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What Did You Dream Of Last Night?

Just another one of life’s weird random coincidences that had me scratching my head this morning…

Last night, completely out of nowhere in one flickering moment in a dream, I was explaining to somebody how a cap-toy worked. Does anyone recall the sort of thing? They were small lead aeroplane-shaped devices, you put a cap in the nose, threw them in the air, and they went BANG! when they hit the ground.

Having a cup of tea this morning, opened up Facebook and saw this, two or three swipes in:



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Just another one of life’s weird random coincidences that had me scratching my head this morning…

Last night, completely out of nowhere in one flickering moment in a dream, I was explaining to somebody how a cap-toy worked. Does anyone recall the sort of thing? They were small lead aeroplane-shaped devices, you put a cap in the nose, threw them in the air, and they went BANG! when they hit the ground.

Having a cup of tea this morning, opened up Facebook and saw this, two or three swipes in:

I don't remember metallic planes like that. What I had was a plastic 'capsule' with a metal button on one end.
I don't remember metallic planes like that. What I had was a plastic 'capsule' with a metal button on one end.
Oh yes, I recall these too. Actually if we’re going to get into the detail, in my dream the lead plane had a plastic cap thing on the nose and the metal nosepiece was inside. I recall my dream-self thinking as I explained it, “That doesn’t look quite right, but I’ll just ignore it and keep going…”
Which has often served me well in life so far.
I dreamed that I was leaving home with my three, very small children. We were, at one point, on a boat. The weather was a bit inclement, so I climbed into the buggy with the baby - the pram was about the size of a small car, and we all sat in there. Then there was utter confusion; my ex Father in Law was standing cutting up oranges and being very cheerful, there were two nuns, one wearing a headdress made of tea towels and the other wearing a kind of helmet made of cloth cut into shapes. She was angry and announcing that she was off to see to her lodger... Then I was confronting family (I actually think it was my in laws), getting very cross and telling them certain truths, as I always wished I'd done in real life.

The nuns in weird headgear was probably the oddest bit.
Not a dream really, but I woke up "remembering" the phrase: Ursula Faskelyne, the walking death. I don't know any Ursulas, Faskelyne doesn't seem to be a name (Maskelyne was a well known magician) so what the ****?

I wonder if that's what happens to mediums in a trance and makes them think they've contacted the dead?
Not a dream really, but I woke up "remembering" the phrase: Ursula Faskelyne, the walking death. I don't know any Ursulas, Faskelyne doesn't seem to be a name (Maskelyne was a well known magician) so what the ****?

I wonder if that's what happens to mediums in a trance and makes them think they've contacted the dead?
Interesting. To me, without over thinking, "faskelyne" sounds like "fast lane". So perhaps you were dreaming or thinking of driving in the fast lane. And your brain was also connecting that to "(walking) death", though why walking, I don't know.

Are you really really busy right now? Do you have deadlines coming up?
Interesting. To me, without over thinking, "faskelyne" sounds like "fast lane". So perhaps you were dreaming or thinking of driving in the fast lane. And your brain was also connecting that to "(walking) death", though why walking, I don't know.

Are you really really busy right now? Do you have deadlines coming up?
No I'm retired, so pretty much please myself about deadlines (Don't tell Mrs T) :)
Wish I could remember something else, or perhaps not! If she comes back tonight I'll let you know. If I stop posting, you may all want to start worrying.:omg:
Reminded me, somehow, of Stoker's story Dracula's Guest:

'The Englishman's location is soon illuminated by moonlight to be a cemetery, and he finds himself before a marble tomb with a large iron stake driven through the roof, the inscription reads: 'Countess Dolingen of Gratz / in Styria / sought and found death / 1801.''
Well, nothing. Look here, Ursula if you want us to bring you into existence via the internet you'll have to put a bit more effort in.

What do you look like? I need some sort of iconic image like Slenderman's.

How do people summon you? Don't give me all that rotating in front of mirrors mumbling your name stuff. We need something more high tech like typing your name on a smartphone and shoving it up your bum or something.

What sacrifices do you demand? TBH you're likely to have more success with getting someone to murder a dodgy fish finger than taking a priest into the woods and slaughtering him/her with an egg whisk, but potential followers will need to know.

PS Do you know Slenderman or Indrid Cold? If so there are people on this forum who have questions.

