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I read that the 'moat' ~ flooded part at the bottom of Silbury Hill shows up like that because that's where the soil was removed to apply to the hill?
I wasn't talking about Silsbury Hill, Flooding the Zone is a political tactic that puts so much information and conflicting claims into the debate that people become confused as to what's truth and what's fiction
Most people now think crop circles are man-made now. We don’t really know if they appear ‘overnight’ as is often claimed, just that no-one sees them appear. (If they’re human created, yes they probably are done at night). Once the crop is growing it’s left for long periods of time (apart from spraying it) and so even the farmers don’t have occasion to go to those fields all that often. Unless someone on an overlook point or a drone filmed one being created in some way, the arguments will go on.
Crop circles are a real mystery first being recorded in 1678 from Hartfordshire in a pamphlet called “Morning Devil”.

If you think about, it is not for someone on the ground to see, but someone who was high up in the air.

I always go back to 2015 in Appalachian Mountains, East Tennessee to a rural village called Gray, Tennessee population of about 1,000.

A farmer reported that a three ring crop design appeared overnight in his wheat field.

Here is a town where every one knows every one, yet a crop circle design appeared.

A scientist claimed the stalks were bent by microwaves.

The moisture in the stalks turned to steam and cause the joints to bend.

This to me is a paranormal event.
I wasn't talking about Silsbury Hill, Flooding the Zone is a political tactic that puts so much information and conflicting claims into the debate that people become confused as to what's truth and what's fiction
Mis-read! Never heard of that term myself anyway - might help in future to click on the 'reply' link, as this clarifies which post you are meaning to send in your return post to reply, or question to. . . cheers.
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Crop circles are a real mystery first being recorded in 1678 from Hartfordshire in a pamphlet called “Morning Devil”.

If you think about, it is not for someone on the ground to see, but someone who was high up in the air.

I always go back to 2015 in Appalachian Mountains, East Tennessee to a rural village called Gray, Tennessee population of about 1,000.

A farmer reported that a three ring crop design appeared overnight in his wheat field.

Here is a town where every one knows every one, yet a crop circle design appeared.

A scientist claimed the stalks were bent by microwaves.

The moisture in the stalks turned to steam and cause the joints to bend.

This to me is a paranormal event.
It does look to me that there was a deliberate attempt to shut the whole thing down, you could tell something was a bit odd when Doug and Dave appeared on the scene, now ask anyone about them "they are all man made" high level conspiracies of silence are not always needed, just send out a few plausible conflicting theories and watch them take root, it may take a few goes but once one takes root, that's it case closed

Its Undoubtable that some of the more elaborate ones were man made, but like you sad this has been going on for 100's of years and it did warrant some serious investigation
In my opinion for example, the Peru Nazca Lines were made for some one in a UFO to see, not for people on the ground.

The same holds for crop circles.

Why is 80% of reported crop circles from Wiltshire, UK ?

What kind of people live in Wiltshire ?
In my opinion for example, the Peru Nazca Lines were made for some one in a UFO to see, not for people on the ground.

The same holds for crop circles.

Why is 80% of reported crop circles from Wiltshire, UK ?

What kind of people live in Wiltshire ?
Are we not in danger by saying that the indigenous population of Peru were not advanced enough to have their own reasons for making the lines? A bit like saying aliens built the pyramids? I haven't a clue about Wilshire I'm afraid
I believe the Peru people built the Nazca lines for their UFO friends to come back.
In my opinion for example, the Peru Nazca Lines were made for some one in a UFO to see, not for people on the ground.

The same holds for crop circles.

Why is 80% of reported crop circles from Wiltshire, UK ?

What kind of people live in Wiltshire ?
Don't think it has much to do with the people in Wiltshire, more to do with the lay-of-the-land, and what may be a totally different reason as to why things particularly seems to appear there.
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In my opinion for example, the Peru Nazca Lines were made for some one in a UFO to see, not for people on the ground.

The same holds for crop circles.

Why is 80% of reported crop circles from Wiltshire, UK ?

What kind of people live in Wiltshire ?
Wiltshire has a relatively low population & a lot of farmland with large fields of wheat & barley etc ideal for making crop formations in the growing season. It’s quite an undulating landscape with many hills which make good viewing spots. The circlemakers may not live there but go there because of these ideal conditions.

There’s also a lot of prehistoric remains - Silbury Hill, Avebury, Stonehenge, long barrows etc. Not that these are anything to do with it but it has a certain mystique about it.
Wiltshire has a relatively low population & a lot of farmland with large fields of wheat & barley etc ideal for making crop formations in the growing season. It’s quite an undulating landscape with many hills which make good viewing spots. The circlemakers may not live there but go there because of these ideal conditions.

