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Let's Play 'TOP THIS!'

Great stories

SlidinWithGimli, your adventures have hardly been incidental! Thank you so much for writing them down for us to read. Hope your life is settling out.
Fireball in room

I once had a fireball in the room. Mind you it happened just after I'd tried to fix the microwave![/b]
Thanks for the kind welcome, ElishevaBarsabe.

markbellis: Interesting article but it is SlidinWithGimli. I'm a fan of John Rhys-Davies who played in Sliders and was Gimli in The Lord of the Rings. Never read about that before though.
I lost a SD card ( flash card you use in a camera ) about six days ago - just today I found it again. On the beach, where I must have dropped it.
The beach hasn't had that many visitors - it's been cool , and it is 'combed' every day with a chain link net, so it must just have popped up again.
Rinsed it off, and it works!
My brother and I

This is going back to the early 60's and not something I tell people for ovbious reasons.We were a "normal" family parents and two children, I was about 6 and my brother 5.

I can still see my bedroom back then,small with a bed,lino floor and a large chair that had been covered in blue and white material,with large blue flowers.

I was awoken one night by something on the bed that kissed me.It told me not to be frightened and then I can't remember how suddenly he appeared on my bedroom chair.I don't know why I say he I just felt it was male.I started screaming and crying for my parents.

My younger brother who slept across the floor started doing the same. My parents ovbiously alarmed came to us,my mother to me and my dad to my brother.They both tried to calm us down seperately and asked what the matter was.I told my mother about the little man with big eyes and no hair and in my 6 year old way said it was a goblin.

When my parents finally settled us both back to sleep they told each other what had happened.They got a shock when my brother had described exactly the same like goblin creature in his room that I had described.It even unsettled them.

No we hadn't had a scarey bedtime story and in some ways the image of my room is still vivid to this day.We were just talking about this the other week as it's one of the things that sticks out from my childhood.
markbellis said:
I lost a SD card ( flash card you use in a camera ) about six days ago - just today I found it again. On the beach, where I must have dropped it.
The beach hasn't had that many visitors - it's been cool , and it is 'combed' every day with a chain link net, so it must just have popped up again.
Rinsed it off, and it works!

That belongs in the "Things that make you go... YAY!!" thread for sure.

Re: My brother and I

Cirosol said:
.....I was awoken one night by something on the bed that kissed me..... little man with big eyes and no hair and in my 6 year old way said it was a goblin.

:_pished: This means that sometime in the future, Michael Jackson will invent a time machine that's unable to teleport wigs.

(Sorry, couldn't help it)

No chance there was a perv in your neighbourhood that got into your room?

ElishevaBarsabe said:
markbellis said:
I lost a SD card (

That belongs in the "Things that make you go... YAY!!" thread for sure.


Nothing that convincing has happened to me, and most of it is documented on the boards somewhere here, but here goes...

1) These are all according to my mother -- I don't remember these at all. When I was 2 I saw a "nice lady in black" in a family friend's house. At another family friend's, I used to talk about "the nice old man upstairs who gives me sweets" -- apparently this was the friend's late father. And, while playing on my mother's knee, I asked if she really wanted me -- "because my other mummy and daddy didn't want me, so I went away."

2) When I was seven I swore up and down that I'd seen a mermaid at Swanage (on the South coast of England). Again, I don't remember seeing it, but I remember arguing vehemently about it with my brother! I like to think there are mermaids at Swanage :)

3) When I was at boarding school (12 to 14 years old) I was running up the stairs to my dormitory right behind a girl who flat-out DISAPPEARED as soon as we ran through the door to the dorm.

1) When I was 16 or 17 my boyfriend and I played with a homemade ouija board while housesitting for his parents. It was a very boring session although the glass we were using did move once seemingly of its own accord. For a couple of days afterwards we were plagued by things falling off shelves, 2 shared nightmares and a frequent cheery whistling from other rooms inside the house, and outside in the garden. Suffice to say that the house was in a fairly remote country location. We got the willies and legged it to a friend's house in the end ;)

2) I dreamt that a friend's cat, which had been missing for 3 months, returned the night *it actually returned*. I told the friend this after the fact and she didn't believe me. Humph.

