I would like to see ghosts but can only claim the one rather
unspectacular sighting. It was, however, also seen by the friend
with me.
We had been at school together and gone up to the same
University at Bangor. This evening we had been at the tiny
village of Aber to visit friends. To answer the Blue Nun question
first, we had certainly had a drink but were in no way the
worse for it.
Our friends had told us to turn Right to find the nearest bus-stop
but had meant Left. We therefore found ourselves walking some
way towards Llanfairfechan. The night was dark and the road
unlit; this was a Sunday night and, Bangor being "dry" traffic
was returning from Llanfairfechan, the nearest town where you could
obtain a drink.
We soon thought we were approaching a bus-stop because there
was a woman, somewhat stooping and elderly by the side of the road
ahead. We had seen her in the light of the oncoming headlamps. As we
were getting close to the spot, another car came towards us and the
form of the old woman disappeared downwards, as if a pillar of sand had
blown away.
We were nonplussed but not scared. We went over and over what we had
seen, trying to account for it as an optical illusion. The woman had however
been perceived as a solid shape between us and the car headlamps. Her
dissolving before our eyes was experienced by us both. Until that moment,
we had not questioned that she was a flesh and blood figure - a welcome
sight, when we were seeking a bus stop.
In fact we had to walk further to find the real bus stop. I don't know if we
mentioned it at the time but it was ironic for this ghost to cross our paths
uncalled for. As kids of about thirteen we had once set off on a ghost-hunting
adventure to a Southport graveyard. And found nothing.