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Not As Environmentally Friendly As Promised

People are thinking EV (they do burn the most spectacularly) or hybrid. But I don’t think you get hybrid diesels do you?

Personally I think hybrid sounds the most appealing as a replacement to ICE. But then you’ve have got twice as many things to go wrong.
They do exist - in fact the Range Rover diesel hybrid comes 2nd in this ‘best of’ list. The plot thickens..

Of course, this might all be a mares nest and it was an ordinary petrol or diesel car that caught fire somehow.
What do you suspect - terrorism of some kind?

Electrical fault hasn’t been confirmed - just my speculation as a possible cause. I don’t think you’d necessarily need a fuel leak either. If the fire gets hot enough the fuel tank will go up.
No I don't suspect terrorism at all. That an expensive car has an electrical fault and a fuel leak at the same time while parked with the engine off and the electrical fault ignites the fuel leak causing an explosion is very very long odds.
A car man makes his assessment of the type of vehicle:
Interesting. Is there a conspiracy to keep ev car fires quiet? Interesting the Scottish one was hushed up. The Tesla one definitely would be a ev, did you see what wasn’t left? We had a fire at a car dealership a few months back. We never heard of it was a ev or not, luckily it was around the back of the fire station. Is the clue in just how much damage is caused? Look at the Tesla one, just a pile of burn out cars. ICE fires are much easier to put out and less fierce. We had a stolen car set on fire behind ours in the 90s and as soon as the fire fighters turned up it was out in minutes. That doesn’t happen with evs, they are very hard to put out.

What I also learnt from that is don’t park near a Range Rover. My manager has one luckily she parks at the other end of the car park.
From what I saw on the BBC film clip, the fire started in the engine bay, around about where the battery normally is in an ICE vehicle.

Diesel engine batteries are usually more 'energetic' due to the high compression rates of diesels, and the fact that a diesel engine works on the premise of compression ignition...and who can remember when most burning cars on the side of the road were VW's due to that idiotic placement of batteries under back seats.

One last thing - not all 4WD's are diesel powered, and range rovers promote their petrol powered engines for city dwellers. And, the rear lights indicate that it was a Range Rover Sports with most being powered by 500 plus horsepower V8's.
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Ok now my brain hurts. I thought there was ICE, electric and hybrid. I’m sitting in Nissan waiting for my car to have its service and MOT and there seems to be even more electric related versions. I tried to look up the differences but it is confusing.
Been watching a pantomime going on round the corner with a little interest,
it's been going on over a week so far, it was noticeable due to there being 4 or 5
identical transit type vans parked outside a bungalow.
This as gone on every time I passed this is most days the van count varied but
least noticed was 3 the sign on the vans is for a company fitting electric car
charging points so I take it they are fitting one to the bungalow, yesterday
there were 4 outside and another on the car park today 4 and a lecky board
I don't know how long this will go on or what it all costs but surly this is not
normal to fit a charge point to a relatively modern bungalow is it?
It did take months to get the ones on the car park up and running but it was
only 2 or 3 men and a van, and they were not there every day so the mind boggles.

Been watching a pantomime going on round the corner with a little interest,
it's been going on over a week so far, it was noticeable due to there being 4 or 5
identical transit type vans parked outside a bungalow.
This as gone on every time I passed this is most days the van count varied but
least noticed was 3 the sign on the vans is for a company fitting electric car
charging points so I take it they are fitting one to the bungalow, yesterday
there were 4 outside and another on the car park today 4 and a lecky board
I don't know how long this will go on or what it all costs but surly this is not
normal to fit a charge point to a relatively modern bungalow is it?
It did take months to get the ones on the car park up and running but it was
only 2 or 3 men and a van, and they were not there every day so the mind boggles.

