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Fortean Headlines

The witness does state, in current article, that he has glaucoma, but didn't tell anyone (involved in case) at the time. You cannot tell if someone has glaucoma just by looking at them, so not really foul of the police nor prosecution.

"Legally" blind is also a term that encompasses many types of sightedness, so someone determined to be legally blind may be able to see.
Nice to know Yahoo! News keeps people grounded ...

Celebrities Who Dated Normal People Throughout the Years​

I'm mildly offended by this nonsense in a couple of ways. Firstly, it implies celebrities aren't 'normal people'. Perhaps they have a different lifestyle to others but they are still human. Secondly, it implies that so-called celebrities shock folks when they date 'outside their own sphere'. To me, the whole 'celebrity culture' is distasteful. These are people who are 'celebrated' by the media. They may be skilled athletes, talented artists, great actors ... but many are 'celebrated' for coming to the attention of the media. Look at the wives and girlfriends of footballers - their celebrity status is reflected glory.
The witness does state, in current article, that he has glaucoma, but didn't tell anyone (involved in case) at the time. You cannot tell if someone has glaucoma just by looking at them, so not really foul of the police nor prosecution.
But when he walked in and tripped over the chair and/or had to be guided, you'd have thought that some suspicion would have arisen?
Nice to know Yahoo! News keeps people grounded ...

Celebrities Who Dated Normal People Throughout the Years​

I'm mildly offended by this nonsense in a couple of ways. Firstly, it implies celebrities aren't 'normal people'. Perhaps they have a different lifestyle to others but they are still human. Secondly, it implies that so-called celebrities shock folks when they date 'outside their own sphere'. To me, the whole 'celebrity culture' is distasteful. These are people who are 'celebrated' by the media. They may be skilled athletes, talented artists, great actors ... but many are 'celebrated' for coming to the attention of the media. Look at the wives and girlfriends of footballers - their celebrity status is reflected glory.
Might be a great actor, but can they tile a bathroom, plane a door or change an oil filter?
BBC news story

Darien Harris freed from prison after trial's key witness was found to be blind​

"Justice is supposed to be blind. The eyewitness is not supposed to be blind," Mr Harris' lawyer Lauren Myerscough-Mueller said. "That is not how the justice system is supposed to work."

Never forget that “Some of the evidence on which he was convicted was subsequently challenged”, does not equal “He was innocent.” The law simply states, quite rightly, that if a doubt exists, the defendant gets the benefit of it.

lt would be interesting to know whether the witness had, say, a driving licence at the time of the offence, and was therefore officially assumed to be capable of normal life. Glaucoma is a progressive disease:

“Glaucoma does not usually cause any symptoms to begin with.

It tends to develop slowly over many years and affects the edges of your vision (peripheral vision) first.

For this reason, many people do not realise they have glaucoma, and it's often only picked up during a routine eye test.”


maximus otter
Never forget that “Some of the evidence on which he was convicted was subsequently challenged”, does not equal “He was innocent.” The law simply states, quite rightly, that if a doubt exists, the defendant gets the benefit of it.
I agree, there is an important distinction between "factually didn't do it" and "legally not guilty". However, in this case, we are talking about a defendant with no previous criminal record, accused of shooting someone dead at a gas station.

The only evidence seems to have been poor CCTV coverage, and the "eye witness" identification by someone with a sufficiently severe visual impairment to be "legally blind". The prosecution then considered charging him again and decided against, presumably because there was inadequate evidence.

When someone commits murder in this way (as contrasted with a "school shooting" for example) there is usually an escalating record of increasingly serious offences.
…"eye witness" identification by someone with a sufficiently severe visual impairment to be "legally blind".

I’d be interested to know when he was declared “legally blind.” ;)

The prosecution then considered charging him again and decided against, presumably because there was inadequate evidence.

- Or no fresh evidence, and a court system already bursting at the seams with cheap, easy cases. ;)

maximus otter

Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction - leaving 'trail of blood' and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button​

A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot during a brutal and bloody malfunction at the company's Giga Texas factory near Austin.

Two witnesses watched in horror as their fellow employee was attacked by the machine designed to grab and move freshly cast aluminum car parts.