3) My grandfather died of lung cancer. We had been very close when I was a child (I'm named after him, too). Now he was in a hospice. We all knew it was coming, and that it was going to happen that particular week. So all sorts of caveats are in place. But I knew when it happened, to the minute. My grandmother was staying with us and there was an odd atmosphere in the house that evening; everyone was arguing VERY violently, about NOTHING. When the hall clock struck 10, an argument between 2 normally peaceable family members reached a pitch, and I thought, there he goes. He's gone. I can't really explain it -- I just felt a sort of shift, a release. We got a phonecall 10 minutes later to confirm it.

These are more mild than high strangeness, and most likely have very mundane explanations...
3) I was working in the stage crew at a theatre housed in a 17th century building. It was (of course!) reputedly haunted, and even had been exorcised by a priest (rumour had it). I think I have the psychic sensitivity of a boot, and was never spooked until - in the middle of a children's performance - a door to the stage became inexplicably locked. Its only key was in the pocked of a crew member who had been operating the film reel in the cinema, at the other end of the building, for the entire duration. Just when it looked like I was going to have to send the kids onstage for their next scene via a hop over a 12-foot drop, the door opened just as mysteriously.

4) Walking the dog one day in some local woods I got tremendously lost and ended up meandering up and down hill and dale for 2 or 3 hours in the pouring rain. I finally stumbled across a familiar landmark -- a bronze age barrow and "area of interest", realising that if I crossed it I'd come out onto a road I knew. But when I entered the deserted barrow I felt increasingly uneasy, especially when my dog started whining. I started to feel like "something very large" were coming towards me, and opted to dive for the cover of the woods - and being lost for another hour or so - rather than walking across the spooky place.

5) Not paranormal, probably, but annoying: ever since I started reading about sleep paralysis on the FT board I've had it four or five times! Bah!

6) The other day, as I finished vacuuming alone in my Edwardian house, SOMETHING WHISTLED IN MY EAR. I *think*.

I always want something more interesting than all this to happen to me... until I'm home alone, like today ;)
No chance there was a perv in your neighbourhood that got into your room?
No way and if it was a pervert it must have been a very young one,it was smaller than me.

Funny thing is both my brother and I started writing science fiction books,a publisher interested in my brothers.Mine I wrote inbetween working full time,but felt compelled to do it.I got writers block towards the end and then lost eyesight in left eye and developed a neuro condition.I had to give up work, not allowed to drive.

This was in the 90's,my book was called Genesis.I'm not so sure I like my new start in life but it has certainly given me perspective as to what is important and the beauty of the world around me. :lol:
Wow, you guys are all so much more interesting than me...maybe I try too hard?

I can claim:
A sighting of my grandmother, who died on my 8th birthday, about three months later
An occasional telepathic link with my sister who is 3 years older than me
A moment of genuine panic shared with a friend when I was about 9
A possible sensing of my mother's death

And that's about it. I'm gutted!

BTW, my 9 year old son likes to tell me he's psychic every now and again, but I haven't seen any evidence for this so far!
Hello everyone :)

This is my first post, and I thought this maybe a good place to start, as I've had a few very fortean experiences in my time!

This is of course not to mention the months of attempts to register on this board without success, followed by IE throwing me off evertime I try to read any threads and having to use firefox to access this site properly. I'm sure it will all have a very simple cookie-related explanation ;)

I'll summarise some of my experiences:

*A number of precognitive dreams, 3 of which were recounted to others before the events unfolded. This included one where I made a rather frantic phone call to the local hospital 24 hours before the incident occured.

*A flat haunted by a spectral cat that we never saw, but heard, felt and smelt everyday for the year we lived there. We had our own cat that fought with, watched and in other ways interacted with the resident.

*Numerous poltergeist activities that I used to blame on my boyfriend, until some happened after we split up and I was living alone :oops: Not happened for years now, stopped by my mid twenties. Included objects disappearing and reappearing including dematerialising and rematerialising in front of mine and others eyes. That was a little weird. And exploding glasses - I once ended up with a foot full of sherds one exploded with such force. I was always rather philosophical about it, and only really got annoyed if something was taken and not returned.

*I have only been in one clearly haunted house where there was lots of experiences by lots of people, and did see what I can only describe as a ghost there, though it was nothing like what I expected a ghost to be. He was dressed in relatively modern 40s/50s clothes for a start. There's a longer story to all this, but I won't go into it now or the post will go on forever!

