*Inaugural post*
Good evening from Adelaide, South Australia. Crop Cirlce research brought me to FT, so I may as well start posting here, but I'll be adding my particular brand of BS to many other threads in future. This is a fascinating board. Thanks for having me.
Last year I bought a DVD called "Crop Circles: Quest for Truth" by documentary film maker William Gazecki. It was Oscar nominated in 2002 (I think). In it, there is footage of the balls of light moving through crop fields in a fashion that describes purpose. Other footage on the extras shows the lights toying with military helicopters, disappearing from in front of them and re-appearing behind them as they hover. I was amazed, as I hadn't seen anything like them before. I have found no plausible answers as to what they are. Just that they appear to have some relation to the formations, though whether they simply occupy the same space as co-incidence or they are part of the creation process is difficult to say.
Of crop circles, I reckon they are created by people. I've researched the plasma vortex theories and the 'alien message' ideas, but these glyphs / pictograms seem certainly to me to be the most modern form of sacred art.
3 things;
1. The 'Circlemakers' ('Team Satan' they call themselves) claim authorship of these incredible geometric patterns, so I'd like to see them make an 'exact' copy of the Milk Hill (2001)
formation within the time frame that it was supposed to have hit the deck in (approximately 7 hours according to the farmer, though similarly complex patterns appeared within 45 minutes of bystanders witnessing an empty area in other cases, and yet others claim that they've seen formations appear in fields where minutes before there was nothing).
2. If they were created by a group of people, why has nobody thought to examine the footprints left in the 'tram lines' which is the only place they could step to avoid damaging standing crop. Perhaps they tromp out on their boards to avoid any impact on soil beds in tram lines???
3. How do the 'Circlemakers' account for the appearance of 'grapeshot' - small formations of as small as two feet across which appear isolated often far from main circles
and tram lines? I can't figure that one out at all, unless the buggers have learned how to levitate :? :?:
I am sceptical of 'supernatural' explanations in most things fortean, yet with this phenomenon, I'm even more sceptical of the claims of authorship by the 'Circlemakers' (Irving, et al). There's a lot more unexplained than explained in this, which is why I'm so fascinated by it. Yes, it's last century's news, but I'm still waiting for answers. I think a lot of people are.
I would love to experience being in, at or above a formation some time. Has anyone experienced it firsthand or personally know anyone who has? I don't think the OP has yet been satisfied. I haven't, anyway.
Cheers, skinny