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Which Fortean Phenomena Scares You The Most?

I think that one of the things that made it even creepier was the fact that I mentally told myself "you're imagining things" and slighly repositioned myself beneath the window. When I looked up again to 'prove' to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me, the face was now pressed up against the window, looking down as though trying to get a better look at me. Just remembering it now gives me a shiver down my spine.
ignatius said:
When I looked up again to 'prove' to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me, the face was now pressed up against the window, looking down as though trying to get a better look at me. Just remembering it now gives me a shiver down my spine.

Oh My God! I don't even want to think about that at the moment, but the whole thing is making me nervous. What happened next?
ignatius said:
I think that one of the things that made it even creepier was the fact that I mentally told myself "you're imagining things" and slighly repositioned myself beneath the window. When I looked up again to 'prove' to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me, the face was now pressed up against the window, looking down as though trying to get a better look at me. Just remembering it now gives me a shiver down my spine.
Wow! That's the second story to creep me out in the past few days! I can relate, ignatius.
Onix said:
Oh My God! I don't even want to think about that at the moment, but the whole thing is making me nervous. What happened next?
I let out a frightened yelp, and my older brother and sister came running. I told them what I'd just seen. My brother would have none of it, and pulled back the curtains to reveal...nothing. He/She/It was gone. When our parents returned home, we told them what had happened and my dad went out to have a look. It was about twelve at night, and there was not a soul out on the street. My parents put it down to an overactive imagination, unfamiliar surroundings, etc., but, to this day, I know what I saw was real.
I am terrified of living dolls. When I was little my dad did not realize that I was in the room and he was watching Child's Play. I had a Cricket doll that was essentially a tape player shaped like a doll with moving lips. After that my mom had to put it in the attic because I was so scared. Ever since the idea of living dolls has scared me to death.
Poltergeists, probably. Though I do have the 'looking out of the window/in mirrors at night' uneasiness that others have reported.

That said...

1. Aliens. Not that I've ever seen one and am undecided if we've ever been visited. But looking at a picture of a grey, even if it is just hand-drawn, freaks me out.

Aliens don't scare me per se, but I've a virulent visual phobia of skinny 'grey' style aliens. (traceable to an incident involving a cup of cocoa, and Whitley Strieber on a chat show when I was a nipper, fact fans). It's an odd situation where I can happily read Communion and not be scared beyond a general background 'horror book' level, but had to tear the cover off first, because the picture was making my adrenaline go into ovedrive. Visual phobia, I'm not scared of aliens, I'm scared of representations of them.

My reaction to the 'cute' grey Mulder hallucinates in that episode of x-files amused my lovely younger brother no end.
I wonder what would happen to you if grey aliens came to Earth and said they wanted to live peacefully with us and became as regular an occurance on Earth as we are.
A lonely life in an asylum I should imagine!

That said, in this hypothetical world, I probably would have had time to get treatment enough for the phobia that by the point that seeing greys was an everyday occurence I'd at least be able to function, if not rid of it completely.

Also, I should think that it'd surely take a generation or two before I was bumping into them while out shopping, so if said treatment didn't work I'd probably just stop watching tv and in a few years time, embaress my grand-children by shrieking every time I see n'k'kl'z'tik at number 32 out pruning hir roses.

edited for spelling
I know I've contributed to this thread before, but, thinking things over, there are so many things to be scared of.

Alien abduction
Being teleported to a completely strange place

are the ones to be most scared of, I reckon.

I'm still scared when I have to take rubbish out at night, in case that thing (the one which looks like an alien from Signs but with horns) is sitting on the high wall, looking menacingly down at me . . .:eek!!!!: :eek!!!!:

What makes you think you'll see something that fits that particular description, carole? And just what thing is that exactly?
I dunno, Bannik. Our house has a back yard with a high brick wall round it, and it's just my personal demon, I guess. I mean I grew out of the ghost down the toilet thing, and the red indian - sorry, native american who was going cut off my hair in the night, so I have to have something with which to scare the sh*t out of myself . . .

. . . one of these days I will see it sitting there . . .

Carole, who watched too many cheesy horror movies when she was younger . . .
ignatius said:
This reminded me of a similar experience I had back when I was about 12 - my family had just moved into a new house. It was late at night, we'd just finished bringing in the last of our belongings. As we were all tired and hungry, our parents left us alone for a few minutes to go get some take out. My brother and sister were busily unpacking things in their respective rooms and left me alone in the brightly lit living room, where I sat with my back against the wall, immediately beneath a large picture window and watched the TV. The curtains were only open a few inches. For whatever reason, I happened to glance up at the window and saw ( still creeps me out to this day) this FACE staring down at me, fat, with bulging eyes and a goofy smile on his/her/it's face. I don't know how long it had been watching me. I screamed my ass off, my siblings rushed into the room, and whoever ( or whatever) it was was gone. I stay away from windows at night now...

