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Paranormal Caught On Camera (TV Series)

I don't have Freeview. Since the Great Bilsdale Mast Fire I have no access to terrestrial TV and even when I did I only had about six channels. I'm down to On Demand and Netflix and Prime. Oh and YouTube!
Well thats a fantastic excuse when the Crapita thugs coming knocking. "Sorry the transmitter burnt down, if you can get a telly signal here tell me how"
Well thats a fantastic excuse when the Crapita thugs coming knocking. "Sorry the transmitter burnt down, if you can get a telly signal here tell me how"
Unfortunately I still have to have a licence, as I watch Catch up TV on iplayer.
Has anyone watched Paranormal Caught on Camera on the History channel? I’d love to be able to discuss it.


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There’s a lot of activity and knockings on this here thread here…

(link removed as now merged - Stu)
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Has anyone watched Paranormal Caught on Camera on the History channel? I’d love to be able to discuss it.

??? ... We already have a thread on Paranormal Caught On Camera:

Paranormal Caught On Camera (TV Series)

(link removed as now merged - Stu)
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I’ve been watching a few of these lately. I seem to have come in a S2.

I was intrigued by;

The man that seemed to disappear that was caught on two cameras.

The wheelchair that went for a walk.

The disembodied voice asking for help that the police came to investigate.

The sewer sound was haunting but no one checked there wasn’t anything stuck down there.
The sewer sound was haunting but no one checked there wasn’t anything stuck down there.
I think this is my main problem with lots of this type of programme. Many clips of things that appear to be weird happenings, but no after-investigation, just a kind of acceptance that 'that was odd'.

I've spouted on here many times about the farm down the road from me with its name spelled out in shaped horseshoes on the gate. When you go past and the wind is in one particular direction, it catches the horseshoes and makes a very peculiar sound. So anyone reporting said 'peculiar sound' would be taken as a liar by people 'investigating' who only walked past when the wind wasn't in that direction.

We need more scientific rigour is what I think I'm saying here.
I do find "P:COC" diverting, despite all the waffle and silliness. Last week we had the 'glitch in the matrix' section, with (another) bird frozen in the air, a squirrel struck by sudden paralysis, and a field full of stationary sheep (as opposed to stationery sheep, who are the kind of people who only ever buy their office supplies at Ryman). Did anyone see them on the show? Any explanations? The sheep weren't completely frozen (a ear twitch here, a tail flick there....) and I would have been interested to see if they all started moving normally again at the same instant, as if they had been put back 'online'.

On last night's show we had a 'f**king mermaid' - not literally, before anyone gets too excited - and some more of those creepily out-of-phase ghostly apparitions captured on home CCTV, this time what looks a bit like a couple of kids and a dog romping around in the road outside a house. If these oddly-similar CCTV 'ghost' captures aren't deliberate hoaxes but the result of some kind of technical malfunction, I would love to hear a technical explanation. I'm not very technical, so keep it simple!
I do find "P:COC" diverting, despite all the waffle and silliness. Last week we had the 'glitch in the matrix' section, with (another) bird frozen in the air, a squirrel struck by sudden paralysis, and a field full of stationary sheep (as opposed to stationery sheep, who are the kind of people who only ever buy their office supplies at Ryman). Did anyone see them on the show? Any explanations? The sheep weren't completely frozen (a ear twitch here, a tail flick there....) and I would have been interested to see if they all started moving normally again at the same instant, as if they had been put back 'online'.

On last night's show we had a 'f**king mermaid' - not literally, before anyone gets too excited - and some more of those creepily out-of-phase ghostly apparitions captured on home CCTV, this time what looks a bit like a couple of kids and a dog romping around in the road outside a house. If these oddly-similar CCTV 'ghost' captures aren't deliberate hoaxes but the result of some kind of technical malfunction, I would love to hear a technical explanation. I'm not very technical, so keep it simple!
They previously had a dog that had ‘frozen’ I did wonder what that was about. It’s a shame they don’t have proper analysis on there.
On last night's show we had a 'f**king mermaid' - not literally, before anyone gets too excited - and some more of those creepily out-of-phase ghostly apparitions captured on home CCTV, this time what looks a bit like a couple of kids and a dog romping around in the road outside a house. If these oddly-similar CCTV 'ghost' captures aren't deliberate hoaxes but the result of some kind of technical malfunction, I would love to hear a technical explanation. I'm not very technical, so keep it simple!
I watched it. Unfortunately I missed the dog/children section but I wasn't very impressed with the other things last night. A piece of paper falling on the floor and a woman turning her head to one side. A "mermaid" which was inland. Very inland. The map looked pretty much right in the centre of the USA. Although the lady filming was quite entertaining. And the UFO just didn't not have enough information. I felt we were just getting clips of the recording and nothing really in context. So that episode was a bit of a dud for me!
Tonight on Paranormal Caught On Camera…

An attention-seeking woman trying to make a living out of paranormal investigation turns her head to one side and claims a ghost is doing it. The team fail to follow any of this up and work out what the ghost was pointing her head at.

