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General Website Queries: 2018 Onward

When editing a post I'm finding that anything I cut or copy and try to paste will appear at the top of the body of text.

If I want to place it at the end of a sentence I have to hit 'return' a few times before pasting to move it down the page and then move it back up by deleting the space in front of it.

This seems to have started recently. What's going on?
When editing a post I'm finding that anything I cut or copy and try to paste will appear at the top of the body of text.

If I want to place it at the end of a sentence I have to hit 'return' a few times before pasting to move it down the page and then move it back up by deleting the space in front of it.

This seems to have started recently. What's going on?

I don't know, but if I understand you correctly, this was the same thing that gave me tremendous trouble when edition old quotations the other day.

I'll try to look into it.
When editing a post I'm finding that anything I cut or copy and try to paste will appear at the top of the body of text.

If I want to place it at the end of a sentence I have to hit 'return' a few times before pasting to move it down the page and then move it back up by deleting the space in front of it.

This seems to have started recently. What's going on?

It might not work, but try clicking on the square brackets to 'Toggle BB Code' before making your edit.

You might then be able to place things correctly.

Or not.

(Location shown below)

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 11.35.08 PM.png
Just out of interest;
Looking on the General Forteana page- why is it that the top three posts aren't in date/time order?
Just out of interest;
Looking on the General Forteana page- why is it that the top three posts aren't in date/time order?
They're pinned to the top. If you notice to the left of the title they are the only ones there with a little drawing pin next to them. This means they are always at the top of the list so they can be found easily.
They're pinned to the top. If you notice to the left of the title they are the only ones there with a little drawing pin next to them. This means they are always at the top of the list so they can be found easily.
Cheers Gord.
When editing a post I'm finding that anything I cut or copy and try to paste will appear at the top of the body of text.

If I want to place it at the end of a sentence I have to hit 'return' a few times before pasting to move it down the page and then move it back up by deleting the space in front of it.

This seems to have started recently. What's going on?
I find that making sure you place the cursor in exactly the right place before pasting mostly works alright, otherwise it seems to be a case of carefully deleting or adding spaces - or sometimes by adding a new line (paragraph) before or after where you want it to end up being ~ if that helps.
Also grabbing a corner of a picture/photo after pasting it then shrinking it to down to a suitable size can work wonders too!
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I find that making sure you place the cursor in exactly the right place before pasting mostly works alright, otherwise it seems to be a case of carefully deleting or adding spaces - or sometimes by adding a new line (paragraph) before or after where you want it to end up being ~ if that helps.
Also grabbing a corner of a picture/photo after pasting it then shrinking it to down to a suitable size can work wonders too!
Nope, careful cursor placing doesn't help. I can do it with adding lines and deleting them afterwards.
It's currently 4:23 in the morning today where I am but this site's telling me I just posted something except yesterday instead? ... have I done something daft with my computer or is this forum experiencing some sort of time delay problem please? (I've resisted the urge to post The Twilight Zone intro music video) ..
It's currently 4:23 in the morning today where I am but this site's telling me I just posted something except yesterday instead? ... have I done something daft with my computer or is this forum experiencing some sort of time delay problem please? (I've resisted the urge to post The Twilight Zone intro music video) ..

My only insight is that the board's internal clock is set to UTC (Time), which is some kind of pointless duplication of GMT.

This is one hour behind BST, which is currently observed in the U.K.

Users may set their own time in 'preferences' (second from the top), but I have no clear idea of what is displayed to whom under which circumstances.

Multiple users have observed posts that are seemingly displayed from the future; alas, it's likely to be a technical glitch rather than an exciting phenomenon.
My only insight is that the board's internal clock is set to UTC (Time), which is some kind of pointless duplication of GMT.

This is one hour behind BST, which is currently observed in the U.K.

Users may set their own time in 'preferences' (second from the top), but I have no clear idea of what is displayed to whom under which circumstances.

Multiple users have observed posts that are seemingly displayed from the future; alas, it's likely to be a technical glitch rather than an exciting phenomenon.
So it's not about time being just a bunch of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff?
Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to do a full synopsis of the [Doctor Who] episode without referring to gender issues as that was the very essence of the major plot point.

Copied fron the Doctor Who Thread to address.

I confess I haven't watched Doctor Who since the return with Christopher Eccleston, so it's true that in this respect I can't know how pervasive the 'social messaging' (let's call it) is, but the fact remains that comments from those who complain it is ruining the show have already resulted in private complaints and comments to the moderators and warnings that such content makes the message board unwelcoming to many (note: these points are primarily from those who have read but not contributed to this thread).

I think it's important to point out that these people don't usually object to the content of these posts (since they typically do not have much content), it's the dismissive and reactionary tone, thus:

Its the modern day woke clown world mate. Welcome to the mad-house.

This belongs on Facebook or Twitter; a third comment of this kind will result in a temporary ban for the poster.
Weird that it seems to be happening (or noticed) more often. I have seen several posts recently, including mine, with screenshots showing this.

Our own weird Fortean event.:)
Maybe it's a time zone issue ? Living down here in Australia you get used to the fact that it's a different time in other countries, and often even a different day. In the Forteana Forum's case you might have a message board based in the UK showing posts made in North America, then trying to translate things to Australian time for display here. It's not surprising that it gets a bit confused.

If you've spent all your life in the UK and done everything by British Standard Time it would be easy to forget that these complications exist.
Maybe it's a time zone issue ? Living down here in Australia you get used to the fact that it's a different time in other countries, and often even a different day. In the Forteana Forum's case you might have a message board based in the UK showing posts made in North America, then trying to translate things to Australian time for display here. It's not surprising that it gets a bit confused.

If you've spent all your life in the UK and done everything by British Standard Time it would be easy to forget that these complications exist.
You might not have caught it when it happens. I have only seen it once. Generally my times on the posts all show my time zone. People's posts who live in UK will show as 2 am and mine show my current time.

It is the "tomorrow" and "later" showing that is weird. And it is only the alerts drop down box that it happens with.
Re Who: It is not my intention to be unwelcoming to other visitors but it cannot be denied that gender is now the major issue in many of the storylines. I have added another post where a critic makes the same point on the BBC culture website. I really don’t care who is who and what is what. I treat people with equal respect and was brought up to adhere to that principle regardless of race, colour or gender. What I’m fed up with is hearing the same song played on the same instrument on show after show. It’s the death of creativity really.
Re Who: It is not my intention to be unwelcoming to other visitors but it cannot be denied that gender is now the major issue in many of the storylines. I have added another post where a critic makes the same point on the BBC culture website. I really don’t care who is who and what is what. I treat people with equal respect and was brought up to adhere to that principle regardless of race, colour or gender. What I’m fed up with is hearing the same song played on the same instrument on show after show. It’s the death of creativity really.
We'd be grateful to any member who could help keep the Fortean News updated with new threads. Those not contributed to in the past three months are transferred to other threads and fora, and where I've been busy, the section has started to look pretty bare.

I tend to skim the Twitter/X, Reddit and the Coast To Coast A.M. news pages when time allows and follow links there back to the source articles, but there are dozens of other potential sources to mine.