*Witnessed as a teenager, along with 5 others, what I now know to describe as "Earth Lights". We were up on open moorland near a prehistoric ritual site at night, and we watched these lights moving, drifting and dancing for over an hour. Some of the group were terrified, and we left before the lights stopped as a result.

*Twice seen black leopards in British countryside, once with 2 other witnesses, once with 1 other. But as I come from an area where I know very few locals, and no farmers at all, who haven't seen them, I don't find this very odd.

* Saw a UFO, but I suspect it was an optical illusion. It was a very strange experience, but not in my view an alien spacecraft!

*Have had a number of telepathic experiences with close family members, but that I know is only a subjective experience.

* Had one really weird experience that I still can't explain or easily categorise. It involved a figure at a railway station who seemed to be waiting for a train on the platform opposite, dressed in late 50s/early 60s style beatnik clothes. He caught my eye and I thought there was something seemed very odd about him. He then walked off down toward the end of the platform, and literally disappeared behind a pillar and was gone. I knew that station inside out (it's somewhere I used to hang out when I should have been in school, let's say :oops: ) There was nowhere he could have gone to.

* I have had quite a few experiences of sleep paralysis, though not for many years. The first couple I found terrifying because it felt like I was suffocating, but after I found out what it was I could rationalise when it happened and bring myself out of it. I never felt an external presence of any kind, but had a few really wierd ones where I combined sleepwalking with lucidity (can't say paralysis because I was upright) where I was watching my dreams unfold around me in glorious 3D. One involved lights in the sky, but I was aware it was a dream at the time. I have not been abducted by aliens, unless they did a remarkably good memory job on me 8)

* I do have a photo, just one very odd photo. Itt's not great quality - it is clear, but was a phone camera and pixelates on zooming. And it's not obvious what it is, although a then 6 year old present at the time gave a very matter of fact explanation that would give even hardened forteans goosebumps. It's a something that wasn't visible when it was taken (to me anyway), that has objects both in front and behind it. I've asked various people for mundane explanations, and drawn a blank. It will get posted if anyone's interested.

I'm sure there's more, it'll come to me. I have a few theories about various things, and love some of the ideas put up on here. I look forward to some good discussions :)
Great stories

Good stories, elana4. (I've also had trouble registering.) With regard to the emergency-room call, if you'd only known then how accurate your precognitive facilities are, you could have simply said, "Would you please write this down? I'd rather not have to repeat it all to you again in 24 hours."
Ooow. I'd not spotted this thread:
I've seen the Maddermarket Theatre ghost, twice.
Seen the last Abbot of Whalley Abbey, well I saw a shadow in the gateway, but another person in our swore it was monk and we had to carry her in.
Would you believe fairies, or a timeslip? I'm not quite sure which.
Lots of strange sleep associated stuff

And a friend who claims he saw Police Telephone Box that had vanished without trace when he came to get a photo...the story's odder than it sounds at first telling.

I'll put in more detail another time.
Elana4 said:
Hello everyone :)

* I do have a photo, just one very odd photo. ...It will get posted if anyone's interested.

Please do post the photo.

Thank you for all your stories: they very interesting.
* Saw a green, disembodied hand making a grabbing motion, it was coming out of a solid wall.

* Saw my friends dead grandmother in his bedroom (where she had died) sat in her chair under the window - the chair was taken out of the room shortly after she died.

* Teleporting cat (posted somewhere else on here).

* As a kid, watching TV (the old fashioned type) could clearly see the on/off button being pressed in & out.

* Living in a pub that was supposedly haunted - our dog backing into the corner of the living room in the flat above the pub - her hackels raised, barking at something that wasn't there. She wouldn't go into certain rooms.

* At another pub - Footsteps across the wooden floor in the bar when there was no one in there, apart from me. Fridges being unplugged at night. The sound of footsteps on the wooden stairs, the sound of the door handle turning and the door opening. Unlocking the cellar door to find that full 36 gallon barrells had been stacked into a pyramid.

I wont sleep after reading this thread now :shock:
MsPix said:
And a friend who claims he saw Police Telephone Box that had vanished without trace when he came to get a photo...the story's odder than it sounds at first telling.
And they swear they heard a "vworp vworp" noise followed by "radiophonic" music.
It was between the Museum of London and St Pauls, on a Saturday in 1979. He'd been to the museum, and decided to walk down to St Pauls. As the Cty of London is fairly empty on a Saturday, apart from the tourist sites, there was barely anyone about. He glanced down a side-street and spotted a classic police telephone box. He'd never seen an actual one and was a bit surprised that there were any left, so he went for a closer look and decided that he'd bring a camera and get a picture next time he was down that way.

