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Necrolog (Deaths Of Folks Who Had Impact On The Fortean World)

She was a very sweet lady, but she did go beyond reporting the stories to opining about them. Her ideas were not well developed. She once presented that certain dogs had evolved to be bipedal which could be an explanation for dogman sightings. She also did a lot to promote the paranormal view of cryptids, and particularly, a Christian view. Many dogman tales have an occult color.

She sounds a tad dogmatic.
There is no evolutionary precendent i can think of for making dogs bipedal aside from Dr Moreau having a hand in it! I think the early Bray Road reports, like the creature dragging a dead deer of a truck was a black bear with mange. They do look really weird without hair.
That particular story is SO GREAT. I love it. Imagine seeing that happening in your rearview mirror! Guaranteed freak out no matter who you are.
I think the early Bray Road reports, like the creature dragging a dead deer of a truck was a black bear with mange. They do look really weird without hair.



maximus otter
Great loss to Forteana and all his many friends. He’s been around since I first was on the interwebs. I think we first became internet friends on the original primenet Forteana email list. We ran into each in person at various unPissup events in London during the late 90s / early 2000s and have been friends / acquaintances ever since. Sharp wit and a great photographer. He will be sadly missed. RIP mate.
It was always an aim.to make McNally laugh, because to do so meant you were doing something right - alas, never met in the flesh but spoke often in the ether and usually about TV. In fact, he and I were both engaged in a wider conversation on Twitter just yesterday morning, about the 35th anniversary of Mr Jolly Lives Next Door. You can never tell. A very sad loss. RIP.
Christopher Fowler, author of the Bryant and May series has passed away.


Aside from the obvious Fortean themes in his novels, he was a longtime fan of Fortean Times. The magazine often popped up in his books and they were full of trivia and ephemera about London.

On a personal note, he supported my initial "Save the Forums" tweets, and I tweeted him a picture of a BBQ joint in Kansas I found on a road trip, that was named after Arthur Bryant. Imagine my surprise when it popped up in the final book!

One of the great English fiction writers. RIP.

I have just heard of the sudden passing of Scott Carpenter, intrepid Bigfoot and Dogman researcher, from a brain aneurism. He was such a great guy, his videos out in the field are what first drew me to cryptozoology.
Scott was a respectful and cheerful guest on many YouTube channels - just look him up - and always found time to chat. He is the author of a number of books which can be found on Amazon, the latest being The Sasquatch Awareness Project.
So many of Scott's family and friends have written on Facebook about their love for him as a man and as a researcher and author so it I thought it only right to say a few words here.
RIP, Scott and keep on studying on the other side. ❤
So, I wish to pay tribute to my uncle, who has recently passed away in his late 80s. He wasn't a renowned person in the field of Forteana but he had inspired at least 3 posts here on these boards by myself and hence influenced my Fortean world :)

He is the same Uncle B. who had eight first names, had his toe sewn back on by a lucky chance, and who reported the anecdote about the royal trains at Taunton. He always had an eye for the slightly odd and unusual occurrences in life and could tell a tale. May he RIP.



So, I wish to pay tribute to my uncle, who has recently passed away in his late 80s. He wasn't a renowned person in the field of Forteana but he had inspired at least 3 posts here on these boards by myself and hence influenced my Fortean world :)

He is the same Uncle B. who had eight first names, had his toe sewn back on by a lucky chance, and who reported the anecdote about the royal trains at Taunton. He always had an eye for the slightly odd and unusual occurrences in life and could tell a tale. May he RIP.




My condolences on your bereavement. He's with Charles Fort now!
Richard Ellis, author and artist of marine studies

I was sorry to hear of the passing of Richard Ellis, 86, who greatly informed me about marine life. His Monsters and the Sea is one of my top cryptozoology books. Also wrote about giant squid, whales and sharks.

NYT obituary and this tribute by Darren Naish is on Tet Zoo
[Emp edit: This thread is to mark the passing of people who had an impact on the Fortean world.]

For other obits and the like see the RIP thread:


I hope I'm not being maudlin, but I think that the great Thor Heyerdahl's passing ought to be marked somewhere on this site.

Mr Heyerdahl was never put off by academic scepticism, and I hope he himself will be remembered as an acedemic rather than an adventurer.

Attempting to solve a riddle or prove a theory is often to put ones self at the mercy of those with vested interest or dogmatical bias.

Mr Heyerdahl was never afraid to "put his money where his mouth was" and gave many of us great excitement as he strove to complete his quests.

A truly great man.
My deepest condolences. Sounds like they left a real legacy.