I don't know, these entities just don't seem to be bothered post Covid.
Ursula Faskelyne, the walking death, sounds like some horror that wanders lonely footpaths at night, a terror to haunt hikers who don't make their destination before nightfall. Great. That's something I'll be thinking about on my next hike as the sun nears the horizon...
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Ursula Faskelyne, the walking death, sound like some horror that wanders lonely footpaths at night, a terror to haunt hikers who don't make their destination before nightfall. Great. That's something I'll be thinking about on my next hike as the sun nears the horizon...
I like it, we need images. :)
About 6 weeks ago, I restarted a dream journal. Since a lot of dreams evaporate in minutes, the instant I wake up I scribble down a few key words and phrases, which anchor the dream and act as triggers I so can write it up in more detail later, even if I doze off again. However, I've started waking up, grabbing the pen and notepad, and started scribbling away, only to actually wake- a few minutes later, to find I'm just scratching with my nails on the pillow or bedspread. I can usually, but not always recover some of the dream. From past experience, the "false awaking" phenomenon builds up then disappears over a few weeks. I think my past record was four levels.
Since most of my dreams, aren't terribly exciting or surreal, I've not been reporting them here, only the funny or bizarre bits, and ones that aren't the various standard anxiety dreams.

I'm hoping to build up my ability to lucid dream.
About 6 weeks ago, I restarted a dream journal. Since a lot of dreams evaporate in minutes, the instant I wake up I scribble down a few key words and phrases, which anchor the dream and act as triggers I so can write it up in more detail later, even if I doze off again. However, I've started waking up, grabbing the pen and notepad, and started scribbling away, only to actually wake- a few minutes later, to find I'm just scratching with my nails on the pillow or bedspread. I can usually, but not always recover some of the dream. From past experience, the "false awaking" phenomenon builds up then disappears over a few weeks. I think my past record was four levels.
Since most of my dreams, aren't terribly exciting or surreal, I've not been reporting them here, only the funny or bizarre bits, and ones that aren't the various standard anxiety dreams.

I'm hoping to build up my ability to lucid dream.
Ah now, we have a thread on this called Dream Within A Dream! :nods:
It was started early this year by the venerable @Stormkhan.

Here's my post on it - #20

As a child I read a storybook, a proper kids' one, called The Princess and the Goblin.* A character called Curdie has a dream wherein he wakes up, jumps out of bed and rushes to the door to deal with some emergency, then realises that he is still asleep and tries hard to actually wake up.

Once again he wakes up, jumps out of bed and rushes to the door, only to find himself still in bed. This process is repeated over and over until he does eventually manage to wake up.
I had no idea what this chapter was supposed to signify and it still baffles me, 54 years later when it's practically the only thing I remember about the book. :chuckle:

* It was the first novel anyone ever recommended to me. A classmate called Gaynor Williams pointed it out and said 'You'll like that!' :)
She was right; and to my relief, when I finished it there was a sequel, phew.
I was living under straitened circumstances, and decided that l could only get money by stealing a laptop computer from a school.

l entered a school building, and removed what looked like the external battery pack from a laptop and tucked it into my pocket. Unfortunately, a teacher (bearing quite a resemblance to Cameron Diaz!) had seen me and confronted me. l can’t quite remember why ( perhaps l was naming potential owners of the component to whom l intended to return it), but l began to chant names at her. lt sounded like, “Mary Smith, Mary Jones, Mary Brown, Hairy Mary.” :dunno:

At this point another, male, teacher approached, and placed his hands on my shoulders from behind in a friendly way. l seemed to be convincing him of my honesty, but not “Cameron”…

Wee break.

maximus otter
I was living under straitened circumstances, and decided that l could only get money by stealing a laptop computer from a school.

l entered a school building, and removed what looked like the external battery pack from a laptop and tucked it into my pocket. Unfortunately, a teacher (bearing quite a resemblance to Cameron Diaz!) had seen me and confronted me. l can’t quite remember why ( perhaps l was naming potential owners of the component to whom l intended to return it), but l began to chant names at her. lt sounded like, “Mary Smith, Mary Jones, Mary Brown, Hairy Mary.” :dunno:

At this point another, male, teacher approached, and placed his hands on my shoulders from behind in a friendly way. l seemed to be convincing him of my honesty, but not “Cameron”…

Wee break.

maximus otter
There's Something About Mary:chuckle:
I dreamt that I was back in a firm that I'd left decades ago. We were in the middle of usual work when everyone rushed outside. I followed and asked what was going on. They were all pointing over several gardens to say that the boss's wife had been locked out. I volunteered to clamber over a couple of low fences to help get in through the back door. Just as I started, I spotted three lions! Two male and one female. I knew to climb a nearby tree was pointless as was running. So I imagined myself a lion tamer and sternly told them to lay down ... which they did! The other workers were trying to call the police when I woke up ...
My lesson? Don't volunteer to help. Especially ex-bosses.
Dunno about good dreams but I've heard that it gives a good sleep. Maybe connected? Any one of those are soporifics - they might be going by the idea that if one doesn't work, one of the others might.