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Kidney Stones

The difference is that a kidney stone patient hasn't taken on the pain voluntarily, whereas an expectant mother usually has.
We do keep going back for more. :wink2:
I said that to my Mum: "Why the hell did you go back and have me after Debby?!!!" .. she just grinned.
My brother's kidney stone fragments shrunk quite a bit when dried out, so I'll bet the only way you'll get a necklace out if it us if you freeze the stones in some sort of preserving resin...

I also wonder why women torture themselves with child birth.

I have had people tell me kidney stones were close to being in “ hell “.

I also wonder why women torture themselves with child birth.

I have had people tell me kidney stones were close to being in “ hell “.
I've had two women (separately, they didn't know each other) tell me they're more painful than childbirth and one bloke tell me his were more painful than when he fell off his ladder and shattered his pelvis. They're not fun Charlie, I couldn't even stand back up until paramedics gave me gas and air. I had to crawl around my house to find the bit of paper to make the emergency phone call after they'd done lithotripsy on me. You have to sign a disclaimer to give consent because that machine's radioactive I was told by the operator. I certainly now look up to women who actually chose to keep going through that kind of pain to have kids. Nutters. But full respect to them.
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Even if you might shoot a kidney stone with the added 'bonus' of a urinary tract infection into the woman you love?. I thought I knew you Floyd.


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Came across this from t'Guardian; a woman suffering terrible and chronic kidney stone pain was dismissed as a hypochondriac, possibly because the condition arose when she was unusually young.

The report features a CT scan image of some poor patient's kidney stone to illustrate how Donna's diagnosis was made.

‘I was sick with pain – but doctors thought I was a hypochondriac’: the spreading agony of kidney stones

Donna, 33, from Suffolk, first developed the telltale signs of kidney problems 13 years ago when she experienced excruciating pain under her ribs. “I was being physically sick because of the pain, and kept going to hospital,” she says. “I was repeatedly dismissed by doctors because they couldn’t find anything on my scans. They thought I was a hypochondriac.”

She was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and told to make lifestyle changes. “I tried different diets but nothing helped, so I learned to live with the pain,” she says. Ten years later, while living and working in Spain, she was finally diagnosed with kidney stones. “A doctor did a scan to check I wasn’t pregnant and couldn’t believe the state of my kidney.”

Had a spot of this myself, as in being intermittently doubled up in pain but dismissed as making it up or imagining things or summat when the doctors didn't know what it was. Eventually diagnosed it myself via the internet and had it sorted.

While my suffering was of course nowhere near as bad as that of a kidney stone patient, being disbelieved certainly smarted. :mad:
This Kentucky lady is certainly a glass half full type. :)

She had a kidney stone which needed an operation, then found all her limbs would be amputated. Still cheerful!
We could learn from her. :bthumbup:

Guardian link -
‘Happy to be alive’: US woman gets limbs amputated after kidney stone surgery

‘Happy to be alive’: US woman gets limbs amputated after kidney stone surgeryDoctors told Kentucky woman she would need quadruple amputation to save her life after kidney stone infection spread

A Kentucky woman who unexpectedly learned she would lose her legs and arms during what she thought would be a relatively routine bout with a kidney stone is confronting her plight by focusing on what she still has.
“I’m just so happy to be alive,” Lucinda “Cindy” Mullins – who’s raising two sons with her husband – recently told the Kentucky news station WLEX. “I get to see my kids. I get to see my family. I get to have my time with my husband.

“I just said these are the cards I’ve been dealt and these are the hands I’m going to play. … Those are minor things at this point.”
I had no idea that a kidney stone could cause all that.
Came across this from t'Guardian; a woman suffering terrible and chronic kidney stone pain was dismissed as a hypochondriac, possibly because the condition arose when she was unusually young.

The report features a CT scan image of some poor patient's kidney stone to illustrate how Donna's diagnosis was made.

‘I was sick with pain – but doctors thought I was a hypochondriac’: the spreading agony of kidney stones

Had a spot of this myself, as in being intermittently doubled up in pain but dismissed as making it up or imagining things or summat when the doctors didn't know what it was. Eventually diagnosed it myself via the internet and had it sorted.

While my suffering was of course nowhere near as bad as that of a kidney stone patient, being disbelieved certainly smarted. :mad:
I usually get the kidney stone pukes. What marks them out as that for me instead of regular pukes is that is that instead of when you normally puke, a kidney stone puke sort of happens more in the tempo of a sneeze .. you get the feeling you might puke so you get stood over the toilet bowl and then when it does happen, it's a bit like that bit in The Exorcist when Regan blasts it out with force over the priests. It's more like a 'shotgun' puke. Your body doesn't know what's going on, assumes you've eaten something bad and blasts it out .. or it thinks it does but it doesn't at all because the problem's happening in your kidney/s instead of your gut.

