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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Conspiracy Theories & Claims

This is a great conclusion:

This has to stop, and it has to stop now. It is no longer sufficient for the international community to hide behind a discredited WHO and continue to take the Chinese Communist regime at its word on this.
If China is not willing to come clean and work together with the international community to address the coronavirus outbreak before it is too late, it must be forced to do so. If this cannot be achieved through the usual international forums, then it must happen another way.
Even if the international community has to place the whole of Communist China in effective quarantine and shut all borders around the world to Chinese people to force the regime’s hand or provoke a popular uprising, this must be done.
The only thing the international community can do to protect the lives of innocent people is to overthrow COMMUNIST CHINA, recognise Taiwan as an independent state and give them back the country they lost in 1949!


I realise that some of the figures quoted in the article are going to be dubious given that it's a Taiwanese article about China, however it's the only article I've come across which quotes the Lancet and the model of the virus. Most MSM are reporting the 'official figures' with no mention that a respected journal has disputed China's numbers. I very much doubt we'll ever get the full facts about all of this, I'm just intrigued by the subject as I've never seen governments respond to something like this in the manner that they're doing. Do they know something we mere mortals don't or is everyone over reacting?
I realise that some of the figures quoted in the article are going to be dubious given that it's a Taiwanese article about China, however it's the only article I've come across which quotes the Lancet and the model of the virus. Most MSM are reporting the 'official figures' with no mention that a respected journal has disputed China's numbers. I very much doubt we'll ever get the full facts about all of this, I'm just intrigued by the subject as I've never seen governments respond to something like this in the manner that they're doing. Do they know something we mere mortals don't or is everyone over reacting?

Accepted and agreed, but a model is only a model.

And there are still a lot of uncertains: incubation period, infection rate, resultant immunity.

Each one of those that you assume incorrectly is another potential flaw in the model.

Governments will have consulted and been given a range of scenarios from best to worst with a concomitant estimate of the likelihood of each. If the worst-case is bad enough, then taking the short-term political hit (being seen as lacking in fortitude and suffering Chinese government wrath and a resulting fall in trade/investment) will be viewed as the more palatable option.

Most politicians are conservative in a basic sense, regardless of the rosette they wear, because power is more often secured when one side screws up than when the other scores a great success.

This general principle applies doubly to incumbent politicians.
God sake I wish the media would stop with the fear mongering and blatant lies and the virus is not an imminent it threat it's moderate and China shutting down city's is over bored.
God sake I wish the media would stop with the fear mongering and blatant lies and the virus is not an imminent it threat it's moderate and China shutting down city's is over bored.

An estimated 10.5 million Chinese travelled around the world for their New Year holidays.
Isn't it better to err on the side of caution rather than demonstrate a blasé complacency about Coronavirus?
An estimated 10.5 million Chinese travelled around the world for their New Year holidays.
Isn't it better to err on the side of caution rather than demonstrate a blasé complacency about Coronavirus?
So you want mass panic plus panic buying and the flu kills more people yearly and this virus has and I'm not being complacent.
Russian state television company Channel One have promoted the possibility that Trump is somehow behind the Corona Virus! Some of the `evidence` for thus includes the fact that - wait for it - Trump handed out crowns on a regualr basis in a former role as a compere for Miss America contests -( and `corona` means crown, you see).

In fairness, the broadcaster did qualify it all with a statement to the effect that this was `only a conspiracy theory`.

In other news, China has sacked 2 of it's top health bosses for fudging the figures and as a result there are over 15,000 more reported cases as of today. Unreported cases (not tested) are thought to be over 400,000 in Wuhan alone. 2020 really hates us humans.
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The question being asked around the water cooler is whether this is China's Chernobyl moment. Incidentally the death rate is running at 6.3% per infection.
I had a coworker tell me, yesterday, that she'd heard that, now that the figures for number of deaths from the virus have been shown to be greater than what China had first released, people (the way she'd worded it, sounded to refer to international community) are saying that anyone infected should be exterminated.
I really don't know where she gets her info from and didn't ask.
I had a coworker tell me, yesterday, that she'd heard that, now that the figures for number of deaths from the virus have been shown to be greater than what China had first released, people (the way she'd worded it, sounded to refer to international community) are saying that anyone infected should be exterminated.
I really don't know where she gets her info from and didn't ask.
Some really mental stuff being thrown around about this. All we know for sure is that China are hiding the true figures and WHO are trying to do a cover up.
Had a conversation about this whilst in the car with the glamorous Mr Joolz today. I reckon we might need to start worrying -apart from taking sensible precautions we should all practice every winter - if the infection rate in China reaches more than 10%. That's 120 million people.

Using AlchoPwn's post above re the death rate of 6.3% then - if, say, the China deaths have actually been hidden by a factor of 10-fold (so around 20,000 poor souls gone) - the infection has then affected approximately 318,000 people. Which is a lot. But as a proportion of their population it's 0.026%, just over a quarter of one percent.