I've had a very similar experience! Mine was in broad daylight, though . . . and I saw most of "it's" body too at first . . . I wrote about it somewhere on these threads, so I don't want to re-tell the story, maybe I can find the thread, and link it. I will just say that the figure was wearing either a long black dress, or claok. The face was dead white, and round round round, much later I thought it looked a lot like the subliminal face in the Exorcist, if you know which one I refer to . . . my face leered down at me too as if trying to frighten me.

'Being teleported to a completely strange place'

Also one I find most frightening, but also most exciting. A rich ground for fiction
( http://www.btinternet.com/~thedeepervoid/traveler.htm is one of mine).
Given the huge amount of empty space (even ignoring outer space, parallel worlds where life never developed and thus have no breathable atmosphere, or much of anything other than rocks and possibly ice or water) - oceans, deserts, iowa... , it seems likely that any teleportation would strand you in a desolate expanse of nothing.
This is completely irrelevant, but you know how things make you laugh that aren't funny? I just had this mental impression of getting teleported in the above manner, looking around some infinite wasteland and saying "oh p*ss*ng hell" in my usual broad Yorkshire. And it made me laugh.

Incidentally, for fear factor, nothing beats the Monk With the Stretchy Face Photograph. You know the one. Even though it looks faker then fake to my grown up eyes.

You know the one. Oh yes.
MrHyde said:
Incidentally, for fear factor, nothing beats the Monk With the Stretchy Face Photograph. You know the one. Even though it looks faker then fake to my grown up eyes.

You know the one. Oh yes.

That's the monk thing standing next to the altar? First saw it in the Bords' Mysterious Britain, maybe 1986. Still spooks me badly if I happen across it.
The funny thing is, that stretchy-face pic never used to scare me until someone pointed out to me that the face was distorted and stretched. Before then, I think I just hadn't realised it had a face at all.

Perhaps I was just blotting it out!
carole said:
No, this is the one that gives me the creeps . . .


Well, it scared my web browser anyway - damn thing crashed almost instantly when I followed the link, how spooky is that?
My personal one has always been The Flatwoods Monster. I was in 3rd grade when in the school library I found a cute widdle book on the unexplained. Of course I checked it out! As I was reading it I innocently kept flipping pages until full-center, there was this abomination.

In general though, I find the one-off high-strangeness events the creepiest. The Giant Shrimp Monster in the Basement, The Muppets in the TV one, the one where a kid and his father are out night-fishing and some flying, sentient submarine drifts over them...and any of the stuff in Martin Caidin's "Ghosts of the Air" or "Natural or Supernatural?".
Yeah, that is a pretty dire pic.

For me it was the Dover Demon.

(A small creature which if you were introduced to in a petting zoo you would let sit on your lap, I am sure).
I've never seen one, but once knew a woman from Howell NJ who insisted that the Jersey Devil has been seen down there many times and is real! Of course, that is a wooded area where some creature can hide.
When young, the Pascagoula aliens (see below) and the Belmez faces from Spain scared the shit out of me. Now, I'm not too fond of the though of spontaneous human combustion. One moment you're there watching t.v or reading a book, the next you're a pile of ashes and a smouldering limb or two.

When i was in my early teens I read about the Hexham Heads. I don't remember clearly but there was some part of the story where a bipedal "thing" was seen (at night? in the hallway?) it jumped animal-like over the banisters down the stair well and disappeared. The mixture of supernatural entity and animal reactions terrified me (Still does)

As does waking to see a figure standing over you or at the bottom of the bed :omg:
I thought I'd replied to this, but it may have been one if the threadalikes. The creepy ghosts - the Newby Church ghost gave me the willies. Don't care if it's debunked - willies.

One, can't remember any details, but finger nails scraping over a microphone placed high in a roof. Mysterious writing appearing on walls. Just unnecessary -brrrrr.

I also find technology gone weird creepy. Late night, or unexpected, phonecalls are bad enough when they are mundane - when they are odd...
I don't know if this is a Fortean-phenomena but I don't trust dolls houses - dolls themselves are OK (except for ventriloquist dummies) and I pity any demon trying to possess them as there isn't much in the way of sensory or ambulatory material to work with.
Sisters had a dolls house, it was OK - then saw a B&W drama where a precocious brat with psychic abilities was given a special doll. Wonderfully set shot of her bedroom at night from within the dolls house looking out of a tiny window. Still with me.
Then the hugely underated film The Awakening where a dolls house appears randomly on different floors of a mansion with a small vignette of previous events represented inside.

Maybe I don't like being observed by inanimate objects ?
Oh and ghosts.
My personal one has always been The Flatwoods Monster. I was in 3rd grade when in the school library I found a cute widdle book on the unexplained. Of course I checked it out! As I was reading it I innocently kept flipping pages until full-center, there was this abomination.
The Flatwoods Monster and that old sketch of the Mothman were almost up there with the first time I opened up a book on anglerfish and had this (or similar; for the concerned, photo is of a rather freaky anglerfish) staring back at me from a flyleaf. A nice visceral reaction. I more or less got over it with Mothman, but the Flatwoods monster still yanks on some bit in the back of my brain. I think it's the 'it's staring' instinct-- telescopefish do the same thing for me.