A woman videos a shape bobbing about in a lake just beside her car (convenient huh?) and what looks like some legs in a mermaid costume flick out of the water. Looked like feet to me. No-one on the programme picked up she said “Is that what I think it is?” building up suspense before the reveal.

A woman showering gets a child’s handprint on the bathroom mirror. Hubby tries his hand against it for size. His print mists over, the Ghostkid’s doesn’t.
Greasy little fucker.

The hosts went through the usual Matrix/Time/Dimension/Demons/Ghost bollox, all given equal validity and contradicting reasons they’ve given for similar things in previous episodes.

At least Shatner’s show following it had the disclaimer ‘For entertainment purposes only’, and he’s really warming to the jokes and puns now.
They previously had a dog that had ‘frozen’ I did wonder what that was about. It’s a shame they don’t have proper analysis on there.
Yes, sadly we never get what I would call proper analysis on P:COC. But I ignore most of what the pretty annoying talking heads have to say and focus more on the videos themselves (always bearing in mind that some people like faking stuff) and also listening to what the witnesses who have submitted the vids have to say (and again bearing in mind that some of them are clearly fairly left-field kinda folk). As I have commented before, even if they are mostly (or all) fakes, hoaxes or misidentifications, I find it interesting to see the lengths people are prepared to go to in order to dupe others. That said, I completely understand why people might think life is too short to indulge them!
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Yes, sadly we never get what I would call proper analysis on P:COC. But I ignore most of what the pretty annoying talking heads have to say and focus more on the videos themselves (always bearing in my that some people like faking stuff) and also listening to what the witnesses who have submitted the vids have to say (and again bearing in mind that some of them are clearly fairly left-field kinda folk). As I have commented before, even if they are mostly (or all) fakes, hoaxes or misidentifications, I find it interesting to see the lengths people are preoared to go to in order to dupe others. That said, I completely understand why people might think life is too short to indulge them!
I’ve only tried one after watching The Proof is Out There and it just annoys me all the more that they never question everything. It’s like Most Haunted vs Ghost Hunters.

Talking of which anyone know what’s going on with Ghost Hunters? They two main guys seem to have got separate shows both called Ghost Hunters.
I think it may be like when Bucks Fizz split, and each went off to form separate Bucks Fizzes. Simple lifeforms such as this can be divided in such a manner, rather like bedding plants.
Ah yes, the notorious Bucks Fizz Schizz. I think Mike, Jay & Cheryl ended up doing the rounds as 'The Fizz' because Bobby had staked a claim on the name. Don't know if he ever did much with it though. Rock'n'Roll, huh.
I can't watch, listen to, or read anything nowadays which seems even slightly credulous (it's not leaving me with much, let me tell you). The world seems too full of people filming, recording or writing stuff without even a cursory attempt to either recreate the circumstances, check into the background of the event or even just ask a few questions.

I'd guess there must be a far larger market for the 'oooh, something moved! Must be a ghost or....(dumdumdum)...a DEMON!!!' than for the 'yeah, saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Further investigation revealed a slight draught from an open window...'
I can't watch, listen to, or read anything nowadays which seems even slightly credulous (it's not leaving me with much, let me tell you). The world seems too full of people filming, recording or writing stuff without even a cursory attempt to either recreate the circumstances, check into the background of the event or even just ask a few questions.

I'd guess there must be a far larger market for the 'oooh, something moved! Must be a ghost or....(dumdumdum)...a DEMON!!!' than for the 'yeah, saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Further investigation revealed a slight draught from an open window...'
I like looking at the clips but it would benefit from someone with experience doing a bit of analysis of the clip and the witnesses. Some are so obviously fake that it’s laughable.

I’ve noticed that there is now a tendency in cr*p like ancient aliens to have a respected astronomer talk about the possibility of life in the universe and use that as proof that a Dogon dildo or some such represents an alien. They are also using “imagine if..” Sure it’s called science fiction.