It all depends on what power is going in to the property and what power it uses, a charging point can tip it over leading to lots of problems, but I suspect most domestic properties could take a charging point with no problem, with the van from the Electricity Company being there I suspect there is problem with the incoming feed
The bungalow is likely 20 or 30 years old so you would think a relatively modern system,
cant believe this is normal.
6 vans there on Friday but it’s not a charger as I thought but a heat pump bigger than I would have expected don’t seem to be working yet but it has a red cutoff button about as big as a tennis ball likely to get away with it round here but kids in some places won’t be able to resist it.
So if he is released without charge can he claim for wrongful arrest and once arrested if he becomes known to the public even if de arrested it won’t do anything for his reputation as well as any time spent in custody, I can understand the poor sod wanting compensation
As long as they can 'prove' they had legitimate grounds for the initial detention, then I doubt a 'wrongful arrest' would succeed. A suspect can be detained - arrest on suspicion - while making enquiries. They look for evidence to back up their suspicions which may include statements from the suspect as well as other witnesses. If they don't find anything which would support an arrest for the 'suspected crime' then they are released.
Being arrested 'on suspicion of' is very difficult to prove as wrongful, since the police usually have grounds for their suspicion. Don't forget 'arrest' is technically being detained or halted, not the accusation itself.

Anyhow, it all depends on what we was questioned for. It might be an accident but he accidentally caused it. If, say, there was flammable liquid around and he dropped a cigarette while he was smoking in a non-smoking area then he'd be guilty of causing an accident because of his actions. It all ties in, really, with him being detained/arrested while they were making enquiries - the purpose of which was to determine the cause of the very expensive blaze.
I'd suggest this was the media exaggerating the importance of what happened to him. They're good at that - they see, for example, a celeb going into a police station after a high-profile crime, put two and two together to get five, when the celeb was reporting something entirely different.
Elon warns against Green AI.

Elon Musk has warned that artificial intelligence (AI), if programmed by people in the "environmental movement", may lead to the extinction of humanity.

Appearing on comedian Joe Rogan's podcast on Tuesday, he said some people would use the tech to protect the planet by ending human life. He was speaking ahead of the UK's AI safety summit, now under way, where he is due to meet the UK prime minister.

Many experts consider such warnings overblown.

Nick Clegg, the president of global affairs at Meta and former deputy prime minister - who is also attending the summit - said people should not let "speculative, sometimes somewhat futuristic predictions" crowd out more immediate challenges.

Mr Musk said his comments were born out of fears the environmental movement had "gone too far".

"If you start thinking that humans are bad, then the natural conclusion is humans should die out," he said. "If AI gets programmed by the extinctionists, its utility function will be the extinction of humanity… they won't even think it's bad."

While I've heard about how much eco-unfreindly NFT's and crypto is, are there similar issues with A.I.?
I often walked up a road and could smell chimney smoke. Eventually I found the culprit and took a picture. It’s a bit odd with the solar panels. The old and the new. Also this was in june. View attachment 61435
I had a small experience of smog yesterday as I passed this house. The smoke was mixing with the dampness and the rain. I can only imagine what it would have been like when everyone had an open fire. And the irony they have solar panels.
Information for context:

The number of people in Britain whose death certificate mentioned "air pollution" (not necessarily from internal combustion engines" between 2001 - 2021:


https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsinlondonasaresultofcaremissions#:~:text=There was 1 death registered,whether this involved car emissions.

maximus otter
What's your point? It would be very rare for anyone especially in this day and age to die from air pollution alone, however people with breathing conditions such as asthma the condition can be exacerbated by air pollution, my late father had asbestos plaques on his lungs and poor air quality certainly effected his breathing, my wife suffers from asthma and it's the same for her with conditions like asthma its the condition that kills you and that's what it will say on the death certificate . in 2018 1400 adults and children died from asthma attacks

There are quite a few causes of air pollution but the internal combustion engine is one of the leading causes (try living next to a motorway)
What's your point? It would be very rare for anyone especially in this day and age to die from air pollution alone, however people with breathing conditions such as asthma the condition can be exacerbated by air pollution, my late father had asbestos plaques on his lungs and poor air quality certainly effected his breathing, my wife suffers from asthma and it's the same for her with conditions like asthma its the condition that kills you and that's what it will say on the death certificate . in 2018 1400 adults and children died from asthma attacks

There are quite a few causes of air pollution but the internal combustion engine is one of the leading causes (try living next to a motorway)
Max's point is explained by MorningAngel's post below yours.
ULEZ is based on a lie.