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A 2019 book The Energies of Crop Circles by Lucy Pringle details how people and particularly animals react strangely to crop circles.

People’s hair and body become very static electricity and and animals will not approach a crop circle.

I wonder if crop circles are connected to fairy rings ?
Like archaeological stuff?
& 'Marhawkman'. . .
Not archaeological stuff. In a past post, I had mentioned that when 'I looked back, then forward in time' (on 'Google Map,' going forwards to a different date on the Google mapping years) on a crop circles position, I was amazed to see that the field itself had been cropped and ploughed up, yet there were still defining remains of the shape of the crop circle left behind in/on the ground itself which I thought was something I didn't expect to still see, yet it was still easily definable.
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& 'Marhawkman'. . .
Not archaeological stuff. In a past post, I had mentioned that when 'I looked back, then forward in time' (on 'Google Map,' going forwards to a different date on the Google mapping years) on a crop circles position, I was amazed to see that the field itself had been cropped and ploughed up, yet there were still defining remains of the shape of the crop circle left behind in/on the ground itself which I thought was something I didn't expect to still see, yet it was still easily definable.

soil disturbance or use can last for millenia. I'm trying to find out if the process of circle making in this case has this detectable result.
How do you know what you saw isn't archaeological?
& 'Marhawkman'. . .
Not archaeological stuff. In a past post, I had mentioned that when 'I looked back, then forward in time' (on 'Google Map,' going forwards to a different date on the Google mapping years) on a crop circles position, I was amazed to see that the field itself had been cropped and ploughed up, yet there were still defining remains of the shape of the crop circle left behind in/on the ground itself which I thought was something I didn't expect to still see, yet it was still easily definable.
If automated farming equipment was used to harvest the field, the knocked over part of the crop usually won't get harvested, and leaving that part of the crop on the field when you harvest and haul off the rest? that's something tangible left behind.

Now I wanna see pics of examples. :D
If automated farming equipment was used to harvest the field, the knocked over part of the crop usually won't get harvested, and leaving that part of the crop on the field when you harvest and haul off the rest? that's something tangible left behind.

Now I wanna see pics of examples. :D
I don’t think that’s true. I’ve never heard of a crop formation remaining after harvesting. I have read the odd report of the pattern still showing somehow in the stubble afterwards although I don’t think it’s common.
I don’t think that’s true. I’ve never heard of a crop formation remaining after harvesting. I have read the odd report of the pattern still showing somehow in the stubble afterwards although I don’t think it’s common.
Well, that's what I was getting at, automated harvesting machinery can't harvest grain properly if it's laying down. thus whatever remains after they do a harvest will be somewhat different, even if it's not full plants laying fallen on the ground it might be longer/bend over stubble that isn't standing up.
The suggestion is that something like radiation has been used to make circles, and future generations of crop reproduce the previous year’s formation in a kind of shadow form due to toxic soil. I don’t buy it. Likely the tromping of crop left excess seed in the soil which recreates the outline.

Well, that's what I was getting at, automated harvesting machinery can't harvest grain properly if it's laying down. thus whatever remains after they do a harvest will be somewhat different, even if it's not full plants laying fallen on the ground it might be longer/bend over stubble that isn't standing up.
Good point. Header’d go above it eh. So when they turn the stubble in they’re actually seeding at the same time.
soil disturbance or use can last for millenia. I'm trying to find out if the process of circle making in this case has this detectable result.
How do you know what you saw isn't archaeological?
Simply because the pattern of the crop circle was the same as the marks on/in the soil.
If automated farming equipment was used to harvest the field, the knocked over part of the crop usually won't get harvested, and leaving that part of the crop on the field when you harvest and haul off the rest? that's something tangible left behind.

Now I wanna see pics of examples. :D
No chance now, as this was some years ago - but when I get time to look for another, I certainly will and post it on here.
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soil disturbance or use can last for millenia. I'm trying to find out if the process of circle making in this case has this detectable result.
How do you know what you saw isn't archaeological?
Only because the colour of the surface soil that was outlined in the Google map overhead pic shown up a difference between the colour of the ploughed earthen soil, but could still make see quite easily the image of the overall crop circle.
Only because the colour of the surface soil that was outlined in the Google map overhead pic shown up a difference between the colour of the ploughed earthen soil, but could still make see quite easily the image of the overall crop circle.

That /is/ an archaeological trace.

In what ways isn't it archaeological data?
That /is/ an archaeological trace.