PCoC admittedly doesn’t do this but; light in sky equals aliens. Light in house equals ghost (or as Catseye says demon) and anything filmed in the countryside is a “cryptid” that is out to kill you.

There was a half hour programme introduced by an American journalist (I can’t remember what it was called) that analysed the clips and weren’t afraid to call fake on some. Just wish PCoC would do that as some of the clips could be of something interesting.
There was a half hour programme introduced by an American journalist (I can’t remember what it was called) that analysed the clips and weren’t afraid to call fake on some. Just wish PCoC would do that as some of the clips could be of something interesting.
It sounded like The Proof is Out there a much better programme.


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Do any of the "poltergeist" films on PCoC or any other programme actually show anything defying gravity? I've been looking at a few and they all seem to move horizontally. All easily achieved with a piece of string or a surreptitious kick or swipe.

Are there any clips where something rises off of the floor or table before falling or whatever? Are there any clips of something floating across the field of view as opposed to being flung across it?

IIRC a lot of poltergeist witnesses report things hitting them gently or appearing in the air before falling or even floating across a room and landing gently enough not to break.

Am I being cynical or are all these too difficult or time consuming to fake for a bit of mobile film clip?
Do any of the "poltergeist" films on PCoC or any other programme actually show anything defying gravity? I've been looking at a few and they all seem to move horizontally. All easily achieved with a piece of string or a surreptitious kick or swipe.

Are there any clips where something rises off of the floor or table before falling or whatever? Are there any clips of something floating across the field of view as opposed to being flung across it?

IIRC a lot of poltergeist witnesses report things hitting them gently or appearing in the air before falling or even floating across a room and landing gently enough not to break.

Am I being cynical or are all these too difficult or time consuming to fake for a bit of mobile film clip?
We also have to face the good old 'You've been Framed' conundrum, which is where you ask 'why the hell would anyone even be filming that?' And, in these days of security cameras, Ring doorbells etc - 'what made them actually go and look at the film in the first place?' Most people only look at their security footage in the event of something setting off alarms.
We also have to face the good old 'You've been Framed' conundrum, which is where you ask 'why the hell would anyone even be filming that?' And, in these days of security cameras, Ring doorbells etc - 'what made them actually go and look at the film in the first place?' Most people only look at their security footage in the event of something setting off alarms.
I often have a quick look at our blink camera to clear it marking it as watched.
I had high hopes for Paranormal Caught on Camera when I first started watching it (from the very beginning ie Season 1 ep.1) but soon realised some of the videos were obviously faked, yet the so-called ‘experts’ commenting on the videos weren't questioning the validity at all, and that puts me off in a big way. However there are a few videos which seem more authentic and that’s what keeps me watching when I get chance - and afterwards Googling for more info on those particular videos.
I had high hopes for Paranormal Caught on Camera when I first started watching it (from the very beginning ie Season 1 ep.1) but soon realised some of the videos were obviously faked, yet the so-called ‘experts’ commenting on the videos weren't questioning the validity at all, and that puts me off in a big way. However there are a few videos which seem more authentic and that’s what keeps me watching when I get chance - and afterwards Googling for more info on those particular videos.
I agree, all their so called experts believe everything and never question anything.
There was clip on PCOC where a pilot filmed passengers walking off a pane access ramp but there was no plane parked next to it.

The experts talked about how amazing it was proof of ghosts.

I came on this forum and people knew the passengers were a reflection in the access ramp windows of people getting off the pilot's own plane.
There was clip on PCOC where a pilot filmed passengers walking off a pane access ramp but there was no plane parked next to it.

The experts talked about how amazing it was proof of ghosts.

I came on this forum and people knew the passengers were a reflection in the access ramp windows of people getting off the pilot's own plane.
Yes, I remember that clip well. Filmed on the pilot's mobile phone iirc. It did indeed look very odd, and the pilot seemed to be puzzled by what he was seeing. The movement of the passengers walking along what seemed to be a walkway leading nowhere was oddly jerky. It definitely looked spooky. It seems strange that the pilot didn't realise it was a reflection - though of course it could be that he did realise what it was he was seeing but recognised how creepy it looked and wanted to 'big up' the weirdness.

I enjoy P:COC and always watch it with the attitude of curious sceptic (cos I hate the thought that anyone can dupe me!!) - and I do my best to take everything the talking head 'experts' contribute with a large pinch of salt. Their bits are clearly mostly padding to stretch the episodes out to the running time, and they always come across as far too willing to believe.