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Doctor Who [Spoilers]

I get the feeling that its leading up to the Doctor doing something that he probably shouldn't do. Maybe not something as big as changing history and saving Gallifrey but something big all the same. All the episodes so far have seen him saving species, the adipose, the ood, the family from pompeii.

I wasn't looking forward to the new run at all, because of Catherine Tate but to be honest i'm quite surprised at how good it is, even the completley jokes and punch lines are not annoying. And the Sontarans are back, my second favorite Who baddies after the cybermen.
I thought the point about the song being 'almost finished' was to do with the 'song' in the episode; it was a song of slavery, a song of sadness. And the Doctor is sad because he misses Rose (boo-hoo!) but she's coming back soon, so his song (of sadness) is almost over.
Actually, that's something I wondered as well.

I'm still hoping it's not really 'Rose', but some kind of Rose-bot to try and trick the Doctor. Please. Anything but the real Rose.
Okay, I can see I'm going to spend far too much time thinking about this over the next few weeks..

What if the Doctor DOES save the Gallifreans, go back in time, fix it, maybe have a showdown with Davros?

And then Jon Pertwee style is punished for this (the Gallifreyans are glad not to be dead and all but can't condone that sort of thing officially) and exiled to Earth - his song being over

Then after the 2009 specials he gets back into the swing of things - perhaps with a new incarnation
Ravenstone said:
I'm still hoping it's not really 'Rose', but some kind of Rose-bot to try and trick the Doctor.
Yes, but how would any of us be able to tell?

It would be easier with a Martha-droid, of course - Martha would start to act in a suspiciously convincing manner. Dead giveaway, that.

Bring back Sarah Jane, though, and I'll be more than happy.
Good point, Peri. Well made.

Donna does seem to be a Companion more in the Sarah-Jayne mold though. Less doe-eyed wet romance and more your actual mate.
Not so long ago Who-fans were cursing the initials of RTD for bringing Donna on board, but now everyone seems gushing in their praise of her. How things change, and all that. I put it down to to mere relief that she didn't turn out to be quite so shouty and annoying as everyone feared ... but that's still a long way from saying she's a decent companion.

Thing is, the Rose and Donna characters are dummies, really. Whereas Martha was a proper doctor, and therefore a better companion given the context of the series. Frankly, a 900 year old alien endowed with cosmic super-intelligence is soon going to tire of a companion who thinks binary fission is what anglers do when they want to catch a bine. At least Martha, with a grounding in medical science, would have some grasp of what the Doctor might be going on about should their conversations take a more esoteric turn. Bring back Martha as the regular companion, I say, and either ditch or sideline the rest.
Well, initially, I felt that Martha would prove a more interesting companion, given her medical training. However, it seemed to make no difference whatsoever. She still existed to ask the questions on behalf of the audience.

It was the doe-eyed infatuation that got boring very quickly. She never seemed a developed character. And her Mom just wanted a slap.
It's taken four series, but finally Doctah Who has gone down the path of all sci-fi serials: the evil double episode! Ah, but it was fun to see Sontarans again, belligerent as ever, and their little globe spacecraft in flight too.

The way the Doctah foiled the Atmos was a bit corny, but it was worth it for the measly sparks as it blew up gag.

I suppose after the anti-slavery message last week this was the anti-pollution one? I liked it and now I'm looking forward to the next part when the Sontarans go on the march.
gncxx said:
It's taken four series, but finally Doctah Who has gone down the path of all sci-fi serials: the evil double episode!
Actually, they've had quite a few double episodes over the previous 3 seasons. Off the top of my head, there was the WWII story where Jack turned up, the reintroduction of the Cybermen, the Daleks in Manhattan, the Daleks v Cybermen story... and last season ended with a 3-parter!

And I was evidently wrong about how to spot a Martha Doppelganger - the clone was just as bland as the original, as it turned out.
Peripart said:
gncxx said:
It's taken four series, but finally Doctah Who has gone down the path of all sci-fi serials: the evil double episode!
Actually, they've had quite a few double episodes over the previous 3 seasons. Off the top of my head, there was the WWII story where Jack turned up, the reintroduction of the Cybermen, the Daleks in Manhattan, the Daleks v Cybermen story... and last season ended with a 3-parter!

I think gncxx means, if you would prefer, the evil doppleganger episode ie we now have an evil Martha wandering around as opposed to two episode stories.

Not a bad one, I was thinking

Still, I can't help but wonder - Torchwood and Doctor Who....isn't one for adults and one for kiddies? Only the bit in Confidential when they were on about how we've seen Martha go from companion to UNIT etc - well, I couldn't help but think : that weren't for the kiddies.

Mind you, can you imagine the fun you'd have with Captain Jack, Captain John and Ianto figures? :D
gordonrutter said:
Peripart said:
gncxx said:
It's taken four series, but finally Doctah Who has gone down the path of all sci-fi serials: the evil double episode!
Actually, they've had quite a few double episodes over the previous 3 seasons. Off the top of my head, there was the WWII story where Jack turned up, the reintroduction of the Cybermen, the Daleks in Manhattan, the Daleks v Cybermen story... and last season ended with a 3-parter!