A couple of weeks later he was back in town, this time with his camera, and went to look for the box. It was gone. He thought perhaps, they'd demolished it and he'd just missed it, but there was no sign that the pavement had been disturbed recenty. His next thought was it was the wrong street, but he there weren't any other side streets it could have been.

I asked him the obvious question, "Are you sure it wasn't a TV prop." - as he pointed out you wouldn't leave a valuable TV prop completely unattended on a London street all weekend.

I've teased him about his "TARDIS" moment, but he insists that he saw it. He's speculated about whether it was a waking dream or whether his memory was playing jokes on him, because apart from the TV prop, or a totally untraceable demolition, he can't think of anything else.
The version that the TARDIS is based on was made of concrete, though the current TARDIS prop is textured as wood (after all it's an alien technology's impression of a Police Box not a real one)....
I used to live near the one in Scarborough. It made a brilliant landmark when directing people to my house. 'Drive along the seafront and turn left at the Tardis.'
If that vanished overnight then it would have left a mark IIRC it was concreted into the ground.
Could it have been something left there after a convention, fancy dress party, something like that?
liveinabin1 said:
....Could it have been something left there after a convention, fancy dress party, something like that?

We didn't think of a SciFi convention, and 28 years later, it's a bit hard to check!
past life memories from 2 lives

many ufos

a shadowman, and a couple other entities

out of body experiences

and a slap from something invisible, that left a very visible hand print on my face
Things my friend has seen:

* A dog with no head strolling along a beach at twilight

* A greyhound pedalling a bicycle

* A scarecrow running past a window

* A dimly seen man-bat thing crashing through the trees in the park at night

* A man in a dark black suit who vanished then reappeared then vanished again

* A hovering silver sphere (also seen at the same time by another friend)

As for me, I've never seen anything weird, although one morning I woke up convinced that a trio of little aliens were attempting to seperate me from my body.
Top this

As for me, I've never seen anything weird, although one morning I woke up convinced that a trio of little aliens were attempting to seperate me from my body.

Ah, Grayalien - the Martians frequently come for me in the night.

I have seen:

(in the twilight) dogs legs without legs running across the road in front of my car...
...although I was always a bit suspect about petrol fumes blowing back in that beach buggy...hmm.

Some friends have been advised by the ouija board that I should be bumped off (I wasn't there at the time).

At another time on a dark and stormy night my friends and I were doing one and someTHING rapped on a window (four knocks in quick regular succession) that could not be reached from the ground. Needless to say we shot outside to check and found no sign of anyone.

I have projected out of my body, sadly only once, and have never been able to do it again.

Other than that, alas, I have seen nothing more unusual.
I've posted most of my not-totally-explainable experiences already, but have since then, seen either two ghosts, or the same ghost twice in the pub I work in. There's a lot of movement at one end of the bar, which we attribute to a man called John who used to drink there but has since died, and I've seen dark shapes passing along the end of the bar where he apparently always used to sit. The second time, the back of the pub was busy but the bar was empty, and a waitress and I were polishing glasses and watching for any drinkers to come through. There was movement, so we straightened up, ready to serve a customer. We both saw a hazy patch of light move from the back room, round the edge of the bar, and towards us, but it disappeared before it reached us.

My boyfriend's seen a full apparition of who we assume to be the same ghost, standing but two feet away from him, which shook him up as he's never believed in ghosts. He said he saw a man in a check shirt, facing him, with his hands on the bar. I didn't see anything supernatural, but I did see my boyfriend jump, and he's not that good an actor :)

The last one didn't happen to me either.
My brother was looking through a book of old photographs from the village, and pointed out a woman who he was sure used to live in our Mum's house. He'd never seen her before, but felt that he recognised her. We used to jokingly blame any unusual happenings in the house on her; when he checked the names under the picture, it was definitely her.
Yep, I can top that...

YES, I can top that...! :p

1) I was awoken by a series of multi coloured lights lifting me up from my bed and rotating me around in the air.

2) I saw a man dressed as a lion, who was hiding behind the curtains, and leapt out and grabbed me, then swung me around a bit, before fading from existance.

