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Las Vegas Alleged Third Kind Close Encounter

This time of year the nighttime temperature in Las Vegas is around 75 F.

Las Vegas Channel 8 TV played the police body cam footage for its TV audience and one of the policeman is heard complaining his arms were going cold !

I find this bizarre and mysterious in the hot nights.
Explainable easily enough. I lived for a year in Singapore, where the low temp for the year was 72F (22 Celcius). My body adjusted to that weather and when I came back to the US I needed a heavy winter jacket for use below freezing, when it was 68F (20 Celcius), much to the amusement of my mother.
And if they do manage to take a picture, they apply a 'Fortean blur' filter.
I forgot to mention above that the witness actually mentions a "Fortean blur" in the vicinity of the alleged crash. Not in a picture, in his actual field of vision.
The primary witness started a YouTube channel and posted this video.

So a number of new aspects emerge.

This event occured just over a month ago (I'd assumed it was breaking news).
The main witness turns out to be Hispanic and hence not is speaking in his first language. This accounts for the vexing vagueness and repetitiveness of his descriptions (`something falling from the sky`, `big eyes, big mouth` etc) He would do us all a favour if he told his story in Spanish and got a translator.

The gist of the claim seems to be that (a) some kind of fireball crashed onto the vicinity of his family home's back garden and (b) a short while later he and his father observerd a large entity just generally moseying about in the area. Both the the `craft` (if indeed there was one) and the entity had gone by the time the police arrived about an hour (?) later.

There seems to be no mention of any Saucer-like craft or landed vehicle in his account - nor of the creature emerging from anything like that. Likewise, we are not told how - or indeed if - any such craft took off or left from the vicinity. One moment something desends - and then that's the last we hear about it.

His tale leaves a substantial trail of unanswered questions behind it.

The witness seems to be sincere to me (if perhaps not all that bright) - but I would like other's take on this as I can often miss social cues.

The one impressive aspect of the whole circumstance is the police camera shot of the falling object. This does seem to be real, and it looks like a meteorite. Nevertheless we hear nothing about debris of any kind, which is what we would expect if it were.

I would like to know more about the location. I associate (being a Brit) Las Vegas with endless glitzy neon faceades and casino joints - but I suppose there is a sort of semi-suburban outskirts of the city. Is the guy's family home sort of out on it's own or doers he have neighbours? (I would assume the latter judging from the quick police video shots you see). If so what are they saying?

This case has a kind of nostalgic retro quality to it. It reminds me of the sort of CE3 reports you used to get in the early Seventies, mostly from the USA. Some vague UFO-like light coupled with a demonic entity of some sort - but usually occuring somewhere way out in the sticks (not Las Vegas!)

I await more information - but am aware that the longer the lapse between the event and the reporting of it, the greater opportunity for susequent embellishment and sensationalism there is.
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I would like to know more about the location. I associate (being a Brit) Las Vegas with endless glitzy neon faceades and casino joints - but I suppose there is a sort of semi-suburban outskirts of the city. Is the guy's family home sort of out on it's own or doers he have neighbours?
I don't know where the home is, but for those not familiar with the area:

The glitzy Las Vegas "strip" is actually almost entirely south of the city of Las Vegas proper. The gambling center of the city itself is the more humble and compact "downtown" area. There are neighborhoods surprisingly close to downtown and parts of the strip that are typical desert single-family-home areas.
I finally had time to watch the young man’s video and there was a circle pattern in the back yard.

So, the policeman complaining of the cold, the backyard circle, one of the boys complaining of blurred vision to me makes me think we are dealing with the “Oz Factor “ or a dimensional shift.

This so much like the Russian Voronezh UFO with tall aliens interacting with about a dozen children.

The tall Voronezh aliens even played games with the kids making one child temporarily disappearing.
You can see the size of the backyard in this screenshot from a local news broadcast. The news broadcast also mentions the backyard circle, and at the end that there is a security camera focused on the backyard, but it went out during the event, and the witness claims to have taken video, but it is unreleased.