There’s also a lot of prehistoric remains - Silbury Hill, Avebury, Stonehenge, long barrows etc. Not that these are anything to do with it but it has a certain mystique about it.
But they may still possibly have something to do with the 'why there's?'
But they may still possibly have something to do with the 'why there's?'
It’s possible, but I don’t make any link in order to avoid the ‘woo’ factor.
It must have been about 1990 when my brother and a friend went to see one of the crop circles that seemed to be suddenly springing up. It wasn’t the one at Alton Barnes that made the news, it was closer, to where we live, possibly near Liddington. They brought back a handful of the wheat within the circle.

So I had a look at it and these nodes circled in red, all of them were burst, looked as if they had exploded from the inside although were not broken off. The wheat was bent there, in both places. I’ve never been to see one myself so I can’t say if every one of them is the same in that respect.

It must have been about 1990 when my brother and a friend went to see one of the crop circles that seemed to be suddenly springing up. It wasn’t the one at Alton Barnes that made the news, it was closer, to where we live, possibly near Liddington. They brought back a handful of the wheat within the circle.

So I had a look at it and these nodes circled in red, all of them were burst, looked as if they had exploded from the inside although were not broken off. The wheat was bent there, in both places. I’ve never been to see one myself so I can’t say if every one of them is the same in that respect.

View attachment 71574
Yes, that is what seems to happen, leaves tiny pin-holes where plant fluid explodes out of stem (node) as steam.
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In my above post in 2015 in the small village of Gray, Tennessee, the scientist said the same where the moisture in the stalk turned to steam to bend the plant node.

If this is not paranormal, then I don’t know what is ?
@Sid and @charliebrown: I didn‘t know that was what happened with the wheat, but with that crop circle at least (my brother did take a picture of it when he and his friend were there so I’ll have to ask them where it was, as he keeps all his photos) it did. I couldn’t get my head around what would do that to the wheat. It wasn’t two or more people with string or rope anyway. It looked at if something had come from above it and bent the wheat stalks and exploded the upper nodes, then continued down and done the same to the lower nodes. It wasn’t flattened above the ground, but at those two particular places, which is certainly possible for people to do, but it seems to me it would have to be done very quickly, powerfully even (having visions here of people whizzing around the wheat field at high speed holding wires lol) Like a very quick and extreme punch, then another. It struck me as particularly strange and ‘directed’.
I am no expert about Wheat, so i don't know if any of the things people say happens to Wheat in crop circles is normal or not, has someone who is an expert commented on it? For all we know it could be something quite normal
I am no expert about Wheat, so i don't know if any of the things people say happens to Wheat in crop circles is normal or not, has someone who is an expert commented on it? For all we know it could be something quite normal
the weird way it gets bent? depends on what growth cycle the wheat is in when it gets pushed over how the plant reacts.
It does look to me that there was a deliberate attempt to shut the whole thing down, you could tell something was a bit odd when Doug and Dave appeared on the scene, now ask anyone about them "they are all man made" high level conspiracies of silence are not always needed, just send out a few plausible conflicting theories and watch them take root, it may take a few goes but once one takes root, that's it case closed

Its Undoubtable that some of the more elaborate ones were man made, but like you sad this has been going on for 100's of years and it did warrant some serious investigation
I tend to agree with you and the elaborate ones just became more elaborate as the media frenzy grew to an extent I feel the landowners will have been in on it, After all, It does seem strange that no groups of people were ever caught in a field with their circle making equipment or even stopped by Police on their way in. The Police do patrol rural areas at night not least because of deer poaching and the thefts of livestock and equipment from farms.

The first two crop circles I ever saw were back in 1988 from a train between Taunton and Castle Cary where the track is on an embankment and looks down over fields. They were quite basic but seemingly positioned to be seen by the thousands of rail passengers who travel this mainline. I always wondered if this was a Pagan ritual activity? Hence the secrecy and degree of dedication to be out all night. But there have also been accounts of seeming paranormal or unknown natural phenomena at play and it might be a case of Pagans (or whoever) imitating what is created without human intervention.
I watched a documentary on amazon prime about the Chilbolton incident. I wondered if anyone ever claimed to have made the crop patterns that were found there?
Only thing is it's not entirely true!
It states that 'crop circles only last as long as the crop.' Yet I have found traces of some crop circles that show up for several years after they were made. The ground seems to hold on to something below the soil level of some circles.
ooh.. please, do tell. This sounds like a story worth re-telling. :D
Yet I have found traces of some crop circles that show up for several years after they were made. The ground seems to hold on to something below the soil level of some circles.

Like archaeological stuff?