This is an odd but interesting essay, from which I can only offer snippets owing to its length.
The theme is considering whether certain features of Spanish language itself - and the influence of those features on perceptions and stress management - may help explain the "Hispanic Paradox."...
Missing medieval manuscripts.
Just 300 out of thousands of medieval Irish-language manuscripts still exist
Lavishly illustrated German manuscript containing the Arthurian romance of Wigalois. Picture: Leiden, University Library
THU, 17 FEB, 2022 - 19:00
Thousands of medieval...
This type of English language mannerism, always, has subconsciously puzzled me. And it exists in other languages, too.
You do know what I mean...
Examples include:
"dilly-dally" "shilly-shally" "wishy-washy" "mumbo-jumbo" "zig-zag" "ding-dong" "hee-haw" "wiggle-waggle" hip-hop" "spit-spot"...
Here's a fascinating article about a dying language (or language form) that many people never realised even existed. The aspect that interests me most is how it evolved so directly from the local landscape in such a way as to be able to exploit the topography. I feel certain that other such...
Which doe raise the question about whether all children should be brought up bilingual.
It would also be interesting to see if the hearing children of deaf parents show similar flexibility.
common sense renewed
conspiracy theories
elbert county
herbert h. kersten
population control
r. c. christian
the american stonehenge
the new world order
the united states
"Butter and cheese is good English and good Fries" that is a saying that I heard a few times in Aurich in Ost Friesland in Germany. The Friesian language is very closely related to old English and some similarities exist to modern English.
The sentence above means exactly the same in both...
The mayans were not the first to create written language. Scientific evidence has shown that Runes, or the Elther Futhark (I dont know if thats the correct spelling) was the first and oldest form of language. It is still used today to create magic books and scripts.
I'm a bit of a fortean virgin and I'm looking for some information on enochian magik/language and Glasgow's St.Enoch. What, if any, is the conection between the two?
dr john dee
enochian magic
john dee
magic(k) & magicians
the bible
First language gene discoverd,
Im not to sure how we post interesting news story's but here goes.
I get these story's using the BBC news ticker, its a little bar that sits on your desktop, and that days headlines scroll across and if you...
Alright, got into a semi-debate with a friend of mine recently. I said that there had been cases of individuals spontaneously speaking a foreign language, perfectly, with accent, that they were not familiar with, possibly in connection with being hit on the head. She, however, did not believe...
foreign accent syndrome
Can you believe I'd never heard of this until a few weeks ago when I was doing some (proper, historical) research on John Dee, and found it mentioned in a footnote, dug up a lot of info about it on the web. One ot the most fascinating things I've ever heard of, anyway, so I thought I'd ask...
codes & ciphers
dr john dee
historical mysteries
the voynich manuscript
wilfrid voynich
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