surface. If you think back to that time, you may be able to figure out what it was.