The Las Vegas Police issued a statement that the UFO- tall alien case is closed.

Then the police department went on to say that the department takes “ prank “ calls very seriously.

Obviously, the police department was not sympathetic to UFOs landing in backyards.
The Las Vegas Police issued a statement that the UFO- tall alien case is closed.

Then the police department went on to say that the department takes “ prank “ calls very seriously.

Obviously, the police department was not sympathetic to UFOs landing in backyards.
Most people aren't....
You can see the size of the backyard in this screenshot from a local news broadcast. The news broadcast also mentions the backyard circle, and at the end that there is a security camera focused on the backyard, but it went out during the event, and the witness claims to have taken video, but it is unreleased.

View attachment 66973

Note the front-end loader (yellow on the right). I'm becoming more convinced that this was a mistaken observation of someone goofing around. The facts will likely be lost as this progresses, with the "story" taken as literal truth and becoming more elaborate and ingrained - the same thing that happened, IMO, to most UFO famous accounts.
This is how it's being reported on the Facebook page of sensationalist national Guatemalan newspaper Nuestro Diario :




The Martians Have Arrived
Viral images are circulating on the web of supposed aliens after an unidentified object fell in Las Vegas, USA. A man's 911 call was also circulated in the aforementioned coverage, reporting the supposed sighting in his back yard.

The authorities have not confirmed the information.
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This is how it's being reported on the Facebook page of sensationalist national Guatemalan newspaper Nuestro Diario :

View attachment 66986

View attachment 66987

The Martians Have Arrived
Viral images are circulating on the web of supposed aliens after an unidentified object fell in Las Vegas, USA. A man's 911 call was also cieculated in the aforementioned coverage, reporting the supposed sighting in his back yard.

The authorities have not confirmed the information.
There's no plant life in their back yard. So those pics are fake.
The CE3 aspect of this case begins to look more and more shaky. The above Tik-Tok clip reminds me of quite a lot of alleged Bigfoot videos - where the person who produced it sincerely believes they can see something of note - but most impartial viewers can't. (At least I couldn't really see anything in that video - could anyone else?) Our old friend paredolia.

My take is that this was not - originally - not a hoax as such - just a family with property (diggers and such like) which they are (naturally)somewhat concerned about who were freaked out by an unusual incident (some sort of meteor) and then confabulated the rest from various cultural cues. (I refer again to the film Skyline, which opens with fireball type objects vertically descending to earth and onto a city and which later features giant reptilian aliens). I think the teenage boy, who seems quite excitable, may have been the unintended ringleader.

It is significant that the police dropped the case asnd that the family became incommunicado for a few weeks afterwards. The circular indentation which has since been shown looks rather lame - a digger driving in a circle could easily have created it. Perhaps that piece of evidence is a subsequent attempt to produce something concrete - after the family themselves began to have second thoughts about the whole affair.

Nevertheless, there was some kind of fireball - and that's what interests me now. It was reported over several states and caught on a police cam. To me it looks like a meteorite/meteor and one which may have struck the earth. If so one would expect there to be some kind of residue somewhere. Can anyone explain this to me?

The other interesting aspect of this case is the way in which the media have run with it. That's a story in its own right.
Took awhile to track this down as tiktok search isn't very good.

Supposedly, this is some of the video taken by the family.

lt seems to have been taken seriously enough for the lad with the blue shirt and baseball cap to arm himself with a pistol. We see him making ineffectual attempts to tuck it into his waistband at the gate. (Buy a holster before you shoot your knackers off, moron.)

maximus otter
Further developments: the original witnesses remain unavailable for comment. Furthermore, they have made a claim to effect that the police instigated a follow up investigation of their house and backyard - which involved detting up cameras. The local Police deny doing any such thing and say that such would not be their modus operandi.

