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Almost 80% of all crop circles have been in Wiltshire, England.

Some of these crop circles have been very elaborate and supposedly appeared over night.

So, this asks the question what is going on in Wiltshire ?

Are there some E. T. s that had a few too many at the local pub, and when crazy with their artistic talents ?

I do not think a human can produce these circles in the over night with no foot prints, no car marks, and the crops delicately folded in a woven pattern.

There is some paranormal going on here !
Here is a nest

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And the little artist making it

Many years ago, I used to live in South London. One weekend we (myself and a mate), went fishing 50 miles or so away in Hastings (old Hastings). When we got there, we fixed up our rods on the stony beach. All was quiet until we noticed that the tide was gradually dropping, and we thought we'd spotted a large ball being thrown up onto the shoreline a bit further down along the beach.
We walked down to see if it was a ball, but it turned out to be a Puffer fish! It was fully blown up into a ball with noticeable pimply/spiky bits over it's flesh - looked weird so we didn't touch it but footed it back into the deeper water where it eventually disappeared back into the sea.
Not something you would tend to fool about with touching in any way - reminds me of the time we also watched a Portuguese Man of War we spotted on another night-fishing trip in winter on Hastings Pier, as at that time they had bright spotlights mounted at the end of the wooden pier. It was mainly a kind of inky blue with pink and various range of other colours along with a fairly tall gossamer-like sail easily visible, along with those very long flowing tentacles dangling below it, it was pretty big being easily two-and-a-half-feet in diameter.
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Crop circles have ALWAYS fascinated me, in no small part thanks to a memory in my childhood I'll never forget.

One Spring long ago, I spent some time at my Great Grandparents' farm in the mountains of Tennessee. I was around 12 at the time. One morning, as I was walking around exploring the farm, I noticed there was a large, circular patch in their crop fields where the crops were bent over on the ground. This seemed odd to me, so I let my Great Grandfather know about this. He inspected the patch for a while, wondering, like me, where it had come from. Finally, he decided it was "just a bad crop", and continued going about his business. I was so fascinated by what I had discovered, so I spent most of that day just walking around the fields. That evening, as I was about to go to sleep, I began to really appreciate what I had seen. I was sleeping on the third story of my Great Grandparents' house, and the room I was staying in had a window right next to the bed, overlooking the fields. In the moonlight, I saw that patch for what it really was: a semi-circular pattern. Perfectly symmetrical.

I only ever visited my Great Grandparents' farm a few times after that before they passed away and the farm was sold. But I distinctly remember seeing that crop circle each time, and my Great Grandfather always said he could never get anything to grow on that patch ever again.

Ever since, I have been drawn to crop circles. I've seen numerous documentaries and read numerous books about them.
I have never seen crop circles up close in person. I have seen them in books, magazines, TV, and online. It's a mystery who, and how they made them. But I was just told that anyone could make them lol. Just take some perfect circle patterns and press them on the ground!
I remember visiting a new crop circle in Wiltshire quite a number of year ago, we wandered down into the crop circle and walked into the center of the markings in the cereal field.

To say that 'anyone could make them,' is probably a fair statement for the majority of them, but to the one that I visited, not so, as when I went in for a closer look, kneeling down to get a closer look to what form of any evidence might have left behind to give a clue as to how the stalks were bent over, I personally found (along with two other friends) highly swollen leaf nodes on each of the bent over stems (not bent over at ground level more to the point).

What did, or could have done this seemed to point towards some form of radiation, or, some form of intense but short duration of heat ~ enough to steam these leaf nodes, as they also had tiny holes either side of the node where the steam would have escaped from the node.

Also, have noted that in at least one place where a crop circle had appeared in the past, it is still visible years after in/on, the ground after visits using Google 'Satellite.' So I assume that something may be also associated with the earth itself.
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What did, or could have done this seemed to point towards some form of radiation, or, some form of intense but short duration of heat ~ enough to steam these leaf nodes, as they also had tiny holes either side of the node where the steam would have escaped from the node.
My brother and his friend went out to a crop circle in the early 90’s. It wasn’t that big one at Alton Barnes that started the Crop Circle Summer (as I think of it) but one closer to Swindon, near Liddington, perhaps.
He and his friends took photos of it. They brought some of the wheat home (about as much as a hand could wrap around and pull up.