I think gncxx means, if you would prefer, the evil doppleganger episode ie we now have an evil Martha wandering around as opposed to two episode stories.


Yes, that's what I meant, the "evil double" episode, not the evil "double episode".
Ravenstone said:
Not a bad one, I was thinking

Still, I can't help but wonder - Torchwood and Doctor Who....isn't one for adults and one for kiddies? Only the bit in Confidential when they were on about how we've seen Martha go from companion to UNIT etc - well, I couldn't help but think : that weren't for the kiddies.

The last season of Torchwood had an earlier repeat with the rude or violent bits taken out so the kids could see what they were missing. It's telling that these were the only bits that made it more "adult".
Er, yes, well, my apologies for jumping too soon - indeed, I did read your post as "evil" double episode, and I was thinking, it wasn't that bad!

Peripart said:
Er, yes, well, my apologies for jumping too soon - indeed, I did read your post as "evil" double episode, and I was thinking, it wasn't that bad!


Ach, don't worry about it, I suppose I could have made myself clearer.
You should read the Fear Factor feature on the BBC Doctor Who site. It sports this wonderful line:
"Martha is grabbed by the privates"

Sorry..I don't need much, I know... :roll:
gncxx said:
The last season of Torchwood had an earlier repeat with the rude or violent bits taken out so the kids could see what they were missing. It's telling that these were the only bits that made it more "adult".

Oh yes. Doh! I forgot all about that. Still, alarming lack of Torchwood action figures. Unless I've missed them as well.

I noticed today they cut Pushing Daisies as well. Kind of misses the point of waking the dead up for 60 seconds.
Cracking stuff, i really enjoyed that and i'm looking forward to the second part. The sontarans were very well done and i love they way that General Staal seemed to take it as a personnel afront that they were not invited to the greatest battle in history. I wonder why that was though surely either side in the war could have used a few legions of Sontaran troops.
feen5 said:
Cracking stuff, i really enjoyed that and i'm looking forward to the second part. The sontarans were very well done and i love they way that General Staal seemed to take it as a personnel afront that they were not invited to the greatest battle in history. I wonder why that was though surely either side in the war could have used a few legions of Sontaran troops.

The Sontarans were probably still too busy fighting the Rutans (who can also create evil doubles).
Ooh, a bit of action tonight, nice to see the Sontaran hordes on the march at last. Although I wouldn't have liked to have been in a plane when the sky caught fire.

However, any goodwill over that episode was swiftly cancelled by the trailer for next week's. The Doctor's daughter?! Doing all that jumping about? Could this be the Scrappy-Doo character we've all been dreading?
I too wondered about being in a plane when the air was on fire. And the birds!!

I noticed the Rose.

The Doctor's Daughter does look a bit bobbins. She'd better die, or at least not join him!
Since I'm joining the party late - someone above mentions the Torchwood 'kiddified' repeat with all the rude bits out, interestingly though I couldn't help noticing that if you have subtitles the 'rude' subtitles are used for the 'tame' repeat.

Made me laugh anyway.

Back to tonight - can I just point out that Bernard Cribbins is *still* a hero!
Yeah, I noticed the half second glimpse of Rose too. She still gets third billing in the credits for that, as well.
raven1013 said:
Back to tonight - can I just point out that Bernard Cribbins is *still* a hero!
I'm seriously waiting for them to intercut some scenes of him from "Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.", when it'll transpire he worked with the Doctah way back when in the future. Perhaps that's his big secret, why he's obsessed with aliens (he's worried about the daleks coming back) and why he's so insistent Donna goes with said Doctah.

Actually, thinking back to then Susan was the original Doctor's grand-daughter, and indeed in Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. his niece was along for the ride as well, so it won't surprise Cribbins, at any rate, that the Doctah has a daughter.

I need a little lie down, now.
"Are you my mummy?" :lol:

I noticed the Mascara Monster popping up on the screen as well. sigh :roll:

I'm not at all sure about the Doctor's daughter stuff. I mean, doesn't that make her a Time Lady? Or at least half a Time Lady? Time Ladette perhaps?

Still, bit of a possible bobbins bit.
stuneville said:
I'm seriously waiting for them to intercut some scenes of him from "Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.", when it'll transpire he worked with the Doctah way back when in the future. Perhaps that's his big secret, why he's obsessed with aliens (he's worried about the daleks coming back) and why he's so insistent Donna goes with said Doctah.

genius! :lol:
Ravenstone said:
I'm not at all sure about the Doctor's daughter stuff. I mean, doesn't that make her a Time Lady? Or at least half a Time Lady? Time Ladette perhaps?

Still, bit of a possible bobbins bit.

Gallifreyans have to go to an academy to become a Time Lord therefore someone could be from his planet without being a timelord, they would merely be a Gaillfreyan.

What was the significance of the Doctah's severed hand? Is that what the Spice Girl Doctorette has been grown out of? (A bit like Oddbod's brother in Carry On Screaming, now I think of it).
not bad, but we didn't get to see any sontaran's head's deflating though lol.

liked the bit where the sontaran copped it though, and was still having a whale of a time :D