3) A rabbit-faced demon jumped on my bed and thumped me in the chest. (This happened on several occasions). In the end I stopped it happening by reasoning with it using telepathy prior to sleep.

4) A crumpet appeared in my garden.

5) A female voice said "Yes" to me, whilst I was driving alone in my car.

6) A piano played a note all by itself in an empty room. And the piano had no working keys, either.

7) An eye peered out at me from within a tree stump.

8.) I picked up radio signals in my teeth while in a semi conscious state.

9) I accidentally projected my consciousness into a room where a complete stranger was sitting at his desk. I have no idea how this happened. But the point is, he "saw" me, and was visibly aware of my presence. He seemed annoyed. If you wanted, I could give specific details of his room, but what's the point?

1. Took a picture of a Salamander (fire fairy) in my mum's fireplace after shiny things kept disappearing round the house and appearing in the hearth. She now has a fairy door and things have stopped going missing, although now and again bits of glitter, pins and bits of tinsel seem to gather round it, lol.

2. Saw something strange in lake Windemere.

3. Saw a UFO.

4. Was terrified of the airing cupboard at the top of our stairs as a child, I looked throught the keyhole one day and an eye looked right back at me.

5. Had someone look in through our bathroom window, only to find it would have been impossible for them to hae been there.

6. Got a strong feeling someone died or their body was hidden in the secret chimney in our bathroom at home.

Can't remember anything else for now except minor things like orbs....
Re: Yep, I can top that...

oweny29 said:
9) I accidentally projected my consciousness into a room where a complete stranger was sitting at his desk. I have no idea how this happened. But the point is, he "saw" me, and was visibly aware of my presence. He seemed annoyed. If you wanted, I could give specific details of his room, but what's the point?

So that was you! [shakes fist]

Seriously, a few more details wouldn't hurt, you never know. It would be a great coincidence if someone recognised this.

Seems to be a couple of eyes in impossible places in this thread, which reminds me of the book (mentioned here before) Ghosts Over Britain, which had an anecdote about an eye staring out from a knot in a floorboard. Is this an unidentified phenomenon? Does it happen more often?
This is my first post and there's no way I can top any of the offerings that have been posted already. There are two strange things, though...

One is a dream that appeared so real, I believed I was actually at my parents house.... my father had died suddenly and unexpectedly, without anyone with him. We were, of course, extremely upset. Over the next few days I had to spend a lot of time at the house sorting things out to do with the funeral and helping my mother.

Two days after his death I had got back to my house and had fallen asleep and had the most undreamlike dream ever - I was sitting in what was normally referred to as "Dad's chair" when the door opened behind me and my father walked in. I wasn't frightened or surprised, just concerned that he might have mistaken what had just happened and said to him that he shouldn't really be here, did he know he was dead?

My father didn't look surprised at all just said "Yes dear, I had to come back because I didn't have time to say goodbye"

We were both very calm, he smiled, laid his hand gently on my shoulder and with that I woke up. I was more startled to find myself in my house because it felt as if the reality was that I was at my parents house and if anything, I was dreaming I was at home!

The second thing was a year later - my partner had died a month earlier (also unexpectedly) and there was just me and the cat (which he had brought home for me "to console me a bit " after my father's death) living in the house . Obviously I was very attached to the cat (all those emotional overlays as well as the fact he was a lovely beast!) and one morning he failed to come in for breakfast. I wasn't particularly worried at first but as the morning went on I got more and more worried.

It seemed that I was losing everything that was precious to me and I started to cry and begged out loud that P (my partner) help - after all he'd brought him home. I was pacing about and as I walked into the dining room I saw, on a chair, a coin that hadn't been there when I'd last paced distractedly through there....

It was odd enough for me to walk over to it and find it was an old halfpenny (pre decimal) - remember? Sailing ship on one side? Dated 1952. As I looked at it, with amazement, I realised that 1952 was the year P had been born and asked out loud if P was trying to help me.

With that, Kevin the cat walked back in through the door.... :lol:

Now, I know cats often go walkabout and there's nothing surprising about that .... but the appearance of a coin in 2001, dated 1952 certainly did surprise me. I have no explanation of how the coin got there - it couldn't have fallen out of my purse, which was in my bag in the hallway (2 rooms away), there was no one else in the house with me, it wasn't there when I had breakfast and anyway, where do you get 50 year old coins from?

So, nothing special in the general scheme of things but special to me.