The wheat was still green as this was June, I think. A few inches from the roots the stalks were sharply bent and a few inches from the crown too. I also noticed those swollen ‘nodes’. We tried to imagine how this might have been done as it looked just…odd. I felt it was so odd that I went for a walk and threw it away lol. It seemed to me that if it was two men doing it, to get that appearance of such energy, they’d have to be really whizzing around, first bending the upper section, then the lower, very, very fast.

Anyway, the circles then were simpler than the incredibly beautiful designs that came later, but however they’re made I’m still interested in them.
Another excellent episode of The Why Files, and extra long, too!

The video of circles forming has been exposed as CGI & admitted as such by the maker I believe. The balls of light sometimes filmed around circles I think are genuine.

A lot of ‘what ifs’ & ‘suppose that’s’, but interesting. The disinformation spreading idea is not implausible. That’s assuming something else is going on of course.

It’s coming up for crop circle season - they seem to have diminished in recent years in both quantity & quality..
The video of circles forming has been exposed as CGI & admitted as such by the maker I believe. The balls of light sometimes filmed around circles I think are genuine.

A lot of ‘what ifs’ & ‘suppose that’s’, but interesting. The disinformation spreading idea is not implausible. That’s assuming something else is going on of course.

It’s coming up for crop circle season - they seem to have diminished in recent years in both quantity & quality..
Yes, they didn't debunk as much as they should. Still, I respect these guys for not generally being true believers, and for always pointing out problems with mundane explanations. In this instance, poking holes in Doug and Dave's "confession" was appreciated.
In real crop circles the stalks are bent without showing signs of any stress or damage.
All crop circles are real, and they are all made by humans. Except the CGI ones, and even those are made by humans.

Oh, and there are a few very simple ones made by dust-devils. I've seen one of those, and it was spectacular, although the circle it made was barely visible afterwards.
...when I went in for a closer look, kneeling down to get a closer look to what form of any evidence might have left behind to give a clue as to how the stalks were bent over, I personally found (along with two other friends) highly swollen leaf nodes on each of the bent over stems (not bent over at ground level more to the point).
Wheat and other corn crops are members of the grass family, and grasses grow quite fast from just above the root. The location of maximum growth in grass species is called the 'crown', and this is located is just underground in most cases. This is why we can cut our lawns very short without killing them.

If the crop shows signs of bending some distance away from the soil, this is probably because the bend was originally at ground level (the crop is flattened by a board). After the circle was made, each stem has grown from the bottom upwards, pushing the bent part further away from the ground. This can happen in a couple of days, weather permitting.
Wheat and other corn crops are members of the grass family, and grasses grow quite fast from just above the root. The location of maximum growth in grass species is called the 'crown', and this is located is just underground in most cases. This is why we can cut our lawns very short without killing them.

If the crop shows signs of bending some distance away from the soil, this is probably because the bend was originally at ground level (the crop is flattened by a board). After the circle was made, each stem has grown from the bottom upwards, pushing the bent part further away from the ground. This can happen in a couple of days, weather permitting.
Yes 'eburacum,' I accept that totally. However, when you see that the actual nodes themselves were swollen - (ballooned outwards actually) and at each side there was a tiny hole on each side - presumably where the internal steam had expanded, and been forced out this way, then it is a bit different, (or so I'm led to believe) to just a normal growing joint in the stem. Wish I'd had my camera so that I could have shown it, but I didn't have it on me at that time. Also, we visited the crop-circle sight, only a day or so after it had appeared in the field.
One way to test this would be to compare circles which have been made by known perpetrators, and those which have more mysterious origins. If the nodes and swellings show the same pathology in each, then it is likely that all crop circles are made by humans (bar the exceptions I mentioned earlier).

This analysis might be complicated by the possibility that only a very few crop circles are created by non-mundane agency; if exotic circles are difficult to find, then the differences may not be easily recognised in the mass of data.
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"Minor geometrical irregularities put this crop circle in the man-made category, although it is a commendable effort. The central ring is probably the Sun since this is how the Sun is always depicted. The circle portrays an unprecedented release of sunlight or flash as if there has been a giant coronal mass ejection released larger than any experienced in human history. A number of prophecies claim when this occurs there will be a simultaneous “Illumination of Conscience” showing us our defects and shortcomings in behavior. The experience will last for 10 to 15 minutes and envelope the entire planet, giving it a supernatural aspect.

