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Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghost Hunters & Hunting

I didn't see that this (from Feb 2022) was posted yet:

Six-Year-Old Dog Helps Couple Solve Paranormal Investigations​

Bond is a six-year-old sighthound – who has even been nicknamed Scooby – that helps his owners, Helen and Brian Sterling-Vete, seek out spooks as paranormal investigators.

It's interesting that they say that dog reacts to all kinds of things, but that only 3-5% of their cases they reckon 'defy normal explanation.' That means that either the dog is pretty inert or that he's reacting to things that aren't paranormal. So, in which way is he helping them?

Lovely looking greyhound though. I'm going to adopt an ex racer, once the present encumbent stops trying to kill any living thing that crosses the threshold.
It's interesting that they say that dog reacts to all kinds of things, but that only 3-5% of their cases they reckon 'defy normal explanation.' That means that either the dog is pretty inert or that he's reacting to things that aren't paranormal. So, in which way is he helping them?

Lovely looking greyhound though. I'm going to adopt an ex racer, once the present encumbent stops trying to kill any living thing that crosses the threshold.
I don't know all of the details about the couple's investigations, so I'm not sure how he helps them. Lovely Dog, though.
I don't know all of the details about the couple's investigations, so I'm not sure how he helps them. Lovely Dog, though.
If you read the article it tells you that dog 'reacts' to things, which, presumably, they then go and investigate.
I'm especially fond of this crew (Shadow Paranormal based in Suffolk). Luke Tabram's a sober observer and methodical in his approach to investigating locations .. he's the first to admit when nothing stands out in an investigation and will narrate explanations for his decisions in his video records. He's joined the team I go out with on a couple of occasions.


Mysterious Face of "Little Boy" Caught on Camera During Ghost Hunt in Kent, England​


A mysterious face that appeared in a photograph taken during a ghost hunt earlier this month has people wondering if it might be that of a deceased young boy with whom some of those present believed they had communicated.

The photo was captured by a guest during an investigation on November 19th held by Ghost Hunter Tours at Fort Horsted in Kent, England.


Mysterious Face of "Little Boy" Caught on Camera During Ghost Hunt in Kent, England​

View attachment 61289

A mysterious face that appeared in a photograph taken during a ghost hunt earlier this month has people wondering if it might be that of a deceased young boy with whom some of those present believed they had communicated.

The photo was captured by a guest during an investigation on November 19th held by Ghost Hunter Tours at Fort Horsted in Kent, England.

I'm assuming that the right side of the photo is a wall. How far back was the back wall? The article does say it's the end of the tunnel. Reflected light hitting a part of the back wall?
I'm assuming that the right side of the photo is a wall. How far back was the back wall? The article does say it's the end of the tunnel. Reflected light hitting a part of the back wall?

The full photo taken by Waterman. At the end of the tunnel a small, blurry object can be seen, which appears to be what was zoomed in on and brightened to reveal the “face.” (Colin Waterman / Ghost Hunter Tours)


Mysterious Face of "Little Boy" Caught on Camera During Ghost Hunt in Kent, England​

View attachment 61289

A mysterious face that appeared in a photograph taken during a ghost hunt earlier this month has people wondering if it might be that of a deceased young boy with whom some of those present believed they had communicated.

The photo was captured by a guest during an investigation on November 19th held by Ghost Hunter Tours at Fort Horsted in Kent, England.

The face looks a bit cartoon like, which makes me think it's pareidolia, maybe a reflection from another person's jacket?
The face looks a bit cartoon like, which makes me think it's pareidolia, maybe a reflection from another person's jacket?
Pareidolia seems the right conclusion on this one as there is no clarity to go on.
(In addition: it also seems to be at exactly the same height and position as that of the source of light.)
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Mysterious Face of "Little Boy" Caught on Camera During Ghost Hunt in Kent, England​

View attachment 61289

A mysterious face that appeared in a photograph taken during a ghost hunt earlier this month has people wondering if it might be that of a deceased young boy with whom some of those present believed they had communicated.

The photo was captured by a guest during an investigation on November 19th held by Ghost Hunter Tours at Fort Horsted in Kent, England.

