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What are the odds for seeing a crop circle at 30,000 feet anyway?
Oh, I thought he'd take Air Force One or some other jet.

Strangely not; it doesn't show it on that clip I posted but later on they showed that he'd flown over the field, and I'm sure they said it was a helicopter. Surprised me too.
Strangely not; it doesn't show it on that clip I posted but later on they showed that he'd flown over the field, and I'm sure they said it was a helicopter. Surprised me too.

Didn't really matter, he'd have spent the whole journey on Twitter anyway.
I have a couple of questions relating to crop circles that I am hoping those compatriots more knowledgeable about them might be able to answer.

1) We have seen plenty of impressively detailed and scientifically informed crop circles created. For example, one of the more clever ones expressed the periodic table in a circular form, and others have shown our solar system, Pluto included.
So here is the question. How many crop circles that are highly complex but don't seem to have any particular meaning are there? (The subtext being that such things could feasibly be "outside human knowledge", and referring to something we don't yet understand).

2) When did witnesses first start recording the more complex figures, year-wise?

3) Obviously crop circles and saucer nests are similar Fortean phenomena. Are these phenomena now considered discrete? If so, how is one separated from the other?
1. I don't know, but, IMO, there are no CCs that contain elements that are outside human knowledge, as humans made them - a modern expression of sacred art. The myriad responses to them are testament to their power. Meaning is in the eye of the beholder. Interpretation is entirely individual, and no one individual or 'research' group has a monopoly on the truth of any of them, perhaps not even those teams who created them.

2. Around 1982-3 Colin Andrews, Pat Delgado and Busty Taylor started measuring and documenting the simple single circles. The circles doubled and then started to represent intelligent relationship soon after. The quadrupled circle formation surrounding a central element and linked by an outer band or ring (a 'celtic' symbolism) soon followed. Then there were the 'keys' such as the Alton Barnes formation used on the Led Zeppelin CD cover. Increasingly complex elements and symbolism continued to appear until the 1991 Barbury Castle crop glyph appeared, containing so many layers of related geometric complexity the researchers still haven't gotten to the bottom of the dimensions therein.

From that event on, the creativity that went into the formations exploded and continues to find unique expression to this day. See this video entitled Crop Circles: Quest For Truth for a really in-depth timeline (starts at 24:00) of the development of complexity through the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s.

3. The so-called saucer nests are nothing more than wind damage. However, those events might well have inspired the first circlemakers.
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So the deer like to lay in almost perfect circles...?
I can understand the uneven markings but some of those are simply too round to be explained by deer...imho.
Maybe the deer circle the resting place like dogs? Nothing to stop them changing position after a while, either.

The perfectly spherical examples will be manmade.
Only time I ever saw one was North of Sheffield on the M1 it was on the side of a hill
so you only noticed it when tracking North, it was very precise I must admit at the
time I thought it had been done as a prank.
Genuine question: shortly before I went down to the New Forest on an Ecology field trip, I read a small column-filler in the Telegraph about the mysterious re-appearance of crop or corn circles in Hampshire. First I'd heard of them - this would have been about 1986 - but the implication was that this was a recurrent event. Does anyone know when crop circles were first reported in Hampshire (or else where in the UK) ?

Some of the comments below the vid are LOL funny. Wilful ignorance is is one of the lowest qualities of our species.
Not quite a circle but I noticed that after the heavy rain this week the barley had been flattened either side of the tramlines but OK in and bordering the tramlines.
It was the same throughout the field.
This was in a winter sown barley field - the barley in the late sown field was OK which I assume was due to the stalks being less tall.
I also wondered why crop circles don't appear in spud/bean/rape etc. fields?

Crop Circle II.jpg

I replaced the original image with one taken later in the day - 16/06/19
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I also wondered why crop circles don't appear in spud/bean/rape etc. fields?

Grain plants are closely packed and allow for fine, visible detail when flattened. Flatten a relatively spaced out potato crop and it looks... like someone stomped on a potato crop. Nowhere near as nice and neat. It would also show footprints in the soil.

Some of the comments below the vid are LOL funny. Wilful ignorance is is one of the lowest qualities of our species.
Well....my thought is with all those lights etc in the field it's a wonder no one saw them doing it.
And I love the comment below...'that it's an insult to the real crop circle makers'. And who would that be?
1. I don't know, but, IMO, there are no CCs that contain elements that are outside human knowledge, as humans made them - a modern expression of sacred art. The myriad responses to them are testament to their power. Meaning is in the eye of the beholder. Interpretation is entirely individual, and no one individual or 'research' group has a monopoly on the truth of any of them, perhaps not even those teams who created them.

2. Around 1982-3 Colin Andrews, Pat Delgado and Busty Taylor started measuring and documenting the simple single circles. The circles doubled and then started to represent intelligent relationship soon after. The quadrupled circle formation surrounding a central element and linked by an outer band or ring (a 'celtic' symbolism) soon followed. Then there were the 'keys' such as the Alton Barnes formation used on the Led Zeppelin CD cover. Increasingly complex elements and symbolism continued to appear until the 1991 Barbury Castle crop glyph appeared, containing so many layers of related geometric complexity the researchers still haven't gotten to the bottom of the dimensions therein.

From that event on, the creativity that went into the formations exploded and continues to find unique expression to this day. See this video entitled Crop Circles: Quest For Truth for a really in-depth timeline (starts at 24:00) of the development of complexity through the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s.

3. The so-called saucer nests are nothing more than wind damage. However, those events might well have inspired the first circlemakers.
I believe all mof the geometric ones are made by people. Real "saucer nests" like the Tully example, are made by UFOs:
The hissing noise is not uncommon:
"Crowe had made his first observations at several hundred feet, and as he came to within about 60', the object lifted itself from the ground. He could now hear a sound, a sound like air being forced out of a balloon."
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Well, what else would the French do in a crop circle?

French Crop Circle Draws Crowds and Couples Joining the “Crop Circle Club”

On June 12, Thomas Jehl got a call from a neighbor in Saint-Hippolyte, a commune (township) in northeastern France near the German border. The neighbor was letting him know that two of his wheat fields were now partially and geometrically covered with a series of crop circles measuring over 200 meters (656 feet) from end-to-end. (See the photos here and here.) He was obviously flattered to be flattened in a wheat sense, but had no idea what else he was in for, other than losing some of his crop to the circles and their mysterious makers.

News of the artistic cercles de culture (the top figure has 5 circles aligned and an outer ring; the second figure has 19 aligned circles and a ring around the central group) spread quickly and by the weekend there were cars from France and Germany lined up to take in the sight. According to the news source L’Alsace, the spectators included a middle-aged couple Jehl stumbled upon in flagrante delicto … and in nothing else.

What if the circle really WAS made by aliens? Are they entertained, mortified … or both?

Genuine question: shortly before I went down to the New Forest on an Ecology field trip, I read a small column-filler in the Telegraph about the mysterious re-appearance of crop or corn circles in Hampshire. First I'd heard of them - this would have been about 1986 - but the implication was that this was a recurrent event. Does anyone know when crop circles were first reported in Hampshire (or else where in the UK) ?
Late 70s