The Warning Comet, currently expected around 2029, will be warning about this coming event, and Comet B later. The Sun Comet will follow shortly after and strike the Sun, perhaps getting the blame for the flash by astronomers, but the simple scientific explanation will not hold up. The brightness will cause the sky to temporarily turn white and there will be deaths and injuries for those who don’t hide their eyes from the excessive sunlight. All military hostilities will be temporarily halted since satellites and other electrical equipment will be severely damaged"


A number of prophecies claim ... blah blah blah
I know you're quoting another person there, PE.
Those 'commentators' are mostly loons. I used to post on that website's discussion board before Dike & Fussell closed it due to pitched battles between the circlemakers and the nutbars researchers. Ol Horrie Drewe aka Red Collie was the worst of the bunch. Once he'd launched his special brand of arsejuice, the place just went to the dogs.
I know you're quoting Red Collie there, PE.
Those 'commentators' are mostly loons. I used to post on that website's discussion board before Dike & Fussell closed it due to pitched battles between the circlemakers and the nutbars researchers. Ol Horrie Drewe was the worst of the bunch. Once he'd launched his special brand of arsejuice, the place just went to the dogs.


All military hostilities will be temporarily halted since satellites and other electrical equipment will be severely damaged"
I mean there's no hint of any actual thought at all in a statement like that. It's botty water of the brownest shade. I never read the comments. Always the same pish.

interestingly less than perfect. I really like this one :)
Yes, I was impressed. Something old school about the finer touches.
There was a picture this morning on the Facebook page of my local paper, (Swindon Advertiser) showing Silbury Hill almost surrounded by a moat due to the rain (I don’t think it’s a one-off; I’ve seen similar pictures)

Anyway, one of the comments (name cropped out, but it’s there on the thread if anyone wants to look.

There was a picture this morning on the Facebook page of my local paper, (Swindon Advertiser) showing Silbury Hill almost surrounded by a moat due to the rain (I don’t think it’s a one-off; I’ve seen similar pictures)

Anyway, one of the comments (name cropped out, but it’s there on the thread if anyone wants to look.

View attachment 71389
[scowls at bad grammar] could not have been dammit, have been. Sorry, couldn't contain myself.
There was a picture this morning on the Facebook page of my local paper, (Swindon Advertiser) showing Silbury Hill almost surrounded by a moat due to the rain (I don’t think it’s a one-off; I’ve seen similar pictures)

View attachment 71390Anyway, one of the comments (name cropped out, but it’s there on the thread if anyone wants to look.

View attachment 71389
I've been reading a few of the theories about what exactly could Silbury Hill possibly have been built and used for, after all it took a huge amount of time ('they' reckon 15 years) and men to build it. I'm wondering if it may have intentionally been an local attempt at building their own version of a pyramid?
@Sid I wonder too. There’s another, smaller in the grounds of Marlborough College, Merlin’s Mound, I beleive it’s the same age as Silbury Hill. (I’m sure you know that anyway) why two, though?
Image courtesy of The Marlburians Club

The thing about crop circles is, the zone has now been well and truly flooded, to the point that most people just dismiss them as man made hoaxes (despite there being a long history of them) and that was the deliberate intention to create so much confusion that people dismiss the phenomenal it happens time and time again
@Sid I wonder too. There’s another, smaller in the grounds of Marlborough College, Merlin’s Mound, I beleive it’s the same age as Silbury Hill. (I’m sure you know that anyway) why two, though?
Image courtesy of The Marlburians Club

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If I remember correctly, Silbury Hill was thought to have traces of a spiral path from bottom to top, and a large hole in the centre at the top - never heard anymore about it after that?
The thing about crop circles is, the zone has now been well and truly flooded, to the point that most people just dismiss them as man made hoaxes (despite there being a long history of them) and that was the deliberate intention to create so much confusion that people dismiss the phenomenal it happens time and time again
I read that the 'moat' ~ flooded part at the bottom of Silbury Hill shows up like that because that's where the soil was removed to apply to the hill?