If the official death figures are correct then it's around 0.0025%, which is about 1-in-40,000 chance that you'll catch the novel coronavirus, and then die of it, if you happen to live in China.

(edited for syntax)
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We, of course, need to remember our preconditioned programming that this is a #clear & present danger (allegedly). And a #global health emergency ...or at least we apparently need to be repeatedly told such things by the media, irrespective of the absolute scale or severity of such a situation.

The continuous rolling news format and edgy global village rumour-mill grabs a story like this with barely-supressed joy. At last: exaggerated realities can look & sound more like fun fictional disasters.

Whilst it's possible to say that tv production companies constantly have such programming in production for ready broadcast, indications that Netflix had their 'Pandemic' series scheduled around 8 months in advance for transmission in the same first months of 2020 that the Coronovirus '19' are (for me) disconcerting at best https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-...tbreaks-is-eerily-timed-and-moved-me-to-tears

We live in a world with far too many self-fufilling prophesies, too many neat narratives, too much really-unreal reality.
We, of course, need to remember our preconditioned programming that this is a #clear & present danger (allegedly). And a #global health emergency ...or at least we apparently need to be repeatedly told such things by the media, irrespective of the absolute scale or severity of such a situation.

The continuous rolling news format and edgy global village rumour-mill grabs a story like this with barely-supressed joy. At last: exaggerated realities can look & sound more like fun fictional disasters.

Whilst it's possible to say that tv production companies constantly have such programming in production for ready broadcast, indications that Netflix had their 'Pandemic' series scheduled around 8 months in advance for transmission in the same first months of 2020 that the Coronovirus '19' are (for me) disconcerting at best https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-...tbreaks-is-eerily-timed-and-moved-me-to-tears

We live in a world with far too many self-fufilling prophesies, too many neat narratives, too much really-unreal reality.
I for one am very happy about the (probable) scare mongering by the news services, as hopefully more people are being careful about catching whatever they are calling the flu today, I along with many others have such a suppressed immune system any virus would kill me, for instance, my Lymphocyte count at my last blood test was 0.9% ( a normal adult should have between 20% to 40% ! ).
China are only officially reporting deaths of reported positive cases, so unreported cases who die from this virus don't go into the figures which means it's impossible to get a true mortality rate. Also China has mobilised the entire country to combat the virus at great expense. Imagine that this virus spreads to poorer countries in Africa or South America and gets a grip in the larger cities. Also comparing this to the flu isn't helpful, the flu is seasonal mostly so the northern and southern hemispheres have outbreaks at separate times of the year, this virus doesn't care about the season, it's going hell for leather in both hemispheres at the same time, which is worrying in itself as scientists were originally saying it would die down when conditions for it changed, well dear old SARS-CoV-2 has other ideas so we're basically without a clue what is going to happen.
China are only officially reporting deaths of reported positive cases, so unreported cases who die from this virus don't go into the figures which means it's impossible to get a true mortality rate. Also China has mobilised the entire country to combat the virus at great expense. Imagine that this virus spreads to poorer countries in Africa or South America and gets a grip in the larger cities. Also comparing this to the flu isn't helpful, the flu is seasonal mostly so the northern and southern hemispheres have outbreaks at separate times of the year, this virus doesn't care about the season, it's going hell for leather in both hemispheres at the same time, which is worrying in itself as scientists were originally saying it would die down when conditions for it changed, well dear old SARS-CoV-2 has other ideas so we're basically without a clue what is going to happen.
The virus will be a disaster to Africa. A minor doom, like the HIV virus once was, and perhaps still is.
The virus will be a disaster to Africa. A minor doom, like the HIV virus once was, and perhaps still is.
I agree and even more worring HIV and also Ebola are both spread via body fluids and can to a certain extent be controlled, this sucker can spread in many ways, so once it gets a foothold in a populated area it going to decimate poorer countries.
Horror and thriller writer Dean R. Koontz predicted the virus in a 1981 book called The Eyes of Darkness:
Utter Koontz

Or he predicted a Chinese virus called Wuhan-400, involving a scientist called Li Chen. After that it gets a bit vaguer, but not bad, Dean, fair play.
Horror and thriller writer Dean R. Koontz predicted the virus in a 1981 book called The Eyes of Darkness:
Utter Koontz

Or he predicted a Chinese virus called Wuhan-400, involving a scientist called Li Chen. After that it gets a bit vaguer, but not bad, Dean, fair play.
I've read that book a while ago, in fact I met the man himself in odd circumstances. Stephen King also wrote about a virus which wiped out most of humanity in The Stand.
More and more cases worldwide now, with higher death rates than China is reporting. The Rio Carnival is on right now and if it hits there then I'll be moving to live with the penguins as well. Like I said in an earlier post, poorer nations with large over populated cities are going to suffer if it gets a toe hold.