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British Bigfoot?

Doubt he would be bothered about my opinion :) here is more from Daniel:

He's a braver man than me to be hosting an online chat with a 14 year old these days. Before anyone gets angry with me for writing that, I'm not suggesting anything else other than an honest chat about cryptozoology is what this video is about but there's some hysterical people out there and sadly that's the way the world's gone. Fair play to the kid.
He's a braver man than me to be hosting an online chat with a 14 year old these days. Before anyone gets angry with me for writing that, I'm not suggesting anything else other than an honest chat about cryptozoology is what this video is about but there's some hysterical people out there and sadly that's the way the world's gone. Fair play to the kid.
The lad's dad is there off camera. occasionally you get to see him in other videos
Such as this one in Somerset:


This is actually a pretty nice place as zoos go. The religious aspect isn't pushed noticeably.
The CFZ in search of the Maidencombe Bigfoot (see the video from @lordmongrove earlier in thread) after what has been a rather long time since Jon and Graham last hit the road in search of the British Bigfoot:

Its all rather ridiculous to believe that an actual flesh and blood "being" for want of a better word actually exists in the UK, however people have been seeing manifestations of various "beings" for 100s of years they change to whatever the prevailing zeitgeist is, in some respects the phenomenon is almost performative, in that it performs to peoples expectations, some years it's elusive Black Panthers now it's hairy monsters, another thing it loves to do is leave ambiguous clues, it seems to be expert at that, a bit of DNA (that could have come from anywhere) a footprint in the mud, a UFO ejecting something the list is endless

There is either some deeper meaning to it all, or can we concede that there really is a cosmic joker having fun at our expense
Its all rather ridiculous to believe that an actual flesh and blood "being" for want of a better word actually exists in the UK, however people have been seeing manifestations of various "beings" for 100s of years they change to whatever the prevailing zeitgeist is, in some respects the phenomenon is almost performative, in that it performs to peoples expectations, some years it's elusive Black Panthers now it's hairy monsters, another thing it loves to do is leave ambiguous clues, it seems to be expert at that, a bit of DNA (that could have come from anywhere) a footprint in the mud, a UFO ejecting something the list is endless

There is either some deeper meaning to it all, or can we concede that there really is a cosmic joker having fun at our expense
There is absolutely zero chance of an unknown hominin living in the UK. The wilder parts of Asia yes but not here.
Its all rather ridiculous to believe that an actual flesh and blood "being" for want of a better word actually exists in the UK, however people have been seeing manifestations of various "beings" for 100s of years they change to whatever the prevailing zeitgeist is, in some respects the phenomenon is almost performative, in that it performs to peoples expectations, some years it's elusive Black Panthers now it's hairy monsters, another thing it loves to do is leave ambiguous clues, it seems to be expert at that, a bit of DNA (that could have come from anywhere) a footprint in the mud, a UFO ejecting something the list is endless

There is either some deeper meaning to it all, or can we concede that there really is a cosmic joker having fun at our expense

If only it was the cosmic joker, perhaps there's no humour there at all. I think the "meaning" connoted by phenomena is probably just whatever we attribute.
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Pretty balanced and informative account of the Bolam Lake Bigfoot sightings:

These encounters were investigated by @lordmongrove and his CFZ colleagues. As ever, the comments are worth reading.
Pretty balanced and informative account of the Bolam Lake Bigfoot sightings:

These encounters were investigated by @lordmongrove and his CFZ colleagues. As ever, the comments are worth reading.
I used to live an hour away from there,do you personally believe there's a British bigfoot paul?There was once a photograph of a British bigfoot in a popular newspaper,a few friends phoned me laughing as they knew.......
Young Daniel Barnett has featured on thread before and there was a lot of controversy around his eDNA findings and a fair amount of vitriol directed at him, too.

Well , he seems undeterred as his book is out:


... and he is still involved with the UK Bigfoot scene:

I can state 110% there's no bigfoot snatching people around box hill (though there is a quirky wild west cowboy themed restaurant i reccomend to anyone squatching in the area).

A couple of named witnesses from Cambridge, so at least this has some substance:

Terrifying '6ft monkey-man' spotted dashing through UK city on all fours – twice​

Antony's initial report on October 27, reads: "Cycling down Arbury Rd last night around midnight me and a friend both saw an ape-like creature, quite a bit shorter than a normal man, hairy and long arms. At first he was standing on back legs by the side of the road but then he ran on all fours into the field next to Meadows Commuity Center.. Very strange. Has anyone else had any experience seeing a monkey-like being in the Arbury?"

.. and:

...when we saw Rosie's own account. She wrote: "I s*** you not I saw a massive monkey thing running on all fours into the trees near the skate park?!"

Needing to know more, we put our questions to the History undergraduate who explained being alone in the dark hardly helped the situation.

Rosie told us: "Okay so I was walking home on Monday night after work at about 8pm (may be a bit later).

"I’ve not heard of anything like that before but after posting on the Facebook group it seems there have been other sightings! It seemed at the moment to be easily 6ft though was on all fours and to be honest as a young woman walking in the dark I was really quite scared!