One time this was happening to me, I was struggling to keep food down long enough to digest it and gain any nutrition. I had a fridge, two freezers and cupboards full of food but I was on the spot diagnosed with malnutrition when I walked into my doctors office and she got a strong smell of acetone from my sweat. A quick urine test put me at red danger level (ketones alert) which meant she had to flat out order me to instantly go to hospital. She wanted to get an ambulance to take me to the Norfolk and Norwich and she wanted me to wait until it arrived. I should have obeyed but I had no way of contacting the Mrs to even let her know where I was going and no mobile phone so I went home and the Mrs took me in instead then I was admitted as an inpatient.

They managed to nurse me back to health ketone wise apart from when they wanted to send me to a different department which required me not to eat anything for twelve (or 8?) hours so I didn't. I was a good boy. When I got to that department, my notes had somehow been lost in the system so they wanted me to go for that test again and again not eat anything for that amount of time. I was pissed off and refused pointing out that I'd been brought in for malnutrition and eating was clearly my priority at that specific time and they didn't disagree. I'm still alive anyway.
One time this was happening to me, I was struggling to keep food down long enough to digest it and gain any nutrition. I had a fridge, two freezers and cupboards full of food but I was on the spot diagnosed with malnutrition when I walked into my doctors office and she got a strong smell of acetone from my sweat. A quick urine test put me at red danger level (ketones alert) which meant she had to flat out order me to instantly go to hospital. She wanted to get an ambulance to take me to the Norfolk and Norwich and she wanted me to wait until it arrived. I should have obeyed but I had no way of contacting the Mrs to even let her know where I was going and no mobile phone so I went home and the Mrs took me in instead then I was admitted as an inpatient.
Yup, I know only too well what ketosis is like.
It's not fun.
*Dur du Dur du Dur du* "just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water .." they've come back. One on the right side and two on the left.

On the plus side, I've got used to getting them and dealing with them thanks to other people's advice, I'm way more prepared (I hope). They do need getting rid of and apart from a couple of 'computer says no' types of staff who I managed to not swear at, the rest have been brilliant and the stones are getting nuked on the 13th in the afternoon which is an impressively fast reaction time. I've been ordered to stop an anti coagulant I'm prescribed for seven days before the procedure called lithotripsy. The down side of that is that I've had that before and it's pretty hardcore (although it did work which is the upside). I ended up collapsing when I got back home, I was conscious. I just couldn't stand up or stop throwing up into a bucket .. so the Mrs called the paramedics.

When they arrived, they complemented the Mrs on her painting of a cat which pissed me off at the time but I know they're trained to do stuff like that just to chill out a situation. Then I was given gas and air in my living room which stopped the crazy pain and also gave me the giggles :) .. I was high from the gas and air so I was chatting to the paramedic sitting with me as if she was my best mate after that.
*Dur du Dur du Dur du* "just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water .." they've come back. One on the right side and two on the left.

On the plus side, I've got used to getting them and dealing with them thanks to other people's advice, I'm way more prepared (I hope). They do need getting rid of and apart from a couple of 'computer says no' types of staff who I managed to not swear at, the rest have been brilliant and the stones are getting nuked on the 13th in the afternoon which is an impressively fast reaction time. I've been ordered to stop an anti coagulant I'm prescribed for seven days before the procedure called lithotripsy. The down side of that is that I've had that before and it's pretty hardcore (although it did work which is the upside). I ended up collapsing when I got back home, I was conscious. I just couldn't stand up or stop throwing up into a bucket .. so the Mrs called the paramedics.

When they arrived, they complemented the Mrs on her painting of a cat which pissed me off at the time but I know they're trained to do stuff like that just to chill out a situation. Then I was given gas and air in my living room which stopped the crazy pain and also gave me the giggles :) .. I was high from the gas and air so I was chatting to the paramedic sitting with me as if she was my best mate after that.
I've started with yet another bout of whateveritis. Quite mild at the moment, but I know it'll get worse before it gets better.
Unless I've just overdone the raw cabbage.
I've started with yet another bout of whateveritis. Quite mild at the moment, but I know it'll get worse before it gets better.
Unless I've just overdone the raw cabbage.
What colour is your wee. I bet it's orange. It is isn't it?. I'm right aren't I?. It is isn't it.
I hadn't noticed Swifters.
I'll report back in a while.
Sounds like a classic case of whiplash of the verruca to me sorry to break it to you. There's no known cure Floyd.