The very news station - News Nation - which seemed to be among the first to make much of this case now seem to be backtracking on it - with this rather balanced new overview of things. One of the interviewees has debunked a lot of hoaxes and provides a list of the typical categories of UFO hoaxers.

He speculates that the best fit for this one would be a `Legendiser` i.e someone to whom something unusual did happen to but which they then try to capitalise on as much as possible through adding to the story - which is kind of what I was saying.

Seems I may well have been right about the circular marjings on the gravel too.

So, over the years people have reported small aliens, tall aliens, insect aliens, and beautiful blonde Nordic aliens.

Earth must be the “ garden of Eden “ in the solar system.

Every type of humanoid wants to come to the “ third rock from the Sun.
Or they are all one and the same appearing just how they want to appear, it keeps most of us off the scent
According to this article in USA Today, there were two separate reports of aliens

"A nearby resident called 911 to report something “100% not human” on their property, local TV station 8 News Now reported. The station reported separate body camera footage of the glowing object flying in the sky.

About 40 minutes later, another man called 911 to report two unknown entities in his backyard after he and his family saw a similar object fall from of the sky, according to 8 News Now. "
Following up on this, I haven't found other reports of a second entity report. USA Today may not be the pinnacle of journalism, but they are an outfit I wouldn't expect to report that without confirmation. Has anyone else seen reports of another report of entities?
I wonder if the way social media (especially a platform like TikTok) by making all experience instantly broadcastable, now fundamentally affects the way some people actually experience an event from the very first moment. Alongside the old elements of wonder, curiosity, fear etc, I wonder if an element of 'hey, this is going to get me likes' has evolved, for some, into a fundamental, natural, and not necessarily conscious part of the usual gamut of immediate neurological responses to outside events. People are not only processing unusual experiences for themselves - as we all do - but at the same time processing those experiences with regard to their presentation to others, and maybe that simply accelerates all the usual elements involved in such processing: the misremembering, misinterpretation, unconscious embellishment, gap-filling - all the stuff that can happen to anyone in the telling and retelling of events that may not have been entirely understandable when those events took place - all of that happens at the same time, rather than over time. And I think its that 'at the same time' thing that could be fundamental.
I wonder if the way social media (especially a platform like TikTok) by making all experience instantly broadcastable, now fundamentally affects the way some people actually experience an event from the very first moment. Alongside the old elements of wonder, curiosity, fear etc, I wonder if an element of 'hey, this is going to get me likes' has evolved, for some, into a fundamental, natural, and not necessarily conscious part of the usual gamut of immediate neurological responses to outside events. People are not only processing unusual experiences for themselves - as we all do - but at the same time processing those experiences with regard to their presentation to others, and maybe that simply accelerates all the usual elements involved in such processing: the misremembering, misinterpretation, unconscious embellishment, gap-filling - all the stuff that can happen to anyone in the telling and retelling of events that may not have been entirely understandable when those events took place - all of that happens at the same time, rather than over time. And I think its that 'at the same time' thing that could be fundamental.

No doubt too the constant recording of someone's actions could determine what they do or don't do in a certain situation as there's now irrefutable proof as to how they behaved/acted poorly/illegally or tried but didn't succeed.
The circus of BS hype continues.

Confirmed: meteor and police call from nervous people. Also confirmed, exaggeration and dramatic speculation.

The family told the 8 News Now Investigators by phone that they had seen suspicious vehicles with “Men In Black”-types checking out their home.

There is substance to that claim: A retired police officer told News Nation that he spent days staking out the house to see if anything unfolded.

More drama - it was set up deliberately to take away attention from Grusch's information (it didn't, because that was probably enhanced even though it was nothing interesting). The subheading "Police installed surveillance cameras" seems entirely related to lookie-loos trying to do their own snooping and maybe that this family has more down-to-earth troubles. These stories are simply amazing to me in how much traction and attention they get.