A couple of named witnesses from Cambridge, so at least this has some substance:

Terrifying '6ft monkey-man' spotted dashing through UK city on all fours – twice​

Antony's initial report on October 27, reads: "Cycling down Arbury Rd last night around midnight me and a friend both saw an ape-like creature, quite a bit shorter than a normal man, hairy and long arms. At first he was standing on back legs by the side of the road but then he ran on all fours into the field next to Meadows Commuity Center.. Very strange. Has anyone else had any experience seeing a monkey-like being in the Arbury?"

.. and:

...when we saw Rosie's own account. She wrote: "I s*** you not I saw a massive monkey thing running on all fours into the trees near the skate park?!"

Needing to know more, we put our questions to the History undergraduate who explained being alone in the dark hardly helped the situation.

Rosie told us: "Okay so I was walking home on Monday night after work at about 8pm (may be a bit later).

"I’ve not heard of anything like that before but after posting on the Facebook group it seems there have been other sightings! It seemed at the moment to be easily 6ft though was on all fours and to be honest as a young woman walking in the dark I was really quite scared!

Apparently there were some unusual lights in the sky sightings in the area recently and one commentator on Facebook has drawn attention to the Cambridgeshire Shug Monkey legend:


Although that belongs to a different area.

A couple of named witnesses from Cambridge, so at least this has some substance:

Terrifying '6ft monkey-man' spotted dashing through UK city on all fours – twice​

Antony's initial report on October 27, reads: "Cycling down Arbury Rd last night around midnight me and a friend both saw an ape-like creature, quite a bit shorter than a normal man, hairy and long arms. At first he was standing on back legs by the side of the road but then he ran on all fours into the field next to Meadows Commuity Center.. Very strange. Has anyone else had any experience seeing a monkey-like being in the Arbury?"

.. and:

...when we saw Rosie's own account. She wrote: "I s*** you not I saw a massive monkey thing running on all fours into the trees near the skate park?!"

Needing to know more, we put our questions to the History undergraduate who explained being alone in the dark hardly helped the situation.

Rosie told us: "Okay so I was walking home on Monday night after work at about 8pm (may be a bit later).

"I’ve not heard of anything like that before but after posting on the Facebook group it seems there have been other sightings! It seemed at the moment to be easily 6ft though was on all fours and to be honest as a young woman walking in the dark I was really quite scared!


My guess? A muntjac nibbling a plant in somebody’s garden, then running off when startled.


maximus otter
My guess? A muntjac nibbling a plant in somebody’s garden, then running off when startled.


maximus otter
Perhaps, anyway I am just grateful that the witness was willing to go on the record and have their name published despite the inevitable social media accusations of being high/drunk or a fictional person created by the Daily Star
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There's something about the imagery conjured up in the description of that Black Shuck sighting: the leaping, and the unlikely achievement of leaping over that 'long, broad' bonnet, the terror and its tragic aftermath and so on. As described, it's at once similar to some olde-worlde woodcut imagery; a ghostly occurrence i.e. not a living, flesh-and-blood creature; and an overly-literary fantasy.

Anyway...interestingly, when I was looking up some ancient images of Black Shuck and other legendary big dogs, it struck me that far from all of these actually resembled dogs or even wolves - even allowing for the likelihood that these minor works of art were not drawn by masters of their craft, it was interesting that many of these 'dogs' resembled horses, sheep, griffins etc etc or strange hybrids of such animals.
There's something about the imagery conjured up in the description of that Black Shuck sighting: the leaping, and the unlikely achievement of leaping over that 'long, broad' bonnet, the terror and its tragic aftermath and so on. As described, it's at once similar to some olde-worlde woodcut imagery; a ghostly occurrence i.e. not a living, flesh-and-blood creature; and an overly-literary fantasy.

Anyway...interestingly, when I was looking up some ancient images of Black Shuck and other legendary big dogs, it struck me that far from all of these actually resembled dogs or even wolves - even allowing for the likelihood that these minor works of art were not drawn by masters of their craft, it was interesting that many of these 'dogs' resembled horses, sheep, griffins etc etc or strange hybrids of such animals.
There have been occasional such odd reports of such hybrid beasts encountered by farmers and their ilk, one is mentioned The Beast of Exmoor (Di Francis), another in Killers on the Moor by Mike Freebury and Devon folklorist Theo Brown wrote about at least two. These creatures were so improbable that they were only shared in confidence with trusted local researchers but included a cat-like beast but with a "quivering pig-like snout" (Freebury) and another from Di Francis:


How often such creatures are encountered is an unknown as they are not announced to the media but kept within tight-knit rural communities
Anyway...interestingly, when I was looking up some ancient images of Black Shuck and other legendary big dogs, it struck me that far from all of these actually resembled dogs or even wolves - even allowing for the likelihood that these minor works of art were not drawn by masters of their craft, it was interesting that many of these 'dogs' resembled horses, sheep, griffins etc etc or strange hybrids of such animals.
In Phantom Black Dogs in Latin America I summarised a modern series of reports from Chile, involving flying, winged black dogs, truly bizarre. They were aggressive and left one witness with physical injuries.
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