Mentioned earlier by another poster, but some more details here:
John Lewis has stopped offering insurance to electric car drivers amid fears over the cost of repairs.
Electric cars can be particularly expensive to repair, costing around a quarter more to fix on average, compared to a petrol or diesel vehicle.
Particular worries surround the batteries, which are commonly mounted on the floor of the vehicle. This placement can make it more likely that it will be damaged even in a minor accident such as mounting a kerb.
...around half the low-mileage electric vehicles [an auction platform] has salvaged have suffered minor battery damage.
The battery is also generally the most expensive part of an electric car and can account for as much as 50pc of the vehicle’s value, costing between £14,200 and £29,500.
Experts also say there is a shortage of technicians with the skills to carry out repairs.
maximus otter