Media ghosts suck these days.

It's very unfortunate that Tobias and other new Forteans portray themselves as such by scraping the bottom of the barrel for "news". It doesn't matter if you don't buy it, using it to market your site is promotion.
My first investigation since november 2019 last night!! The viaduct tavern, i had been there before and it was the most flat, un-atmospheric investigation ever, till lasts nights. Nothing happened at all, unless you where a "sensitive" or a medium, in that case there was an accident there, a prostitute in a pink dress sitting on mens laps there, an accident there and a fire here. But it was good just to be going home at 2am completely sober when everyone else you see is pissed.
I spent some time in the cellar away from the rest of my group, two of them said they heard distant voices,like a radio in the distance, but i had noticed that the cellar seems to be two seperate parts, there is a gap where i was standing that was only covered by vault lights and the noise of people walking by seems more likely to be what they heard.

At the end of the night the pub manager said a few weeks ago he was in the cellar and a barrel of beer that was securely stored kept falling over, he went up stairs till he could get some company. The organiser of the ghost hunt said his very first investigation was at the viaduct tavern, and when he was in the cellar there was a loud knock on a barrel that scared him so much he ran upstairs.
Last night i was ghost hunting at the RAF manston museum, nothing of supernatural interest happened to me, but other people had spooky experiences, my best friend and 3 other people heard a brief snatch of ghostly music that appeared to come from the hanger they were in, my best friend said it sounded like a saxophone, another said it was a synthesiser and the other two said a trumpet.

If you ever get a chance go and visit the museum, it is a very interesting place even without ghostly happenings.
Hedingham castle! what an excellent place to visit! And that is just as well as nothing remotely ghostly happened to me. It was a commercial ghost hunt, but all the attending members of the ghost club where in one group. so i was in a group with not one but TWO "sensitives" i must have been a very naughty boy in a previous life.

The first vigil we were in the basement, one of the "sensitives" started telling us about Matthew, he looked after the place, he was dressed like Shakespeare. he liked a drink. He wasn't aware of us. this went on for about 20 minutes. Then one of the group, one who isn't given to flights of fancy said he heard footsteps walk right by him, did anybody else hear them? No, nobody did because of the attention seeking "sensitive"

The second vigil was in the lodge, a gorgeous tudor gatehouse, i went to the area furthest away from the throng set up my voice recorder and waited. After a few minutes i was joined by the second "sensitive" After about 10 minutes i heard the other "sensitive" coming up the stairs. He was telling a horrible spirit to stop trying to stop him coming up the stairs. he knew he was blocking him from seeing something the spirit was ashamed of. then he was scratched. He had put protection on everybody else but forget to protect himself. The spirit was trying to scare him but he would not be scared. The sensitive in the room with me then asked if i could hear a growly voice speaking after the first "sensitive" had finished talking. i said no, i hadn't. i then switched off my voice recorder, because what's the point in having it on?

After the investigation all the "sensitives" agreed the lodge was a horrible place. i loved it, it had a warm happy vibe to it.


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This afternoon i received an email from the organizer of the hedingham castle ghost hunt .

"Hi all,

Anybody think they may have been affected by the last investigation? If so can you email me directly please.


I wonder what the "sensitives" have made up now.
Anybody think they may have been affected by the last investigation?
you could reply that you have been so traumatised by the antics of the "sensitives" that you will be unable to patronise or recommend their activities! :twothumbs:
Maybe. . . if someone took a little keepsake, perhaps?
Or they've got a small pebble from their back garden and claim it was from the location.
Am I saying they are definitely dishonest? No. I'm saying they might be.
I'm always critical of psychic mediums on investigations, especially the self-proclaimed ones. They might be useful in a general way but I'd rather their theatrics are backed up with more tangible evidence. If they claim to hear someone speaking, I'd be more impressed if a non-psychic could also hear whispering. Then again, people are suggestible.
I've no clue about ghost hunting, so can someone please explain why these supposed or actual 'sensitives' are being criticised in this thread? This isn't a loaded question, by the way - I've simply no experience of such pursuits and haven't read much about them (aside from a little on this board).