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I live at 51 degrees N, and I happened to be on the ball enough to capture this the night of Nov 3-4 from my backyard.
I've never seen them that strong... and I still haven't, because I slept through the whole thing! :(
Keep in mind, I live near the downtown core of a city of over 1 million, so pretty bad light pollution.

A powerful display of the aurora borealis was visible across many parts of Scotland overnight - from Orkney in the north to Dumfries and Galloway in the south.



More at link.
Newly published research cites a Chinese document from the 10th century BCE as the earliest / oldest known record of an aurora.
Earliest documented aurora found in ancient Chinese text

The earliest documented case of an aurora, the fleeting but brilliantly colored lights that sometimes illuminate the night sky, dates to the early 10th century B.C., a new study on an ancient Chinese text reveals.

The text describes "five-colored light" witnessed in the northern part of the night sky toward the end of the reign of King Zhāo, the fourth king of the Chinese Zhou dynasty. The exact dates of Zhāo's reign aren't known, but it's likely that this "five-colored light" event happened in either 977 B.C. or 957 B.C., according to the study.

Researchers discovered this colorful detail in the Bamboo Annals (Zhúshū Jìnián in Mandarin), a fourth-century B.C. text written on bamboo slips that chronicled legendary and early Chinese history. Although scholars have been aware of the Bamboo Annals for some time, a fresh look at this particular section led to the realization that it detailed what might be the earliest described aurora ...

Nowadays, the northern lights, the aurora borealis, occur at northern latitudes, while the southern lights, or aurora australis, happen at southern latitudes. But during the mid-10th century B.C., Earth's north magnetic pole inclined toward the Eurasian continents, at about 15 degrees closer to central China than it does today. As a result, it's possible that ancient people in central China — possibly as far south as 40 degrees latitude, or just north of Beijing — could have seen geomagnetic storms and the colorful lights they produced ...

Previously, the oldest candidate auroras were records inscribed by Assyrian astronomers on cuneiform tablets, which dated to between 679 B.C. and 655 B.C. ...

The latest finding took so long to be recognized for several reasons ... The original manuscript of the Bamboo Annals was lost, rediscovered in the third century A.D. and then lost again during the Song dynasty (A.D. 960 to 1276). During the 16th century, a translation used the word "comet" rather than "five-colored light." Now, the new study sets the record straight ...
FULL STORY: https://www.livescience.com/oldest-description-candidate-aurora
(old picture from hunk back last year)

The aurora borealis has been extremely visible over much of the UK last night- I noticed that this old picture posted by @hunck last year displayed an effect that was very-evident this time as well: specifically, the light pillars; with a predominant central brighter bar potentially (and perhaps coincidentally) aligned with north.

Is this a documented effect, or just random chance?

Also: what drives the low green / high red colouration? I mean exactly....
Looks like clear skies down here in Hampshire tonight, so will keep an eye out for a glimpse of what cost me a lot of money to see from a small ship out of Reykjavik into the North Atlantic in 2019.
I took my camera upstairs last night in case there was anything but it was cloudy.
Skies were clear enough here in Hampshire, but I didn't see any Northern Lights.
Probably far too many electric lights in the vicinity and I couldn't be arsed to drive out of town to somewhere darker.
Looks good just had a look over Morecambe bay but nothing to see
One of our tv's always plays up when the arora is about.
T'missus has a weather app which gives aurora warnings. Nice in theory, and I've always wanted to see it 'live', but the nearest place for the best view in my bit of Yorkshire is a country park only about 10 mins walk away ... and I really can't be arsed to get up in the night, get dressed and hope the clouds clear.
RaM - our internet connection's been acting up too.
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A hole in the sun the size of 30 earths is bleeding all kinds of solar wind and particles into space from this low gravity hole.

That is why we are having extraordinary Northern Lights including the color pink and red.

Does someone have a giant BandAid for the sun ?