In what ways isn't it archaeological data?
For one thing. . . I'm not an archaeologist - but I've always understood that 'archaeology' as such mainly uncovers 'material' items that are discovered above, and below ground level, not so much in visually seeing the variation in colour in the surface soils, which I could well understand if surface soils were scrapped away to see variation in soil colour below ground level.
The only thing that seems to make any sense to me, is if 'certain crop circles' leave behind traces of the image in the ground itself by whatever means it takes to cause that to happen.
For one thing. . . I'm not an archaeologist - but I've always understood that 'archaeology' as such mainly uncovers 'material' things that are discovered above, and below ground level, not so much in visually seeing the variation in colour in the surface soils, which I could well understand if surface soils were scrapped away to see variation in soil colour below ground level.
The only thing that seems to make any sense to me, is if 'certain crop circles' leave behind traces of the image in the ground itself by whatever means it takes to cause that to happen.

Archaeological technique deals with material culture, however caused. Crop marks can be soil marks, changes in vegetation, changes in water level... what am I forgetting @Kondoru ?

My point is that what you observed should be susceptible to archaeological technique, just as anything else presenting in the same way.

Archaeology isn't things, which is why , for example metal detecting, loses so much data.
Archaeological technique deals with material culture, however caused. Crop marks can be soil marks, changes in vegetation, changes in water level... what am I forgetting @Kondoru ?

My point is that what you observed should be susceptible to archaeological technique, just as anything else presenting in the same way.

Archaeology isn't things, which is why , for example metal detecting, loses so much data.
Just one thing to add 'Frideswide,' the pattern that was left within/on the soil itself was exactly the same as that of the crop circle, and it was one of the larger crop circles with multiple circles in a set pattern - thought that was worth mentioning too.
Just one thing to add 'Frideswide,' the pattern that was left within/on the soil itself was exactly the same as that of the crop circle, and it was one of the larger crop circles with multiple circles in a set pattern - thought that was worth mentioning too.

It sounds as if it would be worth excavating (as an umbrella term). :twothumbs:
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Made me laugh.


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It sounds as if it would be worth excavating (as an umbrella term). :twothumbs:
First time I'd noticed that they had quite a number of 'other' crop circle remains left behind in other countries to - marks left ingrained into the ground, and some very interesting comments about what some of the info the 'real ones' contained, on the Blaze Channel last night! *(28/03/2024)
Some other very interesting stuff being included on there run of nightly programme this week too!
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RIP Janet Ossebaard

Janet, with Bert Janssen, was a big part of the Dutch researcher movement since the late 90s. She seemed a nice person. Seems she coupled up with another Dutch woman and went into deep depression and paranoia for the remainder of her life.

From their website

About Janet: .... In November 2017 Janet got pulled towards the mysterious appearance of Q (anon). The Q-posts fascinated her madly and after 2 years she started giving lectures about the topic. She saw a direct connection between Q and the crop circles. In December 2020 Janet decided to leave the Netherlands, after realizing that her country had turned into a full-on police state. She was censored and monitored to the point of parliamentary questions being asked after one of her interviews and having the police on her doorstep due to her work in general.

She left with Cyntha, whom she had met in the spring of 2018 during one of her presentations. From that moment on, they have been living as nomads, changing house every other 2 months for safety reasons. No cell phones, no tracking devices and only armed with fully secured laptops. That’s when their research into the Cabal, shadow governments, plus the identity and purpose of Q skyrocketed. Janet produced the first 10 parts series The Fall of the Cabal in 2019, and the Sequel (a work in progress) followed as a result of combined forces (Janet & Cyntha).

13/01/2024 From Cyntha ...
Dear friends,
I have a deeply sad message to deliver.
Janet has been found dead after a period of 5 weeks in which she was missing.
She died of suicide by taking an overdose of medicines on November 16th 2023.
Janet has had a life time of struggling against severe depressions and death wishes. A few times a year she would experience a deep emotional episode. This last time was one too much…
She is featured a few times in the 2002 doco Crop Circles: Quest For Truth, which focuses entirely on the views, experiences and opinions of the believers. It's still worth a watch for the timeline and development of the artform.
RIP Janet Ossebaard

Janet, with Bert Janssen, was a big part of the Dutch researcher movement since the late 90s. She seemed a nice person. Seems she coupled up with another Dutch woman and went into deep depression and paranoia for the remainder of her life.
Slightly off topic. Apologies.

I've watched all the videos of The Fall of the Cabal. If I remember correctly, there's about 20 of them. They're all about 30 minutes long and very well worth watching. They explain a lot about current events going on ATM. I didn't know she had died. A sad loss.
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Electromagnetic and Crystalline Properties of Crop (Circle) Formations

Crop formations have long been associated with anomalous electrostatic and magnetic phenomena. We suggest that many crop formations have crystalline properties that create nonordinary, resonant-energy properties not usually found in Euclidian-shaped, mechanically-planted farm fields. We specifically examine the crystalline shape of crop formations, the similarity between the lay of plant stalks and liquid crystals, and the piezo-electric effect.​

Credit: Simeon Hein, Ph.D. and Ron Russell. April 20, 2002


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