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Doctor Who [Spoilers]

It was good, and I kind of see how it had to end that way, but it does leave a lot of stuff hanging, just not stuff central to the plot.
I suspect at this stage a lot of stuff is going to stay hanging, Moffs wibbley wobbly stuff isn;t as clever as we might have hoped.
I thought it was a bit messy but it's nice to see the back of the Ponds.

From the beginning, they've tried to make Amy a strong female character but I've just found her stroppy, rude and obnoxious. This, of course, left a big hole in the traditional Doctor Who tradition of having a girl companion in peril which is where Rory came in handy. I never felt he was fleshed out at all beyond this. on a more positive note...at least they were better than Donna (Catherine Tate).

As I say, a bit messy what with Angels getting in and out of the lifts and I was a bit puzzled as to why the Statue of Liberty had no head in its proper location but still the raised arm and torch.

Overall, this family-friendly incarnation of the Doctor seems to be fairly powerless and at the whim of events and too reliant on those around him. Think of the scope - this in contrast to Tennant who became the powerful arrogant God dealing with the big giant Satan.

Hopefully the next series will feature the Doctor actually doing something --Or is his fate to be doing a Rory and leave that sorting stuff to the missus too?
jimv1 said:
Hopefully the next series will feature the Doctor actually doing something --Or is his fate to be doing a Rory and leave that sorting stuff to the missus too?

As long as he's not

the powerful arrogant God dealing with the big giant Satan.

I don't mind. There were far too many convenient 'miraculous' endings going on all the time. I mean, the series finale with the doe-eyed waste of space Martha? That was bloody painful. I've never watching it since, and don't want to.
jimv1 said:
I was a bit puzzled as to why the Statue of Liberty had no head in its proper location but still the raised arm and torch.
I did wonder (briefly) whether that was some sort of Cloverfield reference, but that would just be silly, wouldn't it?

I quite enjoyed this episode - and the Ponds' departure was reasonably satisfying, as I think I've had my fill of Amy after 3 years - but it was a bit messy in places. I mean, if I take it slowly, I can just about logically describe in my head what happened to whom and when, but some of the show's younger viewers (it's still aimed at kids, isn't it?!) might have to just sit back and enoy the ride.

Slightly puzzled by the last scene, though - are we meant to think that it was actually a current version of the Doctor (ie one who has read the end of River's novel) who met up with the young Amelia in the garden? That makes no sense at all, does it? Surely the young Amy lived several now-defunct universes ago? If the Doctor can't go back to New York for fear of destroying it, he surely can't go back to see Amelia and risk crossing his own timeline? Oh dear - I'd better have a lie down...
I enjoyed it. The false bottom ending was interesting, if a bit of an anti-climax after what had immediately preceded it. The timey-wimey New York timelines-paradox stuff made absolutely no sense.

Amy, 'stroppy, rude and obnoxious'? She's from Scotland. :lol:

Actually, I really liked Amy and Rory. They matured well into their roles. Who is going to tell Rory's dad what happened to them both? Moffat does the love thang quite well. The romantic stuff is probably about the best developed of all the sub-plots, during Moffat's time. River's great. I just hope Moffat has a big chart somewhere to keep track of her and the Doctor's chronology.

I watched, The Five Doctors, last night, on DVD. That was fun, too.
Yes, it did have a head. There's a scene where Rory is looking about, and there's a huge mouth with sharp teeth right behind him.
Watch it again!
It wasn't really clear what happened to Amy and Rory, but we can assume something went right if Amy was able to publish the book for the Doctor to read.

Here's a nice video about making the last episodes of the Ponds:

There hasn't been a companion in the new version I've disliked, but I did like Amy a lot. Not sure where the "Statue of Liberty has no head" idea has come from, that's weird. Maybe it was only available in Scotland, because I could see it.
I shall keep an eye out for the missing (or not) head of Liberty this Saturday (curse Australia being one week behind England in all things Whovian!)
Mythopoeika said:
Yes, it did have a head. There's a scene where Rory is looking about, and there's a huge mouth with sharp teeth right behind him.
Watch it again!
Yes, but there was surely at one point a long shot of the statue, in its original situ, standing there sans head. Or is this some sort of collective delusion?
I don't remember no head. I'm pretty sure it was your normal Statue of Liberty.
Ravenstone said:
I'm pretty sure it was your normal Statue of Liberty.

With huge teeth and an evil expression.

Picture here:


And here:

Well, obviously I didn't miss that!
It may well be, of course, that the scene I thought I remembered contained nothing more than a building which vaguely resembled a headless statue. Guess I'll just have to watch it again to check!
I know the one you mean, when there's a sweeping camera overhead before we ever see the Angel Statue of Liberty, where the Statue is in the normal position in the distance.

At least, that's what I thought you meant
Yes, but there was surely at one point a long shot of the statue, in its original situ, standing there sans head. Or is this some sort of collective delusion?

I've watched it again and you're correct... for some reason it does appear headless in the long shot.
The head is hard to see, simply because from the angle it is shown in the distance, the head is in line with the upraised arm.
When does the rest of the series air? This nerd needs a sci-fi fix! :p
A special on Christmas day then the series picks up again soon after that I think?
A two month wait until Christmas...


oh, look, an entire shelf of Doctor Who dvds to keep me happy until then...
What a dour, disappointing series the last few have been. A few stand-out eps but that was it. I think it needs finishing or radically changing. Moffatt has turned out to be a dire producer, I think. Shame - Matt Smith is good.
(God was I glad to see the back of Amy and Rory, though)
Moooksta said:
Good. His last one was the best of that season by a country mile.

Agree about Moffat - whatever was said about RTD, he knew all about pace and narrative, and how to manage story arcs so that they didn't render individual episodes either irrelevant, half-arsed or just seemingly a contrived place-holder.
Moffatt has delivered, in essence, the biggest collection of long trailers for a show that never finally aired.
The latest Torchwood and Who 'specials' (ahem) aside, RTD gave us some of the most exciting Who stories there ever has been, and a good run of approximately three solid years. He had the common touch, too, which can often be sniffed at but which is very important with these things.
RTD gave us the worst bloody Mary Sue fan-squee girl companion in Rose Tyler, and couldn't even be honest enough to kill her off properly. No. He had to give her a lame arsed Doctor Lite to live with, all tame and happy, and visiting Ikea on Bank Holidays.

Ravenstone said:
RTD gave us the worst bloody Mary Sue fan-squee girl companion in Rose Tyler, and couldn't even be honest enough to kill her off properly. No. He had to give her a lame arsed Doctor Lite to live with, all tame and happy, and visiting Ikea on Bank Holidays.


You know Raven there is no need to sugar the pill. Go on tell us what you really think. :lol:
Oh, he was by no means perfect, but his seasons were still generally exciting. I hated the petering out of Rose's tenure and those god-awful specials, though. The bit with the Daleks coming out of that pod to fight the cybermen was one of my best telly memories ever.