The robot had pinned the man, who was then programming software for two disabled Tesla robots nearby, before sinking its metal claws into the worker's back and arm, leaving a 'trail of blood' along the factory surface.

The incident - which left the victim with an 'open wound' on his left hand - was revealed in a 2021 injury report filed to Travis county and federal regulators, which has been reviewed by DailyMail.com


Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction - leaving 'trail of blood' and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button​

A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot during a brutal and bloody malfunction at the company's Giga Texas factory near Austin.

Two witnesses watched in horror as their fellow employee was attacked by the machine designed to grab and move freshly cast aluminum car parts.

The robot had pinned the man, who was then programming software for two disabled Tesla robots nearby, before sinking its metal claws into the worker's back and arm, leaving a 'trail of blood' along the factory surface.

The incident - which left the victim with an 'open wound' on his left hand - was revealed in a 2021 injury report filed to Travis county and federal regulators, which has been reviewed by DailyMail.com

This is how it all starts…

Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction - leaving 'trail of blood' and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button​

A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot during a brutal and bloody malfunction at the company's Giga Texas factory near Austin.

Two witnesses watched in horror as their fellow employee was attacked by the machine designed to grab and move freshly cast aluminum car parts.

The robot had pinned the man, who was then programming software for two disabled Tesla robots nearby, before sinking its metal claws into the worker's back and arm, leaving a 'trail of blood' along the factory surface.

The incident - which left the victim with an 'open wound' on his left hand - was revealed in a 2021 injury report filed to Travis county and federal regulators, which has been reviewed by DailyMail.com

The tabloids need to calm the heck down with the Tesla stories. There was a reason it showed up in the Daily Fail.
Practice some skepticism, please.

The incident with the engineer took place on November 10, 2021, according to the company's report. However, the details are slim, and Tesla said the injured worker did not need time off as a result.

The tabloids need to calm the heck down with the Tesla stories. There was a reason it showed up in the Daily Fail.
Practice some skepticism, please.
I thought the point of a Fortean Headlines thread was to put headlines exactly like this here. It’s not easy finding content that’s suitably odd or sufficiently interesting from a Fortean point of view and you know what? I’d probably do it again.
I thought the point of a Fortean Headlines thread was to put headlines exactly like this here. It’s not easy finding content that’s suitably odd or sufficiently interesting from a Fortean point of view and you know what? I’d probably do it again.
And it gets more difficult every year.
God bless the guys who do it for us day in, day out.
I thought the point of a Fortean Headlines thread was to put headlines exactly like this here. It’s not easy finding content that’s suitably odd or sufficiently interesting from a Fortean point of view and you know what? I’d probably do it again.
Well, I was commenting on the habits of the tabloids.
That said, I don't think it's been great for society to have every other news outlet proclaiming fake dangers all the time. People really believe this stuff and act on it.
Well, I was commenting on the habits of the tabloids.
That said, I don't think it's been great for society to have every other news outlet proclaiming fake dangers all the time. People really believe this stuff and act on it.
And there's a lot of it just lately, it seems to me that it's the younger reporters who seem to be 'inventing' a newsy item, rather than doing their job which is to report the real news of the day.
And there's a lot of it just lately, it seems to me that it's the younger reporters who seem to be 'inventing' a newsy item, rather than doing their job which is to report the real news of the day.
That may be why so many people are turning to alternative news media, because they want to know the full picture.
Well, I was commenting on the habits of the tabloids.
That said, I don't think it's been great for society to have every other news outlet proclaiming fake dangers all the time. People really believe this stuff and act on it.
Right. I won’t bother mentioning the Dalek Wasps now then.
And there's a lot of it just lately, it seems to me that it's the younger reporters who seem to be 'inventing' a newsy item, rather than doing their job which is to report the real news of the day.

how do you tell how old they are?
And there's a lot of it just lately, it seems to me that it's the younger reporters who seem to be 'inventing' a newsy item, rather than doing their job which is to report the real news of the day.
It's the editor who decides what gets published and the slant on it etc, and even he/she has people that have to be answered to.